Table for the 18 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain owl:SymmetricProperty

ov:Associated Entity"This property is used to relate two FRBR Endeavours/entities ( together even if the entire Work-Expression-Manifestation-Item hierarchy does not exist. For example, it could be used to relate a frbr:Work to a frbr:Manifestation without the need of a frbr:Expression to link them through. The property is symmetric (if a <_:work> ov:associatedEntity <_:item> then <_:item> ov:associatedEntity <_:work>. It is not transitive (items may be associated with the same work but not be in the same WEMI chain, for example)."@en
ov:Common Endeavour"commonEndeavour is intended to define a FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) relationship between two resources that may or may not be modeled as FRBR. This makes it possible to assert that a resource modeled using a vocabulary that does not use the FRBR entity model explicitly is describing the same Work, Expression, Manifestation, and/or Item as another resource (which may or may not use the FRBR model, as well). commonEndeavour is intended to be used merely as a superproperty for WEMI-specific subproperties to inherit from, but there are no restrictions on its use."@en
ov:Common Expression"This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Expression. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours which have the same implied Expression (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). The property is symmetrical, so if <_:someBiboBook> <ov:commonExpression> <_:otherEdition>, this also means <_:otherEdition> <ov:commonExpression> <_:someBiboBook>. It is not transitive. Having this property also implies ov:commonWork."@en
ov:Common Item"This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Item. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours which contains the same specific Item (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). This implies identical WEMI hierarchies. The property is symmetrical, so if <_:specificPhysicalItem> <ov:commonItem> <_:someArchive>, this also means <_:someArchive> <ov:commonItem> <_:specificPhysicalItem>. It is not transitive. Having this property also entails ov:commonManifestation, ov:commonExpression and ov:commonWork."@en
ov:Common Manifestation"This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Manifestation. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours which include the same implied Manifestation (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). The property is symmetrical, so if <_:someBiboBook> <ov:commonManifestation> <_:someFrbrWork>, this also means <_:someFrbrWork> <ov:commonManifestation> <_:someBiboBook>. It is not transitive. Having this property also implies ov:commonExpression and ov:commonWork."@en
ov:Common Work"This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Work. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours that fall within the same implied Work (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). The property is symmetrical, so if <_:someBiboBook> <ov:commonWork> <_:someOtherBiboBook>, this also means <_:someOtherBiboBook> <ov:commonWork> <_:someBiboBook>. It is not transitive."@en
?:Correspondent"Person, die zu der im Datensatz beschriebenen Person oder Körperschaft als Korrespondenzpartner in Beziehung steht."@de
lemon:Equivalent"Indicates that two senses are equivalent. From a lexical point of view , this indicates that the lexical entries can be substituted for each other with no change in meaning. From an ontological point of view it means that the two references are not disjoint. From a mapping point of view it means if one mapping apply the other must necessarily apply"@en
lemon:Incompatible"Says that the two senses are disjoint. From a lexical point of view, this means substituting the lexical entries must change the meaning of the phrase. From an ontological point of view, this property is implied if both references are also disjoint, but does not imply disjointness, but non-equivalence of the references. For the mapping point of view there is not instance when both mappings are valid."@en
ov:Near"x is 'near' y if they are near to each other in physical space, for a deliberately vague notion of near."@en
?:Related Term"Eine Assoziationsrelation ist eine zwischen Begriffen als wichtig erscheinende Relation, die weder eindeutig hierarchischer Natur ist, noch als äquivalent angesehen werden kann. Bei Personen ist dies z. B. die Beziehung zwischen fiktiven Gestalten und ihrem realem Vorbild. Hierzu gehören auch Beziehungen zwischen Personen und z. B. Körperschaften, die im Namen einer Person agieren, Gesellschaften, die zu Ehren einer Person gegründet wurden und Körperschaften, die sich mit einer Person und ihrem Werk beschäftigen."@de
?:Related Term"The associative relationship covers associations between pairs of concepts that are not related hierarchically, but are semantically or concetually associated to such an extent that the link between them needs to be made explicit in the thesaurus. "@en
scos:has exact match"skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch."@en
scos:has related"skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive"@en
dcterms:has relation"A related resource."@en
ov:provenance"It is about provenance of web data."@en
sioc:sibling"An Item may have a sibling or a twin that exists in a different Container, but the siblings may differ in some small way (for example, language, category, etc.). The sibling of this Item should be self-describing (that is, it should contain all available information)."@en
ov:similar to"Having two things that are not the owl:sameAs but are similar to a certain extent. It is thought of being used where owl:sameAs is too strong but rdfs:seeAlso is too loose. Motivation:"@en