Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:label in graph foaf sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"Given name"2
"AIM chat ID"1
"DNA checksum"1
"ICQ chat ID"1
"Label Property"1
"MSN chat ID"1
"Online Account"1
"Online Chat Account"1
"Online E-commerce Account"1
"Online Gaming Account"1
"Skype ID"1
"Spatial Thing"1
"Yahoo chat ID"1
"account name"1
"account service homepage"1
"based near"1
"current project"1
"funded by"1
"is primary topic of"1
"jabber ID"1
"past project"1
"personal mailbox"1
"primary topic"1
"sha1sum (hex)"1
"sha1sum of a personal mailbox URI name"1
"work info homepage"1
"workplace homepage"1