Table for the 86 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain owl:FunctionalProperty

ov:Canonical URI"Denotes the canonical URI that should be used to refer to this resource."@en
lemon:Canonical form"The canonical ("dictionary") form of the lexical entry. This can be used to indicate the "lemma" form of a lexical entry"@en
ov:Course teacher"Teacher of the course. Should belong to the organization specified by ov:offeredBy of the course"@en
dcterms:Date Copyrighted"Date of copyright."@en
dcterms:Date Copyrighted"The date on which an entity has been copyrighted."@en
dcterms:Date Created"Date of creation of the resource."@en
dcterms:Date Created"The date on which an entity has been created."@en
ov:Earworm Song"The song that is the focus of a particular earworm"@en
lemon:Element"Denotes the lexical entry represented by the component"@en
ov:Last Cached Page"The most recently cached static page describing the resource."@en
ov:Number of Reviews Written"a total count of the number of resources of type <> that an Agent is known to have created "@en
ov:Offered course"Course offered by the organization"@en
ov:Offering organization"Organization who offers the course, e.g. a department, a school, a research institute"@en
lemon:Reference"A reference to an external resource"@en
ov:Signature Scent"Relate a thing (usually a person) to the scent with which they are most commonly associated."@en
ov:Sindice Result Count"The number of results retrieved for a search on that uri from the Search Engine sindice"@en
ov:Tagging Count"the number of times a tag has been used in taggings of things"@en
foaf:age"The age in years of some agent."
foaf:birthday"The birthday of this Agent, represented in mm-dd string form, eg. '12-31'."
pattern:can contain heteronymous elements"A hierarchical-based entity contains al least two entities having different names."@en
pattern:can contain homonymous elements"A hierarchical-based entity contains al least two entities that share the same name."@en
ov:compressed dataset file has fileSize"Describes the size of the file of a dataset in compressed state"@en
?:created in Workflow System"This data property binds a workflow template to the tool used for its design and creation. The tool is represented by its URL. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; opmw:createdInWorkflowSystem ""^^xsd:anyURI."@en
ov:dataset file has fileSize"Describes the size of the file of a dataset in the normal (uncompressed) state"@en
fabio:date last updated"The date on which a particular endeavour, such as an ontology, was last updated."@en
ov:departure date"Date and time your travel will commence"@en
foaf:gender"The gender of this Agent (typically but not necessarily 'male' or 'female')."
?:has DOI"A Digital Object Identifier for a serial publication item, a dataset or some other entity."@en
?:has Dimensionality"Property that represents the dimensionality of the artifact: 0 is a single file, 1 for a collection, etc. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:DataVariable, opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact; opmw:hasDimensionality "1"^^xsd:int."@en
?:has Executable Component"Property that binds a workflow execution process to the specific component (code, scripts, etc.) used in the execution. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Process, opmw:WorkflowExecutionProcess; opmw:hasExecutableComponent <>."@en
?:has Execution Diagram"Property that links an execution account to its diagram. The diagram shows how the template has been instantiated with different components. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account; opmw:hasExecutionDiagram ""^^sxd:anyURI."@en
?:has File Name"Property used to link an execution artifact to its file name (independently of its URI). Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact. opmw:hasFileName "NTMParams_SMN_2010_03_14Z"^^xsd:string."@en
?:has ISBN"The International Standard Book Number, ISBN, used to identify published books or, more rarely, journal issues."@en
?:has ISSN"The International Standard Serial Number, ISSN, an identifer for serial publications."@en
fabio:has National Library of Medicine journal identifier"An internal identifier for journals available from the National Library of Medicine repository."@en
?:has Native System Template"Property used to link a workflow template to its native template (encoded in the syntax of the workflow system where it was designed: scufl, owl, etc.). Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; opmw:hasNativeSystemTemplate ""xsd:anyURI."@en
?:has Original Log File"Property used to link an execution account or a workflow execution process to the correspondent log file produced by the enacting workflow engine. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account; opmw:hasOriginalLogFile ""^^sxd:anyURI."@en
fabio:has PubMed Central identifier"An identifier for bibliographic entities hosted by the PubMed Central repository."@en
fabio:has PubMed identifier"An identifier for bibliographic records held by the PubMed repository."@en
fabio:has SICI"The Serial Item and Contribution Identifier is a code used to uniquely identify specific volumes, articles or other identifiable parts of a periodical. It is intended primarily for use by those members of the bibliographic community involved in the use or management of serial titles and their contributions."@en
?:has Size"Property used to annotate a workflow execution artifact with the size in bytes of its file. Example @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact. opmw:hasLocation "68"^^xsd:int."@en
?:has Status"Property used to state whether an ececution account was successful or not. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmo:Account, opmw:ExecutionAccount; opmw:hasStatus "SUCCESS"^^xsd.string."@en
?:has Value"Property used to state the value of the artifact (in case of being a parameter). Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact; opmw:hasValue "0.61959237"^^xsd:string."@en
fabio:has character count"The count of the number of characters in a textual resource."@en
fabio:has copyright year"The year in which an entity has been copyrighted."@en
fabio:has decison date"The date on which a particular endeavour, such as a grant application, has been or will be approved or rejected by somebody."@en
?:has eISSN"An International Standard Serial Number, ISSN, for electronic versions of serial publications."@en
fabio:has embargo date"The date before which an entity should not be published, or before which a press release should not be reported on. For open-access journal articles, the embargo date is the date before which availability of the open-access version of the article is restricted by the publisher, following subscription-access availability of the published work. The duration of the embargo period can be specified by fabio:hasEmbargoDuration."@en
?:has ending page"Identifies the last page of an entity such as a journal article."@en
co:has first item"The link to the first item of the list."@en
?:has issue identifier"An identifier used to identify a specific issue of a magazine, a journal or other resource."@en
co:has item content"The link to the actual resource to which the item refers."@en
co:has last item"The link to the last item of the list."@en
scos:has member list"For any resource, every item in the list given as the value of the skos:memberList property is also a value of the skos:member property."@en
pattern:has name"The name of a particular element."@en
co:has next item"The link to the next item in a list."@en
fabio:has page count"The count of the number of pages in a textual resource."@en
?:has page range"Identifies the page range of an entity such as a journal article."@en
co:has previous item"The link to the previous item in a list."@en
?:has publication date"The date on which a resource is published or disclosed."@en
fabio:has publication year"The year in which a resource is published."@en
fabio:has retraction date"The date on which something, for example a claim or a journal article, is retracted."@en
?:has starting page"Identifies the first page of an entity such as a journal article."@en
fabio:has volume count"The count of the number of volumes a work includes."@en
?:has volume identifier"An identifier for a particular volume of a resource, such as a journal or a multi-volume book."@en
?:has word count"The count of the number of words in a textual resource."@en
nie:identifier"An unambiguous reference to the InformationElement within a given context. Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system."
?:is Concrete"Property that specifies whether a component is abstract or not."@en
?:member"Indica la Person (o un altro Agent) coinvolto in una relazione di Membership. È l'inverso di `org:hasMembership`."@it
?:member"Indicates the Person (or other Agent including Organization) involved in the Membership relationship. Inverse of `org:hasMembership`"@en
?:member"Indique une personne (ou tout autre Agent, y compris une Organisation) impliqué dans la relation d'Engagement. Inverse de `org:hasMembership`"@fr
?:member"Persona (u otro agente, incluyendo una organización) que participa en la relación de membresía. Es la relación inversa de `org:hasMembership`."@es
?:organization"Indica l'Organization in cui l'Agent è un membro."@it
?:organization"Indicates Organization in which the Agent is a member."@en
?:organization"Indique l'Organization dont l'agent est membre."@fr
?:organization"Organización a la que pertenece el agente en calidad de miembro."@es
?:overall End Time"Property which states that none of the activities contained in the account finished executing after the End Time. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account; opmw:overallEndTime "2012-04-25T10:28:55-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime."@en
?:overall Start Time"Property which states that none of the activities in the current account started executing before the start time. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account; opmw:overallStartTime "2012-04-25T10:28:07-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime."@en
foaf:primary topic"The primary topic of some page or document."
ov:source"The resource that this diff goes from."@en
ov:target"The resource that this diff goes to."@en
nie:title"Name given to an InformationElement"
fabio:uses calendar"A property that identifies the calendar system used to specify a date, for example the Chinese, Gregorian, Hebrew, Islamic or Lunar calendar."@en
?:version Number"Property used to annotate a resource with it version number. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . @prefix owl: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; opmw:versionNumber "2"^^xsd:int."@en