Table for the 24 triples for predicate rdfs:domain in graph sio

?:derives into?:object
?:has basis?:realizable entity
?:has data item?:data set
?:has participant?:process
?:is annotation of?:language entity
?:is base for?:quality
?:is broader than (t)?:term
?:is capability of?:capability
?:is covalently connected to (transitive)?:atom
?:is disposition of?:disposition
?:is end time of?:time instant
?:is function of?:function
?:is identifier for?:identifier
?:is match to?:term
?:is measurement value of?:measurement value
?:is narrower than (t)?:term
?:is numerically comparable to?:quantity
?:is quality of?:quality
?:is role of?:role
?:is start time of?:time instant
?:is time boundary of?:time instant
?:is unique identifier for?:unique identifier
?:is unit of?:unit of measurement
?:is weakly interacting with (transitive)_:_:Node1