Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:comment in graph nao sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
" Annotation for a resource in the form of a numeric rating (float value), allowed values are between 1 and 10 whereas 0 is interpreted as not set"1
"A direct trust value assigned to an agent, either manually by a user or semi-/automatically by a system. Allowed values range from 0 (no trust) to 1 (very high trust)."1
"A generalised trust level assigned to an agent, based on a combination of direct and network trust values it possesses. Allowed values range from 0 (no trust) to 1 (very high trust)."1
"A marker property to mark selected properties which are input to a mathematical algorithm to generate scores for resources. Properties are marked by being defined as subproperties of this property"1
"A network-derived trust value assigned to an agent, based on the shared direct trust values for the same agent, as set by participating agents in a network. Allowed values range from 0 (no trust) to 1 (very high trust)."1
"A non-technical textual annotation for a resource"1
"A preferred label for a resource"1
"A privacy level as defined for a resource. Allowed values range from 0 (private) to 1 (public)."1
"A unique preferred symbol representation for a resource"1
"An agent is the artificial counterpart to nao:Party. It can be a software component or some service."1
"An alternative label alongside the preferred label for a resource"1
"An alternative symbol representation for a resource"1
"An authoritative score for an item valued between 0 and 1"1
"An external identifier for a resource that has been retreived from an external source."1
"Annotation for a resource in the form of a visual representation. Typically the symbol is a double-typed image file or a nao:FreeDesktopIcon."1
"Annotation for a resource in the form of an unrestricted rating"1
"Defines a generic identifier for a resource"1
"Defines a name for a FreeDesktop Icon as defined in the FreeDesktop Icon Naming Standard"1
"Defines a personal string identifier for a resource"1
"Defines a relationship between a resource and one or more sub resources. Descriptions of sub-resources are only interpretable when the super-resource exists. Deleting a super-resource should then also delete all sub-resources, and transferring a super-resource (for example, sending it to another user) must also include the sub-resource."1
"Defines a relationship between a resource and one or more super resources"1
"Defines a relationship between two resources, where the object is a topic of the subject"1
"Defines a relationship between two resources, where the subject is a topic of the object"1
"Defines an annotation for a resource in the form of a relationship between the subject resource and another resource"1
"Defines an existing tag for a resource"1
"Defines the default static namespace abbreviation for a graph"1
"Defines the default static namespace for a graph"1
"Generic annotation for a resource"1
"If this property is assigned, the subject class, property, or resource, is deprecated and should not be used in production systems any longer. It may be removed without further notice."1
"Links a named graph to the resource for which it contains metadata. Its typical usage would be to link the graph containing extracted file metadata to the file resource. This allows for easy maintenance later on. Inverse property of nao:hasDataGraph."1
"Links a resource to the graph which contains its metadata. Its typical usage would be to link the file resource to the graph containing its extracted file metadata. This allows for easy maintenance later on. Inverse property of nao:isDataGraphFor."1
"Mark a property, class, or even resource as user visible or not. Non-user-visible entities should never be presented to the user. By default everything is user-visible."1
"Refers to a single or a group of individuals that contributed to a resource"1
"Refers to the single or group of individuals that created the resource"1
"Represents a desktop icon as defined in the FreeDesktop Icon Naming Standard (http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html)."1
"Represents a generic tag"1
"Represents a single or a group of individuals"1
"Represents a symbol, a visual representation of a resource. Typically a local or remote file would be double-typed to be used as a symbol. An alternative is nao:FreeDesktopIcon."1
"Signifies social endorsment by an agent, by way of marking the resource as a favourite."1
"Signifies social endorsment of a resource by a specific agent. Endorsement includes social actions like favouriting, liking, voting for, starring a resource."1
"Specifies the engineering tool used to generate the graph"1
"Specifies the status of a graph, stable, unstable or testing"1
"Specifies the version of a graph, in numeric format"1
"States the creation, or first modification time for a resource"1
"States the last modification time for a resource"1
"States the modification time for a resource"1
"States the serialization language for a named graph that is represented within a document"1
"States which resources a tag is associated with"1
"The agent that maintains this resource, ie. created it and knows what to do with it."1
"The plural form of the preferred label for a resource"1