Table for the 12 triples for predicate rdfs:comment in graph biblio

?:court reporter"A kind of periodical that publishes legal rulings."@en
?:journal"An academic journal."@en
?:legislation"Documents issued by legislative bodies."@en
?:letter"A kind of written communication."@en
?:manuscript"An unpublished document."@en
?:map"A cartographic representation."@en
?:memo"More formally called a memorandum."@en
?:motion picture"A film, video, DVD, etc."@en
?:musical score"A textual representation of music."@en
?:pamphlet"An informally published document."@en
?:paper"An unpublished document."@en
?:part"An item contained in something else; for example, a chapter in a book, or an article in a periodical."@en