Local view for "http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#equivalentTo"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"The subject and object resources of the oa:equivalentTo relationship represent the same resource, but potentially have different metadata such as oa:serializedBy, oa:serializedAt and serialization format. oa:equivalentTo is a symmetrical and transitive relationship; if A oa:equivalentTo B, then it is also true that B oa:equivalent A; and that if B oa:equivalentTo C, then it is also true that A oa:equivalentTo C. The Annotation MAY include 0 or more instances of the oa:equivalentTo relationship between copies of the Annotation or other resources, and SHOULD include as many as are available. If a system publishes an embedded resource (a cnt:Content) at a new HTTP URI, then it SHOULD express the oa:equivalentTo relationship between the resource's URN and the new URI from which it is available."@en

All properties reside in the graph oa

The resource does not appear as an object

Predicate statistics

Predicate#Triples#Distinct subjects#Distinct objectsDomain(s)Range(s)

Context graph

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