Table for the 12 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain lexinfo:Number

lexinfo:collective"A collective number is a number referring to 'a set of things'. Languages that have this feature can use it to get a phrase like 'flock of sheeps' by using 'sheep' in collective number."
lexinfo:dual"Form used in some languages to designate two persons or things."
lexinfo:dual"The form used in some languages to designate two persons or things."
lexinfo:massNoun"Designation of a term or word that is not countable and cannot generally be used with the indefinite article or in the plural."
lexinfo:otherNumber"Designation used to classify number-related grammatical information that can differ from the standard European classifications cited above."
lexinfo:paucal"Number that specifies 'a few' things."
lexinfo:plural"The form of a term or word (usually of a noun) used to designate more than one object."
lexinfo:plural"Value that expresses more than one element."
lexinfo:quadrial"Property related to four elements."
lexinfo:singular"The form of a term or word (usually of a noun) used to designate one object."
lexinfo:singular"Value that expresses one element."
lexinfo:trial"Grammatical number referring to 'three things', as opposed to 'singular' and 'plural'."