Table for the 1 triples with object "The subject resource is shared with the object contact. The resource and its subresources are transferred to the receiver. An existing sharedWithContact relation implies that updates on the resource should be transferred to the contact. The contact may ask for updates actively, then the sharing party's software should send a new copy of the shared resource to the contact. Domain should be either a nie:InformationElement or a pimo:Thing but no DataObject. This includes ncal:Event instances and other resources we find on a desktop. DataObjects are the specific binary stream where an Information Element is stored, and can't be shared because the recipient will form a new binary stream to store the data object. As there is no superclass of both nie:InformationElement and pimo:Thing, the domain is rdfs:Resource. One resource can be shared to multiple contacts, the cardinality is 0..n. " on predicate rdfs:comment sorted by label

nso:shared with contactrdfs:comment