Local view for "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/Manifestation"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"A subclass of FRBR manifestation, restricted to manifestations of fabio:Expressions. fabio:Manifestation specifically applies to electronic (digital) as well as to physical manifestations of expressions. Examples of different manifestations of a single 'version of record' expression of a scholarly work include an article in a print journal or the on-line version of that article as a web page."@en
"A fabio:Manifestation can only have part or be part of another fabio:Manifestation. Moreover, it can be an embodiment only of a fabio:Expression and it can be exemplified only by fabio:Item(s)."@en

All properties reside in the graph fabio

The resource appears as object in 7 triples

Context graph

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