Table for the 17 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain owl:TransitiveProperty

lemon:Equivalent"Indicates that two senses are equivalent. From a lexical point of view , this indicates that the lexical entries can be substituted for each other with no change in meaning. From an ontological point of view it means that the two references are not disjoint. From a mapping point of view it means if one mapping apply the other must necessarily apply"@en
ov:Mirror"Indicates a resource that is designed to be a mirror or surrogate of the object resource; a backup copy, should the object resource be lost or unobtainable."@en
sioc:earlier version"Links to a previous (older) revision of this Item or Post."@en
scos:has exact match"skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch."@en
dcterms:has part"A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource."@en
?:hatTeilEreignis"Example: FIFA World Cup 2006 hasPartEvent Final"^^xsd:string
ov:houseColor"color of a house"@en
co:is followed by"The link to the following item in a list."@en
dcterms:is part of"A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included."@en
co:is preceded by"The link to the preceding item in a list."@en
sioc:later version"Links to a later (newer) revision of this Item or Post."@en
ov:similar to"Having two things that are not the owl:sameAs but are similar to a certain extent. It is thought of being used where owl:sameAs is too strong but rdfs:seeAlso is too loose. Motivation:"@en
?:transitive sub-organization"La version transitive de la propriété subOrganizationOf, renvoie une représentation de toutes les organisations qui contiennent celle-ci. Notez que ceci est une super-propriété de la relation transitive donc elle pourrait contenir des assertions additionnelles mais cet usage n'est pas recommandé."@fr
?:transitive sub-organization"La versión transitiva de la propiedad “subOrganizationOf”, es decir, la representación de todas las organizaciones en las que esta está contenida. Téngase en cuenta que desde el punto de vista técnico esta es una propiedad que contiene a todas las propiedades transitivas, de forma que podría contener afirmaciones adicionales, aunque su uso no está aconsejado."@es
?:transitive sub-organization"The transitive closure of subOrganizationOf, giving a representation of all organizations that contain this one. Note that technically this is a super property of the transitive closure so it could contain additional assertions but such usage is discouraged."@en
?:transitive sub-organization"subOrganizationOfの推移閉包で、これを含むすべての組織の表現を与える。技術的に、これが推移閉包のスーパープロパティーであるため、追加の言明を含むことができますが、そのような使用法はお勧めできないことに注意してください。"@ja
?:transitive sub-organization"È la chiusura transitiva di subOrganizationOf, quindi rappresenta tutte le organizzazioni che la contengono. Tecnicamente, essendo una chiusura transitiva, può contenere asserzioni che non la riguardano e quindi il suo uso è sconsigliato."@it