All predicatesShow -- Process source documentation

The pldoc module processes structured comments in Prolog source files into well formatted HTML documents.

- Jan Wielemaker
Sourceprolog:predicate_summary(+PI, -Summary) is semidet[multifile]
Provide predicate summaries to the XPCE class prolog_predicate, used by the IDE tools.
Sourceis_structured_comment(+Comment:string, -Prefixes:list(codes)) is semidet
True if Comment is a structured comment that should use Prefixes to extract the plain text using indented_lines/3.
structured_comment(-Prefixes:list(codes), -Style) is semidet[private]
Grammar rule version of the above. Avoids the need for conversion.
Sourceseparator_line// is semidet[private]
Matches a line like %% SWI or %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, etc.
Sourcedoc_file_name(+Source:atom, -Doc:atom, +Options:list) is det
Doc is the name of the file for documenting Source.
Source- Prolog source to be documented
Doc- the name of the file documenting Source.
Options- Option list:
Output format. One of html or tex
- permission_error(overwrite, Source)
Sourcedoc_file_has_comments(+Source:atom) is semidet
True if we have loaded comments from Source.
Sourcedoc_comment(?Objects, -Pos, -Summary:string, -Comment:string) is nondet
True if Comment is the comment describing object. Comment is returned as a string object containing the original from the source-code. Object is one of
Name / Arity
Predicate indicator
Name // Arity
DCG rule indicator. Same as Name/Arity+2
Comment appearing in a module.

If Object is unbound and multiple objects share the same description, Object is unified with a list of terms described above.

Summary- First sentence. Normalised spacing.
Comment- Comment string from the source-code (untranslated)
Sourceprocess_comments(+Comments:list, +TermPos, +File) is det
Processes comments returned by read_term/3 using the comments option. It creates clauses of the form
  • '$mode'(Head, Det)
  • '$pldoc'(Id, Pos, Summary, Comment)
  • '$pldoc_link'(Id0, Id)

where Id is one of

Generated from /** <module> Title */
Name / Arity
Generated from Name(Arg, ...)
Name // Arity
Generated from Name(Arg, ...)//
Comments- is a list Pos-Comment returned by read_term/3
TermPos- is the start-location of the actual term
File- is the file that is being loaded.
Sourceparse_comment(+Comment, +FilePos, -Parsed) is semidet
True when Comment is a structured comment and Parsed is its parsed representation. Parsed is a list of the following terms:
section(Id, Title, Comment)
Generated from /** <module> Title Comment */ comments.
predicate(PI, Summary, Comment)
Comment for predicate PI
link(FromPI, ToPI)
Indicate that FromPI shares its comment with ToPI. The actual comment is in ToPI.
mode(Head, Determinism)
Mode declaration. Head is a term with Mode(Type) terms and Determinism describes the associated determinism (det, etc.).
Sourceprocess_structured_comment(+FilePos, +Comment:string, +Prefixed:list, +Style) is det[private]
Proccess a structured comment, adding the documentation facts to the database. This predicate verifies that the comment has not already been loaded.
To be done
- Note that as of version 7.3.12 clauses from a file being reloaded are not wiped before the reloading and therefore we cannot test the clause while reloading a file. Ultimately we need a better test for this.
Sourcecomment_warning(+Style, +Error) is failure[private]
Print a warning on structured comments that could not be processed. Since the recommended magic sequence is now %!, we remain silent about comments that start with %%.
Sourcecompile_comment(+Comment, +FilePos, +Prefixes, -Compiled) is semidet[private]
Compile structured Comment into a list of terms that describe the comment.
See also
- parse_comment/3 for the terms in Compiled.