Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:comment in graph solid sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"A Solid account."@en1
"A index of type registries for resources. Applications can register the RDF type they use and list them in the index resource."@en1
"A notification resource."@en1
"A resource containing notifications."@en1
"A resource containing time ordered items and sub-containers. Sub-containers may be desirable in file based systems to split the timeline into logical components e.g. /yyyy-mm-dd/ as used in ISO 8061."@en1
"A solid account belonging to an Agent."@en1
"Inbox resource for notifications."@en1
"Indicates if a message has been read or not. This property should have a boolean datatype."@en1
"Notification resource for an inbox."@en1
"Points to a TypeIndex resource."@en1
"Timeline for a given resource."@en1