Table for the 2 triples with object "This property is used to declare that two resources which may or may not conform to the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources) entity model share the same Work. An example of its use would be to relate a resource described with a vocabulary such as bibo (which does not acknowledge the FRBR model) to other resources that describe endeavours that fall within the same implied Work (which could be other bibo resources or FRBR entities or anything else). The property is symmetrical, so if <_:someBiboBook> <ov:commonWork> <_:someOtherBiboBook>, this also means <_:someOtherBiboBook> <ov:commonWork> <_:someBiboBook>. It is not transitive."@en sorted by label

ov:Common Workrdfs:comment
ov:Common Workrdfs:comment