Instances of class owl:Ontology sorted by label

?:Agents Ontology19
cll:Celulla Ontology1
?:Citation Oriented Bibliographic Vocabulary9
?:Core organization ontology1
?:Corporate Bodies Ontology28
?:Database of Pollutions on Olkhon Island5
?:Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary13
?:DoCO, the Document Components Ontology13
fabio:FaBiO, the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology1
foaf:Friend of a Friend (FOAF) vocabulary3
?:GND Ontology1
?:Legal Persons Ontology28
?:MVC UI ontology1
?:Ontology for Certificates and crypto stuff.1
?:Ontology for vCard1
oa:Open Annotation Data Model12
?:RDF Book Vocabulary 0.18
?:Representing Content in RDF7
sioca:SIOC Access Ontology Module6
sioc:SIOC Core Ontology Namespace1
siocs:SIOC Services Ontology Module Namespace6
sioct:SIOC Types Ontology Module Namespace6
?:SKOS Vocabulary9
?:Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO)20
?:Solid terms1
teach:Teaching Core Vocabulary namespace2
?:The Bibliographic Ontology6
?:The Collections Ontology (CO)11
?:The Discourse Elements Ontology (DEO)9
?:The Event ontology1
?:The OPMW ontology16
?:The OWL 2 Schema vocabulary (OWL 2)1
?:The Pattern Ontology Describing documents by means of their structural components12
rdf:The RDF Concepts Vocabulary (RDF)1
rdfs:The RDF Schema vocabulary (RDFS)2
?:Vocabulary for multi-dimensional (e.g. statistical) data publishing1
?:W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)1