Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:comment in graph event sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
" An arbitrary classification of a space/time region, by a cognitive agent. An event may have actively participating agents, passive factors, products, and a location in space/time. "1
" Everything produced by an event "1
" Everything used as a factor in an event "1
" Relates an event to a factor which can be described as a literal. This property should not be used as-is, but should be subsumed by other, more specific, properties (like an hypothetic :weatherCelsius, linking an event to a temperature). "1
" Relates an event to a passive factor (a tool, an instrument, an abstract cause...) "1
" Relates an event to a spatial object. "1
" Relates an event to a time object, classifying a time region (either instantaneous or having an extent). By using the Timeline ontology here, you can define event happening on a recorded track or on any media with a temporal extent. "1
" Relates an event to an active agent (a person, a computer, ... :-) ) "1
" Relates an event to something produced during the event---a sound, a pie, whatever... "1
" This property provides a way to split a complex event (for example, a performance involving several musicians) into simpler ones (one event per musician). "1