Table for the 9 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain lexinfo:AdjectivePOS

lexinfo:adjective"Part of speech related to attributes of noun."
lexinfo:adjective-i"Deverbal adjective in Japanese ending with the '-i' suffix in dictionary form"@en
lexinfo:adjective-na"Denominal adjectives in Japanese formed from a noun plus the particle 'na'"@en
lexinfo:ordinal adjective"Adjective/numeral/number expressing a numeric ranking."
lexinfo:participle adjective"Adjective based on a verb."
lexinfo:past participle adjective"Adjective based on a past participle."
lexinfo:possessive adjective"An adjective derived from a noun and denoting possession by the object described by the noun."
lexinfo:present participle adjective"Adjective based on a present participle."
lexinfo:qualifier adjective"Adjective used to qualify."