Table for the 527 triples in graph pimo

pimo:Agentpimo:class rolepimo:AbstractClass
pimo:Agentrdfs:comment"An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact). The Agent class is the class of agents; things that do stuff. A well known sub-class is Person, representing people. Other kinds of agents include Organization and Group. (inspired by FOAF). Agent is not a subclass of NAO:Party."
pimo:Associationrdfs:comment"An association between two or more pimo-things. This is used to model n-ary relations and metadata about relations. For example, the asociation of a person being organizational member is only effectual within a period of time (after the person joined the organization and before the person left the organization). There can be multiple periods of time when associations are valid."
pimo:Attendeerdfs:comment"The role of someone attending a social event."
pimo:Attendeerdfs:subClassOfpimo:Role of Person
pimo:Blog Postrdfs:comment"A blog note. You just want to write something down right now and need a place to do that. Add a blog-note! This is an example class for a document type, there are more detailled ontologies to model Blog-Posts (like SIOC)."
pimo:Blog Postrdfs:label"Blog Post"
pimo:Blog Postrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Document
pimo:Blog Postrdf:typerdfs:Class
pimo:Buildingrdfs:comment"A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice". (Definition from SUMO)."
pimo:Cityrdfs:comment"A large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city". (Definition from SUMO)"
pimo:ClassOrThingpimo:class rolepimo:AbstractClass
pimo:ClassOrThingrdfs:comment"Superclass of class and thing. To add properties to both class and thing."
pimo:ClassOrThingOrPropertyOrAssociationpimo:class rolepimo:AbstractClass
pimo:ClassOrThingOrPropertyOrAssociationrdfs:comment"Superclass of resources that can be generated by the user."
pimo:ClassRolerdfs:comment"Roles of classes in PIMO: concrete instances are Abstract and Concrete."
pimo:Collectionrdfs:comment"A collection of Things, independent of their class. The items in the collection share a common property. Which property may be modelled explicitly or mentioned in the description of the Collection. The requirement of explicit modelling the semantic meaning of the collection is not mandatory, as collections can be created ad-hoc. Implizit modelling can be applied by the system by learning the properties. For example, a Collection of "Coworkers" could be defined as that all elements must be of class "Person" and have an attribute "work for the same Organization as the user". Further standards can be used to model these attributes."
pimo:Contractrdfs:comment"A binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law. (Definition from SUMO). This is an example class for a document type, there are more detailled ontologies to model Contracts."
pimo:Countryrdfs:comment"The territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries". (Definition from SUMO)"
pimo:Documentrdfs:comment"A generic document. This is a placeholder class for document-management domain ontologies to subclass. Create more and specified subclasses of pimo:Document for the document types in your domain. Documents are typically instances of both NFO:Document (modeling the information element used to store the document) and a LogicalMediaType subclass. Two examples are given for what to model here: a contract for a business domain, a BlogPost for an informal domain."
pimo:Documentrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Logical Media Type
pimo:Eventrdfs:comment"Something that happens An Event is conceived as compact in time. (Definition from Merriam-Webster)"
pimo:Eventrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Process Concept
pimo:Group of Personsrdfs:comment"A group of Persons. They are connected to each other by sharing a common attribute, for example they all belong to the same organization or have a common interest. Refer to pimo:Collection for more information about defining collections."
pimo:Group of Personsrdfs:label"Group of Persons"
pimo:Group of Personsrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Agent
pimo:Group of Personsrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Collection
pimo:Group of Personsrdf:typerdfs:Class
pimo:Locatablepimo:class rolepimo:AbstractClass
pimo:Locatablerdfs:comment"Things that can be at a location. Abstract class, use it as a superclass of things that can be placed in physical space."
pimo:Locationrdfs:comment"A physical location. Subclasses are modeled for the most common locations humans work in: Building, City, Country, Room, State. This selection is intended to be applicable cross-cultural and cross-domain. City is a prototype that can be further refined for villages, etc. Subclass of a WGS84:SpatialThing, can have geo-coordinates."
pimo:Logical Media Typepimo:class rolepimo:AbstractClass
pimo:Logical Media Typerdfs:comment"Logical media types represent the content aspect of information elements e.g. a flyer, a contract, a promotional video, a todo list. The user can create new logical media types dependend on their domain: a salesman will need MarketingFlyer, Offer, Invoice while a student might create Report, Thesis and Homework. This is independent from the information element and data object (NIE/NFO) in which the media type will be stored. The same contract can be stored in a PDF file, a text file, or an HTML website. The groundingOccurrence of a LogicalMediaType is the Document that stores the content."
pimo:Logical Media Typerdfs:label"Logical Media Type"
pimo:Logical Media Typeprotege:role"abstract"
pimo:Logical Media Typerdfs:subClassOfpimo:Thing
pimo:Logical Media Typerdf:typerdfs:Class
pimo:Meetingrdfs:comment"The social act of assembling for some common purpose; "his meeting with the salesman was the high point of his day". (Definition from SUMO)"
pimo:Meetingrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Social Event
pimo:Memberrdfs:comment"The role of one or multiple persons being a member in one or multiple organizations. Use pimo:organization and pimo:roleHolder to link to the organizations and persons."
pimo:Memberrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Role of Person
pimo:Noterdfs:comment"A note. The textual contents of the note should be expressed in the nao:description value of the note."
pimo:Organizationrdfs:comment"An administrative and functional structure (as a business or a political party). (Definition from Merriam-Webster)"
pimo:Personrdfs:comment"Represents a person. Either living, dead, real or imaginary. (Definition from foaf:Person)"
pimo:Personal Information Modelrdfs:comment"A Personal Information Model (PIMO) of a user. Represents the sum of all information from the personal knowledge workspace (in literature also referred to as Personal Space of Information (PSI)) which a user needs for Personal Information Management (PIM)."
pimo:Personal Information Modelrdfs:label"Personal Information Model"
pimo:Personal Information Modelrdfs:subClassOfnrl:KnowledgeBase
pimo:Personal Information Modelrdfs:subClassOfrdfs:Resource
pimo:Personal Information Modelrdf:typerdfs:Class
pimo:Process Conceptpimo:class rolepimo:AbstractClass
pimo:Process Conceptrdfs:comment"Concepts that relate to a series of actions or operations conducing to an end. Abstract class. Defines optional start and endtime properties, names taken from NCAL."
pimo:Process Conceptrdfs:label"Process Concept"
pimo:Process Conceptprotege:role"abstract"
pimo:Process Conceptrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Thing
pimo:Process Conceptrdf:typerdfs:Class
pimo:Projectrdfs:comment"Any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted (Wordnet). An enterprise carefully planned to achieve a particular aim (Oxford Dictionary)."
pimo:Projectrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Process Concept
pimo:Role of Personrdfs:comment"A person takes a certain role in a given context. The role can be that of "a mentor or another person" or "giving a talk at a meeting", etc."
pimo:Role of Personrdfs:label"Role of Person"
pimo:Role of Personrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Association
pimo:Role of Personrdf:typerdfs:Class
pimo:Roomrdfs:comment"A properPart of a Building which is separated from the exterior of the Building and/or other Rooms of the Building by walls. Some Rooms may have a specific purpose, e.g. sleeping, bathing, cooking, entertainment, etc. (Definition from SUMO)."
pimo:Social Eventrdfs:comment"A social occasion or activity. (Definition from Merriam-Webster)"
pimo:Social Eventrdfs:label"Social Event"
pimo:Social Eventrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Event
pimo:Social Eventrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Locatable
pimo:Social Eventrdf:typerdfs:Class
pimo:Staterdfs:comment"Administrative subdivisions of a Nation that are broader than any other political subdivisions that may exist. This Class includes the states of the United States, as well as the provinces of Canada and European countries. (Definition from SUMO)."
pimo:Tagpimo:class rolepimo:AbstractClass
pimo:Tagrdfs:comment"Tags in the context of PIMO. A marker class for Things that are used to categorize documents (or other things). Tags must be a kind of Thing and must have a unique label. Documents should not be Tags by default."
pimo:Taskrdfs:comment"A (usually assigned) piece of work (often to be finished within a certain time). (Definition from Merriam-Webster)"
pimo:Taskrdfs:subClassOfpimo:Process Concept
pimo:Thingrdfs:comment"Entities that are in the direct attention of the user when doing knowledge work."
pimo:Topicrdfs:comment"A topic is the subject of a discussion or document. Topics are distinguished from Things in their taxonomic nature, examples are scientific areas such as "Information Science", "Biology", or categories used in content syndication such as "Sports", "Politics". They are specific to the user's domain."
?:altituderdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:datatype property
pimo:association effectual duringrdfs:comment"During which time is this association effective? If omitted, the association is always effective. Start time and end-time may be left open, an open start time indicates that the fact is unknown, an open end-time indicates that the end-date is either unknown or the association has not ended. There can be multiple effectual periods."
pimo:association effectual duringrdfs:domainpimo:Association
pimo:association effectual duringrdfs:label"association effectual during"
pimo:association effectual duringrdfs:rangerdfs:Resource
pimo:association effectual duringrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:association memberrdfs:comment"An super-property of all roles that an entity can have in an association. Member is the generic role of a thing in an association. Association subclasses should define sub-properties of this property. Associations can have Things as"
pimo:association memberrdfs:domainpimo:Association
pimo:association memberrdfs:label"association member"
pimo:association memberrdfs:rangepimo:Thing
pimo:association memberrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:attendeerdfs:comment"A social event is attended by a person."
pimo:attendeerdfs:domainpimo:Social Event
pimo:attendeenrl:inversePropertypimo:attends event
pimo:attendeerdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:is related
pimo:attending meetingrdfs:comment"the attended meeting"
pimo:attending meetingrdfs:domainpimo:Attendee
pimo:attending meetingrdfs:label"attending meeting"
pimo:attending meetingrdfs:rangepimo:Social Event
pimo:attending meetingrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:role context
pimo:attending meetingrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:attends eventrdfs:comment"A person attends a social event."
pimo:attends eventrdfs:domainpimo:Person
pimo:attends eventnrl:inversePropertypimo:attendee
pimo:attends eventrdfs:label"attends event"
pimo:attends eventrdfs:rangepimo:Social Event
pimo:attends eventrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:is related
pimo:attends eventrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:broader topicrdfs:comment"The object topic is more general in meaning than the subject topic. Transitive. Similar to skos:broader."
pimo:broader topicrdfs:domainpimo:Topic
pimo:broader topicnrl:inversePropertypimo:sub topic
pimo:broader topicrdfs:label"broader topic"
pimo:broader topicrdfs:rangepimo:Topic
pimo:broader topicrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:object property
pimo:broader topicrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:part of
pimo:broader topicrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:broader topicrdf:typenrl:TransitiveProperty
pimo:class rolerdfs:comment"Annotating abstract and concrete classes. Implementations may offer the feature to hide abstract classes. By default, classes are concrete. Classes can be declared abstract by setting their classRole to abstract. Instances should not have an abstract class as type (if not inferred)."
pimo:class rolerdfs:label"class role"
pimo:class rolenrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:class rolerdfs:rangepimo:ClassRole
pimo:class rolerdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:contains locationrdfs:comment"The subject location contains the object location. For example, a building contains a room or a country contains a city."
pimo:contains locationrdfs:domainpimo:Location
pimo:contains locationnrl:inversePropertypimo:located within
pimo:contains locationrdfs:label"contains location"
pimo:contains locationrdfs:rangepimo:Location
pimo:contains locationrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:has part
pimo:contains locationrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:created Pimordfs:comment"The creator of the Personal Information Model. The human being whose mental models are represented in the PIMO."
pimo:created Pimordfs:domainpimo:Agent
pimo:created Pimonrl:inversePropertypimo:creator
pimo:created Pimordfs:label"created Pimo"
pimo:created Pimordfs:rangepimo:Personal Information Model
pimo:created Pimordf:typerdf:Property
pimo:creatorrdfs:comment"The creator of the Personal Information Model. A subproperty of NAO:creator. The human being whose mental models are represented in the PIMO. Range is an Agent."
pimo:creatorrdfs:domainpimo:Personal Information Model
pimo:creatornrl:inversePropertypimo:created Pimo
pimo:datatype propertyrdfs:comment"The object of statements is a literal, resource, or datatype value describing the subject thing. Users should be able to edit statements defined with this property. Abstract super-property."
pimo:datatype propertyrdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:datatype propertyrdfs:label"datatype property"
pimo:datatype propertyrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:durationrdfs:comment"The duration of the process (meeting, event, etc). Difference between start and end time."
pimo:durationrdfs:domainpimo:Process Concept
pimo:durationrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:datatype property
pimo:end daterdfs:comment"This property specifies the date and time when a process ends. Inspired by NCAL:dtend."
pimo:end daterdfs:domainpimo:Process Concept
pimo:end daterdfs:label"end date"
pimo:end datenrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:end daterdfs:rangexsd:dateTime
pimo:end daterdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:datatype property
pimo:end daterdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:global namespacerdfs:comment"The global namespace of this user using the semdesk uri scheme, based on the Global Identifier of the user. Example semdesk:// See"
pimo:global namespacerdfs:domainpimo:Personal Information Model
pimo:global namespacerdfs:label"global namespace"
pimo:global namespacerdfs:rangerdfs:Literal
pimo:global namespacerdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:grounding for deleted thingrdfs:comment"This NIE Information Element was used as a grounding occurrence for the object Thing. The Thing was then deleted by the user manually, indicating that this Information Element should not cause an automatic creation of another Thing in the future. The object resource has no range to indicate that it was completely removed from the user's PIMO, including the rdf:type statement. Relevant for data alignment and enrichment algorithms."
pimo:grounding for deleted thingrdfs:label"grounding for deleted thing"
pimo:grounding for deleted thingrdfs:rangerdfs:Resource
pimo:grounding for deleted thingrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:grounding occurrencerdfs:comment"The subject Thing represents the entity that is described in the object InformationElement. The subject Thing is the canonical, unique representation in the personal information model for the entity described in the object. Multiple InformationElements can be the grounding occurrence of the same Thing, one InformationElement can be the groundingOccurrence of only one Thing."
pimo:grounding occurrencerdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:grounding occurrencerdfs:label"grounding occurrence"
pimo:grounding occurrencerdfs:rangenie:InformationElement
pimo:grounding occurrencerdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:occurrence
pimo:grounding occurrencerdf:typenrl:InverseFunctionalProperty
pimo:grounding occurrencerdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has deprecated representationrdfs:comment"The subject Thing was represented previously using the object resource. This indicates that the object resource was a duplicate representation of the subject and merged with the subject. Implementations can use this property to resolve dangling links in distributed system. When encountering resources that are deprecated representations of a Thing, they should be replaced with the Thing. The range is not declared as we assume all knowledge about the object is gone, including its rdf:type."
pimo:has deprecated representationrdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:has deprecated representationrdfs:label"has deprecated representation"
pimo:has deprecated representationrdfs:rangerdfs:Resource
pimo:has deprecated representationrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has folderrdfs:comment"Folders can be used to store information elements related to a Thing or Class. This property can be used to connect a Class or Thing to existing Folders. Implementations can suggest annotations for documents stored inside these folders or suggest the folder for new documents related to the Thing or Class."
pimo:has folderrdfs:domainpimo:ClassOrThing
pimo:has folderrdfs:label"has folder"
pimo:has folderrdfs:rangenfo:Folder
pimo:has folderrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has group memberrdfs:comment"Defines which agents form part of a given person group."
pimo:has group memberrdfs:domainpimo:Group of Persons
pimo:has group membernrl:inversePropertypimo:member of group
pimo:has group memberrdfs:label"has group member"
pimo:has group memberrdfs:rangepimo:Agent
pimo:has group memberrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:has part
pimo:has group memberrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has interestrdfs:comment"Marks a pimo:Tag or a pimo:Topic (its subclass) as an interest of a person or a group."
pimo:has interestrdfs:domainpimo:Agent
pimo:has interestnrl:inversePropertypimo:is interest Of
pimo:has interestrdfs:label"has interest"
pimo:has interestrdfs:rangepimo:Tag
pimo:has interestrdfs:rangepimo:Topic
pimo:has interestrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:has tag
pimo:has interestrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has locationrdfs:comment"The subject thing is currently located at the object location."
pimo:has locationrdfs:domainpimo:Locatable
pimo:has locationnrl:inversePropertypimo:is location of
pimo:has locationrdfs:label"has location"
pimo:has locationnrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:has locationrdfs:rangepimo:Location
pimo:has locationrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:is related
pimo:has locationrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has other conceptualizationrdfs:comment"Short: hasOtherRepresentation points from a Class in your PIMO to a class in a domain ontology that represents the same class. Longer: hasOtherConceptualization means that a class of real world objects O represented by a concept C1 in the ontology has additional conceptualizations (as classes C2-Cn in different domain ontologies). This means: IF (O_i is conceptialized by C_j in Ontology_k) AND (O_l is conceptialized by C_m in Ontology_n) THEN (O_i and O_l is the same set of objects). hasOtherConceptualization is an transitive relation, but not equivalent (not symmetric nor reflexive)."
pimo:has other conceptualizationrdfs:domainrdfs:Class
pimo:has other conceptualizationrdfs:label"has other conceptualization"
pimo:has other conceptualizationrdfs:rangerdfs:Class
pimo:has other conceptualizationrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:occurrence
pimo:has other conceptualizationrdfs:subPropertyOfrdfs:subClassOf
pimo:has other conceptualizationrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has other conceptualizationrdf:typenrl:TransitiveProperty
pimo:has other representationrdfs:comment"hasOtherRepresentation points from a Thing in your PIMO to a thing in an ontology that represents the same real world thing. This means that the real world object O represented by an instance I1 has additional representations (as instances I2-In of different conceptualizations). This means: IF (I_i represents O_j in Ontology_k) AND (I_m represents O_n in Ontology_o) THEN (O_n and O_j are the same object). hasOtherRepresentation is a transitive relation, but not equivalent (not symmetric nor reflexive). For example, the URI of a foaf:Person representation published on the web is a hasOtherRepresentation for the person. This property is inverse functional, two Things from two information models having the same hasOtherRepresentation are considered to be representations of the same entity from the real world."
pimo:has other representationrdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:has other representationrdfs:label"has other representation"
pimo:has other representationrdfs:rangerdfs:Resource
pimo:has other representationrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:occurrence
pimo:has other representationrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has other representationrdf:typenrl:TransitiveProperty
pimo:has partrdfs:comment"The object is part of the subject. Like a page is part of a book or an engine is part of a car. You can make sub-properties of this to reflect more detailed relations. The semantics of this relations is the same as skos:narrowerPartitive"
pimo:has partrdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:has partnrl:inversePropertypimo:part of
pimo:has partrdfs:label"has part"
pimo:has partrdfs:rangepimo:Thing
pimo:has partrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:object property
pimo:has partrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:has tagrdfs:comment"The subject's contents describes the object. Or the subject can be seen as belonging to the thing described by the object. Similar semantics as skos:subject."
pimo:has tagrdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:has tagnrl:inversePropertypimo:is tag for
pimo:has tagrdfs:label"has tag"
pimo:has tagrdfs:rangepimo:Tag
pimo:has tagrdfs:subPropertyOfnao:has tag
pimo:has tagrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:object property
pimo:has tagrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:is defined byrdfs:comment"Each element in a PIMO must be connected to the PIMO, to be able to track multiple PIMOs in a distributed scenario. Also, this is the way to find the user that this Thing belongs to."
pimo:is defined byrdfs:domainpimo:ClassOrThingOrPropertyOrAssociation
pimo:is defined byrdfs:label"is defined by"
pimo:is defined bynrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:is defined bynrl:minCardinality"1"
pimo:is defined byrdfs:rangepimo:Personal Information Model
pimo:is defined byrdfs:subPropertyOfnao:has data graph
pimo:is defined byrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:is interest Ofrdfs:comment"Links interests, as instances of pimo:Tag or a pimo:Topic (its subclass), to a person or a group."
pimo:is interest Ofrdfs:domainpimo:Tag
pimo:is interest Ofrdfs:domainpimo:Topic
pimo:is interest Ofnrl:inversePropertypimo:has interest
pimo:is interest Ofrdfs:label"is interest Of"
pimo:is interest Ofrdfs:rangepimo:Agent
pimo:is interest Ofrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:is tag for
pimo:is interest Ofrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:is location ofrdfs:comment"The subject location is the current location of the object."
pimo:is location ofrdfs:domainpimo:Location
pimo:is location ofnrl:inversePropertypimo:has location
pimo:is location ofrdfs:label"is location of"
pimo:is location ofrdfs:rangepimo:Thing
pimo:is location ofrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:is related
pimo:is location ofrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:is member of organizationrdfs:comment"The subject person or organozation (Agent) is member of the object organization."
pimo:is member of organizationrdfs:domainpimo:Agent
pimo:is member of organizationnrl:inversePropertypimo:organization has member
pimo:is member of organizationrdfs:label"is member of organization"
pimo:is member of organizationrdfs:rangepimo:Organization
pimo:is member of organizationrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:part of
pimo:is member of organizationrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:is relatedrdfs:comment"The thing is related to the other thing. Similar in meaning to skos:related. Symmetric but not transitive."
pimo:is relatedrdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:is relatednrl:inversePropertypimo:is related
pimo:is relatedrdfs:label"is related"
pimo:is relatedrdfs:rangepimo:Thing
pimo:is relatedrdfs:subPropertyOfnao:is related to
pimo:is relatedrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:object property
pimo:is relatedrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:is tag forrdfs:comment"This thing is described further in the object thing. Similar semantics as skos:isSubjectOf."
pimo:is tag forrdfs:domainpimo:Tag
pimo:is tag fornrl:inversePropertypimo:has tag
pimo:is tag forrdfs:label"is tag for"
pimo:is tag forrdfs:rangepimo:Thing
pimo:is tag forrdfs:subPropertyOfnao:is tag for
pimo:is tag forrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:object property
pimo:is tag forrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:is writeablerdfs:comment"Defines if this information model can be modified by the user of the system. This is usually false for imported ontologies and true for the user's own PersonalInformationModel."
pimo:is writeablerdfs:label"is writeable"
pimo:is writeablerdfs:rangerdfs:Literal
pimo:is writeablerdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:jabber ID of the userrdfs:comment"Jabber-ID of the user. Used to communicate amongst peers in the social scenario of the semantic desktop. Use the xmpp node identifier as specified by RFC3920, see The format is the same as e-mail addresses: username@hostname."
pimo:jabber ID of the userrdfs:domainpimo:Person
pimo:jabber ID of the userrdfs:label"jabber ID of the user"
pimo:jabber ID of the usernrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:jabber ID of the userrdfs:rangerdfs:Literal
pimo:jabber ID of the userrdf:typerdf:Property
?:latituderdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:datatype property
pimo:local namespacerdfs:comment"The local namespace of this user using the semdesk uri scheme, based on the Local Identifier of the user. Example semdesk://bob@/things/. See"
pimo:local namespacerdfs:domainpimo:Personal Information Model
pimo:local namespacerdfs:label"local namespace"
pimo:local namespacerdfs:rangerdfs:Literal
pimo:local namespacerdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:located withinrdfs:comment"The subject location is contained within the object location. For example, a room is located within a building or a city is located within a country."
pimo:located withinrdfs:domainpimo:Location
pimo:located withinnrl:inversePropertypimo:contains location
pimo:located withinrdfs:label"located within"
pimo:located withinrdfs:rangepimo:Location
pimo:located withinrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:part of
pimo:located withinrdf:typerdf:Property
?:longituderdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:datatype property
pimo:member of grouprdfs:comment"This property can be used to organise agents within groups. Supplemented with an inverse property."
pimo:member of grouprdfs:domainpimo:Agent
pimo:member of groupnrl:inversePropertypimo:has group member
pimo:member of grouprdfs:label"member of group"
pimo:member of grouprdfs:rangepimo:Group of Persons
pimo:member of grouprdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:part of
pimo:member of grouprdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:object propertyrdfs:comment"The object of statements is another Thing. Users should be able to edit statements defined with this property. Abstract super-property."
pimo:object propertyrdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:object propertyrdfs:label"object property"
pimo:object propertyrdfs:rangepimo:Thing
pimo:object propertyrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:occurrencerdfs:comment"The subject Thing is represented also in the object resource. All facts added to the object resource are valid for the subject thing. The subject is the canonical represtation of the object. In particual, this implies when (?object ?p ?v) -> (?subject ?p ?v) and (?s ?p ?object) -> (?s ?p ?subject). The class of the object is not defined, but should be compatible with the class of the subject. Occurrence relations can be inferred through same identifiers or referencingOccurrence relations."
pimo:organizationrdfs:comment"relation to the organization in an OrganizationMember association."
pimo:organizationrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:association member
pimo:organization has memberrdfs:comment"The subject organization has the object person or organization (Agent) as a member."
pimo:organization has memberrdfs:domainpimo:Organization
pimo:organization has membernrl:inversePropertypimo:is member of organization
pimo:organization has memberrdfs:label"organization has member"
pimo:organization has memberrdfs:rangepimo:Agent
pimo:organization has memberrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:has part
pimo:organization has memberrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:part ofrdfs:comment"This is part of the object. Like a page is part of a book or an engine is part of a car. You can make sub-properties of this to reflect more detailed relations."
pimo:part ofrdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:part ofnrl:inversePropertypimo:has part
pimo:part ofrdfs:label"part of"
pimo:part ofrdfs:rangepimo:Thing
pimo:part ofrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:object property
pimo:part ofrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:referencing occurrencerdfs:comment"The subject thing is described in the object document. Ideally, the document is public and its primary topic is the thing. Although this property is not inverse-functional (because the Occurrences are not canonical elements of a formal ontology) this property allows to use public documents, such as wikipedia pages, as indicators identity. The more formal hasOtherRepresentation property can be used when an ontology about the subject exists."
pimo:referencing occurrencerdfs:domainpimo:Thing
pimo:referencing occurrencerdfs:label"referencing occurrence"
pimo:referencing occurrencerdfs:rangenie:InformationElement
pimo:referencing occurrencerdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:represented by other slotrdfs:comment"hasOtherSlot points from a clot in your PIMO to a slot in a domain ontology that represents the same connection idea."
pimo:represented by other slotrdfs:domainrdf:Property
pimo:represented by other slotrdfs:label"represented by other slot"
pimo:represented by other slotrdfs:rangerdf:Property
pimo:represented by other slotrdfs:rangerdfs:Resource
pimo:represented by other slotrdfs:subPropertyOfrdfs:subPropertyOf
pimo:represented by other slotrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:represented by other slotrdf:typenrl:TransitiveProperty
pimo:role contextrdfs:comment"The context where the role-holder impersonates this role. For example, the company where a person is employed."
pimo:role contextrdfs:domainpimo:Role of Person
pimo:role contextrdfs:label"role context"
pimo:role contextrdfs:rangepimo:Thing
pimo:role contextrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:association member
pimo:role contextrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:role holderrdfs:comment"the person taking the role"
pimo:role holderrdfs:domainpimo:Role of Person
pimo:role holderrdfs:label"role holder"
pimo:role holderrdfs:rangepimo:Person
pimo:role holderrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:association member
pimo:role holderrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:root topicrdfs:comment"The root topics of this PersonalInformationModel's topic hierarchy. Every topic that has no pimo:superTopic is a root topic. Semantically equivalent to skos:hasTopConcept."
pimo:root topicrdfs:domainpimo:Personal Information Model
pimo:root topicrdfs:label"root topic"
pimo:root topicrdfs:rangepimo:Topic
pimo:root topicrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:start daterdfs:comment"This property specifies when the process begins. Inspired by NCAL:dtstart."
pimo:start daterdfs:domainpimo:Process Concept
pimo:start daterdfs:label"start date"
pimo:start datenrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:start daterdfs:rangexsd:dateTime
pimo:start daterdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:datatype property
pimo:start daterdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:sub topicrdfs:comment"The object topic is more specific in meaning than the subject topic. Transitive. Similar in meaning to skos:narrower"
pimo:sub topicrdfs:domainpimo:Topic
pimo:sub topicnrl:inversePropertypimo:broader topic
pimo:sub topicrdfs:label"sub topic"
pimo:sub topicrdfs:rangepimo:Topic
pimo:sub topicrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:has part
pimo:sub topicrdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:object property
pimo:sub topicrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:sub topicrdf:typenrl:TransitiveProperty
pimo:tag labelrdfs:comment"The unique label of the tag. The label must be unique within the scope of one PersonalInformationModel. It is required and a subproperty of nao:prefLabel. It clarifies the use of nao:personalIdentifier by restricting the scope to tags. Semantically equivalent to skos:prefLabel, where uniqueness of labels is also recommended."
pimo:tag labelrdfs:domainpimo:Tag
pimo:tag labelrdfs:label"tag label"
pimo:tag labelnrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:tag labelnrl:minCardinality"1"
pimo:tag labelrdfs:rangerdfs:Literal
pimo:tag labelrdfs:subPropertyOfnao:personal identifier
pimo:tag labelrdfs:subPropertyOfnao:preferred label
pimo:tag labelrdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:task due timerdfs:comment"when is this task due? Represented in ISO 8601, example: 2003-11-22T17:00:00"
pimo:task due timerdfs:domainpimo:Task
pimo:task due timerdfs:label"task due time"
pimo:task due timenrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:task due timerdfs:rangexsd:dateTime
pimo:task due timerdfs:subPropertyOfpimo:datatype property
pimo:task due timerdf:typerdf:Property
pimo:wiki textrdfs:comment"A wiki-like free-text description of a Thing or a Class. The text can be formatted using a limited set of HTML elements and can contain links to other Things. The format is described in detail in the WIF specification ("
pimo:wiki textrdfs:domainpimo:ClassOrThing
pimo:wiki textrdfs:label"wiki text"
pimo:wiki textnrl:maxCardinality"1"
pimo:wiki textrdfs:rangerdfs:Literal
pimo:wiki textrdf:typerdf:Property