Table for the 14 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain lexinfo:ParticlePOS

lexinfo:affirmative particule"Particle used to express affirmation."
lexinfo:comparative particle"Particle used to compare."
lexinfo:conditional particule"conditional particule"
lexinfo:coordination particle"particle for coordination"
lexinfo:distinctive particle"distinctive particle"
lexinfo:future particle"Particle used in order to express future."
lexinfo:infinitive particle"Particle used to express infinitive."
lexinfo:interrogative particle"Particle used to express a question."
lexinfo:negative particle"Particle used to express negation."
lexinfo:particle"Word that does not belong to one of the main classes of words, is invariable in form, and typically has grammatical or pragmatic meaning."
lexinfo:possessive particle"Particle expressing ownship."
lexinfo:relative particle"relative particle"
lexinfo:superlative particle"Particle expressing superlative degree. Superlative is the comparison between more than two entities and contrasts with comparative where only two entities are involved and positive where no comparison is implied."
lexinfo:unclassified particle"Particle that is not covered by other sorts of particle definitions."