Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:label in graph pimo sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"Blog Post"1
"Group of Persons"1
"Logical Media Type"1
"Personal Information Model"1
"Process Concept"1
"Role of Person"1
"Social Event"1
"association effectual during"1
"association member"1
"attending meeting"1
"attends event"1
"broader topic"1
"class role"1
"contains location"1
"created Pimo"1
"datatype property"1
"end date"1
"global namespace"1
"grounding for deleted thing"1
"grounding occurrence"1
"has deprecated representation"1
"has folder"1
"has group member"1
"has interest"1
"has location"1
"has other conceptualization"1
"has other representation"1
"has part"1
"has tag"1
"is defined by"1
"is interest Of"1
"is location of"1
"is member of organization"1
"is related"1
"is tag for"1
"is writeable"1
"jabber ID of the user"1
"local namespace"1
"located within"1
"member of group"1
"object property"1
"organization has member"1
"part of"1
"referencing occurrence"1
"represented by other slot"1
"role context"1
"role holder"1
"root topic"1
"start date"1
"sub topic"1
"tag label"1
"task due time"1
"wiki text"1