/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2006-2015, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(pldoc_process, [ doc_comment/4, % ?Object, ?Pos, ?Summary, ?Comment doc_file_has_comments/1, % +File is_structured_comment/2, % +Comment, -Prefixes parse_comment/3, % +Comment, +FilePos, -Parsed process_comments/3, % +Comments, +StartTermPos, +File doc_file_name/3 % +Source, -Doc, +Options ]). :- dynamic user:file_search_path/2. :- multifile user:file_search_path/2. user:file_search_path(pldoc, library(pldoc)). :- load_files([ pldoc(doc_register), pldoc(doc_modes), pldoc(doc_wiki), library(debug), library(option), library(lists), library(apply), library(operators), library(prolog_source) ], [ silent(true), if(not_loaded) ]). /** Process source documentation The pldoc module processes structured comments in Prolog source files into well formatted HTML documents. @author Jan Wielemaker @license GPL */ :- predicate_options(doc_file_name/3, 3, [ format(oneof([html,tex])) ]). %! prolog:predicate_summary(+PI, -Summary) is semidet. % % Provide predicate summaries to the XPCE class % =prolog_predicate=, used by the IDE tools. :- multifile prolog:predicate_summary/2. % ?PI, -Summary %! is_structured_comment(+Comment:string, %! -Prefixes:list(codes)) is semidet. % % True if Comment is a structured comment that should use Prefixes % to extract the plain text using indented_lines/3. is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes) :- is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, _Style). is_structured_comment(_Pos-Comment, Prefixes, Style) :- !, is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, Style). is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, Style) :- is_list(Comment), !, ( phrase(structured_comment(Prefixes, Style), Comment, _) -> true ). is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, Style) :- atom_string(CommentA, Comment), structured_command_start(Start, Prefixes, Style), sub_atom(CommentA, 0, Len, _, Start), !, sub_atom(CommentA, Len, 1, _, Space), char_type(Space, space), ( Style == block -> true ; \+ blanks_to_nl(CommentA) ). structured_command_start('%%', ["%"], percent_percent). % Deprecated structured_command_start('%!', ["%"], percent_bang). % New style structured_command_start('/**', ["/**", " *"], block). % block blanks_to_nl(CommentA) :- sub_atom(CommentA, At, 1, _, Char), At >= 2, ( char_type(Char, end_of_line) -> ! ; ( char_type(Char, space) ; Char == '%' ) -> fail ; !, fail ). blanks_to_nl(_). %! structured_comment(-Prefixes:list(codes), -Style) is semidet. % % Grammar rule version of the above. Avoids the need for % conversion. structured_comment(["%"], percent_percent) --> "%%", space, \+ separator_line. structured_comment(["%"], percent_bang) --> "%!", space. structured_comment(Prefixes, block) --> "/**", space, { Prefixes = ["/**", " *"] }. space --> [H], { code_type(H, space) }. %! separator_line// is semidet. % % Matches a line like %% SWI or %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, etc. separator_line --> string(S), "\n", !, { maplist(blank_or_percent, S) ; contains(S, " SWI ") ; contains(S, " SICStus ") ; contains(S, " Mats ") }. string([]) --> []. string([H|T]) --> [H], string(T). blank_or_percent(0'%) :- !. blank_or_percent(C) :- code_type(C, space). contains(Haystack, Needle) :- string_codes(Needle, NeedleCodes), append(_, Start, Haystack), append(NeedleCodes, _, Start), !. %! doc_file_name(+Source:atom, -Doc:atom, +Options:list) is det. % % Doc is the name of the file for documenting Source. % % @param Source Prolog source to be documented % @param Doc the name of the file documenting Source. % @param Options Option list: % % * format(+Format) % Output format. One of =html= or =tex= % % @error permission_error(overwrite, Source) doc_file_name(Source, Doc, Options) :- option(format(Format), Options, html), file_name_extension(Base, _Ext, Source), file_name_extension(Base, Format, Doc), ( Source == Doc -> throw(error(permission_error(overwrite, Source), _)) ; true ). %! doc_file_has_comments(+Source:atom) is semidet. % % True if we have loaded comments from Source. doc_file_has_comments(Source) :- source_file_property(Source, module(M)), locally_defined(M:'$pldoc'/4), M:'$pldoc'(_, _, _, _). %! doc_comment(?Objects, -Pos, %! -Summary:string, -Comment:string) is nondet. % % True if Comment is the comment describing object. Comment is % returned as a string object containing the original from the % source-code. Object is one of % % * Name/Arity % Predicate indicator % % * Name//Arity % DCG rule indicator. Same as Name/Arity+2 % % * module(ModuleTitle) % Comment appearing in a module. % % If Object is unbound and multiple objects share the same % description, Object is unified with a list of terms described % above. % % @param Summary First sentence. Normalised spacing. % @param Comment Comment string from the source-code (untranslated) doc_comment(Object, Pos, Summary, Comment) :- var(Object), !, locally_defined(M:'$pldoc'/4), M:'$pldoc'(Obj, Pos, Summary, Comment), qualify(M, Obj, Object0), ( locally_defined(M:'$pldoc_link'/2), findall(L, M:'$pldoc_link'(L, Obj), Ls), Ls \== [] -> maplist(qualify(M), Ls, QLs), Object = [Object0|QLs] ; Object = Object0 ). doc_comment(M:Object, Pos, Summary, Comment) :- !, locally_defined(M:'$pldoc'/4), ( M:'$pldoc'(Object, Pos, Summary, Comment) ; locally_defined(M:'$pldoc_link'/2), M:'$pldoc_link'(Object, Obj2), M:'$pldoc'(Obj2, Pos, Summary, Comment) ). doc_comment(Name/Arity, Pos, Summary, Comment) :- system_module(M), doc_comment(M:Name/Arity, Pos, Summary, Comment). locally_defined(M:Name/Arity) :- current_module(M), current_predicate(M:Name/Arity), functor(Head, Name, Arity), \+ predicate_property(M:Head, imported_from(_)). qualify(M, H, H) :- system_module(M), !. qualify(M, H, H) :- sub_atom(M, 0, _, _, $), !. qualify(M, H, M:H). system_module(user). system_module(system). % Make the summary available to external tools on plugin basis. prolog:predicate_summary(PI, Summary) :- doc_comment(PI, _, Summary, _). /******************************* * CALL-BACK COLLECT * *******************************/ %! process_comments(+Comments:list, +TermPos, +File) is det. % % Processes comments returned by read_term/3 using the =comments= % option. It creates clauses of the form % % * '$mode'(Head, Det) % * '$pldoc'(Id, Pos, Summary, Comment) % * '$pldoc_link'(Id0, Id) % % where Id is one of % % * module(Title) % Generated from /** Title */ % * Name/Arity % Generated from Name(Arg, ...) % * Name//Arity % Generated from Name(Arg, ...)// % % @param Comments is a list Pos-Comment returned by read_term/3 % @param TermPos is the start-location of the actual term % @param File is the file that is being loaded. process_comments([], _, _). process_comments([Pos-Comment|T], TermPos, File) :- ( Pos @> TermPos % comments inside term -> true ; process_comment(Pos, Comment, File), process_comments(T, TermPos, File) ). process_comment(Pos, Comment, File) :- is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, Style), !, stream_position_data(line_count, Pos, Line), FilePos = File:Line, process_structured_comment(FilePos, Comment, Prefixes, Style). process_comment(_, _, _). %! parse_comment(+Comment, +FilePos, -Parsed) is semidet. % % True when Comment is a structured comment and Parsed is its % parsed representation. Parsed is a list of the following terms: % % * section(Id, Title, Comment) % Generated from /** Title Comment */ comments. % * predicate(PI, Summary, Comment) % Comment for predicate PI % * link(FromPI, ToPI) % Indicate that FromPI shares its comment with ToPI. The actual % comment is in ToPI. % * mode(Head, Determinism) % Mode declaration. Head is a term with Mode(Type) terms and % Determinism describes the associated determinism (=det=, % etc.). parse_comment(Comment, FilePos, Parsed) :- is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes), !, compile_comment(Comment, FilePos, Prefixes, Parsed). %! process_structured_comment(+FilePos, %! +Comment:string, %! +Prefixed:list, %! +Style) is det. % % Proccess a structured comment, adding the documentation facts to % the database. This predicate verifies that the comment has not % already been loaded. % % @tbd Note that as of version 7.3.12 clauses from a file being % reloaded are not wiped before the reloading and therefore we % cannot test the clause while reloading a file. Ultimately we % need a better test for this. process_structured_comment(FilePos, Comment, _, _) :- % already processed prolog_load_context(module, M), locally_defined(M:'$pldoc'/4), catch(M:'$pldoc'(_, FilePos, _, Comment), _, fail), ( FilePos = File:_, source_file_property(File, reloading) -> debug(pldoc(reload), 'Reloading ~q', [FilePos]), fail ; true ), !. process_structured_comment(FilePos, Comment, Prefixes, Style) :- catch(compile_comment(Comment, FilePos, Prefixes, Compiled), E, comment_warning(Style, E)), maplist(store_comment(FilePos), Compiled). process_structured_comment(FilePos, Comment, _Prefixes, Style) :- comment_style_warning_level(Style, Level), print_message(Level, pldoc(invalid_comment(FilePos, Comment))). comment_style_warning_level(percent_percent, silent) :- !. comment_style_warning_level(_, warning). %! comment_warning(+Style, +Error) is failure. % % Print a warning on structured comments that could not be % processed. Since the recommended magic sequence is now =|%!|=, % we remain silent about comments that start with =|%%|=. comment_warning(Style, E) :- comment_style_warning_level(Style, Level), print_message(Level, E), fail. %! compile_comment(+Comment, +FilePos, +Prefixes, -Compiled) is semidet. % % Compile structured Comment into a list of terms that describe % the comment. % % @see parse_comment/3 for the terms in Compiled. compile_comment(Comment, FilePos, Prefixes, Compiled) :- string_codes(Comment, CommentCodes), indented_lines(CommentCodes, Prefixes, Lines), ( section_comment_header(Lines, Header, _RestLines) -> Header = \section(Type, Title), Id =.. [Type,Title], Compiled = [section(Id, Title, Comment)] ; prolog_load_context(module, Module), process_modes(Lines, Module, FilePos, Modes, _, RestLines) -> maplist(compile_mode, Modes, ModeDecls), modes_to_predicate_indicators(Modes, AllPIs), decl_module(AllPIs, M, [PI0|PIs]), maplist(link_term(M:PI0), PIs, Links), summary_from_lines(RestLines, Codes), string_codes(Summary, Codes), append([ ModeDecls, [ predicate(M:PI0, Summary, Comment) ], Links ], Compiled) ), !. store_comment(Pos, section(Id, Title, Comment)) :- !, compile_clause('$pldoc'(Id, Pos, Title, Comment), Pos). store_comment(Pos, predicate(M:PI, Summary, Comment)) :- !, compile_clause(M:'$pldoc'(PI, Pos, Summary, Comment), Pos). store_comment(Pos, link(PI, M:PI0)) :- !, compile_clause(M:'$pldoc_link'(PI, PI0), Pos). store_comment(Pos, mode(Head, Det)) :- !, compile_clause('$mode'(Head, Det), Pos). store_comment(_, Term) :- type_error(pldoc_term, Term). link_term(To, From, link(From,To)). decl_module([], M, []) :- ( var(M) -> prolog_load_context(module, M) ; true ). decl_module([H0|T0], M, [H|T]) :- ( H0 = M1:H -> M = M1 ; H = H0 ), decl_module(T0, M, T). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(pldoc(invalid_comment(File:Line, Comment))) --> [ '~w:~d: PlDoc: failed to process structured comment:~n~s~n'- [File, Line, Comment] ].