Table for the 34 triples for predicate rdfs:comment in graph deo

?:The Discourse Elements Ontology (DEO)"The Discourse Elements Ontology is an ontology for describing the major rhetorical elements of a document such as a journal article. It is a subsidiary ontology that is imported into the Document Components Ontology, itself part of SPAR, the Semantic Publishing and Referencing Ontologies. Other SPAR ontologies are described at"@en
deo:acknowledgements"Usually part of the preface, or a separate section in its own right, often as part of the back matter, it acknowledges those, including funding agencies, who contributed to the undertaking of a research project described in a publication, or to the creation of the work in some way. In scientific articles, the acknowledgements are usually placed as a separated section immediately following the Discussion or Conclusions."@en
deo:author contribution"A description of the roles played by an author in the publication."@en
deo:background"Presentation of information that is essential for understanding the situation or problem that is the subject of the publication. In a journal article, the background is usually part of the Introduction, but may be present as separated section."
deo:bibliographic reference"A reference, usually contained in a footnote or a bibliographic reference list, that refer to another publication, such as a journal article, a book, a book chapter or a Web site. The inclusion of the bibliographic reference in a publication constitutes the performative act of bibliographic citation."@en
deo:biography"Information describing a person and his or her life history and contributions."@en
deo:caption"Text accompanying another item, such as a picture."@en
deo:conclusion"A reflection on the preceding text, summarizing the evidence, arguments or premises presented in the document and their logical outcomes. Conclusions are a fundamental feature in academic research publications, and may be included in the Discussion section."
deo:contribution"A description of the part that this publication plays in the overall field."
deo:data"A textual description of data used or produced in the work which the document describes, or the data themselves."@en
deo:dataset description"Information describing a dataset held in an external database or repository and including a reference to it, such as a database ID or an accession number."@en
deo:dedication"Text in which the author names the person or people for whom he/she has written the document, or to whose memory it is dedicated."@en
deo:discourse element"An element of a document that carries out a rhetorical function."@en
deo:discussion"An interpretation and discussion of the results obtained and an analysis of their significance, in support of conclusions. These conclusions may be part of this discussion or may be included in a separate section of the document."
deo:epilogue"A piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or drama, usually used to bring closure to the work."@en
deo:evaluation"A consideration of the value, meaning and significance of the results obtained."
deo:external resource description"Information describing an external resource and including a reference to that resource."@en
deo:future work"A proposal for new investigation to be undertaken in order to continue and advance the work described in the publication."@en
dcterms:has part"A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource."@en
dcterms:has relation"A related resource."@en
deo:introduction"An initial description which states the purpose and goals of the following writing, and, in the case of journal articles, typically includes background information on the research topic and a review of related work in the area."@en
dcterms:is part of"A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included."@en
deo:legend"Informative text that explicitly explains another item, such as a figure or a table."@en
deo:materials"A description in a research paper documenting the specialized materials used in the work described. This description is often combined with a description of the methods used, in a section entitled 'Methods and Materials', 'Experimental' or a related term."@en
deo:methods"A description in a research paper documenting the specialized methods used in the work described. This description is often combined with a description of the materials used, in a section entitled 'Methods and Materials', 'Experimental' or a related term."@en
deo:model"A description of a model used or produced by the work described in the publication."@en
deo:motivation"A description of the justification for undertaking the work described in the publication."
deo:postscript"Text added after the signature of a letter, or sometimes after the main body of an essay or book."@en
deo:prologue"A piece of writing at the beginning of a work of literature or drama, usually used to set the scene or to introduce the work."@en
deo:reference"A reference to a specific part of the document, or to another publication."@en
deo:related work"The authors' critical review of current knowledge by specific reference to others' work, both in terms of substantive findings and theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. This description is often included within the introduction section."@en
deo:results"The report of the specific findings of an investigation, given without discussion or conclusion being drawn."@en
deo:scenario"A presentation of a use case or test, based on a real or hypothetical situation, used to help someone think through a complex problem or system."
deo:supplementary information description"Information describing supplementary information relating to the document, including references or links to the relevant supplementary information."@en