Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:label in graph dcon sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"is Required"2
"Absolute Altitude Value"1
"Active Application"1
"Active File"1
"Altitude Value"1
"Average Direction"1
"Average Speed"1
"Brightness Level Value"1
"Calories Expended"1
"Cloud Cover Value"1
"Current Absolute Altitude"1
"Current Activity"1
"Current Altitude"1
"Current Availability"1
"Current Brightness"1
"Current Event"1
"Current Mode"1
"Current Noise"1
"Current Place"1
"Current Task"1
"Current Temperature"1
"Current Time"1
"Current Weather"1
"Date and Time Value"1
"Day of the Month"1
"Day of the Week"1
"Direction Value"1
"Distance Covered"1
"Distance Value"1
"Fog Factor Value"1
"Forecast Weather"1
"GPS Latitude"1
"GPS Longitude"1
"Has Context Element"1
"Hours and Minutes elapsed"1
"Humidity Value"1
"Item Weight"1
"Last Active"1
"Last Movement Registered"1
"Music Detected"1
"Nearby Event"1
"Nearby Group"1
"Nearby Person"1
"Nearby Place"1
"Negative Instance"1
"Network Speed Value"1
"Noise Level Value"1
"Positive Instance"1
"Precipitation Value"1
"Recorded At"1
"Recorded By"1
"Signal value"1
"Snowfall Degree Value"1
"Speed Value"1
"Storm Degree Value"1
"Temperature Value"1
"UV Index Value"1
"Upcoming Event"1
"Upcoming Task"1
"Validity Period"1
"Voices Detected"1
"Wind Scale Value"1
"has Context Attribute"1
"has Live Context"1
"has Observation"1
"has Situation"1
"in Edit mode"1
"is Writeable"1
"is in the Foreground"1