Application settings

Directory to cache fetched remote URLscache/url
File holding account informationusers.db
Set to true to allow users to self registerfalse
Default entailment rules appliedrdfs
Optimise queries before executiontrue
Allow registered namespaces in queriestrue
Directory for persistent copy of in-memory RDFRDF-store
Build the fulltext token index while loadingtrue
Build the fulltext stem index while loadingfalse
File served for /.well-known/void
Graph holding void data
Max number of concurrent requests in ClioPatria pool50
Stack limit in MB for ClioPatria pool1024
Directory where packages are downloadedcpack
Address of the fallback server
Technique to include RDF graphs in a pagesvg
Name the outside world can use to contact me
Port on the public server9080
Default URL scheme to usehttp
Prefix for all locations of this server
Time limit handling a single query (0=infinite)300
When to use Transfer-Encoding: Chunkedon_request
Port the http server listens to or interface:port3030
Number of server threads5
Additional options to pass to the HTTP server
Session timeout. If 0, session never times out3600
Url of the server itselfhttp://localhost:3030
List of files that provide a directory index
Enable CORS for the listed domains. Use [*] for all domains
Make backtrace visible to the clienttrue
Version of jquery served by the html resource "jquery"2.1.3.min
Indentation used goals in the body8
Distance between tab-stops. 0 uses only spaces8
Place cuts (!) on the same linetrue
Width of a line. 0 is infinite78
Maximum number of pengines this application can run.100
Maximum stack sizes for pengines this application can run.
Maximum number of local slave pengines a master pengine can create.301
Maximum time to wait for output300
Pengine auto-destroys when idle for this time300
Maximum time to try proving safity of the goal10
Maximum memory used by predicates100000000
IP addresses from which remotes are allowed to connect
IP addresses from which remotes are NOT allowed to connect
Keep information to support source-level debuggingfalse
Maximum number of pengines this application can run.100
Maximum stack sizes for pengines this application can run.
Maximum number of slave pengines a master pengine can create.301
Maximum time to wait for output300
Pengine auto-destroys when idle for this time300
Maximum time to try proving safity of the goal10
Maximum memory used by predicates100000000
IP addresses from which remotes are allowed to connect
IP addresses from which remotes are NOT allowed to connect
Keep information to support source-level debuggingfalse
Additional options for stringifying Prolog results
Server to exchange pack information
Maximum number of concurrent requests100
Size of the global stack in mega-bytes1000
Default entailment used for SPARQL queriesrdf

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