Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:comment sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"No Comment for the moment"^^xsd:string96
" value type: TEXT"21
"This class is deprecated"@en14
"This object property has been mapped"@en10
"UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages..."10
"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string8
" default value type: DATE-TIME"6
"This data property has been deprecated"@en5
" value type: DATE-TIME"4
"A related resource."@en4
"An agent syndicates a document some way."@en4
"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."4
" value type: INTEGER"3
"A language of the resource."@en3
"A name given to the resource."@en3
"A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource."@en3
"A related resource from which the described resource is derived."@en3
"An account of the resource."@en3
"An entity primarily responsible for making the resource."@en3
"An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource."@en3
"An entity responsible for making the resource available."@en3
"An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context."@en3
"Information about rights held in and over the resource."@en3
"Summary of the essential biographical, historical, or other information about the described entity."@en3
"The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource."@en3
"The nature or genre of the resource."@en3
"The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant."@en3
"The topic of the resource."@en3
"Zusammenfassung von wesentlichen biografischen, geschichtlichen oder anderen Informationen über die zu beschreibende Entität."@de3
"check range. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string3
"meaning not clear. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: Hmm, I didn't create that property, therefore i don't know the intention of it."^^xsd:string3
" value type: CAL-ADDRESS"2
" value type: RECUR"2
" value type: URI"2
" value type: UTC-OFFSET"2
" The exponent used to decrypt the message calculated as public_exponent*private_exponent = 1 modulo totient(p*q) The private exponent is often named 'd' "@en2
" The exponent used to encrypt the message. Number chosen between 1 and the totient(p*q). Often named 'e' . "@en2
" The RSA public key. Padded message m are encrypted by applying the function modulus(power(m,exponent),modulus) "@en2
" The union of the public and private components of an RSAKey. Usually those pieces are not kept together "@en2
"7dFHvo <a href="http://nussehqldled.com/">nussehqldled</a>, [url=http://uvurwqyxjgik.com/]uvurwqyxjgik[/url], [link=http://yqeuzuciwezi.com/]yqeuzuciwezi[/link], http://sdzwxhzsaaqq.com/"@en2
":s :composedBy :o . :o is a "larger thing" that composes :s and potentially other "smaller things". :s may also establish some structural organization of the things it composes."@en2
"A (UK) national grid reference for a given location, using the alphanumeric syntax."@en2
"A 10– or 13-digit ISBN code associated with a Book."@en2
"A DOM Range consists of two boundary-points corresponding to the start and the end of the Range. http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range-20001113/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Definitions"@en2
"A Database"@en2
"A Distance should have two distance points and a distance value. eg: <distances/a/b> a ov:Distance ; ov:distancePoint <a> , <b> ; ov:kilometres 0.5 ; ."@en2
"A Plot of anything."@en2
"A Scientific Database"@en2
"A Trim Package represents a standard configuration of options for an automobile. Usually, a Car Model will be available as several Trim Packages."@en2
"A boundary-point's position in a Document or DocumentFragment tree can be characterized by a node and an offset http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range-20001113/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Definitions"@en2
"A boundary-point's position in a Document or DocumentFragment tree can be characterized by a node and an offset. http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range-20001113/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Definitions"@en2
"A business card associated with this resource."@en2
"A calendar associated with this resource."@en2
"A category that the resource has been classified under"@en2
"A comma separated list of words that are particularly pertinent to this resource."@en2
"A command issued to the code4lib IRC chat bot, zoia."@en2
"A confidence level for a calculation or value. Usually between 0 and 1."@en2
"A construct representing a deleted entry in an Atom feed."@en2
"A country associated with this resource. This could be a country of origin or operation of an entity. For example a company may be based in a country and operate from there."@en2
"A country is a geographical region. A country may be the territory of a sovereign state, the territory of a non-sovereign (or formerly sovereign) political division, or a region associated with a certain people or certain characteristics."@en2
"A course associated with a book loan"@en2
"A course taught at a university"@en2
"A description of the subject resource."@en2
"A diff that goes from another resource to this one."@en2
"A diff that goes from this resource to another one."@en2
"A diff, showing the difference between a source resource and a target resource."@en2
"A domain of the subject property."@en2
"A drink, alcoholic or not, that the person in question is particularly fond of. It's what they would typically order in a place where the drink is available. The object can be a literal stating the name of the drink, or (preferred) an RDF resource."@en2
"A fax number that can be used to send faxes to a Person or Organisation."@en2
"A file accompanying a published journal article, containing additional information of relevance to the article, typically available from the publisher's web site via a hyperlink from the journal article itself."@en2
"A formula or graph literal, in the sense used by Notation 3. This is intended to be used as a datatype. e.g. <#bob> ex:believes "<#alice> a <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person> ."^^ov:Formula . Note that the wrapping "{"..."}" are omitted from the value."@en2
"A gorilla that kills or has the inclination to do so."@en2
"A grammatical category that indicates grammatical relationships between words in sentences."2
"A human readable description of the status of an opmv:Process upon completion."@en2
"A human-readable name for the subject."@en2
"A label for a resource that is syntactically arranged to be suitable for sorting"@en2
"A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource."@en2
"A location from which a distance is measured. (A distance measurement will have two points, and a distance measurement value)."@en2
"A loose, thematic, collection of Documents, often Books."@en2
"A manifest is a listing of files or URIs or resources of some sort encoded in some way"@en2
"A media season e.g. tv, radio, video game etc."2
"A member of the subject resource."@en2
"A person who is licensed in at least one ITU region to operate (transmit and receive) a radio using frequencies and modes permitted only to licensed persons."@en2
"A person's maiden name."@en2
"A piece of News"@en2
"A place that is accessible with a wheel chair."@en2
"A plot of anything."@en2
"A post on a microblogging service like Twitter, identi.ca, Jaiku or FriendFeed. Usually untitled and with a limited number of characters, and sometimes containing in-line text-based syntactical elements like at-replies, hashtags, group 'bangtags' etc."@en2
"A postal address to which letters and parcels can be sent to a Person or Organisation."@en2
"A property to capture an un-intepreted written address, notably for addresses that have yet to be or can never be semantically represented using an existing scheme, such as the vcard ontology."@en2
"A range of the subject property."@en2
"A reference to the principal section of the PROV-DM document that describes this concept."@en2
"A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included."@en2
"A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource."@en2
"A school of a university (e.g., School of Business)."@en2
"A screenshot showing the (software) project in action. Since DOAP only has a property to link a "web page with screenshots of project", not a specific screenshot, this property is sometimes more useful."@en2
"A service providing access to bibliographic resources."@en2
"A set of terms or names, each one having an assigned meaning."@en2
"A song which is the focus of a particular Earworm"@en2
"A statement that would be illegal to express in a non-reified form in RDF/XML - usually because the predicate cannot be converted to a QName."@en2
"A sub-classing of bibo:identifier to narrow the range to be the numeric part of a BL identifier. For example: '(Uk)33994949' ---> '<foo> <ov:blid> "33994949"'"@en2
"A telephone number that can be used to contact a Person or Organisation."@en2
"A thing that came into existence at a place and time originates from that place and time."@en2
"A thing that manifests visually."@en2
"A thing that provides evidence for the existence or historicity of another thing attests to that other thing."@en2
"A topic or work that is studied by a person or group (e.g., a university course)"@en2
"A type of dataset that contains annotations on a set of resources."@en2
"A video file."2
"A wiki page associated with this resource"@en2
"Acquis de formation [53]"^^xsd:string2
"Adelstitel einer Person oder Adelstitel im Erbtitel einer Familie. Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:titleOfNobility, zeigt aber ein Literal statt einer Referenz zu einem Schlagwort."@de2
"Akademischer Grad bzw. akademischer Titel -- auch Ehrentitel -- einer Person in abgekürzter Form. Dazu gehören unter anderem: Dr., Prof., Dipl., Mag., Prof. h. c., Dr. rer. nat."@de2
"An Internet host used in the context of an opmv:Process."@en2
"An additional or secondary title usually used expand or limit the main title"@en2
"An element of a whole."@en2
"An irc chat bot"@en2
"An unpublished document."@en2
"Any entity that can be identified using the OKKAM entity naming system. In general one could say this is equivalent to resource but there are certain entity types that will work better on the OKKAM system"@en2
"Asserts that a reified rdf:Statement is asserted (in a non-reified form) by a particular RDF graph."@en2
"Associate a name that can be used for sorting to a foaf:Agent"@en2
"Associates a resource with a form that can be used to edit its description. See http://patterns.dataincubator.org/book/edit-trail.html for more information."@en2
"Associates properties to a class where the properties are meant to be present in some default view - basically a very light version of fresnel ;-)"@en2
"Automobiles, when presented as a catalog, are generally categorized using the Car Maker / Car Model / Trim Package hierarchy."@en2
"Bachelor [13]"^^xsd:string2
"Bachelor of Arts [15]"^^xsd:string2
"Bachelor of Science [17]"^^xsd:string2
"Berufs- oder Tätigkeitsbezeichnung bzw. Bezeichnung für die Religionszugehörigkeit oder die Weltanschauung einer Person. Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:professionOrOccupation, zeigt aber ein Literal statt einer Referenz zu einem Schlagwort"@de2
"Birth class"@en2
"Boundary point has a position"@en2
"Certificat [22]"^^xsd:string2
"Cheese is a food made from milk, usually the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep, by coagulation. "@en2
"Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates."2
"Course offered by the organization"@en2
"DAs would be typically files. Audio, movies, software licenses, software installers, documents, etc. Anything stored that needs a computer to get it and/or read it."@en2
"DOMBoundaryPointPosition is defines by a DOMNode and a DOMOffset"@en2
"DOMNode can be a Attribute, Document, DocumentFragment, Element or EntityReference node."@en2
"DOMRange has 2 boundary points"@en2
"Database for Biologists (Bioinformatics)"@en2
"Date (often a range) of validity of a resource."@en2
"Date and time your travel will commence"@en2
"Defines reincarnation of someone"@en2
"Defines the hair color (or no hair at all!) of an individual"@en2
"Denotes the canonical URI that should be used to refer to this resource."@en2
"Describes the eye color of an individual"@en2
"Describes the size of the file of a dataset in compressed state"@en2
"Describes the size of the file of a dataset in the normal (uncompressed) state"@en2
"Describes when the character was introduced in the series."@en2
"Determines if the character is protagonist, antagonist, supporting character etc."@en2
"Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:affiliation, zeigt aber ein Literal statt eines URIs"@de2
"Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:placeOfBirth, zeigt aber ein Literal statt einer Referenz zu einer geografischen Entität"@de2
"Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:placeOfDeath, zeigt aber ein Literal statt einer Referenz zu einer geografischen Entität"@de2
"Diploma supplement [19]"^^xsd:string2
"Domain: any institution or individual who borrows money from loaner Range: any institution or individual who loans a borrower money"@en2
"Domaine principal [8]"^^xsd:string2
"Domaine secondaire [9]"^^xsd:string2
"Domaine unique [7]"^^xsd:string2
"Dépôt du code source."@fr2
"Encoding MIME-Type information in a trivial manner - equivalent to HTTP header: Content-Type."@en2
"Etudes de bachelor [2]"^^xsd:string2
"Etudes de master [3]"^^xsd:string2
"Examen de master [66]"^^xsd:string2
"Eye Color"@en2
"Following an EAD description, collections consist of one or more "components". Components act much like files and folders - a component may contain others (folder) or it may be a leaf node (file) - EAD is vague enough not to make this distinction, but provides a "level" attribute instead. This property is used by a component to show that if is a "componentOf" either another component or a collection or both."@en2
"For bowlogna bench"^^xsd:string2
"For recognizing the level of education for which a student studies."^^xsd:string2
"From en.wikipedia.org: "A car model is a particular brand of vehicle sold under a marque. From an engineering point of view, a particular car model is usually defined and/or constrained by the use of a particular car chassis/bodywork combination or the same monocoque.""@en2
"Further information about the subject resource."@en2
"Generic term for category of ceramics that may be distinguished by function, surface treatment, distinguishing features of clay, or other set of criteria as defined by usage. Commonly used in the discipline of Archaeology."@en2
"Having two things that are not the owl:sameAs but are similar to a certain extent. It is thought of being used where owl:sameAs is too strong but rdfs:seeAlso is too loose. Motivation: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lod/2009Feb/0189.html"@en2
"Idiomatic property used for structured values."@en2
"Indicates a copy of this Book."@en2
"Indicates a foaf:Document listing the books which the foaf:Agent has read copies of."@en2
"Indicates a foaf:Document listing the books which the foaf:Agent owns copies of."@en2
"Indicates a foaf:Document listing the books which the foaf:Agent wants to or plans to read copies of."@en2
"Indicates a resource that is designed to be a mirror or surrogate of the object resource; a backup copy, should the object resource be lost or unobtainable."@en2
"Indicates an account held by this agent."2
"Indicates that something is definitely not a Killer-Gorilla. (It may still be a killer though. Or a gorilla.)"@en2
"Indicates that the subject is a non-deceased killer gorilla."@en2
"Indicates which book this Copy is a copy of."@en2
"Information that identifies the specific audience or intellectual level for which the content of the resource is considered appropriate."2
"Instrumental, vocal, and/or other medium of performance for which a musical resource was originally conceived, written or performed."2
"It is a major goal of Amateur Radio Operators to make contact with each other. This contact is formally defined as the exchange of certain information, usually consisting of each operator's call sign and a signal report (how well each operator receives the signal of the other). A contact can last a few seconds to many minutes. Nickname "QSL"."@en2
"It is about provenance of web data."@en2
"Just a simple readable name, a mnemonic. "@en2
"Language or notation system used to convey the content of the resource (associated with part or all of a resource)."2
"Links a person to a country that he or she may be a member. (A person can have multiple nationalities). The domain is foaf:Person but the range is open (although http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Country or http://umbel.org/umbel/rc/Country are suggested)"@en2
"Master [14]"^^xsd:string2
"Master of Arts [16]"^^xsd:string2
"Master of Science [18]"^^xsd:string2
"Members of this class represent class skeletons which are sort of templates of a class. Members of a class which has a class skeleton (http://open.vocab.org/terms/classSkeleton property) should have the triples relating from/to the skeleton, which don't use property http://open.vocab.org/terms/classSkeletonIgnore and its sub-properties as predicate, relating from/to them too. This materialization of triples is expected to be carried out by for example some kind of rule engine. Important: This kind of inference is already possible with OWL using property restrictions (Functional-Style Syntax): EquivalentClasses(  :JohnsChildren ObjectHasValue( :hasParent :John ) ) So you might better use OWL since the functionality is the same. http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-primer/#Property_Restrictions"@en2
"Mention_2 [55]"^^xsd:string2
"Module [35]"^^xsd:string2
"Module de base [36]"^^xsd:string2
"Module externe [42]"^^xsd:string2
"Module obligatoire [43]"^^xsd:string2
"Module optionnel [44]"^^xsd:string2
"Must be a valid CSS color string such as one could put in an HTML style attribute. This should be in the #xxxxxx form, (with 6 digits of hex) so that it can work with Graphviz."2
"Numismatics is the study of coins, medals and other related items."@en2
"One or more of the four elements viz. Air, Water, Fire and Earth that can be bent."@en2
"Organization who is responsible for (offers) the course. Like a department, a school..."@en2
"Organization who offers the course, e.g. a department, a school, a research institute"@en2
"P. de rattrapage [33]"^^xsd:string2
"Places named in a text."@en2
"Preferred or official acronym as used by the subject."@en2
"Professor for the benchmark"^^xsd:string2
"Property to encode the version of things - simple intent, to record the sequence of items. (The items themselves will have temporal/finer grained detail)"@en2
"Property to link an agent with an organization (inverse property of http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/member)"@en2
"Provide a grouping of calendar properties that describe a to-do."2
"Provide a grouping of component properties that define an alarm."2
"Provide a grouping of component properties that defines a time zone."2
"Provide a grouping of component properties that describe a journal entry."2
"Provide a grouping of component properties that describe an event."2
"Provide a grouping of component properties that describe either a request for free/busy time, describe a response to a request for free/busy time or describe a published set of busy time."2
"Quantifiable presence information concerning the agent's sensed absolute and relative altitude."2
"RTFMImperative is an instruction for foaf:Agent(s) to read a given document."@en2
"Refers to a pre-defined traveling direction characterising a context instance."2
"Relate a thing (usually a person) to the scent with which they are most commonly associated."@en2
"Relates a person to an earworm that they suffer."@en2
"Relates a property to a Dimension Property with identical meaning for use with the RDF DataCube vocabulary."@en2
"Relates class to a class skeleton. If class has more than one of this relations, it should use them all."@en2
"Repositorio del código fuente."@es2
"Represents department for the benchmark"^^xsd:string2
"Semester in which the course is offered"@en2
"Slang for loves."@en2
"Someone's ID in the Skype chat and telephony service."@en2
"Something has a plot."@en2
"Source code repository."@en2
"States the current absolute altitude (metres above ground level)"2
"States the current altitude (metres above sea level)"2
"Structure in which someone lives"@en2
"Student for the benchmark."^^xsd:string2
"Suggested book based on circulation data"@en2
"Superclass of the terms Master Thesis and Bachelor Thesis"^^xsd:string2
"TOWN The 'File owner/licensee' frame contains the name of the owner or licensee of the file and it's contents."2
"Teacher of the course. Should belong to the organization specified by ov:offeredBy of the course"@en2
"The Authorised Examiner Number of an MOT Testing Station."@en2
"The BBC provides IDs for places. This can be used to link BBC weather IDs to places."@en2
"The Book of which a copy was read."@en2
"The Compass Direction that a Thing faces."@en2
"The ITU defines a set of world-wide regions which uniquely describe locations for radio operation (in particular, amateur radio operation). These regions are widely-used by amateur radio operators to report operation and radio contacts. Each region has a unique abbreviation."@en2
"The JSON representation of a (usually small) dataset."@en2
"The Manchester Syntax for a owl construct (e.g., Restriction). :manchex rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label ."@en2
"The Olympic Games are an international multi-sport event established for both summer and winter sports."@en2
"The Vehicle Classes an MOT Test Station is authorised to test, as a comma separated list using Arabic numerals (plus A where appropriate), e.g "3, 4, 4A, 5"."@en2
"The agent that defines the boundaries of a geographic area."@en2
"The anniversary of some event"@en2
"The area of some physical thing in hectares."@en2
"The ceramic ware produced during the Roman period in the region of what is now the modern country of Tunisia."@en2
"The class of RDF Lists."@en2
"The class of RDF containers."@en2
"The class of RDF datatypes."@en2
"The class of RDF properties."@en2
"The class of RDF statements."@en2
"The class of XML literal values."@en2
"The class of all MOT Testing Stations."@en2
"The class of all motion pictures"@en2
"The class of classes."@en2
"The class of container membership properties, rdf:_1, rdf:_2, ..., all of which are sub-properties of 'member'."@en2
"The class of containers of alternatives."@en2
"The class of literal values, eg. textual strings and integers."@en2
"The class of ordered containers."@en2
"The class of unordered containers."@en2
"The class resource, everything."@en2
"The column of a comma separated value file from which this property was created."@en2
"The date someone died."@en2
"The defininition of the subject resource."@en2
"The desired visibility of a User's social network. Suggested options: "Just Me", "My Network", "Everyone"."@en2
"The diameter of a thing measured at its rim."@en2
"The disclaimer property links a resource to a document that details a disclaimer applied to the resource by the resource owner or other relevant party."@en2
"The disclaimerText property associates a resource with the text of a disclaimer (in the form of an rdfs:Literal) applied to the resource by the resource owner or other relevant party."@en2
"The document type declaration."@en2
"The empty list, with no items in it. If the rest of a list is nil then the list has no more items in it."@en2
"The event of a copy of a book being read by an agent."@en2
"The event of a copy of a book being read, usually aloud, by an agent to an audience."@en2
"The experience of having a song in your head which you can't get rid of."@en2
"The family name of some person."2
"The first item in the subject RDF list."@en2
"The first sentence of a resource."@en2
"The full name as expected to be used on an identifying document e.g. Mr Ian Robert Davis"@en2
"The given name of some person."2
"The linear extent of a thing."@en2
"The literal, human readable author string of a Document."@en2
"The loan history for a book by year."@en2
"The loan history of a book within a school"@en2
"The most recently cached static page describing the resource."@en2
"The name used in familiar situations by friends, e.g. Ian"@en2
"The name used when referred to in formal situations, e.g. Mr. Davis"@en2
"The name used when referred to in informal situations, e.g. Ian Davis"@en2
"The nationality of a character in Avatar. It can be one of Air, Fire, Water and Earth."@en2
"The number of kilometres of a distance measurement."@en2
"The number of loans of a book within a year, school, or course"@en2
"The number of loans two books have in common"@en2
"The number of pages a resource has"@en2
"The number of results retrieved for a search on that uri from the Search Engine sindice"@en2
"The object of the subject RDF statement."@en2
"The person who experiences or suffers from a particular ear worm"@en2
"The place at which a thing is found."@en2
"The place where a particular object was made. (Made is left intentionally vague and follows the same semantics as foaf:maker, foaf:made etc.)"@en2
"The predicate of the subject RDF statement."@en2
"The preferred animal of a person."@en2
"The primary material from which something is made. Examples: leather (shoe), paper (book), cotton (t-shirt), nylon (tights), plastic (carrier bag), rubber (wellington boots), iron (pipe) etc."@en2
"The rank of the resource within the ordered collection represented by the current document"@en2
"The resource that this diff goes from."@en2
"The resource that this diff goes to."@en2
"The rest of the subject RDF list after the first item."@en2
"The result of the test case obtained from the target specified. For example, the target could be a script that is executed."@en2
"The row number of a csv from which this instance was created. This is different from the r-th entry within the table, which may be less than the csv row if the csv has title information and a header above the data."@en2
"The school associated with the loan history of a book"@en2
"The semantic of this relation is defined in the sublclass of undirected Dependency on which this property is stated. (The subject of the statment where this property is expressed)"2
"The shape of something"@en2
"The song that is the focus of a particular earworm"@en2
"The source of a thing."@en2
"The specification(s) that the resource implemented. "@en2
"The study track defines what are the studies"^^xsd:string2
"The subject (perhaps a foaf:Agent) made HTTP requests with a header described by this http:MessageHeader resource."@en2
"The subject is a document that, to any extent, describes the object."@en2
"The subject is a subclass of a class."@en2
"The subject is a subproperty of a property."@en2
"The subject is an instance of a class."@en2
"The subject of the subject RDF statement."@en2
"The the measure of how sticky something is"@en2
"The things defined by this resource - for example, the terms defined by an Ontology."@en2
"The time of day that something ends."@en2
"The time of day that something starts at."@en2
"The transmitter of a particular Earworm"@en2
"The user-agent string of the software used by the creator of an item."@en2
"The value of this property is a QRCode image that encodes the geographic coordinates of the resource. The coordinates are encoded using the WGS84 datum in the following form - geo:[lat],[long]"@en2
"The value of this property is something that has been classified under the resource"@en2
"The visibility of a resource (e.g. public, internal), expressed as a literal term."@en2
"The weight of a resource"@en2
"The year associated with a loan history"@en2
"This class of character traits was created to describe the characters in the graphic novel Avatar-The Last Airbender. The motivation was to create a unique class identifying the characters in the trilogy."@en2
"This data property has been deprecated. See hasGeo"@en2
"This is an indirect version of "owns" indicating that the foaf:Agent owns an unspecified copy of the Book."@en2
"This is an indirect version of "read", indicating that the foaf:Agent has read at least part of an unspecified copy of the Book."@en2
"This is an indirect version of "toRead", indicating that the foaf:Agent wants to or plans to read at least part of an unspecified copy of the Book."@en2
"This is an indirect version of the "owns" property. Instead of linking a foaf:Agent to a Copy directly, ownsPrimaryTopicOf links a foaf:Agent to a foaf:Document such that the primary topic of the foaf:Document is a Book of which a Copy is owned by the Agent."@en2
"This is an indirect version of the "read" property. Instead of linking a foaf:Agent to a Copy directly, readPrimaryTopicOf links a foaf:Agent to a foaf:Document such that the primary topic of the foaf:Document is a Book, a Copy of which has been read by the Agent."@en2
"This is an indirect version of the "toRead" property. Instead of linking a foaf:Agent to a Copy directly, readPrimaryTopicOf links a foaf:Agent to a foaf:Document such that the primary topic of the foaf:Document is a Book, a Copy of which is planned or wanted to be read by the Agent."@en2
"This is the description that was given in the PDF docuemnt of 70 pages."^^xsd:string2
"This is the mark that is part of an evaluation"^^xsd:string2
"This predicate indicates that a Book has a Reading event associated with it, at which a copy of the book was read."@en2
"This predicate indicates that the foaf:Agent has read at least part of a particular Copy."@en2
"This predicate indicates that the foaf:Agent is the legal owner of a particular Copy."@en2
"This predicate indicates that the foaf:Agent wants to or plans to read at least part of a particular Copy."@en2
"This predicate indicates the foaf:Agent who was performing the Reading."@en2
"This property is a relationship between some thing and a map that shows that thing's location at a national scale."@en2
"This property is a relationship between some thing and a map that shows that thing's location at a regional scale."@en2
"This property is equivalent to gndo:affiliation but gives a literal instead of a URI"@en2
"This property is equivalent to gndo:placeOfBirth but gives a literal instead of a reference to a geographic entity"@en2
"This property is equivalent to gndo:placeOfBirth but gives a literal instead of a reference to a geographic entity."@en2
"This property is equivalent to gndo:placeOfDeath but gives a literal instead of a reference to a geographic entity"@en2
"This property is equivalent to gndo:professionOrOccupation but gives a literal instead of a reference to a subject heading"@en2
"This property is to be used to relate a resource to an "enhanced description". An enhanced description is one that provides additional, richer detail about a resource than may typically be obtained by a simple de-reference of the resource's URI."@en2
"This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Expression. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours which have the same implied Expression (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). The property is symmetrical, so if <_:someBiboBook> <ov:commonExpression> <_:otherEdition>, this also means <_:otherEdition> <ov:commonExpression> <_:someBiboBook>. It is not transitive. Having this property also implies ov:commonWork."@en2
"This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Item. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours which contains the same specific Item (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). This implies identical WEMI hierarchies. The property is symmetrical, so if <_:specificPhysicalItem> <ov:commonItem> <_:someArchive>, this also means <_:someArchive> <ov:commonItem> <_:specificPhysicalItem>. It is not transitive. Having this property also entails ov:commonManifestation, ov:commonExpression and ov:commonWork."@en2
"This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Manifestation. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours which include the same implied Manifestation (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). The property is symmetrical, so if <_:someBiboBook> <ov:commonManifestation> <_:someFrbrWork>, this also means <_:someFrbrWork> <ov:commonManifestation> <_:someBiboBook>. It is not transitive. Having this property also implies ov:commonExpression and ov:commonWork."@en2
"This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Work. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours that fall within the same implied Work (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). The property is symmetrical, so if <_:someBiboBook> <ov:commonWork> <_:someOtherBiboBook>, this also means <_:someOtherBiboBook> <ov:commonWork> <_:someBiboBook>. It is not transitive."@en2
"This property is used to relate two FRBR Endeavours/entities (http://vocab.org/frbr/core.html#Endeavour) together even if the entire Work-Expression-Manifestation-Item hierarchy does not exist. For example, it could be used to relate a frbr:Work to a frbr:Manifestation without the need of a frbr:Expression to link them through. The property is symmetric (if a <_:work> ov:associatedEntity <_:item> then <_:item> ov:associatedEntity <_:work>. It is not transitive (items may be associated with the same work but not be in the same WEMI chain, for example)."@en2
"To mark the beginning date or event at which the named graph object is true/accurate."@en2
"To mark the date or event at which the named graph object ceases to be accurate."@en2
"To specify the components of the name of the object"@en2
"Travail de bachelor [62]"^^xsd:string2
"Triples using his property and its sub-properties as predicate are to be ignored by the class skeleton materialization process (http://open.vocab.org/terms/ClassSkeleton). This property is not to be used in real data, it serves just to exist and have sub-properties."@en2
"Use this property to state that you admire a friend's fro"@en2
"Used to describe the affiliation, place of work or association of a foaf:Person when the source data is too ambiguous to model into its own resource."@en2
"Validation [65]"^^xsd:string2
"When :s :depicts :o, :s is communicable via a visual medium and, when transmitted, depicts the resource :o."@en2
"When a radio transmits a signal, a range of frequencies is used to carry information. This range may be continuous or dis-contiguous ("spread spectrum"). There is usually a single frequency that is used to "name" the tranmission frequency, although this naming depends on the mode used. (See RadioOperationMode). The standard method of expression is "Herz" (or a multiple). Sometimes, surprisingly, the "frequency" is expressed in terms of length (actually wavelength, often in meters). This is merely an colloquial and equivalent expresssion, since freq(Herz) = the-speed-of-light / wavelength."@en2
"A specific copy of a particular book, e.g. Joe Blogg's copy of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time."^^rdf:XMLLiteral2
"The abstract concept of a particular book, e.g. Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time."^^rdf:XMLLiteral2
"a machine tag that can be used to identify the domain resource in tagging applications. "@en2
"a password usually stored in md5"@en2
"a pictorial representation for something."@en2
"a resource (e.g. HTML content --> awol:Content) has a DOM range"@en2
"a total count of the number of resources of type <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#Review> that an Agent is known to have created "@en2
"an example resource using a vocabulary term or terms"@en2
"an image of the resource, whatever it may be. Typically the value of this property will be the URI of some sort of digital image."@en2
"associates a given feature file document with the audio file that is described by that document"@en2
"associates a manifestation of a musical work with music artist who composed the work"@en2
"associates a musical item with a feature file describing that item"@en2
"class is now deprecated in favour of Earworm class."@en2
"color of a house"@en2
"commonEndeavour is intended to define a FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) relationship between two resources that may or may not be modeled as FRBR. This makes it possible to assert that a resource modeled using a vocabulary that does not use the FRBR entity model explicitly is describing the same Work, Expression, Manifestation, and/or Item as another resource (which may or may not use the FRBR model, as well). commonEndeavour is intended to be used merely as a superproperty for WEMI-specific subproperties to inherit from, but there are no restrictions on its use."@en2
"consists of argument1 (owl:Thing) and argument2 (owl:Thing)"2
"e.g. : 100m in Beijing 2008"@en2
"express the ability/right to read from a graph"@en2
"express the ability/right to write to a graph"@en2
"foaf:OnlineAccount's can have an accountName, but plenty of services use an account identifier internally that is not the same as the public account name: for instance, Twitter uses a nickname and a user_id property. Facebook now assigns usernames as well as internal identification numbers. Google's various services assign a unique identifier so that people are not revealing their e-mail address or username. This property is for these kind of identifiers."@en2
"has checksum - expecting (acronym/name):(checksum hexdigest) eg ov:hasChecksum "sha1:a526a7c1bc65348dc7649556bee283ee3c999b92""@en2
"links to a thing used by an agent"@en2
"see: http://www.neurolabor.de/socrate/ects_ganz.htm"^^xsd:string2
"simultaneous loans"@en2
"skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties."@en2
"the concept of "this" in a javascript object. In other words a mean in which to refer to "self""@en2
"the number of times a tag has been used in taggings of things"@en2
"the offset within a DOM node"@en2
"the okkam ID of the entity, given in human legible form (literal)"@en2
"to express kudos to someone (acknowledge a contribution, feedback, etc.) "@en2
"x is 'near' y if they are near to each other in physical space, for a deliberately vague notion of near."@en2
"Úložiště zdrojových kódů."@cs2
" default value type: DURATION"1
" default value type: URI"1
" value type: DURATION"1
" value type: PERIOD"1
" value type: integer"1
" value type: list of FLOAT"1
" An arbitrary classification of a space/time region, by a cognitive agent. An event may have actively participating agents, passive factors, products, and a location in space/time. "1
" Everything produced by an event "1
" Everything used as a factor in an event "1
" Relates an event to a factor which can be described as a literal. This property should not be used as-is, but should be subsumed by other, more specific, properties (like an hypothetic :weatherCelsius, linking an event to a temperature). "1
" Relates an event to a passive factor (a tool, an instrument, an abstract cause...) "1
" Relates an event to a spatial object. "1
" Relates an event to a time object, classifying a time region (either instantaneous or having an extent). By using the Timeline ontology here, you can define event happening on a recorded track or on any media with a temporal extent. "1
" Relates an event to an active agent (a person, a computer, ... :-) ) "1
" Relates an event to something produced during the event---a sound, a pie, whatever... "1
" This property provides a way to split a complex event (for example, a performance involving several musicians) into simpler ones (one event per musician). "1
" Changes from 2014-09-16 Deprecated http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#Fictive_term Introduced http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#FictiveTerm in order to keep naming consistent Changed rdfs:type to rdf:type in http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#correspondent http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#preferredNameEntityForThePerson and http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#variantNameEntityForThePerson are now owl:ObjectProperties http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#titleOfNobility is now an owl:ObjectProperty Introduced new owl:DatatypeProperty http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#titleOfNobilityAsLiteral http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#preferredName is now an owl:subclassOf rdfs:label Changes from 2014-05-15: Updated RDA-Mappings to reflect new RDA namespaces Changes from 2014-01-15: Corrected MARC 21 equivalent and rdfs:range in http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#academicDegree Updated labels to distinguish datatype properties from similar object properties: http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#affiliationAsLiteral, http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfBirthAsLiteral, http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfDeathAsLiteral, http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#professionOrOccupationAsLiteral Marked http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#correspondent as owl:symmetricProperty Deprecated http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#broderTermGeneral (misspelled term name in URI) Introduced http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#broaderTermGeneral (correctly spelled name in URI) Corrected alignment to skos:broader: added to http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#broaderTermGeneral, removed from http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#broderTermGeneric (skos:broader) Changes from 2012-06-30 Added rdfs:isDefinedBy everywhere Added alignments: http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#variantNameForTheSubjectHeading (skos:altLabel) http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading (skos:prefLabel) http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#SubjectHeading (skos:Concept) http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#broaderTermGeneric (skos:broader) Hierarchy of broader/narrower term changed gndo:broaderTerm is deprecated gndo:broaderTermGeneral is now top level hierarche of broader/narrower Following Properties are now subproperties of gndo:broaderTermGeneral: gndo:broaderTermGeneric gndo:broaderTermInstantial gndo:broaderTermPartitive gndo:broaderTermWithMoreThanOneElement Fixed incorrect supertype for gndo:definition. gndo:definition is now a subproperty of dct:definition, not of foaf:depiction Deprecated gndo:StartingOrFinalPointOfADistance (with a capital S) Introduced gndo:startingOrFinalPointOfADistance (with a minor s) Specified that gndo:relatedTerm is also a owl:SymmetricProperty Deprecated the property #addition Deprecated the property #epithetGenericNameTitleOrTerritory Added new Datatype property #nameAddition Introduced new class hierarchy for NameOfThePerson gndo:NameOfThePerson (existing class) gndo:PreferredNameOfThePerson (new class) gndo:VariantNameOfThePerson (new class) gndo:EarlierNameOfThePerson (new class) gndo:LaterNameOfThePerson (new class) gndo:FullerFormOfNameOfThePerson (new class) gndo:RealNameOfThePerson (new class) gndo:PseudonymNameOfTheperson (new class) "@en1
" A Private Key in the RSA framework "@en1
" the identity of the public key. This is the entity that knows the private key and so can decrypt messages encrypted with the public key, or encrypt messages that can be decrypted with the public key. "@en1
" Ontology for Certificates and crypto stuff. This is in development. Some other ontologies to look at: * http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/crypto + has cwm builtins: http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/doc/Trust - a bit old perhaps. It imports daml+oil - would help to be more completely specified - uses literals as subjects a little liberally, which makes this a bit difficult to work with frameworks that don't permit this * http://xmlns.com/wot/0.1/ - limited very much to PGP (though on can map PGP to X509) - a little coarse grained, mixes up the PGP certificate with the PGP public key * Todo: - add some classes and relations for DSA - should this all be in one file? Or should this be cut up a little? Say one file for the general CERT ontology, and then files for RSA, DSA, PGP, etc... Or perhaps it does not really matter? - expand more on the certification side of things - verify this by security experts - owl2 has some constructs for combined inverse functional properties. This may be useful to use in defining an RSA key which is identified by two numbers. - also create html version of the spec by using this as a template. - should comments such as this be in html? "@en1
" This ontology partially describes the built-in classes and properties that together form the basis of the RDF/XML syntax of OWL 2. The content of this ontology is based on Tables 6.1 and 6.2 in Section 6.4 of the OWL 2 RDF-Based Semantics specification, available at http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-rdf-based-semantics/. Please note that those tables do not include the different annotations (labels, comments and rdfs:isDefinedBy links) used in this file. Also note that the descriptions provided in this ontology do not provide a complete and correct formal description of either the syntax or the semantics of the introduced terms (please see the OWL 2 recommendations for the complete and normative specifications). Furthermore, the information provided by this ontology may be misleading if not used with care. This ontology SHOULD NOT be imported into OWL ontologies. Importing this file into an OWL 2 DL ontology will cause it to become an OWL 2 Full ontology and may have other, unexpected, consequences. "1
" Uniquely identified by lat/long/alt. i.e. spaciallyIntersects(P1, P2) :- lat(P1, LAT), long(P1, LONG), alt(P1, ALT), lat(P2, LAT), long(P2, LONG), alt(P2, ALT). sameThing(P1, P2) :- type(P1, Point), type(P2, Point), spaciallyIntersects(P1, P2). "1
" <p>The modulus of an RSA public and private key. Or the modulus of a DSA Key. The modulus is encoded as a hex binary. The binary is the same as the one encoded in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#sec-CryptoBinary">XML DSIG CryptoBinary</a> </p> <blockquote> This specification defines the ds:CryptoBinary simple type for representing arbitrary-length integers (e.g. "bignums") in XML as octet strings. The integer value is first converted to a "big endian" bitstring. The bitstring is then padded with leading zero bits so that the total number of bits == 0 mod 8 (so that there are an integral number of octets). If the bitstring contains entire leading octets that are zero, these are removed (so the high-order octet is always non-zero). </blockquote> <p>The only difference is that the octet string is then encoded using either xsd:base64Binary or xsd:hexBinary. Currently for all usages of this relation, the xsd:hexBinary datatype should be used until the SPARQL working group specifies specifies in its <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-entailment/#DEntRegime">D-Entailment</a> that those two types are equivalent.</p> <p>It would have been better had there been a hexInteger datatype that was standard and supported by all tools.</p> "@en1
" The modulus of an RSA public and private key. This is defined as n = p*q "@en1
" A computer program that enables a separate computer to interact programmatically with the computer running the API. (Commonly abbreviated 'API'.)"@en1
" Annotation for a resource in the form of a numeric rating (float value), allowed values are between 1 and 10 whereas 0 is interpreted as not set"1
" Places a constraint on a condition (i.e., the domain defined for this property), such that a query can be constructed to look for an RDF triple having: i) the referred item (i.e., range defined for this property) as its subject, ii) the associated constrained property (defined by drmo:hasConstraintOnProperty) as its property, iii) and the condition (i.e., domain defined for this property) as its object. This property cannot coincide with the property hasConstraintOnObject."1
"(Grade acadmique)"^^xsd:string1
"(Grade acadÈmique)"^^xsd:string1
"10 digit version of the International Standard Book Number."1
"13 digit version of the International Standard Book Number."1
"1951: An optional part of a headword. 1951; examples? The question arises whether these are true options or whether the options reflect synonyms or hyponyms (e.g., barrage, barrage de retenue). The question is not whether 1951 should use this markup, but rather how to map this markup in a global environment."1
"3rd generation mobile telecommunications (3G) is a third generation of standards for digital cellular networks."1
"<span xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><p> An encoding of a positive integer (from 0 to infinity) as a hexadecimal string that makes it easy to read and/or fun to present on the web.</p> <p>The purpose of this way of representing hexadecimals is to enable users to copy and paste hexadecimal notations as shown by most browsers, keychains or tools such as opensso, into their rdf representation of choice. There are a wide variety of ways in which such strings can be presented. One finds the following:</p> <pre> e1 dc d5 e1 00 8f 21 5e d5 cc 7c 7e c4 9c ad 86 64 aa dc 29 f2 8d d9 56 7f 31 b6 bd 1b fd b8 ee 51 0d 3c 84 59 a2 45 d2 13 59 2a 14 82 1a 0f 6e d3 d1 4a 2d a9 4c 7e db 90 07 fc f1 8d a3 8e 38 25 21 0a 32 c1 95 31 3c ba 56 cc 17 45 87 e1 eb fd 9f 0f 82 16 67 9f 67 fa 91 e4 0d 55 4e 52 c0 66 64 2f fe 98 8f ae f8 96 21 5e ea 38 9e 5c 4f 27 e2 48 ca ca f2 90 23 ad 99 4b cc 38 32 6d bf </pre> <p> Or the same as the above, with ':' instead of spaces. We can't guarantee that these are the only ways such tools will present hexadecimals, so we are very lax.</p> <p>The letters can be uppercase or lowercase, or mixed. </p> <p>Some strings may start with initial 00's, and can be stripped in this notation as they often are. Doing this could, in complement of 2 notation turn a positive number into a negative one, if the first hexadecimal character happens to be one of the set {'8', '9', 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C', 'd', 'D', 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F'} . As we interpret this string as a hexadecimal number leading 00s are not important (Complement of 2 notation and hexadecimal overlap for positive numbers)</p> <p> In order to make this fun, we allow any unicode characters in the string. A parser should </p> <ol> <li>remove all non hexadecimal characters</li> <li>treat the resulting as a hexadecimal representation of a number</li> </ol> <p> This will allow people to make an ascii - better yet a UTF-8 - picture of their public key when publishing it on the web. </p> <p> Cert hex is also a datatype property because we used to write it out like this </p> <pre> [] a rsa:RSAPublicKey; rsa:public_exponent [ cert:hex "e1 dc d5 ..."] </pre> <p> The above notation is now deprecated. Now we prefer the literal format below.</p> <pre> [] a rsa:RSAPublicKey; rsa:public_exponent "e1 dc d5 ..."^^cert:hex . </pre> </span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral1
"A personal mailbox, ie. an Internet mailbox associated with exactly one owner, the first owner of this mailbox. This is a 'static inverse functional property', in that there is (across time and change) at most one individual that ever has any particular value for foaf:mbox."1
"A (usually assigned) piece of work (often to be finished within a certain time). (Definition from Merriam-Webster)"1
"A .plan comment, in the tradition of finger and '.plan' files."1
"A .torrent file which contains references(ndo:TorrentedFile) to files available via BitTorrent. The references are pointed to via nie:hasLogicalPart"1
"A Blog url."1
"A BreadcrumbList is an ItemList consisting of a chain of linked Web pages, typically described using at least their URL and their name, and typically ending with the current page..."1
"A Buddhist temple."1
"A Bulletin Board System (BBS) phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=bbsl) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec 3.3.1."1
"A CODEN is a six character, alphanumeric bibliographic identification code, that provides concise, unique and unambiguous identification of the titles of serials and non-serial publications."@en1
"A Catholic church."1
"A Childcare center."1
"A Contact that denotes a Person. A person can have multiple Affiliations."1
"A Contact that denotes on Organization."1
"A Contact that is to receive a bcc of the email. A Bcc (blind carbon copy) is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address does not appear in the message."1
"A Contact that is to receive a cc of the email. A cc (carbon copy) is a copy of an email message whose recipient appears on the recipient list, so that all other recipients are aware of it."1
"A Contact. A piece of data that can provide means to identify or communicate with an entity."1
"A Container or Forum that this Container or Forum is a child of."@en1
"A Container that a UserAccount is subscribed to."@en1
"A CreativeWorkSeries in schema.org is a group of related items, typically but not necessarily of the same kind..."1
"A Cursor."1
"A Data variable is a workflow template artifact that represents a variable in the workflow specification. Example: @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix opmw: <http://www.opmw.org/ontology/> . <http://www.opmw.org/export/resource/DataVariable/AQUAFLOW_NTM_SUM_CORRDO> a opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact , opmw:DataVariable ; rdfs:label "Data variable Sum_CorrDO" ; opmw:hasDimensionality "0"^^xsd:int ; opmw:isGeneratedBy <http://www.opmw.org/export/resource/WorkflowTemplateProcess/AQUAFLOW_NTM_CREATEPLOTS> ; opmw:template <http://www.opmw.org/export/resource/WorkflowTemplate/AQUAFLOW_NTM> ."1
"A DataObject found in a calendar. It is usually interpreted as one of the calendar entity types (e.g. Event, Journal, Todo etc.)"1
"A DataObject representing a piece of software. Examples of interpretations of a SoftwareItem include an Application and an OperatingSystem."1
"A DatedMoneySpecification represents monetary values with optional start and end dates..."1
"A DeliveryMethod in which an item is made available via locker."1
"A Digital Object Identifier for a serial publication item, a dataset or some other entity."@en1
"A Female"1
"A File annotated with ID3 tags. Implementation notes: use nie:title for the actual name of the piece (TIT2, the 'Title/Songname/Content description' frame); use nie:language for the languages of the text or lyrics spoken or sung in the audio (TLAN, the 'Language(s)' frame); use nie:comment for any kind of full text information that does not fit in any other frame (COMM frame)."1
"A Film director."@en1
"A Forum that a UserAccount is a moderator of."@en1
"A Forum that is hosted on this Site."@en1
"A General ontology for celulla project "@en1
"A GeoCircle is a GeoShape representing a circular geographic area..."1
"A HTML document, may contain links to other files."1
"A Hindu temple."1
"A LegalService is a business that provides legally-oriented services, advice and representation, e..."1
"A Local Area Network (LAN) is a private computer network that enables communication among computerised devices in a limited area."1
"A MIME entity, as defined in RFC2045, Section 2.4."1
"A Male"1
"A MindMap, created by a mind-mapping utility. Examples might include FreeMind or mind mapper."1
"A Movie"1
"A MusicRelease is a specific release of a music album."1
"A Myers Briggs (MBTI) personality classification."1
"A PerformanceRole is a Role that some entity places with regard to a theatrical performance, e..."1
"A Permission assigned to a Role."@en1
"A Permission describes a type of action that can be performed on an object that is within the scope of a Role, e.g. a Site, Forum, etc."@en1
"A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a computer network that enables intrapersonal communication amongst personal computerised devices. PANs can also be used to connect to a higher level network (including the Internet)."1
"A Personal Information Model (PIMO) of a user. Represents the sum of all information from the personal knowledge workspace (in literature also referred to as Personal Space of Information (PSI)) which a user needs for Personal Information Management (PIM)."1
"A Post represents some position within an organization that exists independently of the person or persons filling it. Posts may be used to represent situations where a person is a member of an organization ex officio (for example the Secretary of State for Scotland is part of UK Cabinet by virtue of being Secretary of State for Scotland, not as an individual person). A post can be held by multiple people and hence can be treated as a organization in its own right."@en1
"A Post that asks a Question."@en1
"A Post that is the best answer to a Question, as chosen by the UserAccount who asked the Question or as voted by a Community of UserAccounts."@en1
"A Post that provides an answer in reply to a Question."@en1
"A Presentation made by some presentation software (Corel Presentations, OpenOffice Impress, MS Powerpoint etc.)"1
Skipped 4,230 rows
"Un ruolo corrispondente alla proprietà `org:headOf`."@it1
"Un rôle correspondant à la propriété `org:headOf`"@fr1
"Un tester u otro proveedor de control de calidad."@es1
"Un testeur ou un collaborateur au contrôle qualité."@fr1
"Un ufficio o altra sede dovei l'organizzazione è situata. Molte organizzazione sono distribuite su più sedi e molte sedi ospitano più ubicazioni. Nella maggior parte dei casi un Site è una locazione fisica. Non si esclude la possibilità di indicare sedi non fisiche come ad esempio gli uffici virtuali. Le estensioni dell'ontologia potrebbero usare delle sottoclassi per rappresentare i tipi particolari di sede."@it1
"Un établissement ou tout autre lieu dans lequel une Organisation est localisé. Beaucoup d'organisations sont dispersées à travers plusieurs sites. Dans la plupart des cas un Site sera un lieu physique. Toutefois, nous n'excluons pas la possibilité de sites non-physiques comme un bureau virtuel avec une boîte postale et un service de secrétariat mutualisé. Des extensions pourraient fournir des sous-classes pour décrire des types de sites particuliers."@fr1
"Un'organizzazione che è riconosciuta a livello mondiale o, in generale, all'interno di una qualche giurisdizione, e che quindi possiede diritti e responsabilità. Ad esempio aziende, enti governativi, associazioni di volontariato. Si noti che questa è una superclasse di `gr:BusinessEntity` e che quindi è raccomandabile usare il vocabolario GoodRelations per esprimere classificazioni di tipo industriale e commerciale come DUNS e NAICS."@it1
"Un'organizzazione come ad esempio l'unità dei sistemi informativi che è parte di una più grande FormalOrganization e che, pur essendo riconosciuta nel contesto della propria organizzazione di riferimento, non è legalmente riconosciuta come entità a sé stante. Le unità possono essere ampie e complesse e contenere al loro interno sia altre unità che addirittura FormalOrganization."@it1
"Una categoría de proyecto."@es1
"Una o más organizaciones que existían antes de que sucediera el cambio en la organización. Dependiendo del tipo de cambio, dichas organizaciones pueden haber dejado de existir o no. Es la relación inversa de `org:changedBy`."@es1
"Uncompressed size of the content of a compressed file."1
"Une Organisation reconnue, en particulier par les juridictions locales, ayant des droits et des responsabilités. Exemples : entreprises, association à but non-lucratif, collectivité, église. Notez que c'est une super-classe de `gr:BusinessEntity` et qu'il est recommandé d'utiliser le vocabulaire GoodRelations pour indiquer les classifications économiques comme le code NACE."@fr1
"Une catégorie de projet."@fr1
"Une collaboration entre deux ou plusieurs Organisations, telle qu'un projet commun. Un partenariat peut être considéré comme Organisation dans le sens ou il possède une identité et un But propre indépendant de ceux de ses membres, mais ce n'est ni une entité légale ni une sous-unité d'une Organisation plus grande. Typiquement, elle peut avoir une durée de vie plus courte que les Organisations qui la composent, mais pas nécessairement. Tous les membres sont des `org:Organization`s plutôt que des individus et ces Organisations peuvent jouer des Rôles particuliers au sein du Partenariat. "@fr1
"Une organisation telle que le support informatique d'une université, qui fait partie d'une Organisation Formelle plus importante et qui ne peut être reconnue qu'en tant que membre de cette organisation supérieure, ce n'est pas une entité légale en elle-même. Les unités opérationnelles peuvent être étendues, complexes et inclure elles-mêmes d'autres branches ou Unités Opérationnelles, voire des Organisations Formelles."@fr1
"Une release (révision) d'un projet."@fr1
"Unidad que es parte de la organización, como, por ejemplo, un departamento incluido en una organización formal más amplia."@es1
"Uniform Resource Identifier."1
"Uniform Resource Number."1
"Unique and persistent identifier for digital objects developed by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives."1
"Unique title for a continuing resource that is assigned by the ISSN International Center in conjunction with an ISSN."1
"Unit denseignement [34]"^^xsd:string1
"Unit resulting from the division of words into their smallest meaningful parts. Note: moved to lexeme element from being an independent element; note that this is currently an independent element in 12620"1
"UnitÈ díenseignement [34]"^^xsd:string1
"Universal Decimal Classification number used for subject access."1
"Universal Product Code."1
"Universal Resource Identifier of a document"@en1
"Universally unique identifier of the filesystem. In the future, this property may have its parent changed to a more generic class."1
"Unoccupied storage space of the filesystem."1
"Unpublished document"@en1
"Unsynchronized text content. Inspired by the content part of the USLT frame defined in the ID3 2.3.0 Spec sec. 4.9"1
"Updated version of the swrc ontology (v0.7.1) based on the original swrc ontology. Responsible ontology engineer: Philipp Zaltenbach. Date: 22.06.2007. Contributions made by: Olivier Dameron."^^xsd:string1
"Use FictiveTerm instead"@en1
"Use broader term general instead"@en1
"Use gndo:broaderTermGeneral instead"@en1
"Use startingOrFinalPointOfADistance (with a minor s) instead"@en1
"Used for gender codes. The URI of the gender code must be used as the value for Gender."@en1
"Used for relation type codes. The URI of the relation type code must be used as the value for the Relation Type."@en1
"Used for telephone type codes. The URI of the telephone type code must be used as the value for the Telephone Type."@en1
"Used for type codes. The URI of the type code must be used as the value for Type."@en1
"Used in the past."1
"Used to assign music-specific properties such a BPM to video and audio"1
"Used to define properties of a component (attribute, dimension etc) which are specific to its usage in a DSD."@en1
"Used to describe a seat, such as a reserved seat in an event reservation."1
"Used to describe a ticket to an event, a flight, a bus ride, etc."1
"Used to describe membership in a loyalty programs (e.g. "StarAliance"), traveler clubs (e..."1
"Used to indicate the literal value of a data property that requires property parameters"@en1
"Used to indicate the resource value of an object property that requires property parameters"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the additional name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the category data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the country name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the family name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the formatted name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the given name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the honorific prefix data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the honorific suffix data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the language data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the locality data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the nickname data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the note data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the organization name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the organization unit name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the postal code data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the region data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the role data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the street address data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the title data property"@en1
"Used with copula constructions. This represents the subject/object in a copula construction. As such constructions are reversible this property is used instead of the usual verb subject/object. E,g., Barack Obama is the president/The president is Barack Obama"@en1
"UserAccount is now preferred. This is a deprecated class for a User in an online community site."@en1
"Usually part of the preface, or a separate section in its own right, often as part of the back matter, it acknowledges those, including funding agencies, who contributed to the undertaking of a research project described in a publication, or to the creation of the work in some way. In scientific articles, the acknowledgements are usually placed as a separated section immediately following the Discussion or Conclusions."@en1
"Value for middle voice that expresses that the subject is both the agent and object, or that the subject is separate from the agent or that the receiver is the agent him/herself."1
"Value for negation."1
"Value of a user-defined frame."1
"Value of the identifier."1
"Value of the message header."1
"Value referring to the capacity of identification of an entity."1
"Value related to an entity in a situation where the identification of this entity is not clear cut."1
"Value that expresses more than one element."1
"Value that expresses one element."1
"Value that expresses the situation where the grammatical subject is also the semantic actor of the verb."1
"Value used in a comparison between more than two entities."1
"Value used in a comparison relationship when no comparison is involved."1
"Vendor organization: commercial, free or otherwise"@en1
"Verb form that is usually used with another verb to express ideas such as possibilities, permission, or intention."1
"Verb tense that indicates action or state of being in the future."1
"Verb tense that indicates action or state of being in the present."1
"Verb tense that refers to action in the past that is incomplete or ongoing."1
"Version information of a project release."@en1
"Versions such as arrangements, transcriptions, etc. of music."1
"Versionsidentifikator eines Software-Releases."@de1
"Versionsinformation eines Projekt Releases."@de1
"Vertical resolution of an Image (if printed). Expressed in DPI"1
"Visual content aspect ratio. (Width divided by Height)"1
"Visual content height in pixels."1
"Visual content width in pixels."1
"Vital signs are measures of various physiological functions in order to assess the most basic body functions."1
"Vocabolario per descrivere strutture organizzative, le quali possono essere specializzate in una vasta varietà di tipi di organizzazione"@it1
"Vocabulario para describir organizaciones, adaptable a una amplia variedad de ellas."@es1
"Vocabulary for describing organizational structures, specializable to a broad variety of types of organization."@en1
"Voie dtudes [23]"^^xsd:string1
"Voie díÈtudes [23]"^^xsd:string1
"Vývojář softwaru projektu."@cs1
"WCOM The 'Commercial information' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage with information such as where the album can be bought. There may be more than one "WCOM" frame in a tag, but not with the same content."1
"WCOP The 'Copyright/Legal information' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage where the terms of use and ownership of the file is described."1
"WOAF The 'Official audio file webpage' frame is a URL pointing at a file specific webpage."1
"WOAS The 'Official audio source webpage' frame is a URL pointing at the official webpage for the source of the audio file, e.g. a movie."1
"WORS The 'Official internet radio station homepage' contains a URL pointing at the homepage of the internet radio station."1
"WPAY The 'Payment' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage that will handle the process of paying for this file."1
"WPUB The 'Publishers official webpage' frame is a URL pointing at the official wepage for the publisher."1
"Way sentences may alter the relationship between the subject and object of a verb, without changing the meaning of the sentence."1
"Web applications."1
"Web browser interface to repository."@en1
"Web page from which the project software can be downloaded."@en1
"Web page type: About page."1
"Web page type: Checkout page."1
"Web page type: Collection page."1
"Web page type: Contact page."1
"Web page type: Image gallery page."1
"Web page type: Profile page."1
"Web page type: Search results page."1
"Web page type: Video gallery page."1
"Web page with screenshots of project."@en1
"Web-Browser Interface für das Repository."@de1
"Web-Seite mit Screenshots eines Projektes."@de1
"Web-Seite von der die Projekt-Software heruntergeladen werden kann."@de1
"Webová stránka projektu se snímky obrazovky."@cs1
"Webová stránka, na které lze stáhnout projektový software."@cs1
"Webové rozhraní pro prohlížení úložiště."@cs1
"Weekdays the recurrence should occur. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10"1
"When a single product is associated with multiple offers (for example, the same pair of shoes is offered by different merchants), then AggregateOffer can be used."1
"When individuals or classes must be sorted, then if they are given different values of sortPriority a user agent can use this as a hint to how to present information."1
"When the prov-o term does not have a definition drawn from prov-dm, and the prov-o editor provides one."@en1
"When this was created, in ISO 8601 format."@en1
"When this was modified, in ISO 8601 format."@en1
"Width of an object"1
"Wiki-URL für die kollaborative Dikussion eines Projektes."@de1
"Wirkungsort bzw. Wohnort einer Person."@de1
"Word or affix that belongs to a class of noun modifiers that expresses the reference, including quantity, of a noun."1
"Word or sound that expresses an emotion."1
"Word that does not belong to one of the main classes of words, is invariable in form, and typically has grammatical or pragmatic meaning."1
"Word that is written like another, but that has a different pronunciation, meaning, and/or origin."1
"Word that sounds like another word, but is different in writiing or meaning."1
"Word that sounds the same and is written the same as another word but is different in meaning."1
"Word that syntactically links words or constituents, and expresses a semantic relationship between them."1
"Word used in place of a noun or a noun phrase."1
"Word used to denote the denominator of a fraction."1
"Word, character, or group of words and/or characters that contains the remainder of the title information after the main title."1
"Word, character, or group of words and/or characters that is a name given to a resource"1
"Word, character, or group of words and/or characters that is the main name of an instance."1
"Work has a modification for which it is the source."1
"Work has a related Instance/manifestation. For use to connect Works to Instances in the BIBFRAME structure."1
"Work has a related expression. For use to connect Works under FRBR/RDA rules."1
"Work has an accompanying index"1
"Work in which the part consistently appears; the title of the larger work appears on all issues or parts of the subseries)."1
"Work in which the part has been issued; the title of the larger work appears on the part."1
"Work is a modification of a source work."1
"Work of another or undetermined type. This is the default scheme value if the scheme is not explicitly stated."^^xsd:string1
"Work part of whose content separated from an earlier work to form a new work."1
"Work that has been incorporated into another Work"1
"Work that has been partially incorporated into another work."1
"Work that has been translated, i.e., the text expressed in a language different from that of the original work)."1
"Work that incorporates another work."1
"Work that incorporates part of the content of another work."1
"Work that is a data source to which the described resource is related. It may contain information about other files, printed sources, or collection procedures."1
"Work that is continued by the content of a later work under a new title."1
"Work that is updated or otherwise complemented by the augmenting work."1
"Work that split into two or more separate works with new titles."1
"Work that spun off a part of its content to form a new work."1
"Work that translates the text of the source entity into a language different from that of the original."1
"Work that updates or otherwise complements the predominant work."1
"Work this resource instantiates or manifests. For use to connect Instances to Works in the BIBFRAME structure."1
"Work whose content continues an earlier work under a new title."1
"Work, which is part of another series, in which the part has been issued."1
"Year degree awarded."1
"Zrcadlo stránky pro stažení softwaru."@cs1
"a date information. Usually saved as YYYY:MM:DD (HH:MM:SS) format in Exif data, but represented here as W3C-DTF format"1
"a distinct part of a larger document or collected document."@en1
"a mesurement of time length with unit of second"1
"a potentially copyrightable work"@en-us1
"a rational number representing a resolution. Could be a subProperty of other general schema."1
"a set of requests/permissions to users of a Work, e.g. a copyright license, the public domain, information for distributors"@en-us1
"academicTerm is an abstract property to express the academic term (e.g. Summer 2011) of the course/seminar."@en1
"added domain and range. Olivier 2006-06-07"^^xsd:string1
"adverb formed in replacement of a preposition and a pronoun"1
"adverb which is very similar in its form to a preposition"1
"aka movie."@en1
"an action that may or may not be allowed or desired"@en-us1
"an action that may or may not be requested of you"@en-us1
"arrangedAt is an abstract property to explicate the date/time when the seminar is arranged at. It can be defined as in the following example: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfcal/#L21805"@en1
"aspect that expresses an event or state that is not finished."1
"base of a word"1
"beats per minute"1
"bookingNumber is an abstract property to uniquely identify the course. This identifier should be defined and provided by the operator of the course."@en1
"building is an abstract property to express the building where the course/seminar takes place."@en1
"can an organization be a member of another organization? olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: Hmm could be possible. Therefore I added Organization to the range that one can state: Organization (has)member Organization."^^xsd:string1
"can be a Literal or Resource"1
"common superclass"1
"conditional particule"1
"conditional pronoun"1
"connects a Task with an Attachment object. Attachments are associations of Things."1
"consists of a builtin and a List of arguments"1
"consists of a classPredicate and argument1"1
"consists of a dataRange and argument1"1
"consists of a propertyPredicate (owl:DatatypeProperty), argument1 (owl:Thing), and argument2 (rdfs:Literal)"1
"consists of a propertyPredicate (owl:ObjectProperty), argument1 (owl:Thing), and argument2 (owl:Thing)"1
"copyright and license notices be kept intact"@en-us1
"courseDescription is subproperty of dc:description to specify the course description"@en1
"courseTitle is subproperty of dc:title to specify the course title"@en1
"credit be given to copyright holder and/or author"@en-us1
"darcs source code repository."@en1
"dateTime subsumes various properties with Range XMLSchema:dateTime. If possible they are further grouped by "abstract" properties."1
"deadline is an abstract property explicate the deadline for a draft project report."@en1
"deadlineDraftReport is an abstract property explicate the deadline for a draft project report."@en1
"deadlineFinalReport is an abstract property to explicate the deadline for a final project report."@en1
"deadlineReviewReport is an abstract property to explicate the deadline for review reports (opponent works)."@en1
"denotes the negation or the absence"1
"deprecated in favor of nmo:emailBcc"1
"deprecated in favor of nmo:emailCc"1
"deprecated in favor of nmo:emailTo"1
"deprecated in favor of nmo:messageFrom"1
"deprecated in favor of nmo:messageRecipient"1
"deprecated in favor of nmo:messageReplyTo"1
"deprecated in favor of nmo:messageSender"1
"deprecated in favor of nmo:secondaryMessageRecipient"1
"deprecated in favor of primaryMessageRecipient"1
"derivative and combined works must be licensed under specified terms, similar to those on the original work"@en-us1
"derivative works be licensed under the same terms or compatible terms as the original work"@en-us1
"derivative works must be licensed under specified terms, with at least the same conditions as the original work; combinations with the work may be licensed under different terms"@en-us1
"diminutive noun"1
"disjoint with researchProject? maybe not. Olivier 2006-06-07"^^xsd:string1
"disjoint with undergrad? Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: I wouldn't make it disjoint, since someone can be a bachelor-graduate, but if he is doing his master he is a master-undergraduate at the same time."^^xsd:string1
"distinctive particle"1
"distribution of derivative works"@en-us1
"distribution, public display, and publicly performance"@en-us1
"ects is an abstract property to express the ects (European Credit Transfer System) of the course/seminar."@en1
"element belonging to a list"@en1
"examples are e.g. technologies like Java, XML, ..."1
"examples: Architect, Developer, ..."1
"exercising rights for commercial purposes"@en-us1
"gives the code list associated with a CodedProperty"@en1
"gives the concept which is being measured or indicated by a ComponentProperty"@en1
"grading is an abstract property to relate the course/seminar to the description about its grading."@en1
"hadPrimarySource property is a particular case of wasDerivedFrom (see http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/#term-original-source) that aims to give credit to the source that originated some information."1
"hasDescription is subproperty of dc:description to specify needed descriptions of entities within the course, e.g. the description of course materials, assignments, etc."@en1
"hasOtherRepresentation points from a Thing in your PIMO to a thing in an ontology that represents the same real world thing. This means that the real world object O represented by an instance I1 has additional representations (as instances I2-In of different conceptualizations). This means: IF (I_i represents O_j in Ontology_k) AND (I_m represents O_n in Ontology_o) THEN (O_n and O_j are the same object). hasOtherRepresentation is a transitive relation, but not equivalent (not symmetric nor reflexive). For example, the URI of a foaf:Person representation published on the web is a hasOtherRepresentation for the person. This property is inverse functional, two Things from two information models having the same hasOtherRepresentation are considered to be representations of the same entity from the real world."1
"hasOtherSlot points from a clot in your PIMO to a slot in a domain ontology that represents the same connection idea."1
"hasPublication (?). Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: Yes, I think it is meant as "hasPublication". Anytime you have just the verb, it is meant as has + verb in a property."^^xsd:string1
"hasTitle is subproperty of dc:title to specify needed titles of entities within the course, e.g. the title of course materials, assignments, etc."@en1
"he ASKED [what he should do]"@en1
"here can be stated from which sources a task was derived. e.g from another task or from an task pattern"1
"implication (rule)"1
"indicate that a URI is being used as a variable"1
"indicates a ComponentProperty (i.e. attribute/dimension) expected on a DataSet, or a dimension fixed in a SliceKey"@en1
"indicates a component specification which is included in the structure of the dataset"@en1
"indicates a observation contained within this slice of the data set"@en1
"indicates a priority order for the components of sets with this structure, used to guide presentations - lower order numbers come before higher numbers, un-numbered components come last"@en1
"indicates a slice key which is used for slices in this dataset"@en1
"indicates the data set of which this observation is a part"@en1
"indicates the structure to which this data set conforms"@en1
"indicates the sub-key corresponding to this slice"@en1
"ist diese frame echt?"@de1
"last modification date"1
"link to role and agent information."1
"lugar de un repositorio."@es1
"made a subproperty of headOf. Olivier 2006-06-07"^^xsd:string1
"making multiple copies"@en-us1
"masters degree in arts"@en1
"masters degree in science"@en1
"matire choix [46]"^^xsd:string1
"matiËre ‡ choix [46]"^^xsd:string1
"meaning is not clear. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: This property appears in the class description of Thesis and I think should relate a Thesis to the associated university."^^xsd:string1
"meaning not clear Philipp: Hmm, I didn't create that property, therefore i don't know the intention of it."^^xsd:string1
"meaning not clear. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: This property appears in the class definition of swrc:Document. I think it is obsolete, since you may link a document via the dc:creator, dc:contributor or dc:publisher property to an organization."^^xsd:string1
"nextReading is an abstract property for dynamically stating the reading required to be read by the next session of the course/seminar."@en1
"notArrangedAt is an abstract property to explicate the date/time when the seminar has an exception in its schedule and thus is not arranged at."@en1
"ontology for the RSA public private keys "@en1
"opponentOf is an abstract property to state that a student is an opponent of another, i.e. that he/she makes review of the other student's seminar work."@en1
"particle for coordination"1
"permits commercial derivatives, but only non-commercial distribution"@en-us1
"personal pronoun which is not reflexive"1
"personal pronoun which is reflexive"1
"pronoun that identify the current locative or temporal situation"1
"pronoun that indicates the existence of something or someone"1
"pronoun which may act as a relative pronoun or an interrogative one"1
"reading is an abstract property to relate required readings to the course/seminar."@en1
"relates an agent to a key - most often the public key."@en1
"relation between a phrase and a verb, in which the relation is central to the verb"1
"relation between a phrase and a verb, that represents the person or thing that performs the action or about which something is stated"1
"relation noun"1
"relation to the organization in an OrganizationMember association."1
"relative particle"1
"reportTemplate is an abstract property to relate a report template to the course/seminar so that students may use it to write their reports."@en1
"reviewTemplate is an abstract property to relate a review template to the course/seminar so that students may use it to write their reviews of other student's reports."@en1
"room is an abstract property to express the room where the course/seminar takes place."@en1
"rule body (antecedent): List of Atom"1
"rule head (consequent): List of Atom"1
"see: http://www.neurolabor.de/socrate/ects_ganz.htm http://dict.leo.org/cgi-bin/dict/urlexp/20030705201638"^^xsd:string1
"skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch."@en1
"skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties."@en1
"skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive"@en1
"something that is printed or published and distributed, esp. a given number of a periodical"@en1
"something you may be asked not to do"@en-us1
"source code (the preferred form for making modifications) must be provided when exercising some rights granted by the license."@en-us1
"studentGroup is an abstract property to relate a student group to the course/seminar."@en1
"swrc:booktitle removed, since it is redundant to this property here."^^xsd:string1
"tagNumber: 1 Indicates whether the latitude is north or south latitude. The ASCII value 'N' indicates north latitude, and 'S' is south latitude."1
"tagNumber: 11 ColorBalance info for print image matching"1
"tagNumber: 12 Saturation info for print image matching"1
"tagNumber: 12 The unit used to express the GPS receiver speed of movement. 'K' 'M' and 'N' represents kilometers per hour, miles per hour, and knots."1
"tagNumber: 14 The reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. 'T' denotes true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction."1
"tagNumber: 16 The reference for giving the direction of the image when it is captured. 'T' denotes true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction."1
"tagNumber: 17 The direction of the image when it was captured. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99."1
"tagNumber: 19 Reference for latitude of destination"1
"tagNumber: 2 Interoperability Version"1
"tagNumber: 256 Image width. The number of columns of image data, equal to the number of pixels per row. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag."1
"tagNumber: 257 Image height. The number of rows of image data. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used."1
"tagNumber: 258 The number of bits per image component. In this standard each component of the image is 8 bits, so the value for this tag is 8. See also SamplesPerPixel. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag."1
"tagNumber: 27 A character string recording the name of the method used for location finding. The first byte indicates the character code used, and this is followed by the name of the method."1
"tagNumber: 270 A character string giving the title of the image. It may be a comment such as "1988 company picnic" or the like. Two-byte character codes cannot be used. When a 2-byte code is necessary, the Exif Private tag UserComment is to be used."1
"tagNumber: 272 Model of image input equipment"1
"tagNumber: 278 The number of rows per strip. This is the number of rows in the image of one strip when an image is divided into strips. With JPEG compressed data this designation is not needed and is omitted."1
"tagNumber: 279 The total number of bytes in each strip. With JPEG compressed data this designation is not needed and is omitted."1
"tagNumber: 283 The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageLength direction. The same value as XResolution is designated."1
"tagNumber: 29 date and time information relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The record format is "YYYY:MM:DD" while converted to W3C-DTF to use in RDF"1
"tagNumber: 296 The unit for measuring XResolution and YResolution. The same unit is used for both XResolution and YResolution. If the image resolution in unknown, 2 (inches) is designated."1
"tagNumber: 3 Indicates whether the longitude is east or west longitude. ASCII 'E' indicates east longitude, and 'W' is west longitude."1
"tagNumber: 30 Indicates whether differential correction is applied to the GPS receiver."1
"tagNumber: 301 A transfer function for the image, described in tabular style. Normally this tag is not necessary, since color space is specified in the color space information tag (ColorSpace)."1
"tagNumber: 305 The name and version of the software or firmware of the camera or image input device used to generate the image."1
"tagNumber: 315 Person who created the image"1
"tagNumber: 33432 Copyright information. In this standard the tag is used to indicate both the photographer and editor copyrights. It is the copyright notice of the person or organization claiming rights to the image. Deprecated in favor of the more generic nie:copyright."1
"tagNumber: 33434 Exposure time, given in seconds (sec)."1
"tagNumber: 33437 F number"1
"tagNumber: 34665 A pointer to the Exif IFD, which is a set of tags for recording Exif-specific attribute information."1
"tagNumber: 34850 The class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken."1
"tagNumber: 34856 Indicates the Opto-Electric Conversion Function (OECF) specified in ISO 14524. OECF is the relationship between the camera optical input and the image values."1
"tagNumber: 36864 Exif Version"1
"tagNumber: 36867 The date and time when the original image data was generated. For a DSC the date and time the picture was taken are recorded."1
"tagNumber: 37122 Information specific to compressed data. The compression mode used for a compressed image is indicated in unit bits per pixel."1
"tagNumber: 37377 Shutter speed. The unit is the APEX (Additive System of Photographic Exposure) setting"1
"tagNumber: 37378 The lens aperture. The unit is the APEX value."1
"tagNumber: 37379 The value of brightness. The unit is the APEX value. Ordinarily it is given in the range of -99.99 to 99.99. Note that if the numerator of the recorded value is FFFFFFFF.H, Unknown shall be indicated."1
"tagNumber: 37380 The exposure bias. The unit is the APEX value. Ordinarily it is given in the range of -99.99 to 99.99."1
"tagNumber: 37381 The smallest F number of the lens. The unit is the APEX value. Ordinarily it is given in the range of 00.00 to 99.99, but it is not limited to this range."1
"tagNumber: 37382 The distance to the subject, given in meters. Note that if the numerator of the recorded value is FFFFFFFF.H, Infinity shall be indicated; and if the numerator is 0, Distance unknown shall be indicated."1
"tagNumber: 37384 Light source such as Daylight, Tungsten, Flash etc."1
"tagNumber: 37385 The status of flash when the image was shot."1
"tagNumber: 37396 The location and area of the main subject in the overall scene."1
"tagNumber: 37510 A tag for Exif users to write keywords or comments on the image besides those in ImageDescription, and without the character code limitations of the ImageDescription tag. The character code used in the UserComment tag is identified based on an ID code in a fixed 8-byte area at the start of the tag data area."1
"tagNumber: 37520 DateTime subseconds"1
"tagNumber: 37521 DateTimeOriginal subseconds"1
"tagNumber: 37522 DateTimeDigitized subseconds"1
"tagNumber: 40960 The Flashpix format version supported by a FPXR file. If the FPXR function supports Flashpix format Ver. 1.0, this is indicated similarly to ExifVersion by recording "0100" as 4-byte ASCII."1
"tagNumber: 40961 The color space information tag (ColorSpace) is always recorded as the color space specifier. Normally sRGB (=1) is used to define the color space based on the PC monitor conditions and environment."1
"tagNumber: 4097 Related image width"1
"tagNumber: 41483 The strobe energy at the time the image is captured, as measured in Beam Candle Power Seconds (BCPS)."1
"tagNumber: 41487 The number of pixels in the image height (Y) direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit on the camera focal plane."1
"tagNumber: 41495 The image sensor type on the camera or input device, such as One-chip color area sensor etc."1
"tagNumber: 41729 The type of scene. If a DSC recorded the image, this tag value shall always be set to 1, indicating that the image was directly photographed."1
"tagNumber: 41730 The color filter array (CFA) geometric pattern of the image sensor when a one-chip color area sensor is used. It does not apply to all sensing methods."1
"tagNumber: 41986 the exposure mode set when the image was shot. In auto-bracketing mode, the camera shoots a series of frames of the same scene at different exposure settings."1
"tagNumber: 41987 The white balance mode set when the image was shot."1
"tagNumber: 41988 The digital zoom ratio when the image was shot. If the numerator of the recorded value is 0, this indicates that digital zoom was not used."1
"tagNumber: 41990 The type of scene that was shot. It can also be used to record the mode in which the image was shot, such as Landscape, Portrait etc. Note that this differs from the scene type (SceneType) tag."1
"tagNumber: 41991 The degree of overall image gain adjustment."1
"tagNumber: 41992 The direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot."1
"tagNumber: 41994 The direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot."1
"tagNumber: 41995 Information on the picture-taking conditions of a particular camera model. The tag is used only to indicate the picture-taking conditions in the reader."1
"tagNumber: 50341 A pointer to the print image matching IFD"1
"tagNumber: 513 The offset to the start byte (SOI) of JPEG compressed thumbnail data. This is not used for primary image JPEG data."1
"tagNumber: 529 The matrix coefficients for transformation from RGB to YCbCr image data."1
"tagNumber: 532 The reference black point value and reference white point value. The color space is declared in a color space information tag, with the default being the value that gives the optimal image characteristics Interoperability these conditions."1
"tagNumber: 7 The time as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). TimeStamp is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the hour, minute, and second."1
"tagNumber: 8 The GPS satellites used for measurements. This tag can be used to describe the number of satellites, their ID number, angle of elevation, azimuth, SNR and other information in ASCII notation. The format is not specified. If the GPS receiver is incapable of taking measurements, value of the tag shall be set to NULL."1
"tagNumber: 9 Contrast info for print image matching"1
"tagNumber: 9 The status of the GPS receiver when the image is recorded. 'A' means measurement is in progress, and 'V' means the measurement is Interoperability."1
"teacher is an abstract property to relate a teacher to a course/seminar."@en1
"teacherOf is an abstract property to relate a teacher to a course/seminar."@en1
"the attended meeting"1
"the class of PGP Certificates"@en1
"the class of X509 Certificates"@en1
"the class of keys"@en1
"the class of signtatures"@en1
"the legal jurisdiction of a license"@en-us1
"the person taking the role"1
"use in a non-developing country"@en-us1
"verb lacking certain morphosyntactic properties"1
"verb participating in a complex predication that has little semantic content of its own."1
"verb which has its own semantics"1
"weeklyHours is an abstract property to express the number of weekly hours for the teaching."@en1
"when is this task due? Represented in ISO 8601, example: 2003-11-22T17:00:00"1
"word resulting from the aggregation of a preposition and a pronoun"1
"word resulting from the aggregation of a pronoun and an auxiliary"1
"word resulting from the aggregation of a proposition and a determiner"1
"È la chiusura transitiva di subOrganizationOf, quindi rappresenta tutte le organizzazioni che la contengono. Tecnicamente, essendo una chiusura transitiva, può contenere asserzioni che non la riguardano e quindi il suo uso è sconsigliato."@it1
"È una collaborazione tra due o più Organization come ad esempio un progetto. Consente di rappresentare alcune identità dell'Organization che sono fuori dallo scopo principale e non sono formalmente riconosciute. Potrebbe anche avere un ciclo di vita limitato."@it1
"Úložiště pro anonymní přístup."@cs1
"Úložiště zdrojových kódů BitKeeper."@cs1
"Úložiště zdrojových kódů CVS."@cs1
"Úložiště zdrojových kódů GNU Arch."@cs1
"Úložiště zdrojových kódů Git."@cs1
"Úložiště zdrojových kódů Subversion."@cs1
"Čistě textový, 2 až 4 věty dlouhý popis projektu."@cs1
"ある分類表内のこの組織に対する分類を示します。 アプリケーションがorg:Organizationのサブクラスを組織的なカテゴリーを表わす手段として定義することも許容されることに注意してください。"@ja1
"このプロジェクトの必要なプラットフォーム(OSに関係ない)。例えば:Java、Firefox、ECMA CLRとか。"@ja1
"ソースコードのGNU Archのリポジトリ"@ja1
"例えば、内部配送目的のメール・ストップ(Mail Stop)などの、組織内の人の位置記述を提供します。"@ja1