Local view for "http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2008/05/20/tmo#TaskTransmission"

PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"On the SSD, tasks are not restricted to one person and may cross from the PTM of one person to the PTM of another. With transmission, we refer to the process of sending a task from one person (sender) to one or more other persons (receiver(s)) (see Section Task Transmission). Task delegation and task transfer are two special kinds of task transmission which are described at the end of this section. In addition, the collaborative task is realized by task transmission. For the process of sending a task, some information is required. This information is also modelled in the task ontology. This information is still useful after the process of sending a task was completed. Task Delegation is a process where the sender of the task restricts the access rights of the receiver. This includes the right to distribute further this task and additionally the obligation to give feedback to the sender. The person that receives a task by delegation usually has not the full control about the task. The attributes described in the following section have the purpose to enable such "access rights". The receiver will also probably have obligations regarding what to report to whom at which time. In contrast, the simplest case is that all rights are granted to the receiver and there is no feedback desired by the sender. What to do with the task may be apparent by the organization context, or it may be left to the receiver. This is like sending an email but with the advantage that the information is transferred in the "task space" of the participating persons."

All properties reside in the graph tmo

The resource appears as object in 8 triples

Context graph

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