Instances in graph opmw sorted by label

?:Data Variable4
?:Parameter Variable4
?:The OPMW ontology16
?:Workflow Execution Account5
?:Workflow Execution Artifact5
?:Workflow Execution Process5
?:Workflow Template6
?:Workflow Template Artifact5
?:Workflow Template Process5
?:corresponds to Template8
?:corresponds to Template Artifact7
?:corresponds to Template Process7
?:created in Workflow System6
?:executed in Workflow System6
?:has Dimensionality6
?:has Documentation5
?:has Executable Component8
?:has Execution Diagram6
?:has File Name6
?:has Location5
?:has Native System Template6
?:has Original Log File6
?:has Size6
?:has Status6
?:has Template Diagram5
?:has Value6
?:is Concrete5
?:is Generated By6
?:is Parameter of Template6
?:is Step of Template6
?:is Variable of Template6
?:overall End Time6
?:overall Start Time6
?:version Number5