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Sourcehost_access_options(+AllOptions, -NoAuthOptions) is det
Filter the authorization options from AllOptions, leaving the remaining options in NoAuthOptions.
Sourcematch_peer(:RuleSet, +PlusMin, +Peer) is semidet[private]
True if Peer is covered by the ruleset RuleSet. Peer is a term ip(A,B,C,D). RuleSet is a predicate with one argument that is either a partial ip term, a hostname or a domainname. Domainnames start with a '.'.
PlusMin- Positive/negative test. If IP->Host fails, a positive test fails, while a negative succeeds. I.e. deny('.com') succeeds for unknown IP addresses.
Sourceallowed_peer(+Peer) is semidet[private]
True if Peer is allowed according to the rules.
Sourceprimary_forwarded_host(+Spec, -Host) is det[private]
x_forwarded host contains multiple hosts seperated by ', ' if there are multiple proxy servers in between. The first one is the one the user's browser knows about.
Sourceip(?IP)// is semidet[private]
Parses A.B.C.D into ip(A,B,C,D)