Distinct objects for predicate owl:versionInfo sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"$Date: 2009/11/15 10:54:12 $"1
"$Id: ical.rdf,v 1.14 2004/04/07 18:45:16 connolly Exp $"1
"$Id: swrl.rdf,v 1.1 2004/05/21 18:46:39 vivien Exp $"1
"1.1 added rdfs:isDefinedBy for all named entities"^^xsd:string1
"Created by Aldo Gangemi and Valentina Presutti"^^xsd:string1
"Initially automatically generated."^^xsd:string1
"Recommendation version 2013-04-30"@en1
"Renamed to sioc:links_to."1
"Revision: 1.01"1
"Revision: 1.35"1
"This class is deprecated. Use sioc:UserAccount from the SIOC ontology instead."1
"This property has been renamed. Use sioc:has_usergroup instead."1
"This property has been renamed. Use sioc:usergroup_of instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use content:encoded from the RSS 1.0 content module instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use dcterms:created from the Dublin Core ontology instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use dcterms:hasPart from the Dublin Core ontology instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use dcterms:isPartOf from the Dublin Core ontology instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use dcterms:modified from the Dublin Core ontology instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use dcterms:subject from the Dublin Core ontology for text keywords and sioc:topic if the subject can be represented by a URI instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use dcterms:title from the Dublin Core ontology instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use foaf:name or foaf:firstName from the FOAF vocabulary instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use foaf:name or foaf:surname from the FOAF vocabulary instead."1
"This property is deprecated. Use sioc:content or other methods (AtomOwl, content:encoded from RSS 1.0, etc.) instead."1
"Working Draft 29 April 2011"@en1
"subject to change with notice to www-rdf-calendar@w3.org"1