Distinct objects for predicate scos:editorialNote sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"In a monarchy or principality, the monarch typically vests the power to create such bodies, in an entity called (for example) the Privy Council."^^xsd:string2
" It turns out that this relation is unintuitive to write out and to name. One should instead use cert:key "@en1
"<span xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><p> This relation should slowly be transited to just being a datatype.</p> <p>Being a datatype and a property is legal as explained here <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2010Mar/0037.html">on the semantic web mailing list in March 2010</a>. But it may be somewhat confusing, especially if it goes against a pattern - still to be set - by the xsd datatypes as the follow up email makes clear. </p></span> "@en1
"An LLP (in the UK) is an example of this, and is also a partnership. There, the LLP Document is the legal document which effectively constitutes the Partnership."^^xsd:string1
"BIBO assert that a dcterms:Agent is an equivalent class to foaf:Agent. This means that all the individuals belonging to the foaf:Agent class also belongs to the dcterms:Agent class. This way, dcterms:contributor can be used on foaf:Person, foaf:Organization, foaf:Agent and foaf:Group. Even if this link is not done in neither the FOAF nor the DCTERMS ontologies this is a wide spread fact that is asserted by BIBO."@en1
"It is the laws of this jurisdiction that cause and allow the legal entity to exist and to incur debt and be sued at law as a legal entity."^^xsd:string1
"The profit motive is not the prime objective of the organization."^^xsd:string1
"This may be the issuance of shares, the existence of some agreement, guaranties and so on."^^xsd:string1
"We are not defining, using an enumeration, the range of the bibo:degree to the defined list of bibo:ThesisDegree. We won't do it because we want people to be able to define new degress if needed by some special usecases. Creating such an enumeration would restrict this to happen."@en1
"We are not defining, using an enumeration, the range of the bibo:status to the defined list of bibo:DocumentStatus. We won't do it because we want people to be able to define new status if needed by some special usecases. Creating such an enumeration would restrict this to happen."@en1