Instances of class owl:FunctionalProperty in graph fabio sorted by label

dcterms:Date Copyrighted6
dcterms:Date Created6
fabio:date last updated6
?:has DOI8
?:has ISBN7
?:has ISSN8
fabio:has National Library of Medicine journal identifier8
fabio:has PubMed Central identifier8
fabio:has PubMed identifier8
fabio:has SICI9
fabio:has character count7
fabio:has copyright year7
fabio:has decison date6
?:has eISSN8
fabio:has embargo date6
?:has ending page6
?:has issue identifier5
fabio:has page count7
?:has page range6
?:has publication date8
fabio:has publication year6
fabio:has retraction date6
?:has starting page6
fabio:has volume count7
?:has volume identifier5
?:has word count7
fabio:uses calendar5