Local view for "http://www.w3.org/ns/org#headOf"

No prefix for http://www.w3.org/ns/org#.
PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"head of"@en
"es director ejecutivo de"@es
"responsable de"@fr
"responsabile di"@it
"Indicates that a person is the leader or formal head of the Organization. This will normally mean that they are the root of the `org:reportsTo` (acyclic) graph, though an organization may have more than one head."@en
"Persona que es jefe o jefa, representante ,,director o directora de la organización. Esto significa que dicha persona es el rango de la relación `org:reportsTo` en el organigrama de la organización (acíclico), aunque una organización puede tener más de un jefe."@es
"Indique qu'une personne est le directeur ou le responsable formel d'une Organisation. Ceci indique souvent qu'il est au sommet de du graphe acyclique des `org:reportsTo`, même si une organisation peut avoir plus d'un responsable."@fr
"Indica che una persona è leader o responsabile formale di una Organization. Questo significa che la persona è alla radice del grafo (aciclico) creato dalle `org:reportsTo`, sebbene un'organizzazione possa avere più di un responsabile."@it

All properties reside in the graph org

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ head, role (property), head of }

Predicate statistics

Predicate#Triples#Distinct subjects#Distinct objectsDomain(s)Range(s)
head of0----

Context graph

The server does not have the graphviz program dot installed in PATH. See http://www.graphviz.org/ for details.