/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 1985-2012, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(check, [ check/0, % run all checks list_undefined/0, % list undefined predicates list_undefined/1, % +Options list_autoload/0, % list predicates that need autoloading list_redefined/0, % list redefinitions list_void_declarations/0, % list declarations with no clauses list_trivial_fails/0, % list goals that trivially fail list_trivial_fails/1, % +Options list_strings/0, % list string objects in clauses list_strings/1 % +Options ]). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(pairs)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(prolog_codewalk)). :- use_module(library(occurs)). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- multifile trivial_fail_goal/1, string_predicate/1, valid_string_goal/1, checker/2. :- dynamic checker/2. /** Consistency checking This library provides some consistency checks for the loaded Prolog program. The predicate make/0 runs list_undefined/0 to find undefined predicates in `user' modules. @see gxref/0 provides a graphical cross referencer @see PceEmacs performs real time consistency checks while you edit @see library(prolog_xref) implements `offline' cross-referencing @see library(prolog_codewalk) implements `online' analysis */ :- predicate_options(list_undefined/1, 1, [ module_class(list(oneof([user,library]))) ]). %! check is det. % % Run all consistency checks defined by checker/2. Checks enabled by % default are: % % * list_undefined/0 reports undefined predicates % * list_trivial_fails/0 reports calls for which there is no % matching clause. % * list_redefined/0 reports predicates that have a local % definition and a global definition. Note that these are % *not* errors. % * list_autoload/0 lists predicates that will be defined at % runtime using the autoloader. check :- checker(Checker, Message), print_message(informational,check(pass(Message))), catch(Checker,E,print_message(error,E)), fail. check. %! list_undefined is det. %! list_undefined(+Options) is det. % % Report undefined predicates. This predicate finds undefined % predciates by decompiling and analyzing the body of all clauses. % Options: % % * module_class(+Classes) % Process modules of the given Classes. The default for % classes is =|[user]|=. For example, to include the % libraries into the examination, use =|[user,library]|=. % % @see gxref/0 provides a graphical cross-referencer. % @see make/0 calls list_undefined/0 :- thread_local undef/2. list_undefined :- list_undefined([]). list_undefined(Options) :- merge_options(Options, [ module_class([user]) ], WalkOptions), prolog_walk_code([ undefined(trace), on_trace(found_undef) | WalkOptions ]), findall(PI-From, retract(undef(PI, From)), Pairs), ( Pairs == [] -> true ; print_message(warning, check(undefined_predicates)), keysort(Pairs, Sorted), group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, Grouped), maplist(report_undefined, Grouped) ). :- public found_undef/3. found_undef(To, _Caller, From) :- goal_pi(To, PI), ( undef(PI, From) -> true ; compiled(PI) -> true ; assertz(undef(PI,From)) ). compiled(system:'$call_cleanup'/0). % compiled to VM instructions compiled(system:'$catch'/0). compiled(system:'$cut'/0). goal_pi(M:Head, M:Name/Arity) :- functor(Head, Name, Arity). report_undefined(PI-FromList) :- print_message(warning, check(undefined(PI, FromList))). %! list_autoload is det. % % Report predicates that may be auto-loaded. These are predicates % that are not defined, but will be loaded on demand if % referenced. % % @tbd This predicate uses an older mechanism for finding % undefined predicates. Should be synchronized with % list undefined. % @see autoload/0 list_autoload :- setup_call_cleanup( ( current_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), current_prolog_flag(autoload, OldAutoLoad), set_prolog_flag(access_level, system), set_prolog_flag(autoload, false) ), list_autoload_(OldLevel), ( set_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), set_prolog_flag(autoload, OldAutoLoad) )). list_autoload_(SystemMode) :- ( setof(Lib-Pred, autoload_predicate(Module, Lib, Pred, SystemMode), Pairs), print_message(informational, check(autoload(Module, Pairs))), fail ; true ). autoload_predicate(Module, Library, Name/Arity, SystemMode) :- predicate_property(Module:Head, undefined), check_module_enabled(Module, SystemMode), ( \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)), functor(Head, Name, Arity), '$find_library'(Module, Name, Arity, _LoadModule, Library), referenced(Module:Head, Module, _) -> true ). check_module_enabled(_, system) :- !. check_module_enabled(Module, _) :- \+ import_module(Module, system). %! referenced(+Predicate, ?Module, -ClauseRef) is nondet. % % True if clause ClauseRef references Predicate. referenced(Term, Module, Ref) :- Goal = Module:_Head, current_predicate(_, Goal), '$get_predicate_attribute'(Goal, system, 0), \+ '$get_predicate_attribute'(Goal, imported, _), nth_clause(Goal, _, Ref), '$xr_member'(Ref, Term). %! list_redefined % % Lists predicates that are defined in the global module =user= as % well as in a normal module; that is, predicates for which the % local definition overrules the global default definition. list_redefined :- setup_call_cleanup( ( current_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), set_prolog_flag(access_level, system) ), list_redefined_, set_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel)). list_redefined_ :- current_module(Module), Module \== system, current_predicate(_, Module:Head), \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)), ( global_module(Super), Super \== Module, '$c_current_predicate'(_, Super:Head), \+ redefined_ok(Head), '$syspreds':'$defined_predicate'(Super:Head), \+ predicate_property(Super:Head, (dynamic)), \+ predicate_property(Super:Head, imported_from(Module)), functor(Head, Name, Arity) -> print_message(informational, check(redefined(Module, Super, Name/Arity))) ), fail. list_redefined_. redefined_ok('$mode'(_,_)). redefined_ok('$pldoc'(_,_,_,_)). redefined_ok('$pred_option'(_,_,_,_)). global_module(user). global_module(system). %! list_void_declarations is det. % % List predicates that have declared attributes, but no clauses. list_void_declarations :- P = _:_, ( predicate_property(P, undefined), ( '$get_predicate_attribute'(P, meta_predicate, Pattern), print_message(warning, check(void_declaration(P, meta_predicate(Pattern)))) ; void_attribute(Attr), '$get_predicate_attribute'(P, Attr, 1), print_message(warning, check(void_declaration(P, Attr))) ), fail ; true ). void_attribute(public). void_attribute(volatile). %! list_trivial_fails is det. %! list_trivial_fails(+Options) is det. % % List goals that trivially fail because there is no matching % clause. Options: % % * module_class(+Classes) % Process modules of the given Classes. The default for % classes is =|[user]|=. For example, to include the % libraries into the examination, use =|[user,library]|=. :- thread_local trivial_fail/2. list_trivial_fails :- list_trivial_fails([]). list_trivial_fails(Options) :- merge_options(Options, [ module_class([user]), infer_meta_predicates(false), autoload(false), evaluate(false), trace_reference(_), on_trace(check_trivial_fail) ], WalkOptions), prolog_walk_code([ source(false) | WalkOptions ]), findall(CRef, retract(trivial_fail(clause(CRef), _)), Clauses), ( Clauses == [] -> true ; print_message(warning, check(trivial_failures)), prolog_walk_code([ clauses(Clauses) | WalkOptions ]), findall(Goal-From, retract(trivial_fail(From, Goal)), Pairs), keysort(Pairs, Sorted), group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, Grouped), maplist(report_trivial_fail, Grouped) ). %! trivial_fail_goal(:Goal) % % Multifile hook that tells list_trivial_fails/0 to accept Goal as % valid. trivial_fail_goal(pce_expansion:pce_class(_, _, template, _, _, _)). trivial_fail_goal(pce_host:property(system_source_prefix(_))). :- public check_trivial_fail/3. check_trivial_fail(MGoal0, _Caller, From) :- ( MGoal0 = M:Goal, atom(M), callable(Goal), predicate_property(MGoal0, interpreted), \+ predicate_property(MGoal0, dynamic), \+ predicate_property(MGoal0, multifile), \+ trivial_fail_goal(MGoal0) -> ( predicate_property(MGoal0, meta_predicate(Meta)) -> qualify_meta_goal(MGoal0, Meta, MGoal) ; MGoal = MGoal0 ), ( clause(MGoal, _) -> true ; assertz(trivial_fail(From, MGoal)) ) ; true ). report_trivial_fail(Goal-FromList) :- print_message(warning, check(trivial_failure(Goal, FromList))). %! qualify_meta_goal(+Module, +MetaSpec, +Goal, -QualifiedGoal) % % Qualify a goal if the goal calls a meta predicate qualify_meta_goal(M:Goal0, Meta, M:Goal) :- functor(Goal0, F, N), functor(Goal, F, N), qualify_meta_goal(1, M, Meta, Goal0, Goal). qualify_meta_goal(N, M, Meta, Goal0, Goal) :- arg(N, Meta, ArgM), !, arg(N, Goal0, Arg0), arg(N, Goal, Arg), N1 is N + 1, ( module_qualified(ArgM) -> add_module(Arg0, M, Arg) ; Arg = Arg0 ), meta_goal(N1, Meta, Goal0, Goal). meta_goal(_, _, _, _). add_module(Arg, M, M:Arg) :- var(Arg), !. add_module(M:Arg, _, MArg) :- !, add_module(Arg, M, MArg). add_module(Arg, M, M:Arg). module_qualified(N) :- integer(N), !. module_qualified(:). module_qualified(^). %! list_strings is det. %! list_strings(+Options) is det. % % List strings that appear in clauses. This predicate is used to % find portability issues for changing the Prolog flag % =double_quotes= from =codes= to =string=, creating packed string % objects. Warnings may be suppressed using the following % multifile hooks: % % - string_predicate/1 to stop checking certain predicates % - valid_string_goal/1 to tell the checker that a goal is % safe. % % @see Prolog flag =double_quotes=. list_strings :- list_strings([module_class([user])]). list_strings(Options) :- ( prolog_program_clause(ClauseRef, Options), clause(Head, Body, ClauseRef), \+ ( predicate_indicator(Head, PI), string_predicate(PI) ), make_clause(Head, Body, Clause), findall(T, ( sub_term(T, Head), string(T) ; Head = M:_, goal_in_body(Goal, M, Body), ( valid_string_goal(Goal) -> fail ; sub_term(T, Goal), string(T) ) ), Ts0), sort(Ts0, Ts), member(T, Ts), message_context(ClauseRef, T, Clause, Context), print_message(warning, check(string_in_clause(T, Context))), fail ; true ). make_clause(Head, true, Head) :- !. make_clause(Head, Body, (Head:-Body)). %! goal_in_body(-G, +M, +Body) is nondet. % % True when G is a goal called from Body. goal_in_body(M:G, M, G) :- var(G), !. goal_in_body(G, _, M:G0) :- atom(M), !, goal_in_body(G, M, G0). goal_in_body(G, M, Control) :- nonvar(Control), control(Control, Subs), !, member(Sub, Subs), goal_in_body(G, M, Sub). goal_in_body(G, M, G0) :- callable(G0), ( atom(M) -> TM = M ; TM = system ), predicate_property(TM:G0, meta_predicate(Spec)), !, ( strip_goals(G0, Spec, G1), simple_goal_in_body(G, M, G1) ; arg(I, Spec, Meta), arg(I, G0, G1), extend(Meta, G1, G2), goal_in_body(G, M, G2) ). goal_in_body(G, M, G0) :- simple_goal_in_body(G, M, G0). simple_goal_in_body(G, M, G0) :- ( atom(M), callable(G0), predicate_property(M:G0, imported_from(M2)) -> G = M2:G0 ; G = M:G0 ). control((A,B), [A,B]). control((A;B), [A,B]). control((A->B), [A,B]). control((A*->B), [A,B]). control((\+A), [A]). strip_goals(G0, Spec, G) :- functor(G0, Name, Arity), functor(G, Name, Arity), strip_goal_args(1, G0, Spec, G). strip_goal_args(I, G0, Spec, G) :- arg(I, G0, A0), !, arg(I, Spec, M), ( extend(M, A0, _) -> arg(I, G, '') ; arg(I, G, A0) ), I2 is I + 1, strip_goal_args(I2, G0, Spec, G). strip_goal_args(_, _, _, _). extend(I, G0, G) :- callable(G0), integer(I), I>0, !, length(L, I), extend_list(G0, L, G). extend(0, G, G). extend(^, G, G). extend_list(M:G0, L, M:G) :- !, callable(G0), extend_list(G0, L, G). extend_list(G0, L, G) :- G0 =.. List, append(List, L, All), G =.. All. message_context(ClauseRef, String, Clause, file_term_position(File, StringPos)) :- clause_info(ClauseRef, File, TermPos, _Vars), prolog_codewalk:subterm_pos(String, Clause, ==, TermPos, StringPos), !. message_context(ClauseRef, _String, _Clause, file(File, Line, -1, _)) :- clause_property(ClauseRef, file(File)), clause_property(ClauseRef, line_count(Line)), !. message_context(ClauseRef, _String, _Clause, clause(ClauseRef)). :- meta_predicate predicate_indicator(:, -). predicate_indicator(Module:Head, Module:Name/Arity) :- functor(Head, Name, Arity). predicate_indicator(Module:Head, Module:Name//DCGArity) :- functor(Head, Name, Arity), DCGArity is Arity-2. %! string_predicate(:PredicateIndicator) % % Multifile hook to disable list_strings/0 on the given predicate. % This is typically used for facts that store strings. string_predicate(_:'$pldoc'/4). string_predicate(pce_principal:send_implementation/3). string_predicate(pce_principal:pce_lazy_get_method/3). string_predicate(pce_principal:pce_lazy_send_method/3). string_predicate(pce_principal:pce_class/6). string_predicate(prolog_xref:pred_comment/4). string_predicate(prolog_xref:module_comment/3). string_predicate(pldoc_process:structured_comment//2). string_predicate(pldoc_process:structured_command_start/3). string_predicate(pldoc_process:separator_line//0). string_predicate(pldoc_register:mydoc/3). string_predicate(http_header:separators/1). %! valid_string_goal(+Goal) is semidet. % % Multifile hook that qualifies Goal as valid for list_strings/0. % For example, format("Hello world~n") is considered proper use of % string constants. % system predicates valid_string_goal(system:format(S)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(system:format(S,_)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(system:format(_,S,_)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(system:string_codes(S,_)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(system:string_code(_,S,_)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(system:throw(msg(S,_))) :- string(S). valid_string_goal('$dcg':phrase(S,_,_)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal('$dcg':phrase(S,_)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(system: is(_,_)). % arithmetic allows for "x" valid_string_goal(system: =:=(_,_)). valid_string_goal(system: >(_,_)). valid_string_goal(system: <(_,_)). valid_string_goal(system: >=(_,_)). valid_string_goal(system: =<(_,_)). % library stuff valid_string_goal(dcg_basics:string_without(S,_,_,_)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(git:read_url(S,_,_)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(tipc:tipc_subscribe(_,_,_,_,S)) :- string(S). valid_string_goal(charsio:format_to_chars(Format,_,_)) :- string(Format). valid_string_goal(charsio:format_to_chars(Format,_,_,_)) :- string(Format). valid_string_goal(codesio:format_to_codes(Format,_,_)) :- string(Format). valid_string_goal(codesio:format_to_codes(Format,_,_,_)) :- string(Format). /******************************* * EXTENSION HOOKS * *******************************/ %! checker(:Goal, +Message:text) % % Register code validation routines. Each clause defines a Goal % which performs a consistency check executed by check/0. Message % is a short description of the check. For example, assuming the % `my_checks` module defines a predicate list_format_mistakes/0: % % == % :- multifile check:checker/2. % check:checker(my_checks:list_format_mistakes, % "errors with format/2 arguments"). % == % % The predicate is dynamic, so you can disable checks with retract/1. % For example, to stop reporting redefined predicates: % % == % retract(check:checker(list_redefined,_)). % == checker(list_undefined, 'undefined predicates'). checker(list_trivial_fails, 'trivial failures'). checker(list_redefined, 'redefined system and global predicates'). checker(list_void_declarations, 'predicates with declarations but without clauses'). checker(list_autoload, 'predicates that need autoloading'). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message/3. prolog:message(check(pass(Comment))) --> [ 'Checking ~w ...'-[Comment] ]. prolog:message(check(find_references(Preds))) --> { length(Preds, N) }, [ 'Scanning for references to ~D possibly undefined predicates'-[N] ]. prolog:message(check(undefined_predicates)) --> [ 'The predicates below are not defined. If these are defined', nl, 'at runtime using assert/1, use :- dynamic Name/Arity.', nl, nl ]. prolog:message(check(undefined(Pred, Refs))) --> { map_list_to_pairs(sort_reference_key, Refs, Keyed), keysort(Keyed, KeySorted), pairs_values(KeySorted, SortedRefs) }, predicate(Pred), [ ', which is referenced by', nl ], referenced_by(SortedRefs). prolog:message(check(undefined_unreferenced_predicates)) --> [ 'The predicates below are not defined, and are not', nl, 'referenced.', nl, nl ]. prolog:message(check(undefined_unreferenced(Pred))) --> predicate(Pred). prolog:message(check(autoload(Module, Pairs))) --> { module_property(Module, file(Path)) }, !, [ 'Into module ~w ('-[Module] ], short_filename(Path), [ ')', nl ], autoload(Pairs). prolog:message(check(autoload(Module, Pairs))) --> [ 'Into module ~w'-[Module], nl ], autoload(Pairs). prolog:message(check(redefined(In, From, Pred))) --> predicate(In:Pred), redefined(In, From). prolog:message(check(trivial_failures)) --> [ 'The following goals fail because there are no matching clauses.' ]. prolog:message(check(trivial_failure(Goal, Refs))) --> { map_list_to_pairs(sort_reference_key, Refs, Keyed), keysort(Keyed, KeySorted), pairs_values(KeySorted, SortedRefs) }, goal(Goal), [ ', which is called from'-[], nl ], referenced_by(SortedRefs). prolog:message(check(string_in_clause(String, Context))) --> prolog:message_location(Context), [ 'String ~q'-[String] ]. prolog:message(check(void_declaration(P, Decl))) --> predicate(P), [ ' is declared as ~p, but has no clauses'-[Decl] ]. redefined(user, system) --> [ '~t~30| System predicate redefined globally' ]. redefined(_, system) --> [ '~t~30| Redefined system predicate' ]. redefined(_, user) --> [ '~t~30| Redefined global predicate' ]. goal(user:Goal) --> !, [ '~p'-[Goal] ]. goal(Goal) --> !, [ '~p'-[Goal] ]. predicate(Module:Name/Arity) --> { atom(Module), atom(Name), integer(Arity), functor(Head, Name, Arity), predicate_name(Module:Head, PName) }, !, [ '~w'-[PName] ]. predicate(Module:Head) --> { atom(Module), callable(Head), predicate_name(Module:Head, PName) }, !, [ '~w'-[PName] ]. predicate(Name/Arity) --> { atom(Name), integer(Arity) }, !, predicate(user:Name/Arity). autoload([]) --> []. autoload([Lib-Pred|T]) --> [ ' ' ], predicate(Pred), [ '~t~24| from ' ], short_filename(Lib), [ nl ], autoload(T). %! sort_reference_key(+Reference, -Key) is det. % % Create a stable key for sorting references to predicates. sort_reference_key(Term, key(M:Name/Arity, N, ClausePos)) :- clause_ref(Term, ClauseRef, ClausePos), !, nth_clause(Pred, N, ClauseRef), strip_module(Pred, M, Head), functor(Head, Name, Arity). sort_reference_key(Term, Term). clause_ref(clause_term_position(ClauseRef, TermPos), ClauseRef, ClausePos) :- arg(1, TermPos, ClausePos). clause_ref(clause(ClauseRef), ClauseRef, 0). referenced_by([]) --> []. referenced_by([Ref|T]) --> ['\t'], prolog:message_location(Ref), predicate_indicator(Ref), [ nl ], referenced_by(T). predicate_indicator(clause_term_position(ClauseRef, _)) --> { nonvar(ClauseRef) }, !, predicate_indicator(clause(ClauseRef)). predicate_indicator(clause(ClauseRef)) --> { clause_name(ClauseRef, Name) }, [ '~w'-[Name] ]. predicate_indicator(file_term_position(_,_)) --> [ '(initialization)' ]. predicate_indicator(file(_,_,_,_)) --> [ '(initialization)' ]. short_filename(Path) --> { short_filename(Path, Spec) }, [ '~q'-[Spec] ]. short_filename(Path, Spec) :- absolute_file_name('', Here), atom_concat(Here, Local0, Path), !, remove_leading_slash(Local0, Spec). short_filename(Path, Spec) :- findall(LenAlias, aliased_path(Path, LenAlias), Keyed), keysort(Keyed, [_-Spec|_]). short_filename(Path, Path). aliased_path(Path, Len-Spec) :- setof(Alias, Spec^(user:file_search_path(Alias, Spec)), Aliases), member(Alias, Aliases), Term =.. [Alias, '.'], absolute_file_name(Term, [ file_type(directory), file_errors(fail), solutions(all) ], Prefix), atom_concat(Prefix, Local0, Path), remove_leading_slash(Local0, Local), atom_length(Local, Len), Spec =.. [Alias, Local]. remove_leading_slash(Path, Local) :- atom_concat(/, Local, Path), !. remove_leading_slash(Path, Path).