Table for the 573 triples for predicate rdfs:label in graph gndo

?:Academic degree"Academic degree"@en
?:Academic degree"Akademischer Grad"@de
?:According work"According work"@en
?:According work"Zugehöriges Werk"@de
?:Accredited artist"Accredited artist"@en
?:Accredited artist"Zugeschriebener Künstler"@de
?:Accredited author"Accredited author"@en
?:Accredited author"Zugeschriebener Verfasser"@de
?:Accredited composer"Accredited composer"@en
?:Accredited composer"Zugeschriebener Komponist"@de
?:Acquaintanceship or friendship"Acquaintanceship or friendship"@en
?:Acquaintanceship or friendship"Beziehung, Bekanntschaft, Freundschaft"@de
?:Administrative unit"Administrative unit"@en
?:Administrative unit"Verwaltungseinheit"@de
?:Affiliation (Literal)"Affiliation (Literal)"@de
?:Affiliation (Literal)"Affiliation (Literal)"@en
?:Alexander Haffner"Alexander Haffner"
?:Associated date"Associated date"@en
?:Associated date"Assoziierte Zeit"@de
?:Associated place"Associated place"@en
?:Associated place"Assoziierter Ort"@de
?:Authority Resource"Authority Resource"@en
?:Authority Resource"Normdatenressource"@de
?:Beginning of a period"Begin einer Periode"@de
?:Beginning of a period"Beginning of a period"@en
?:Biographical or historical information"Biografische oder historische Angaben"@de
?:Biographical or historical information"Biographical or historical information"@en
?:Broader term"Broader term"@en
?:Broader term"Oberbegriff"@de
?:Broader term (general)"Broader term (general)"@en
?:Broader term (general)"Broader term (general)"@en
?:Broader term (general)"Oberbegriff allgemein"@de
?:Broader term (general)"Oberbegriff allgemein"@de
?:Broader term (generic)"Broader term (generic)"@en
?:Broader term (generic)"Oberbegriff generisch"@de
?:Broader term (instantial)"Broader term (instantial)"@en
?:Broader term (instantial)"Oberbegriff instantiell"@de
?:Broader term (partitive)"Broader term (partitive)"@en
?:Broader term (partitive)"Oberbegriff partitiv"@de
?:Broader term (with more than one element)"Broader term (with more than one element)"@en
?:Broader term (with more than one element)"Oberbegriff mehrgliedrig"@de
?:Building or memorial"Bauwerk oder Denkmal"@de
?:Building or memorial"Building or memorial"@en
?:Building owner"Bauherr"@de
?:Building owner"Building owner"@en
?:Celebrated corporate body"Celebrated corporate body"@en
?:Celebrated corporate body"Gefeierte Körperschaft"@de
?:Celebrated family"Celebrated family"@en
?:Celebrated family"Gefeierte Familie"@de
?:Celebrated person"Celebrated person"@en
?:Celebrated person"Gefeierte Person"@de
?:Celebrated topic"Celebrated topic"@en
?:Celebrated topic"Gefeiertes Thema"@de
?:Characteristic place"Characteristic place"@en
?:Characteristic place"Charakteristischer Ort"@de
?:Characters or morphemes"Buchstaben oder Morpheme"@de
?:Characters or morphemes"Characters or morphemes"@en
?:Cited artist"Cited artist"@en
?:Cited artist"Zitierter Künstler"@de
?:Cited author"Cited author"@en
?:Cited author"Zitierter Verfasser"@de
?:Cited composer"Cited composer"@en
?:Cited composer"Zitierter Komponist"@de
?:Collective manuscript"Collective manuscript"@en
?:Collective manuscript"Sammelhandschrift"@de
?:Collective pseudonym"Collective pseudonym"@en
?:Collective pseudonym"Sammelpseudonym"@de
?:Complex see reference - subject"Complex see reference - subject"@en
?:Complex see reference - subject"Relationierter Deskriptor"@de
?:Conference or Event"Conference or Event"@en
?:Conference or Event"Konferenz oder Veranstaltung"@de
?:Contributing corporate body"Beteiligte Körperschaft"@de
?:Contributing corporate body"Contributing corporate body"@en
?:Contributing family"Beteiligte Familie"@de
?:Contributing family"Contributing family"@en
?:Contributing person"Beteiligte Person"@de
?:Contributing person"Contributing person"@en
?:Contributing place orgeographic name"Beteiligtes Geografikum"@de
?:Contributing place orgeographic name"Contributing place orgeographic name"@en
?:Corporate Body"Corporate Body"@en
?:Corporate Body"Körperschaft"@de
?:Corporate body is member"Corporate body is member"@en
?:Corporate body is member"Körperschaft ist Mitglied"@de
?:Country"Land oder Staat"@de
?:Date of birth"Date of birth"@en
?:Date of birth"Geburtsdatum"@de
?:Date of birth and death"Date of birth and death"@en
?:Date of birth and death"Geburts- und Sterbedatum"@de
?:Date of conference or event"Date of conference or event"@en
?:Date of conference or event"Veranstalungsdaten"@de
?:Date of death"Date of death"@en
?:Date of death"Sterbedatum"@de
?:Date of discovery"Date of discovery"@en
?:Date of discovery"Fundjahr"@de
?:Date of establishment"Date of establishment"@en
?:Date of establishment"Gründungsdatum"@de
?:Date of establishment and termination"Date of establishment and termination"@en
?:Date of establishment and termination"Gründungs- und Auflösungsdatum"@de
?:Date of production"Date of production"@en
?:Date of production"Erstellungszeit"@de
?:Date of publication"Date of publication"@en
?:Date of publication"Erscheinungszeit"@de
?:Date of termination"Auflösungsdatum"@de
?:Date of termination"Date of termination"@en
?:Differentiated person"Differentiated person"@en
?:Differentiated person"Individualisierte Person"@de
?:Director of photography"Director of photography"@en
?:Director of photography"Verantwortlicher Kameramann"@de
?:Doubtful artist"Angezweifelter Künstler"@de
?:Doubtful artist"Doubtful artist"@en
?:Doubtful author"Angezweifelter Verfasser"@de
?:Doubtful author"Doubtful author"@en
?:Doubtful composer"Angezweifelter Komponist"@de
?:Doubtful composer"Doubtful composer"@en
?:Earlier name of the person"Earlier name of the person"@en
?:Earlier name of the person"Früherer Name der Person"@de
?:Easternmost longitude"Easternmost longitude"@en
?:Easternmost longitude"Östlichster Längengrad"@de
?:End of a period"End of a period"@en
?:End of a period"Ende einer Periode"@de
?:Epithet, generic name, title or territory"Beiname, Gattungsname, Titulatur, Territorium"@de
?:Epithet, generic name, title or territory"Epithet, generic name, title or territory"@en
?:Ethnographic name"Ethnografikum"@de
?:Ethnographic name"Ethnographic name"@en
?:Extraterrestrial territory"Extraterrestrial territory"@en
?:Extraterrestrial territory"Extraterrestrikum"@de
?:Familial relationship"Familial relationship"@en
?:Familial relationship"Familiäre Beziehung"@de
?:Fictitious author"Fictitious author"@en
?:Fictitious author"Fiktiver Verfasser"@de
?:Fictive corporate body"Fictive corporate body"@en
?:Fictive corporate body"Fiktive Körperschaft"@de
?:Fictive place"Fictive place"@en
?:Fictive place"Fiktiver Ort"@de
?:Fictive term"Fictive term"@en
?:Fictive term"Fictive term"@en
?:Fictive term"Fiktiver Sachbegriff"@de
?:Fictive term"Fiktiver Sachbegriff"@de
?:Field of activity"Field of activity"@en
?:Field of activity"Tätigkeitsbereich"@de
?:Field of study"Field of study"@en
?:Field of study"Studienfach"@de
?:First artist"Erster Künstler"@de
?:First artist"First artist"@en
?:First author"Erste Verfasserschaft"@de
?:First author"First author"@en
?:First composer"Erster Komponist"@de
?:First composer"First composer"@en
?:Form of work and expression"Form des Werks und der Expression"@de
?:Form of work and expression"Form of work and expression"@en
?:Former owner"Former owner"@en
?:Former owner"Früherer Besitzer"@de
?:Fuller form of the name of the person"Fuller form of the name of the person"@en
?:Fuller form of the name of the person"Vollständiger Name der Person"@de
?:Function or role"Function or role"@en
?:Function or role"Funktion oder Rolle"@de
?:GND subject category"GND subject category"@en
?:GND subject category"GND-Sachgruppe"@de
?:Geographic Area Code"Geographic Area Code"@en
?:Geographic Area Code"Ländercode"@de
?:German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, DNB)"Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)"@de
?:German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, DNB)"German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, DNB)"@en
?:Group of persons"Group of persons"@en
?:Group of persons"Personengruppe"@de
?:Hierarchical superior"Administrative Überordnung"@de
?:Hierarchical superior"Hierarchical superior"@en
?:Hierarchical superior of place or geographic name"Administrative Überordnung des Geografikums"@de
?:Hierarchical superior of place or geographic name"Hierarchical superior of place or geographic name"@en
?:Hierarchical superior of the conference or event"Administrative Überordnung der Konferenz oder der Veranstaltung"@de
?:Hierarchical superior of the conference or event"Hierarchical superior of the conference or event"@en
?:Hierarchical superior of the corporate body"Administrative Überordnung der Körperschaft"@de
?:Hierarchical superior of the corporate body"Hierarchical superior of the corporate body"@en
?:Historic single event or era"Historic single event or era"@en
?:Historic single event or era"Historisches Einzelereignis oder Epoche"@de
?:Illustrator or illuminator"Illustrator oder Illuminator"@de
?:Illustrator or illuminator"Illustrator or illuminator"@en
?:Key of the version"Key of the version"@en
?:Key of the version"Tonart der Fassung"@de
?:Key of the work"Key of the work"@en
?:Key of the work"Tonart des Werks"@de
?:Language code"Language code"@en
?:Language code"Sprachencode"@de
?:Later name of the person"Later name of the person"@en
?:Later name of the person"Späterer Name der Person"@de
?:Literary or legendary character"Literarische oder Sagengestalt"@de
?:Literary or legendary character"Literary or legendary character"@en
?:Literary source"Literary source"@en
?:Literary source"Vorlage"@de
?:MARC 21 equivalent"MARC 21 Entsprechung"@de
?:MARC 21 equivalent"MARC 21 equivalent"@en
?:Means of transport with individual name"Means of transport with individual name"@en
?:Means of transport with individual name"Verkehrsmittel mit Individualnamen"@de
?:Medium of performance"Besetzung im Musikbereich"@de
?:Medium of performance"Medium of performance"@en
?:Member of the family"Familienmitglied"@de
?:Member of the family"Member of the family"@en
?:Member state"Gliedstaat"@de
?:Member state"Member state"@en
?:Members of the GND ontology mailing list"Members of the GND ontology mailing list"@en
?:Musical work"Musical work"@en
?:Musical work"Werk der Musik"@de
?:Name addition"Name addition"@en
?:Name addition"Namensusatz"@de
?:Name of small geographic unit lying within another geographic unit"Kleinräumiges Geografikum innerhalb eines Ortes"@de
?:Name of small geographic unit lying within another geographic unit"Name of small geographic unit lying within another geographic unit"@en
?:Name of the person"Name of the person"@en
?:Name of the person"Personenname"@de
?:Natural geographic unit"Natural geographic unit"@en
?:Natural geographic unit"Natürlich geografische Einheit"@de
?:Nomenclature in biology or chemistry"Nomenclature in biology or chemistry"@en
?:Nomenclature in biology or chemistry"Nomenklatur Biologie - Chemie"@de
?:Northernmost latitude"Northernmost latitude"@en
?:Northernmost latitude"Nördlichster Breitengrad"@de
?:Occasion of the subject heading"Anlass des Schlagworts"@de
?:Occasion of the subject heading"Occasion of the subject heading"@en
?:Occasion of the work"Anlass des Werkes"@de
?:Occasion of the work"Occasion of the work"@en
?:Old authority number"Alte Normnummer"@de
?:Old authority number"Old authority number"@en
?:Opus numeric designation of musical work"Opus numeric designation of musical work"@en
?:Opus numeric designation of musical work"Opus-Zahlung des Musikwerks"@de
?:Organ of corporate body"Organ einer Körperschaft"@de
?:Organ of corporate body"Organ of corporate body"@en
?:Organizer or host"Organizer or host"@en
?:Organizer or host"Veranstalter oder Gastgeber"@de
?:Other place"Other place"@en
?:Other place"Weiterer Ort"@de
?:Period of activity"Period of activity"@en
?:Period of activity"Wirkungsdaten"@de
?:Personal name"Personal name"@en
?:Personal name"Persönlicher Name"@de
?:Place of Birth"Geburtsort"@de
?:Place of Birth"Place of Birth"@en
?:Place of Birth (Literal)"Geburtsort (Literal)"@de
?:Place of Birth (Literal)"Place of Birth (Literal)"@en
?:Place of Exile"Exilort"@de
?:Place of Exile"Place of Exile"@en
?:Place of activity"Place of activity"@en
?:Place of activity"Wirkungsort"@de
?:Place of business"Place of business"@en
?:Place of business"Sitz"@de
?:Place of conference or event"Place of conference or event"@en
?:Place of conference or event"Veranstaltungsort"@de
?:Place of custody"Aufbewahrungsort"@de
?:Place of custody"Place of custody"@en
?:Place of death"Place of death"@en
?:Place of death"Sterbeort"@de
?:Place of death (Literal)"Place of death (Literal)"@en
?:Place of death (Literal)"Sterbeort (Literal)"@de
?:Place of discovery"Fundort"@de
?:Place of discovery"Place of discovery"@en
?:Place of manufacture"Herstellungsort"@de
?:Place of manufacture"Place of manufacture"@en
?:Place or geographic name"Geografikum"@de
?:Place or geographic name"Place or geographic name"@en
?:Place or geographic name is member"Geografikum ist Mitglied"@de
?:Place or geographic name is member"Place or geographic name is member"@en
?:Played instrument"Gespieltes Instrument"@de
?:Played instrument"Played instrument"@en
?:Preceding conference or event"Preceding conference or event"@en
?:Preceding conference or event"Vorherige Konferenz oder Veranstaltung"@de
?:Preceding corporate body"Preceding corporate body"@en
?:Preceding corporate body"Vorherige Körperschaft"@de
?:Preceding place or geographic name"Preceding place or geographic name"@en
?:Preceding place or geographic name"Vorheriges Geografikum"@de
?:Preceding subject heading"Preceding subject heading"@en
?:Preceding subject heading"Vorheriges Schlagwort"@de
?:Preceding work"Preceding work"@en
?:Preceding work"Vorheriges Werk"@de
?:Preferred name"Bevorzugter Name"@de
?:Preferred name"Preferred name"@en
?:Preferred name entity for the person"Bevorzugte Namensentität der Person"@de
?:Preferred name entity for the person"Preferred name entity for the person"@en
?:Preferred name for the conference or event"Bevorzugter Name der Konferenz oder Veranstaltung"@de
?:Preferred name for the conference or event"Preferred name for the conference or event"@en
?:Preferred name for the corporate body"Bevorzugter Name der Körperschaft"@de
?:Preferred name for the corporate body"Preferred name for the corporate body"@en
?:Preferred name for the family"Bevorzugter Name der Familie"@de
?:Preferred name for the family"Preferred name for the family"@en
?:Preferred name for the person"Bevorzugter Name der Person"@de
?:Preferred name for the person"Preferred name for the person"@en
?:Preferred name for the place or geographic name"Bevorzugter Name des Geografikum"@de
?:Preferred name for the place or geographic name"Preferred name for the place or geographic name"@en
?:Preferred name for the subject heading"Bevorzugter Name des Schlagworts"@de
?:Preferred name for the subject heading"Preferred name for the subject heading"@en
?:Preferred name for the work"Bevorzugter Name des Werks"@de
?:Preferred name for the work"Preferred name for the work"@en
?:Preferred name of the person"Bevorzugter Name der Person"@de
?:Preferred name of the person"Preferred name of the person"@en
?:Product name or brand name"Product name or brand name"@en
?:Product name or brand name"Produkt oder Markenname"@de
?:Profession or occupation"Beruf oder Beschäftigung"@de
?:Profession or occupation"Profession or occupation"@en
?:Profession or occupation (Literal)"Beruf oder Beschäftigung (Literal)"@de
?:Profession or occupation (Literal)"Profession or occupation (Literal)"@en
?:Professional relationship"Beruflich Beziehung"@de
?:Professional relationship"Professional relationship"@en
?:Project or program"Project or program"@en
?:Project or program"Projekt oder Programm"@de
?:Provenance characteristic"Provenance characteristic"@en
?:Provenance characteristic"Provenienzmerkmal"@de
?:Pseudonym name of the person"Pseudonym der Person"@de
?:Pseudonym name of the person"Pseudonym name of the person"@en
?:Real name of the person"Real name of the person"@en
?:Real name of the person"Wirklicher Name der Person"@de
?:Related Corporate Body"In Beziehung stehende Körperschaft"@de
?:Related Corporate Body"Related Corporate Body"@en
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 1"In Beziehung stehende Dewey-Dezimalklassifikation mit Determiniertheitsgrad 1"@de
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 1"Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 1"@en
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 2"In Beziehung stehende Dewey-Dezimalklassifikation mit Determiniertheitsgrad 2"@de
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 2"Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 2"@en
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 3"In Beziehung stehende Dewey-Dezimalklassifikation mit Determiniertheitsgrad 3"@de
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 3"Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 3"@en
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 4"In Beziehung stehende Dewey-Dezimalklassifikation mit Determiniertheitsgrad 4"@de
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 4"Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 4"@en
?:Related Term"Related Term"@en
?:Related Term"Verwandter Begriff"@de
?:Related conference or event"In Beziehung stehende Konferenz oder Veranstaltung"@de
?:Related conference or event"Related conference or event"@en
?:Related family"In Beziehung stehende Familie"@de
?:Related family"Related family"@en
?:Related person"In Beziehung stehende Person"@de
?:Related person"Related person"@en
?:Related place or geographic name"In Beziehung stehendes Geografikum"@de
?:Related place or geographic name"Related place or geographic name"@en
?:Related subject heading"In Beziehung stehendes Schlagwort"@de
?:Related subject heading"Related subject heading"@en
?:Related work"In Beziehung stehendes Werk"@de
?:Related work"Related work"@en
?:Religious territory"Religious territory"@en
?:Religious territory"Religiöses Territorium"@de
?:Royal or member of a royal house"Regierender Fürst oder Mitglied eines regierenden Fürstenhauses"@de
?:Royal or member of a royal house"Royal or member of a royal house"@en
?:Serial numeric designation of musical work"Fortlaufende Zählung des Musikwerks"@de
?:Serial numeric designation of musical work"Serial numeric designation of musical work"@en
?:Series of conference or event"Kongressfolge oder Veranstaltungsfolge"@de
?:Series of conference or event"Series of conference or event"@en
?:Software product"Software product"@en
?:Software product"Softwareprodukt"@de
?:Southernmost latitude"Southernmost latitude"@en
?:Southernmost latitude"Südlichster Breitengrad"@de
?:Spatial area of activity"Geographischer Wirkungsbereich"@de
?:Spatial area of activity"Spatial area of activity"@en
?:Sponsor or patron"Sponsor oder Mäzen"@de
?:Sponsor or patron"Sponsor or patron"@en
?:Staff members of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek"Staff members of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek"@en
?:Starting or final point of a distance"Beginn und Ende einer Strecke"@de
?:Starting or final point of a distance"Beginn und Ende einer Strecke"@de
?:Starting or final point of a distance"Starting or final point of a distance"@en
?:Starting or final point of a distance"Starting or final point of a distance"@en
?:Subject heading"Schlagwort"@de
?:Subject heading"Subject heading"@en
?:Subject heading senso stricto"Schlagwort senso stricto"@de
?:Subject heading senso stricto"Subject heading senso stricto"@en
?:Succeeding conference or event"Nachfolgende Konferenz oder Veranstaltung"@de
?:Succeeding conference or event"Succeeding conference or event"@en
?:Succeeding corporate body"Nachfolgende Körperschaft"@de
?:Succeeding corporate body"Succeeding corporate body"@en
?:Succeeding place or geographic name"Nachfolgendes Geografikum"@de
?:Succeeding place or geographic name"Succeeding place or geographic name"@en
?:Succeeding subject heading"Nachfolgendes Schlagwort"@de
?:Succeeding subject heading"Succeeding subject heading"@en
?:Succeeding work"Nachfolgendes Werk"@de
?:Succeeding work"Succeeding work"@en
?:Super-property pf"Super-Property von"@de
?:Super-property pf"Super-property pf"@en
?:Temporary name"Temporary name"@en
?:Temporary name"Zeitweiser Name"@de
?:Temporary name of the conference or event"Temporary name of the conference or event"@en
?:Temporary name of the conference or event"Zeitweiser Name der Konferenz oder Veranstaltung"@de
?:Temporary name of the corporate body"Temporary name of the corporate body"@en
?:Temporary name of the corporate body"Zeitweiser Name der Körperschaft"@de
?:Temporary name of the place or geographic name"Temporary name of the place or geographic name"@en
?:Temporary name of the place or geographic name"Zeitweiser Name des Geografikums"@de
?:Territorial corporate body or administrative unit"Gebietskörperschaft oder Verwaltungseinheit"@de
?:Territorial corporate body or administrative unit"Territorial corporate body or administrative unit"@en
?:Thematic index numeric designation of musical work"Thematic index numeric designation of musical work"@en
?:Thematic index numeric designation of musical work"Zählung eines Werksverzeichnisses des Musikwerks"@de
?:Title of nobility"Adelstitel"@de
?:Title of nobility"Title of nobility"@en
?:Title of nobility (Literal)"Adelstitel (Literal)"@de
?:Title of nobility (Literal)"Title of nobility (Literal)"@en
?:Type of coordinates"Koordinatentyp"@de
?:Type of coordinates"Type of coordinates"@en
?:Undifferentiated person"Nicht-individualisierte Person"@de
?:Undifferentiated person"Undifferentiated person"@en
?:Variant name"Variant name"@en
?:Variant name"Varianter Name"@de
?:Variant name entity for the person"Variant name entity for the person"@en
?:Variant name entity for the person"Variante Namensentität der Person"@de
?:Variant name for the conference or event"Variant name for the conference or event"@en
?:Variant name for the conference or event"Varianter Name der Konferenz oder Veranstaltung"@de
?:Variant name for the corporate body"Variant name for the corporate body"@en
?:Variant name for the corporate body"Varianter Name der Körperschaft"@de
?:Variant name for the family"Variant name for the family"@en
?:Variant name for the family"Varianter Name der Familie"@de
?:Variant name for the person"Variant name for the person"@en
?:Variant name for the person"Varianter Name der Person"@de
?:Variant name for the place or geographic name"Variant name for the place or geographic name"@en
?:Variant name for the place or geographic name"Varianter Name des Geografikum"@de
?:Variant name for the subject heading"Variant name for the subject heading"@en
?:Variant name for the subject heading"Varianter Name des Schlagworts"@de
?:Variant name for the work"Variant name for the work"@en
?:Variant name for the work"Varianter Name des Werks"@de
?:Variant name of the person"Abweichender Name der Person"@de
?:Variant name of the person"Variant name of the person"@en
?:Version of a musical work"Fassung eines Werks der Musik"@de
?:Version of a musical work"Version of a musical work"@en
?:Way, border or line"Way, border or line"@en
?:Way, border or line"Weg, Grenze oder Linie"@de
?:Westernmost longitude"Westernmost longitude"@en
?:Westernmost longitude"Westlichster Längengrad"@de
?:Writer of added commentary"Kommentator (schriftlich)"@de
?:Writer of added commentary"Writer of added commentary"@en