Table for the 11 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain lexinfo:NumeralPOS

lexinfo:cardinal numeral"A word denoting a number."
lexinfo:generic numeral"A numeral used to indicate the number of sets/kinds of objects."
lexinfo:indefinite cardinal numeral"A word used to express imprecise quantity."
lexinfo:indefinite multiplicative numeral"A word indicating imprecise number of times something happened."
lexinfo:indefinite ordinal numeral"A word used to indicate imprecise rank of an object in a sequence."
lexinfo:interrogative cardinal numeral"An interrogative/relative word used to ask about quantity."
lexinfo:interrogative multiplicative numeral"An interrogative/relative word used to ask about the number of times something happened."
lexinfo:interrogative ordinal numeral"An interrogative/relative word used to ask about numeric ranking."
lexinfo:multiplicative numeral"A word that expresses the number of times something happened."
lexinfo:numeral"Part of speech that expresses a number or the relation to a number."
lexinfo:numeral fraction"Word used to denote the denominator of a fraction."