:- module(conf_network, []). :- use_module(library(settings)). /** Configure the HTTP server Change the default port on which the HTTP server listens. If host-detection does not work or this server is behind a proxy, you may also need the public_host/public_port settings. The =prefix= setting rebases all paths on the server to the indicated path. Note that the prefix has *no* trailing /. E.g. a setting =|/demo|= changes the root of the server to =|/demo/|=. Rebasing a server is only possible if internal path dependencies use the HTTP path mechanism to find paths for internal services. The setting =workers= sets the number of HTTP worker threads. See the link below for more info. @see localhost.pl @see http_location_by_id/2 and http_link_to_id/3 for finding the locations of internal services. @see http://www.swi-prolog.org/howto/http/HTTPScale.html for more info on server scalability. */ % :- set_setting_default(http:port, 8080). % :- set_setting_default(http:public_host, 'www.example.org'). % :- set_setting_default(http:public_port, 80). % :- set_setting_default(http:prefix, '/demo'). % :- set_setting_default(http:workers, 16). % Allow CORS enabled access by default. Needed for JavaScript % applications loaded from other sites to access the SPARQL endpoint % other JSON or XML APIs of ClioPatria. One of the features that needs % it is YASGUI for accessing the server on http://localhost :- set_setting_default(http:cors, [*]).