All predicatesShow -- Support for showing labels

This module provides HTML components to display labels for resources.

See also
- library(semweb/rdf_label) returns textual labels.
Sourceturtle_label(+RDFTerm)// is det
HTML rule to emit an RDF term (resource or object) in turtle-like notation with CSS classes.
To be done
- Implement possibility for a summary.
Sourcebnode_label(+Resource, +Options)// is semidet[private]
Display an HTML label for an RDF blank node. This DCG rules first calls the hook cliopatria:bnode_label//1. On failure performs its default task:
  • If the bnode has an rdf:value, display the label thereof with [<label>...]
  • If the bnode is an RDF collection, display its first 5 members as (<member-1>, <member-2, ...)
Sourcerdf_link(+URI)// is det
Sourcerdf_link(+URI, +Options)// is det
Make a hyper-link to an arbitrary RDF resource or object using the label. Options processed:
Determines peference for displaying resources. Values are:
Display full resource a plain text
Try to display a resource using its label
Try to display a resource as <prefix>:<Label>
Truncate long texts to Len characters, using ellipses to indicate that the text is truncated.
Passed to the HTML <a> element as target attribute.

This predicate creates two types of links. Resources are linked to the handler implementing list_resource using r=<resource> and literals that appear multiple times are linked to list_triples_with_object using a Prolog representation of the literal.

This predicate can be hooked using display_link//2.

To be done
- Make it easier to determine the format of the label
- Allow linking to different handlers.
Sourceresource_link(+URI, -URL) is det
Generate a link to display more information about a resource. The default is to link to the HTTP handler implementing list_resource using the parameter r. See cpa_browse:list_resource/1. This predicate calls the hook resource_link/2, which allows for overruling the default.
Sourcerdf_link(+URI)// is det
Sourcerdf_link(+URI, +Options)// is det
Make a hyper-link to an arbitrary RDF resource or object using the label. Options processed:
Determines peference for displaying resources. Values are:
Display full resource a plain text
Try to display a resource using its label
Try to display a resource as <prefix>:<Label>
Truncate long texts to Len characters, using ellipses to indicate that the text is truncated.
Passed to the HTML <a> element as target attribute.

This predicate creates two types of links. Resources are linked to the handler implementing list_resource using r=<resource> and literals that appear multiple times are linked to list_triples_with_object using a Prolog representation of the literal.

This predicate can be hooked using display_link//2.

To be done
- Make it easier to determine the format of the label
- Allow linking to different handlers.