Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:comment in graph v sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"This class is deprecated"@en14
"This object property has been mapped"@en10
"This data property has been deprecated"@en5
"This data property has been deprecated. See hasGeo"@en2
"To specify the components of the name of the object"@en2
"A note associated with the object"@en1
"Also called mobile telephone"@en1
"Also called sms telephone"@en1
"An object representing a named geographical place"@en1
"An object representing a single person or entity"@en1
"An object representing an organization. An organization is a single entity, and might represent a business or government, a department or division within a business or government, a club, an association, or the like. "@en1
"Object representing a group of persons or entities. A group object will usually contain hasMember properties to specify the members of the group."@en1
"Ontology for vCard based on RFC6350"@en1
"The additional name associated with the object"@en1
"The category information about the object, also known as tags"@en1
"The country name associated with the address of the object"@en1
"The date of marriage, or equivalent, of the object"@en1
"The family name associated with the object"@en1
"The formatted text corresponding to the name of the object"@en1
"The given name associated with the object"@en1
"The honorific prefix of the name associated with the object"@en1
"The honorific suffix of the name associated with the object"@en1
"The locality (e.g. city or town) associated with the address of the object"@en1
"The nick name associated with the object"@en1
"The parent class for all objects"@en1
"The postal code associated with the address of the object"@en1
"The region (e.g. state or province) associated with the address of the object"@en1
"The street address associated with the address of the object"@en1
"The vCard class is equivalent to the new Kind class, which is the parent for the four explicit types of vCards (Individual, Organization, Location, Group)"@en1
"This class is deprecated. Use the hasTelephone object property."@en1
"This implies that the property is related to an individual's personal life"@en1
"This implies that the property is related to an individual's work place"@en1
"This object property has been deprecated"@en1
"This object property has been mapped. Use the organization-name data property."@en1
"To identify the source of directory information of the object"@en1
"To include a member in the group this object represents. (This property can only be used by Group individuals)"@en1
"To indicate time zone information that is specific to the object. May also be used as a property parameter."@en1
"To specify the sex or gender identity of the object. URIs are recommended to enable interoperable sex and gender codes to be used."@en1
"To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the object"@en1
"To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object "@en1
"To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object"@en1
"To specify a relationship between another entity and the entity represented by this object"@en1
"To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object"@en1
"To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the object"@en1
"To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the object"@en1
"To specify information related to the global positioning of the object. May also be used as a property parameter."@en1
"To specify revision information about the object"@en1
"To specify the birth date of the object"@en1
"To specify the busy time associated with the object. (Was called FBURL in RFC6350)"@en1
"To specify the calendar associated with the object. (Was called CALURI in RFC6350)"@en1
"To specify the calendar user address to which a scheduling request be sent for the object. (Was called CALADRURI in RFC6350)"@en1
"To specify the components of the delivery address for the object"@en1
"To specify the components of the delivery address for the object"@en1
"To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object"@en1
"To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents. Use the hasEmail object property."@en1
"To specify the function or part played in a particular situation by the object"@en1
"To specify the identifier for the product that created the object"@en1
"To specify the instant messaging and presence protocol communications with the object. (Was called IMPP in RFC6350)"@en1
"To specify the language that may be used for contacting the object. May also be used as a property parameter."@en1
"To specify the organizational name associated with the object"@en1
"To specify the organizational unit name associated with the object"@en1
"To specify the position or job of the object"@en1
"To specify the string to be used for national-language-specific sorting. Used as a property parameter only."@en1
"To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object"@en1
"Used for gender codes. The URI of the gender code must be used as the value for Gender."@en1
"Used for relation type codes. The URI of the relation type code must be used as the value for the Relation Type."@en1
"Used for telephone type codes. The URI of the telephone type code must be used as the value for the Telephone Type."@en1
"Used for type codes. The URI of the type code must be used as the value for Type."@en1
"Used to indicate the literal value of a data property that requires property parameters"@en1
"Used to indicate the resource value of an object property that requires property parameters"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the additional name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the category data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the country name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the family name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the formatted name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the given name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the honorific prefix data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the honorific suffix data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the language data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the locality data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the nickname data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the note data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the organization name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the organization unit name data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the postal code data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the region data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the role data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the street address data property"@en1
"Used to support property parameters for the title data property"@en1