Table for the 40 triples for predicate owl:inverseOf in graph sioc

sioc:account offoaf:account
sioc:administrator ofsioc:has administrator
sioc:container ofsioc:has container
sioc:creator ofsioc:has creator
sioc:earlier versionsioc:later version
sioc:function ofsioc:has function
sioc:group ofsioc:has group
sioc:has administratorsioc:administrator of
sioc:has containersioc:container of
sioc:has creatorsioc:creator of
sioc:has functionsioc:function of
sioc:has groupsioc:group of
sioc:has hostsioc:host of
sioc:has membersioc:member of
sioc:has modifiersioc:modifier of
sioc:has ownersioc:owner of
sioc:has parentsioc:parent of
sioc:has partsioc:part of
sioc:has replysioc:reply of
sioc:has scopesioc:scope of
sioc:has spacesioc:space of
sioc:has subscribersioc:subscriber of
sioc:has usergroupsioc:usergroup of
sioc:host ofsioc:has host
sioc:later versionsioc:earlier version
sioc:member ofsioc:has member
sioc:moderator ofsioc:has moderator
sioc:modifier ofsioc:has modifier
sioc:next by datesioc:previous by date
sioc:next versionsioc:previous version
sioc:owner ofsioc:has owner
sioc:parent ofsioc:has parent
sioc:part ofsioc:has part
sioc:previous by datesioc:next by date
sioc:previous versionsioc:next version
sioc:reply ofsioc:has reply
sioc:scope ofsioc:has scope
sioc:space ofsioc:has space
sioc:subscriber ofsioc:has subscriber
sioc:usergroup ofsioc:has usergroup