Table for the 4 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain nrl:InverseFunctionalProperty

nrl:coreGraphMetadataFor"Links a metadata graph to the graph for which it specifies the core graph properties including the semantics and the graph namespace. A graph can have only one unique core metadata graph"
pimo:grounding occurrence"The subject Thing represents the entity that is described in the object InformationElement. The subject Thing is the canonical, unique representation in the personal information model for the entity described in the object. Multiple InformationElements can be the grounding occurrence of the same Thing, one InformationElement can be the groundingOccurrence of only one Thing."
nie:hasPart"Generic property used to express 'physical' containment relationships between DataObjects. NIE extensions are encouraged to provide more specific subproperties of this one. It is advisable for actual instances of DataObjects to use those specific subproperties. Note to the developers: Please be aware of the distinction between containment relation and provenance. The hasPart relation models physical containment, an InformationElement (a nmo:Message) can have a 'physical' part (an nfo:Attachment). Also, please note the difference between physical containment (hasPart) and logical containment (hasLogicalPart) the former has more strict meaning. They may occur independently of each other."
nao:personal identifier"Defines a personal string identifier for a resource"