Table for the 232 triples in graph opmw

?:Data Variablerdfs:comment"A Data variable is a workflow template artifact that represents a variable in the workflow specification. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact , opmw:DataVariable ; rdfs:label "Data variable Sum_CorrDO" ; opmw:hasDimensionality "0"^^xsd:int ; opmw:isGeneratedBy <> ; opmw:template <> ."
?:Data Variablerdfs:label"Data Variable"@en
?:Data Variablerdfs:subClassOf?:Workflow Template Artifact
?:Data Variablerdf:typeowl:Class
?:Parameter Variablerdfs:comment"An parameter variable represents a description of an input parameter of a process. Parameter variables can only be used by process. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:/WorkflowTemplateArtifact , opmw:ParameterVariable ; rdfs:label "Parameter variable Latitude" ; opmw:template <> ."@en
?:Parameter Variablerdfs:label"Parameter Variable"@en
?:Parameter Variablerdfs:subClassOf?:Workflow Template Artifact
?:Parameter Variablerdf:typeowl:Class
?:The OPMW ontologydcterms:Creator""^^xsd:anyURI
?:The OPMW ontologydcterms:Creator""^^xsd:anyURI
?:The OPMW ontologydcterms:Date Created"2011-09-27"^^xsd:date
?:The OPMW ontologydcterms:Date Modified"2014-12-22"^^xsd:date
?:The OPMW ontologydcterms:Description"OPMW is an OPMV, PROV and P-plan extension to model the executions and definitions of scientific workflows."@en
?:The OPMW ontologydcterms:License""
?:The OPMW ontologydc:Title"The OPMW ontology"@en
?:The OPMW ontologyrdfs:comment"OPMW is an OPMV, PROV and P-plan extension to model the executions and definitions of scientific workflows."
?:The OPMW ontologyfoaf:homepage""
?:The OPMW ontologyowl:imports?:opmo-20101012.owl
?:The OPMW ontologyowl:imports?:p-plan#
?:The OPMW ontologyowl:imports?:prov-o-20130430
?:The OPMW ontologyvann:preferredNamespacePrefix"opmw"
?:The OPMW ontologyvann:preferredNamespaceUri""
?:The OPMW ontologyrdf:typeowl:Ontology
?:The OPMW ontologyowl:versionInfo"3.1"^^xsd:decimal
?:Workflow Execution Accountrdfs:comment"A workflow execution account represents the execution from the perspective of the system. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmo:Account , opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount> ; rdfs:label "Execution account created on 1335533097598" ; opmw:executedInWorkflowSystem <> ; opmw:hasEndTime "2012-04-25T07:17:48-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; opmw:hasExecutionDiagram ""^^xsd:anyURI ; opmw:hasStartTime "2012-04-25T07:17:05-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; opmw:hasStatus "SUCCESS" ;"@en
?:Workflow Execution Accountrdfs:label"Workflow Execution Account"@en
?:Workflow Execution Accountrdfs:subClassOf?:Account
?:Workflow Execution Accountrdfs:subClassOfprov:Bundle
?:Workflow Execution Accountrdf:typeowl:Class
?:Workflow Execution Artifactrdfs:comment"A workflow execution artifact represents a resource used or generated in the execution of a workflow. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact , opmv:Artifact; rdfs:label "Execution artifact with id: 25f1016c12ebe301ee7aadbc0b085c45" ; opmo:account <> ; opmv:wasGeneratedBy <> ; opmw:hasLocation ""^^xsd:anyURI ; opmw:hasSize "8618"^^xsd:int ; opmw:hasWorkflowTemplateArtifact <>."@en
?:Workflow Execution Artifactrdfs:label"Workflow Execution Artifact"@en
?:Workflow Execution Artifactrdfs:subClassOf?:Artifact
?:Workflow Execution Artifactrdfs:subClassOfprov:Entity
?:Workflow Execution Artifactrdf:typeowl:Class
?:Workflow Execution Processrdfs:comment"A workflow execution process represents the execution of a step in workflow template. The execution process also describes the specific method used to acomplish the task described in the proces template. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:/WorkflowExecutionProcess , opmv:Process ; rdfs:label "Execution process ConvertToStandardFormat" ; opmo:account <> ; opmv:used <> ; opmv:wasControlledBy <> ; opmw:hasWorkflowTemplateProcess <> ."@en
?:Workflow Execution Processrdfs:label"Workflow Execution Process"@en
?:Workflow Execution Processrdfs:subClassOfprov:Activity
?:Workflow Execution Processrdfs:subClassOf?:Process
?:Workflow Execution Processrdf:typeowl:Class
?:Workflow Templaterdfs:comment"A workflow template represents the design of the workflow. In such design, the different steps and inputs don't have to be bound to a specific tool or dataset. It is a generic view of the workflow, which is instantiated in each execution. Example: @prefix dc: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; rdfs:label "AquaFlow_NTM" ; dc.contributor <> ; dc:modified "2011-06-08T09:57:12-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; opmw:hasVersion "2"^^xsd:int ."@en
?:Workflow Templaterdfs:label"Workflow Template"@en
?:Workflow Templaterdfs:subClassOf?:Plan
?:Workflow Templaterdfs:subClassOfprov:Plan
?:Workflow Templaterdfs:subClassOfowl:Thing
?:Workflow Templaterdf:typeowl:Class
?:Workflow Template Artifactrdfs:comment"A workflow template artifact is part of a workflow template. It explains what kind of artifact is used or generated by the process template, along with possible restrictions that it may have. There are two different types of workflow template artifacts: data variables and parameter variables."@en
?:Workflow Template Artifactrdfs:label"Workflow Template Artifact"@en
?:Workflow Template Artifactrdfs:subClassOfowl:Thing
?:Workflow Template Artifactrdfs:subClassOf?:Variable
?:Workflow Template Artifactrdf:typeowl:Class
?:Workflow Template Processrdfs:comment"A workflow process template is an abstraction of the workflow execution process step that aims to describe the method followed by the scientist instead of its specific instantiation. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix water: <> . <> a opmw:ProcessTemplate, water:CalculateHourlyAverages; opmw:template <>; opmw:uses <>. "@en
?:Workflow Template Processrdfs:label"Workflow Template Process"@en
?:Workflow Template Processrdfs:subClassOf?:Step
?:Workflow Template Processrdfs:subClassOfowl:Thing
?:Workflow Template Processrdf:typeowl:Class
_:_:List3rdf:first?:Workflow Execution Account
_:_:List4rdf:first?:Workflow Execution Process
?:corresponds to Templaterdfs:comment"Property that binds an execution account to the template of the whole workflow. The template contains the plan for the workflow. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmo:Account, opmw:workflowExecutionAccount; opmw:correspondsToTemplate <>."@en
?:corresponds to Templaterdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Account
?:corresponds to Templaterdfs:label"corresponds to Template"@en
?:corresponds to Templaterdfs:range?:Workflow Template
?:corresponds to Templaterdfs:subPropertyOfowl:topObjectProperty
?:corresponds to Templaterdfs:subPropertyOf?:wasDerivedFrom
?:corresponds to Templaterdfs:subPropertyOfprov:wasDerivedFrom
?:corresponds to Templaterdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:corresponds to Template Artifactrdfs:comment"Property that binds a workflow execution artifact to its correspondant workflow template artifact. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact; opmw:correspondsToTemplateArtifact <>."@en
?:corresponds to Template Artifactrdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Artifact
?:corresponds to Template Artifactrdfs:label"corresponds to Template Artifact"@en
?:corresponds to Template Artifactrdfs:range?:Workflow Template Artifact
?:corresponds to Template Artifactrdfs:subPropertyOf?:correspondsToVariable
?:corresponds to Template Artifactrdfs:subPropertyOfowl:topObjectProperty
?:corresponds to Template Artifactrdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:corresponds to Template Processrdfs:comment"Property that binds a workflow execution process to its correspondant process template. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Process, opmw:WorkflowExecutionProcess; opmw:correspondsToTemplateProcess <>. "@en
?:corresponds to Template Processrdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Process
?:corresponds to Template Processrdfs:label"corresponds to Template Process"@en
?:corresponds to Template Processrdfs:range?:Workflow Template Process
?:corresponds to Template Processrdfs:subPropertyOf?:correspondsToStep
?:corresponds to Template Processrdfs:subPropertyOfowl:topObjectProperty
?:corresponds to Template Processrdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:created in Workflow Systemrdfs:comment"This data property binds a workflow template to the tool used for its design and creation. The tool is represented by its URL. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; opmw:createdInWorkflowSystem ""^^xsd:anyURI."@en
?:created in Workflow Systemrdfs:domain?:Workflow Template
?:created in Workflow Systemrdfs:label"created in Workflow System"@en
?:created in Workflow Systemrdfs:rangexsd:anyURI
?:created in Workflow Systemrdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:created in Workflow Systemrdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:executed in Workflow Systemrdfs:comment"Property to bind an execution account to the system where it was executed (which could be different from the one used for designing its workflow template). Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmo:Account, opmw:executionAccount; opmw:executedInWorkflowSystem <>. <> a opmw:Agent."@en
?:executed in Workflow Systemrdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Account
?:executed in Workflow Systemrdfs:label"executed in Workflow System"@en
?:executed in Workflow Systemrdfs:range?:Agent
?:executed in Workflow Systemrdfs:subPropertyOfprov:wasAttributedTo
?:executed in Workflow Systemrdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:has Dimensionalityrdfs:comment"Property that represents the dimensionality of the artifact: 0 is a single file, 1 for a collection, etc. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:DataVariable, opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact; opmw:hasDimensionality "1"^^xsd:int."@en
?:has Dimensionalityrdfs:domain?:Workflow Template Artifact
?:has Dimensionalityrdfs:label"has Dimensionality"@en
?:has Dimensionalityrdfs:rangexsd:int
?:has Dimensionalityrdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Dimensionalityrdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:has Documentationrdfs:comment"Property that binds a workflow template to its documentation. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; opmw:hasDocumentation "A copy of the documentation related to this template "^^xsd:string."@en
?:has Documentationrdfs:domain?:Workflow Template
?:has Documentationrdfs:label"has Documentation"@en
?:has Documentationrdfs:range_:_:Description1
?:has Documentationrdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Executable Componentrdfs:comment"Property that binds a workflow execution process to the specific component (code, scripts, etc.) used in the execution. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Process, opmw:WorkflowExecutionProcess; opmw:hasExecutableComponent <>."@en
?:has Executable Componentrdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Process
?:has Executable Componentrdfs:label"has Executable Component"@en
?:has Executable Componentrdfs:subPropertyOfowl:topObjectProperty
?:has Executable Componentrdfs:subPropertyOf?:used
?:has Executable Componentrdfs:subPropertyOfprov:used
?:has Executable Componentrdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:has Executable Componentrdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:has Execution Diagramrdfs:comment"Property that links an execution account to its diagram. The diagram shows how the template has been instantiated with different components. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account; opmw:hasExecutionDiagram ""^^sxd:anyURI."@en
?:has Execution Diagramrdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Account
?:has Execution Diagramrdfs:label"has Execution Diagram"@en
?:has Execution Diagramrdfs:rangexsd:anyURI
?:has Execution Diagramrdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Execution Diagramrdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:has File Namerdfs:comment"Property used to link an execution artifact to its file name (independently of its URI). Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact. opmw:hasFileName "NTMParams_SMN_2010_03_14Z"^^xsd:string."@en
?:has File Namerdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Artifact
?:has File Namerdfs:label"has File Name"@en
?:has File Namerdfs:rangexsd:string
?:has File Namerdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has File Namerdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:has Locationrdfs:comment"Property used to link an execution artifact to the physical location of its file in the server. Example @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact. opmw:hasLocation ""^^xsd:anyURI."@en
?:has Locationrdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Artifact
?:has Locationrdfs:label"has Location"@en
?:has Locationrdfs:rangexsd:anyURI
?:has Locationrdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Native System Templaterdfs:comment"Property used to link a workflow template to its native template (encoded in the syntax of the workflow system where it was designed: scufl, owl, etc.). Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; opmw:hasNativeSystemTemplate ""xsd:anyURI."@en
?:has Native System Templaterdfs:domain?:Workflow Template
?:has Native System Templaterdfs:label"has Native System Template"@en
?:has Native System Templaterdfs:rangexsd:anyURI
?:has Native System Templaterdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Native System Templaterdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:has Original Log Filerdfs:comment"Property used to link an execution account or a workflow execution process to the correspondent log file produced by the enacting workflow engine. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account; opmw:hasOriginalLogFile ""^^sxd:anyURI."@en
?:has Original Log Filerdfs:domain_:_:Description2
?:has Original Log Filerdfs:label"has Original Log File"@en
?:has Original Log Filerdfs:rangexsd:anyURI
?:has Original Log Filerdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Original Log Filerdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:has Sizerdfs:comment"Property used to annotate a workflow execution artifact with the size in bytes of its file. Example @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact. opmw:hasLocation "68"^^xsd:int."@en
?:has Sizerdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Artifact
?:has Sizerdfs:label"has Size"@en
?:has Sizerdfs:rangexsd:int
?:has Sizerdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Sizerdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:has Statusrdfs:comment"Property used to state whether an ececution account was successful or not. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmo:Account, opmw:ExecutionAccount; opmw:hasStatus "SUCCESS"^^xsd.string."@en
?:has Statusrdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Account
?:has Statusrdfs:label"has Status"@en
?:has Statusrdfs:rangexsd:string
?:has Statusrdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Statusrdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:has Template Diagramrdfs:comment"Property used to link a workflow template to its graphical representation. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; opmw:hasTemplateDiagram ""xsd:anyURI."@en
?:has Template Diagramrdfs:domain?:Workflow Template
?:has Template Diagramrdfs:label"has Template Diagram"@en
?:has Template Diagramrdfs:rangexsd:anyURI
?:has Template Diagramrdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Valuerdfs:comment"Property used to state the value of the artifact (in case of being a parameter). Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact; opmw:hasValue "0.61959237"^^xsd:string."@en
?:has Valuerdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Artifact
?:has Valuerdfs:label"has Value"@en
?:has Valuerdfs:rangexsd:string
?:has Valuerdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:has Valuerdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:is Concreterdfs:comment"Property that specifies whether a component is abstract or not."@en
?:is Concreterdfs:label"is Concrete"@en
?:is Concreterdfs:rangexsd:boolean
?:is Concreterdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:is Concreterdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:is Generated Byrdfs:comment"Property that binds a workflow template artifact to the workflow template process that generates it. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:DataVariable, opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact; opmw:isGeneratedBy <>. "@en
?:is Generated Byrdfs:domain?:Workflow Template Artifact
?:is Generated Byrdfs:label"is Generated By"@en
?:is Generated Byrdfs:range?:Workflow Template Process
?:is Generated Byrdfs:subPropertyOf?:isOutputVarOf
?:is Generated Byrdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:is Parameter of Templaterdfs:comment"Property used to dessignate which workflow Parameter Variables belong to a workflow template. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:ParameterVariable; opmw:isParameterOfTemplate <>."
?:is Parameter of Templaterdfs:domain?:Parameter Variable
?:is Parameter of Templaterdfs:label"is Parameter of Template"
?:is Parameter of Templaterdfs:range?:Workflow Template
?:is Parameter of Templaterdfs:subPropertyOf?:isVariableOfPlan
?:is Parameter of Templaterdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:is Step of Templaterdfs:comment"Property used to dessignate which workflow Steps (or Workflow Template Processes) belong to a workflow template. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcess; opmw:isStepOfTemplate <>."
?:is Step of Templaterdfs:domain?:Workflow Template Process
?:is Step of Templaterdfs:label"is Step of Template"
?:is Step of Templaterdfs:range?:Workflow Template
?:is Step of Templaterdfs:subPropertyOf?:isStepOfPlan
?:is Step of Templaterdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:is Variable of Templaterdfs:comment"Property used to dessignate which workflow Data Variables belong to a workflow template. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:DataVariable; opmw:isVariableOfTemplate <>."
?:is Variable of Templaterdfs:domain?:Data Variable
?:is Variable of Templaterdfs:label"is Variable of Template"
?:is Variable of Templaterdfs:range?:Workflow Template
?:is Variable of Templaterdfs:subPropertyOf?:isVariableOfPlan
?:is Variable of Templaterdf:typeowl:ObjectProperty
?:overall End Timerdfs:comment"Property which states that none of the activities contained in the account finished executing after the End Time. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account; opmw:overallEndTime "2012-04-25T10:28:55-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime."@en
?:overall End Timerdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Account
?:overall End Timerdfs:label"overall End Time"@en
?:overall End Timerdfs:rangexsd:dateTime
?:overall End Timerdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:overall End Timerdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:overall Start Timerdfs:comment"Property which states that none of the activities in the current account started executing before the start time. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account; opmw:overallStartTime "2012-04-25T10:28:07-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime."@en
?:overall Start Timerdfs:domain?:Workflow Execution Account
?:overall Start Timerdfs:label"overall Start Time"@en
?:overall Start Timerdfs:rangexsd:dateTime
?:overall Start Timerdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:overall Start Timerdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty
?:usesrdfs:comment"Property that binds a workflow template process to the workflow template artifact that generates it. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcess; opmw:uses <>."@en
?:usesrdfs:domain?:Workflow Template Process
?:usesrdfs:range?:Workflow Template Artifact
?:version Numberrdfs:comment"Property used to annotate a resource with it version number. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . @prefix owl: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; opmw:versionNumber "2"^^xsd:int."@en
?:version Numberrdfs:label"version Number"@en
?:version Numberrdfs:rangexsd:int
?:version Numberrdf:typeowl:DatatypeProperty
?:version Numberrdf:typeowl:FunctionalProperty