All predicatesShow -- PlDoc LaTeX backend

This module translates the Herbrand term from the documentation extracting module into a LaTeX document for us with the pl.sty LaTeX style file. The function of this module is very similar to, providing the HTML backend, and the implementation follows the same paradigm. The module can

- Jan Wielemaker
To be done
- See TODO
Sourcedoc_latex(+Spec, +OutFile, +Options) is det
Process one or more objects, writing the LaTeX output to OutFile. Spec is one of:
Name / Arity
Generate documentation for predicate
Name // Arity
Generate documentation for DCG rule
If File is a prolog file (as defined by prolog_file_type/2), process using latex_for_file/3, otherwise process using latex_for_wiki_file/3.

Typically Spec is either a list of filenames or a list of predicate indicators. Defined options are:

If true (default), create a document that can be run through LaTeX. If false, produce a document to be included in another LaTeX document.
If true (default), only emit documentation for exported predicates.
Outermost section level produced. Level is the name of a LaTeX section command. Default is section.
Write summary declarations to the named File.
If [[Name/Arity]] needs to be resolved, search for the predicates in the given modules.
Same as modules([Module]).
Sourcelatex_for_file(+File, +Out, +Options) is det
Generate a LaTeX description of all commented predicates in File, writing the LaTeX text to the stream Out. Supports the options stand_alone, public_only and section_level. See doc_latex/3 for a description of the options.
Sourcelatex_tokens_for_file(+FileSpec, +Options)//[private]
Sourcelatex_for_wiki_file(+File, +Out, +Options) is det
Write a LaTeX translation of a Wiki file to the steam Out. Supports the options stand_alone, public_only and section_level. See doc_latex/3 for a description of the options.
Sourcelatex_for_predicates(+PI:list, +Out, +Options) is det
Generate LaTeX for a list of predicate indicators. This does not produce the \begin{description}...\end{description} environment, just a plain list of \predicate, etc. statements. The current implementation ignores Options.
Sourcelatex_special(String, Rest)// is semidet[private]
Deals with special sequences of symbols.
Sourcelatex_arguments(+Args:list)// is det[private]
Write LaTeX command arguments. If an argument is of the form opt(Arg) it is written as [Arg], Otherwise it is written as {Arg}. Note that opt([]) is omitted. I think no LaTeX command is designed to handle an empty optional argument special.

During processing the arguments it asserts fragile/0 to allow is taking care of LaTeX fragile constructs (i.e. constructs that are not allows inside {...}).

Write a LaTeX argument. If we can, we will use a defined urldef_name/2.
Sourceshort_list(+Content) is semidet[private]
True if Content describes the content of a dl or ul/ol list where each elemenent has short content.
Sourcelatex_section(+Level, +Attributes, +Content)// is det[private]
Emit a LaTeX section, keeping track of the desired highest section level.
Level- Desired level, relative to the base-level. Must be a non-negative integer.
Sourcedelete_unsafe_label_chars(+LabelIn, -LabelOut)[private]
delete unsafe characters from LabelIn. Currently only deletes _, as this appears commonly through filenames, but cannot be handled through the LaTeX processing chain.
Sourceinclude(+File, +Type, +Options)// is det[private]
Called from [[File]].
Sourcefile(+File, +Options)// is det[private]
Called from implicitely linked files. The HTML version creates a hyperlink. We just name the file.
Sourcepredref(+PI)// is det[private]
Called from name/arity or name//arity patterns in the documentation.
tags(+Tags:list(Tag)) is det[private]
Emit tag list produced by the Wiki processor from the @keyword commands.
Sourcetag(+Tag, +Values:list)// is det[private]
Called from \tag(Name, Values) terms produced by
args(+Params:list) is det[private]
Called from \args(List) created by Params is a list of arg(Name, Descr).
Sourcefile_header(+File, +Options)// is det[private]
Create the file header.
Sourcefile_title(+Title:list, +File, +Options)// is det[private]
Emit the file-header and manipulation buttons.
Sourceobjects(+Objects:list, +Options)// is det[private]
Emit the documentation body.
Sourceneed_mode(+Mode:atom, +Stack:list, -NewStack:list)// is det[private]
While predicates are part of a description list, sections are not and we therefore need to insert <dl>...</dl> into the output. We do so by demanding an outer environment and push/pop the required elements.
Sourcepred_dt(+Modes, +Class, Options)// is det[private]
Emit the \predicate{}{}{} header.
Modes- List as returned by process_modes/5.
Class- One of privdef or pubdef.
To be done
- Determinism
Sourceanon_vars(+Term) is det[private]
Bind remaining variables in Term to '$VAR'('_'), so they are printed as '_'.
pred_head(+Term, Options) is det[private]
Emit a predicate head. The functor is typeset as a span using class pred and the arguments and var using class arglist.
To be done
- Support determinism in operators
Sourcepred_attributes(+Options, -Attributes) is det[private]
Create a comma-separated list of predicate attributes, such as determinism, etc.
Sourceterm(+Text, +Term, +Bindings)// is det[private]
Process the \term element as produced by
To be done
- Properly merge with pred_head//1
Sourcetermitem(+Text, +Term, +Bindings)// is det[private]
Create a termitem or one of its variations.
Sourcelatex_table(Attrs, Content)// is det[private]
Emit a table in LaTeX.
If Options contains summary(+File), write a summary of all documented predicates to File.
Sourceprint_latex_tokens(+Tokens, +Out)[private]
Print primitive LaTeX tokens to Output
Sourceprint_latex(+Out, +Text:atomic) is det[private]
Print Text, such that it comes out as normal LaTeX text.
Sourcemax_nl(T0, T, M0, M)[private]
Remove leading sequence of nl(N) and return the maximum of it.
Sourceidentifier(+Atom) is semidet[private]
True if Atom is (lower, alnum*).
Sourceurldef_name(?String, ?DefName)[private]
True if \DefName is a urldef for String. UrlDefs are LaTeX sequences that can be used to represent strings with symbols in fragile environments. Whenever a word can be expressed with a urldef, we will do this to enhance the robustness of the generated LaTeX code.
Load \urldef definitions from File and populate urldef_name/2. See pldoc.sty for details.
Load \urldef definitions from File and populate urldef_name/2. See pldoc.sty for details.