Table for the 13 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain lexinfo:SymbolPOS

lexinfo:bullet"Sign used to mark an item in a list."
lexinfo:close parenthesis"End of a parenthesis pair."
lexinfo:colon"Sign with two vertical points that is used in writing and printing to introduce an explanation, example or quotation."
lexinfo:comma"Mark (,) used in writing to show a short pause or to separate items in a list."
lexinfo:exclamative point"Special sign (!) usually used in writing to mark exclamation."
lexinfo:inverted comma"Inverted comma."
lexinfo:open parenthesis"Beginning of a pair of parenthesis."
lexinfo:point"Sign (.) used to expresses the end of a sentence or an abbreviation."
lexinfo:punctuation"Graphical mark used either at word level to indicate an abbreviation or at a text level to separate phrases or sentences."
lexinfo:question mark"Sign used to express a question."
lexinfo:semi-colon"Sign (;) usually used to separate phrases."
lexinfo:slash"The punctuation sign /"
lexinfo:suspension points"Sequence of three dots having the same meaning as "et cetera" (full form) or "etc" (abbreviated form)."