:- module(conf_debug, [ tmon/0 ]). :- use_module(library(debug)). /** Set options for development This module make ClioPatria more suitable for development. In particular, it implements the following methods: * Load library(http/http_error), which causes uncaught Prolog exceptions to produce an HTML page holding a stack-trace. * Load library(semweb/rdf_portray), which prints RDF resources in a more compact way. * Load library(semweb/rdf_db) into the module =user=. This allows usage of rdf/3, rdf_load/1, etc. from the toplevel without specifying the module. * Use debug/1 on the _topic_ http(request), which causes the toplevel to print basic information on the HTTP requests processed. Using copy/paste of the HTTP path, one can assemble a command that edits the implementation of a page. == ?- edit('/http/path/to/handler'). == * Define tmon/0 that brings up a graphical tool showing thread activity. @see http://www.swi-prolog.org/howto/http/Developing.html */ :- use_module(library(http/http_error)). % Print stack on error :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_portray)). % Print e.g., rdf:type :- use_module(user:library(semweb/rdf_db)). % Allow ?- rdf(S,P,O). in toplevel :- debug_message_context(+time). % Add time to debug message % Enable to see HTTP requests % :- debug(http(request)). % Print request and reply %% prepare_editor % % Start XPCE as edit requests comming from the document server can % only be handled if XPCE is running. prepare_editor :- current_prolog_flag(editor, pce_emacs), !, start_emacs. prepare_editor. :- prepare_editor. %% tmon % % Show the graphical thread-monitor. Can be useful to examine and % debug active goals. tmon :- call(prolog_ide(thread_monitor)).