Table for the 36 triples for predicate rdfs:subPropertyOf with domain owl:TransitiveProperty

lemon:Equivalentlemon:Sense relation
?:contains?:is location of
?:derives into?:is causally related to
scos:has broader transitivescos:is in semantic relation with
scos:has exact matchscos:has close match
scos:has narrower transitivescos:is in semantic relation with
dcterms:has partdc:Relation
dcterms:has partdcterms:has relation
?:has part?:is location of
?:is broader than (t)?:is similar to
?:is causally related with?:is spatiotemporally related to
?:is connected to?:is spatiotemporally related to
?:is contained in?:is located in
?:is covalently connected to (transitive)?:is connected to
?:is derived from?:is causally related from
?:is equal to?:is numerically comparable to
?:is greater than?:is greater than or equal to
?:is greater than or equal to?:is numerically comparable to
?:is lesser than?:is lesser than or equal to
?:is lesser than or equal to?:is numerically comparable to
?:is located in?:is spatiotemporally related to
?:is location of?:is spatiotemporally related to
?:is narrower than (t)?:is similar to
dcterms:is part ofdc:Relation
dcterms:is part ofdcterms:has relation
?:is part of?:is located in
?:is positionally after?:is connected to
?:is positionally before?:is connected to
?:is preceded by?:is causally related to
?:is transformed from?:is causally related from
?:is variant of?:is comparable to
?:is version of?:is variant of
?:is weakly interacting with (transitive)?:is connected to
?:precedes?:is causally related from
?:transforms into?:is causally related to