Table for the 11 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain owl:DeprecatedProperty

sioc:content encoded"The encoded content of the Post, contained in CDATA areas."@en
sioc:created at"When this was created, in ISO 8601 format."@en
sioc:description"The content of the Post."@en
sioc:first name"First (real) name of this User. Synonyms include given name or christian name."@en
sioc:has part"An resource that is a part of this subject."@en
sioc:last name"Last (real) name of this user. Synonyms include surname or family name."@en
sioc:modified at"When this was modified, in ISO 8601 format."@en
sioc:part of"A resource that the subject is a part of."@en
sioc:reference"Links either created explicitly or extracted implicitly on the HTML level from the Post."@en
sioc:subject"Keyword(s) describing subject of the Post."@en
sioc:title"This is the title (subject line) of the Post. Note that for a Post within a threaded discussion that has no parents, it would detail the topic thread."@en