Table for the 929 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain owl:Class

fabio:API" A computer program that enables a separate computer to interact programmatically with the computer running the API. (Commonly abbreviated 'API'.)"@en
?:Absolvent"disjoint with undergrad? Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: I wouldn't make it disjoint, since someone can be a bachelor-graduate, but if he is doing his master he is a master-undergraduate at the same time."^^xsd:string
?:Academic Article"A scholarly academic article, typically published in a journal."@en
owl132:Academic_Degree"(Grade acadmique)"^^xsd:string
owl132:Academic_Degree"(Grade acadÈmique)"^^xsd:string
prov:ActivityInfluence"ActivityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Activity's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of ActivityInfluence use the prov:activity property to cite the influencing Activity."@en
prov:ActivityInfluence"It is not recommended that the type ActivityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en
v:Address"To specify the components of the delivery address for the object"@en
sioct:Address Book"Describes a collection of personal or organisational addresses."@en
lexinfo:AdjectivePredicateFrame"Note this frame should be used when both attributive and predicative use of the adjective is allowed"@en
owl132:Adjustment_Study_Program"P. dajustement [32]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Adjustment_Study_Program"P. díajustement [32]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Advanced_Study_Program"P. dtudes approfondies [28]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Advanced_Study_Program"P. díÈtudes approfondies [28]"^^xsd:string
ov:African Red Slip"The ceramic ware produced during the Roman period in the region of what is now the modern country of Tunisia."@en
dcterms:Agent"A resource that acts or has the power to act."@en
foaf:Agent"An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact)."
prov:AgentInfluence"AgentInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Agent's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of AgentInfluence use the prov:agent property to cite the influencing Agent."@en
prov:AgentInfluence"It is not recommended that the type AgentInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en
ov:Amateur Radio Operator"A person who is licensed in at least one ITU region to operate (transmit and receive) a radio using frequencies and modes permitted only to licensed persons."@en
ov:An event that is a contact between two AmateurRadioOperators"It is a major goal of Amateur Radio Operators to make contact with each other. This contact is formally defined as the exchange of certain information, usually consisting of each operator's call sign and a signal report (how well each operator receives the signal of the other). A contact can last a few seconds to many minutes. Nickname "QSL"."@en
oa:Annotation"Typically an Annotation has a single Body (oa:hasBody), which is the comment or other descriptive resource, and a single Target (oa:hasTarget) that the Body is somehow "about". The Body provides the information which is annotating the Target. This "aboutness" may be further clarified or extended to notions such as classifying or identifying with oa:motivatedBy."@en
ov:Annotation Set"A type of dataset that contains annotations on a set of resources."@en
sioct:Annotation Set"Describes a set of annotations, for example, those created by a particular user or related to a particular topic."@en
sioct:Answer"A Post that provides an answer in reply to a Question."@en
lexinfo:ArbitraryControl"Indicates either the subject or object of the main clause may be the omitted argument of the subclause"@en
lemon:Argument"A slot representing a gap that must be filled in realising a lexical entry in a given projection"@en
sioct:Argumentative Discussion"Describes a discussion area where logical arguments can take place."@en
?:Article"A written composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic, forming an independent part of a book or other publication, as a newspaper or magazine."@en
?:Artikel"A peer reviewed , refereed article from a journal."^^xsd:string
?:Artikel_eines_Tagungsbandes"A single paper from a published workshop or conference proceedings."^^xsd:string
teach:Assignment"Assignment of a course, for example an exercise. "@en
prov:Association"An instance of prov:Association provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasAssociatedWith relation from an prov:Activity to some prov:Agent that had some responsiblity for it. For example, :baking prov:wasAssociatedWith :baker; prov:qualifiedAssociation [ a prov:Association; prov:agent :baker; :foo :bar ]."@en
?:Attachable (abstract)"Abstract superclass for everything that can have attributes and dimensions"@en
?:Attribute property"The class of components which represent attributes of observations in the cube, e.g. unit of measurement"@en
prov:Attribution"An instance of prov:Attribution provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasAttributedTo relation from an prov:Entity to some prov:Agent that had some responsible for it. For example, :cake prov:wasAttributedTo :baker; prov:qualifiedAttribution [ a prov:Attribution; prov:entity :baker; :foo :bar ]."@en
sioct:Audio Channel"Describes a channel for distributing audio or sound files, for example, a podcast."@en
ov:Automobile Catalog Type"Automobiles, when presented as a catalog, are generally categorized using the Car Maker / Car Model / Trim Package hierarchy."@en
ov:Automobile Model"From "A car model is a particular brand of vehicle sold under a marque. From an engineering point of view, a particular car model is usually defined and/or constrained by the use of a particular car chassis/bodywork combination or the same monocoque.""@en
v:BBS"This class is deprecated"@en
owl132:Bachelor"Bachelor [13]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Bachelor_Curriculum"Etudes de bachelor [2]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Bachelor_Of_Arts"Bachelor of Arts [15]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Bachelor_Of_Science"Bachelor of Science [17]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Bachelor_Thesis"Travail de bachelor [62]"^^xsd:string
cnt:Base64 content"The base64 encoded content (can be used for binary content)."@en
owl132:Basic_Module"Module de base [36]"^^xsd:string
sioct:Best Answer"A Post that is the best answer to a Question, as chosen by the UserAccount who asked the Question or as voted by a Community of UserAccounts."@en
?:Bill"Draft legislation presented for discussion to a legal body."@en
ov:Biological Database"Database for Biologists (Bioinformatics)"@en
ov:Birth"Birth class"@en
?:BitKeeper Repository"BitKeeper Quellcode-Versionierungssystem."@de
?:BitKeeper Repository"BitKeeper source code repository."@en
?:BitKeeper Repository"Dépôt BitKeeper du code source."@fr
?:BitKeeper Repository"Repositorio BitKeeper del código fuente."@es
?:BitKeeper Repository"Úložiště zdrojových kódů BitKeeper."@cs
?:BitKeeper Repository"ソースコードのBitKeeperのリポジトリ"@ja
sioct:Blog Post"Describes a post that is specifically made on a weblog."@en
sioct:Board Post"Describes a post that is specifically made on a message board."@en
?:Book"A written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers."@en
?:Book"The abstract concept of a particular book, e.g. Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time."^^rdf:XMLLiteral
?:Book Section"A section of a book."@en
sioct:Bookmark Folder"Describes a shared collection of bookmarks."@en
owl132:Branch"Branche dtudes [12]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Branch"Branche díÈtudes [12]"^^xsd:string
?:Brief"A written argument submitted to a court."@en
sioct:Briefcase"Describes a briefcase or file service."@en
?:Broschuere"A work that is printed and bound but without a named publisher or sponsering institution."^^xsd:string
?:Buch"A complete book, not formed from separate papers."^^xsd:string
teach:Building"Building where the course is taking place. "@en
prov:Bundle"Note that there are kinds of bundles (e.g. handwritten letters, audio recordings, etc.) that are not expressed in PROV-O, but can be still be described by PROV-O."@en
?:CVS Repository"CVS Quellcode-Versionierungssystem."@de
?:CVS Repository"CVS source code repository."@en
?:CVS Repository"Dépôt CVS du code source."@fr
?:CVS Repository"Repositorio CVS del código fuente."@es
?:CVS Repository"Úložiště zdrojových kódů CVS."@cs
?:CVS Repository"ソースコードのCVSのリポジトリ"@ja
v:Car"This class is deprecated"@en
owl132:Catch_Up_Study_Program"P. de rattrapage [33]"^^xsd:string
sioct:Category"Category is used on the object of sioc:topic to indicate that this resource is a category on a site."@en
v:Cell"Also called mobile telephone"@en
?:Certificate"A certificate is a Document that is signed. As explained here 'A digital certificate consists of three things: * A public key. * Certificate information. ('Identity' information about the user, such as name, user ID, and so on.) * One or more digital signatures.' "@en
owl132:Certificate"Certificat [22]"^^xsd:string
?:Change Event"Evento que da como resultado un cambio sustancial en la organización, por ejemplo, una fusión o una reestructuración total. Está pensado para situaciones en las que la organización resultante es lo suficientemente distinta de las organizaciones originales, tiene una identidad distinta y una URI también distinta. Se deberían definir subtipos de eventos mediante vocabularios específicos (Extension vocabularies) para referirse a categorías de eventos específicos. El momento o periodo en el que el evento ocurre se debería expresar mediante las propiedades `prov:startAtTime` y `prov:endedAtTime`, y una descripción del mismo se debería incluir mediante el uso de la propiedad `dct:description`."@es
?:Change Event"Rappresenta un evento risultato essere un importante cambiamento per un'organizzazione come ad esempio una fusione o una riorganizzazione. È pensato per quelle situazioni in cui l'organizzazione risultante si distingue da quella originale sufficientemente da essere rappresentata con una URI differente. Le estensioni del vocabolario dovrebbero definire le sotto-classi per esprimere particolari categorie di eventi. L'istante o l'intervallo in cui l'evento accade dovrebbe essere espresso tramite `prov:startAtTime` e`prov:endedAtTime`. Una descrizione dovrebbe essere fornita attraverso `dct:description`."@it
?:Change Event"Represents an event which resulted in a major change to an organization such as a merger or complete restructuring. It is intended for situations where the resulting organization is sufficient distinct from the original organizations that it has a distinct identity and distinct URI. Extension vocabularies should define sub-classes of this to denote particular categories of event. The instant or interval at which the event occurred should be given by `prov:startAtTime` and `prov:endedAtTime`, a description should be given by `dct:description`. "@en
?:Change Event"Représente un Évènement impliquant un changement majeur dans l'Organisation, comme une fusion ou une restructuration. Prévu pour des situations ou l'organisation finale est suffisamment différente des Organisations originales pour qu'elle ait une identité et une URI distinctes. Des vocabulaires d'extension devraient définir des sous-classes de celle-ci pour annoter les différentes catégories d'Évènemenents. Le moment ou l'intervalle de l'Évènement devrait être indiqué avec `prov:startAtTime` et `prov:endedAtTime`, et une description avec la classe `dct:description`. "@fr
?:Change Event"合併や完全な再編などの組織に大きな変化をもたらした出来事を表わします。これは、結果として作成される組織と元の組織とが、別のアイデンティティーと別のURIを持つに足るほど異なる状況を対象としています。"@ja
?:Chapter"A chapter of a book."@en
sioct:Chat Channel"Describes a channel for chat or instant messages, for example, via IRC or IM."@en
ov:Cheese"Cheese is a food made from milk, usually the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep, by coagulation. "@en
oa:Choice"A multiplicity construct that conveys to a consuming application that it should select one of the constituent resources to display to the user, and not render/use all of them. oa:Choice can be used as the object of the object of the oa:hasBody, oa:hasTarget, oa:hasSelector, oa:hasState, oa:styledBy and oa:hasScope relationships, There MUST be 1 or more oa:item relationships for each oa:Choice. There SHOULD be exactly 1 default relationship for each Choice."@en
rdfs:Class"The class of classes."@en
ov:Class Skeleton"Members of this class represent class skeletons which are sort of templates of a class. Members of a class which has a class skeleton ( property) should have the triples relating from/to the skeleton, which don't use property and its sub-properties as predicate, relating from/to them too. This materialization of triples is expected to be carried out by for example some kind of rule engine. Important: This kind of inference is already possible with OWL using property restrictions (Functional-Style Syntax): EquivalentClasses(  :JohnsChildren ObjectHasValue( :hasParent :John ) ) So you might better use OWL since the functionality is the same."@en
?:Code"A collection of statutes."@en
?:Coded property"Superclass of all coded ComponentProperties"@en
?:Collected Document"A document that simultaneously contains other documents."@en
?:Collection"A collection of Documents or Collections"@en
sioct:Comment"Comment is a subtype of sioc:Post and allows one to explicitly indicate that this SIOC post is a comment. Note that comments have a narrower scope than sioc:Post and may not apply to all types of community site."@en
prov:Communication"An instance of prov:Communication provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasInformedBy relation from an informed prov:Activity to the prov:Activity that informed it. For example, :you_jumping_off_bridge prov:wasInformedBy :everyone_else_jumping_off_bridge; prov:qualifiedCommunication [ a prov:Communication; prov:activity :everyone_else_jumping_off_bridge; :foo :bar ]."@en
sioc:Community"Community is a high-level concept that defines an online community and what it consists of."@en
owl132:Complementary_Module"Module complmentaire [41]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Complementary_Module"Module complÈmentaire [41]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Complementary_Skills"Comptences transversales et complmentaires [57]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Complementary_Skills"CompÈtences transversales et complÈmentaires [57]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Complementary_Study_Program"P. dt. complmentaires [29]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Complementary_Study_Program"P. díÈt. complÈmentaires [29]"^^xsd:string
lemon:Component"A constituent element of a lexical entry. This may be a word in a multi-word lexical element or a constituent of a compound word"@en
?:Component property (abstract)"Abstract super-property of all properties representing dimensions, attributes or measures"@en
?:Component set"Abstract class of things which reference one or more ComponentProperties"@en
?:Component specification"Used to define properties of a component (attribute, dimension etc) which are specific to its usage in a DSD."@en
lemon:ComponentList"A node within a list of components. This should generally be a blank node,see rdf:List"@en
oa:Composite"A multiplicity construct that conveys to a consuming application that all of the constituent resources are required for the Annotation to be correctly interpreted. oa:Composite can be used as the object of the object of the oa:hasBody, oa:hasTarget, oa:hasSelector, oa:hasState, oa:styledBy and oa:hasScope relationships, There MUST be 2 or more oa:item relationships for each oa:Composite."@en
scos:Concept"A SKOS concept can be viewed as an idea or notion; a unit of thought. However, what constitutes a unit of thought is subjective, and this definition is meant to be suggestive, rather than restrictive. The notion of a SKOS concept is useful when describing the conceptual or intellectual structure of a knowledge organization system, and when referring to specific ideas or meanings established within a KOS. Note that, because SKOS is designed to be a vehicle for representing semi-formal KOS, such as thesauri and classification schemes, a certain amount of flexibility has been built in to the formal definition of this class."@en
scos:Concept Scheme"A SKOS concept scheme can be viewed as an aggregation of one or more SKOS concepts. Semantic relationships (links) between those concepts may also be viewed as part of a concept scheme. This definition is, however, meant to be suggestive rather than restrictive, and there is some flexibility in the formal data model stated below. The notion of a concept scheme is useful when dealing with data from an unknown source, and when dealing with data that describes two or more different knowledge organization systems. "@en
lemon:Condition"Indicates a logical condition that is used indicate when a particular term has the given meaning"@en
?:Conference"A meeting for consultation or discussion."@en
lemon:Constituent"The class of constituents, that is types applied to nodes in a phrase structure graph"@en
sioc:Container"An area in which content Items are contained."@en
cnt:Content"The content."@en
lemon:Context"Indicates the context in which a term is to be used. The context refers not to the immediate syntactic context, but the document and register the document is used in"@en
lexinfo:Control"Control indicates how a an argument from a main clause will be utilized in a subclause. This class includes both control structures and raising structures"@en
?:Copy"A specific copy of a particular book, e.g. Joe Blogg's copy of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time."^^rdf:XMLLiteral
ov:Country"A country is a geographical region. A country may be the territory of a sovereign state, the territory of a non-sovereign (or formerly sovereign) political division, or a region associated with a certain people or certain characteristics."@en
teach:Course"Course is where students are supposed to learn something. "@en
?:Court Reporter"A collection of legal cases."@en
oa:CssStyle"A resource which describes styles for resources participating in the Annotation using CSS. Specific Resources MAY be assigned a CSS style class using oa:styleClass. The CSS resource MAY have its own dereferencable URI that provides the information. For example, "Style1" in the diagram below might actually have the URI "". It MAY be embedded within the Annotation using the inline constructions described in Embedding Resources."@en
owl132:Curriculum"Cursus (dtudes)"^^xsd:string
owl132:Curriculum"Cursus (díÈtudes)"^^xsd:string
ov:DOMBoundaryPoint"A boundary-point's position in a Document or DocumentFragment tree can be characterized by a node and an offset."@en
ov:DOMBoundaryPointPosition"A boundary-point's position in a Document or DocumentFragment tree can be characterized by a node and an offset"@en
ov:DOMNode"DOMNode can be a Attribute, Document, DocumentFragment, Element or EntityReference node."@en
ov:DOMOffset"the offset within a DOM node"@en
ov:DOMRange"A DOM Range consists of two boundary-points corresponding to the start and the end of the Range."@en
?:Data Variable"A Data variable is a workflow template artifact that represents a variable in the workflow specification. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact , opmw:DataVariable ; rdfs:label "Data variable Sum_CorrDO" ; opmw:hasDimensionality "0"^^xsd:int ; opmw:isGeneratedBy <> ; opmw:template <> ."
?:Data set"Represents a collection of observations, possibly organized into various slices, conforming to some common dimensional structure."@en
?:Data structure definition"Defines the structure of a DataSet or slice"@en
oa:DataPositionSelector"A Selector which describes a range of data based on its start and end positions within the byte stream of the representation. Each DataPositionSelector MUST have exactly 1 oa:start property. Each TextPositionSelector MUST have exactly 1 oa:end property. See oa:TextPositionSelector for selection at normalized character level rather than bytestream level."@en
ov:Database"A Database"@en
?:Decision"A document containing an authoritative determination (as a decree or judgment) made after consideration of facts or law."@en
lexinfo:DeclarativeClause"A clause beginning with the declarative conjunction ("that" in English)"@en
lexinfo:DeclarativeFrame"Declarative frames take a clause as an argument, this argument is marker with the declarative conjunction ("that" in English)"@en
lemon:Definition"A definition of a sememe, that is the a text describing the exact meaning of the lexical entry when its sense is the given ontology reference"@en
prov:Delegation"An instance of prov:Delegation provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:actedOnBehalfOf relation from a performing prov:Agent to some prov:Agent for whom it was performed. For example, :mixing prov:wasAssociatedWith :toddler . :toddler prov:actedOnBehalfOf :mother; prov:qualifiedDelegation [ a prov:Delegation; prov:entity :mother; :foo :bar ]."@en
ov:Deleted Entry"A construct representing a deleted entry in an Atom feed."@en
owl132:Department"Represents department for the benchmark"^^xsd:string
prov:Derivation"An instance of prov:Derivation provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasDerivedFrom relation from some derived prov:Entity to another prov:Entity from which it was derived. For example, :chewed_bubble_gum prov:wasDerivedFrom :unwrapped_bubble_gum; prov:qualifiedDerivation [ a prov:Derivation; prov:entity :unwrapped_bubble_gum; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:Derivation"The more specific forms of prov:Derivation (i.e., prov:Revision, prov:Quotation, prov:PrimarySource) should be asserted if they apply."@en
ov:DigitalAsset"DAs would be typically files. Audio, movies, software licenses, software installers, documents, etc. Anything stored that needs a computer to get it and/or read it."@en
?:Dimension property"The class of components which represent the dimensions of the cube"@en
owl132:Diploma_Supplement"Diploma supplement [19]"^^xsd:string
ov:Distance"A Distance should have two distance points and a distance value. eg: <distances/a/b> a ov:Distance ; ov:distancePoint <a> , <b> ; ov:kilometres 0.5 ; ."@en
?:Document"A document (noun) is a bounded physical representation of body of information designed with the capacity (and usually intent) to communicate. A document may manifest symbolic, diagrammatic or sensory-representational information."@en
foaf:Document"A document."
?:Document Status"The status of the publication of a document."@en
cnt:Document type declaration"The document type declaration."@en
?:Doktorarbeit"A university Doctoral thesis."^^xsd:string
?:Dokument"Dublin Core elements added. See: for document types see:"^^xsd:string
v:Dom"This class is deprecated"@en
owl132:ECTS_Credits"Crdits ECTS [61]"^^xsd:string
owl132:ECTS_Credits"CrÈdits ECTS [61]"^^xsd:string
?:EMail"A written communication addressed to a person or organization and transmitted electronically."@en
ov:EarWorm"class is now deprecated in favour of Earworm class."@en
?:Earlier name of the person"Der vorliegende abweichende Name ist der frühere Name einer Person, wie beispielsweise der Geburtsname, frühere Ehename usw."@de
ov:Earworm"The experience of having a song in your head which you can't get rid of."@en
?:Edited Book"An edited book."@en
?:Ein_nicht_formell_publiziertes_Dokument"A document with an author and title, but not formally published."^^xsd:string
v:Email"To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents. Use the hasEmail object property."@en
prov:End"An instance of prov:End provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasEndedBy relation from some ended prov:Activity to an prov:Entity that ended it. For example, :ball_game prov:wasEndedBy :buzzer; prov:qualifiedEnd [ a prov:End; prov:entity :buzzer; :foo :bar; prov:atTime '2012-03-09T08:05:08-05:00'^^xsd:dateTime ]."@en
owl132:End_Of_First_Year_Exam"Examen de fin de 1re anne [63]"^^xsd:string
owl132:End_Of_First_Year_Exam"Examen de fin de 1Ëre annÈe [63]"^^xsd:string
?:Endeavour"A collaboration between two or more Organizations such as a project. It meets the criteria for being an Organization in that it has an identity and defining purpose independent of its particular members but is neither a formally recognized legal entity nor a sub-unit within some larger organization. Might typically have a shorter lifetime than the Organizations within it, but not necessarily. All members are `org:Organization`s rather than individuals and those Organizations can play particular roles within the venture. Alternative names: _Project_ _Venture_ _Endeavour_ _Consortium_ _Endeavour_"@en
?:Endeavour"Colaboración determinada entre dos o más organizaciones, como en el caso de un proyecto común. Cumple con los criterios de ser una organización en sí misma, en la medida en que tiene una identidad y un propósito definido independiente de sus miembros en particular, pero no es una entidad legal formalmente reconocida ni una sub-unidad dentro de una organización más grande. La duración suele ser más corta que la de las organizaciones que lo componen, pero no necesariamente. Todos sus miembros son de tipo `org:Organization` en vez de individuos, y desempeñan una actividad concreta en el marco del proyecto de cooperación."@es
?:Endeavour"Une collaboration entre deux ou plusieurs Organisations, telle qu'un projet commun. Un partenariat peut être considéré comme Organisation dans le sens ou il possède une identité et un But propre indépendant de ceux de ses membres, mais ce n'est ni une entité légale ni une sous-unité d'une Organisation plus grande. Typiquement, elle peut avoir une durée de vie plus courte que les Organisations qui la composent, mais pas nécessairement. Tous les membres sont des `org:Organization`s plutôt que des individus et ces Organisations peuvent jouer des Rôles particuliers au sein du Partenariat. "@fr
?:Endeavour"È una collaborazione tra due o più Organization come ad esempio un progetto. Consente di rappresentare alcune identità dell'Organization che sono fuori dallo scopo principale e non sono formalmente riconosciute. Potrebbe anche avere un ciclo di vita limitato."@it
prov:EntityInfluence"EntityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Entity's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of EntityInfluence use the prov:entity property to cite the influencing Entity."@en
prov:EntityInfluence"It is not recommended that the type EntityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en
?:Entwicklungsvorhaben"disjoint with researchProject? maybe not. Olivier 2006-06-07"^^xsd:string
?:Event" An arbitrary classification of a space/time region, by a cognitive agent. An event may have actively participating agents, passive factors, products, and a location in space/time. "
sioct:Event Calendar"Describes a calendar of events."@en
?:Excerpt"A passage selected from a larger work."@en
owl132:External_Module"Module externe [42]"^^xsd:string
?:Factor" Everything used as a factor in an event "
sioct:Favourite Things"Describes a list or a collection of one's favourite things."@en
?:Fictive term"Bitte verwenden Sie FictiveTerm"@de
?:Fictive term"Use FictiveTerm instead"@en
owl132:Field_Of_Studies"Domaine dtudes [4]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Field_Of_Studies"Domaine díÈtudes [4]"^^xsd:string
ov:Film"The class of all motion pictures"@en
?:Film"aka movie."@en
lemon:Form"A given written or spoken realisation of a lexical entry"@en
?:Formal Organization"An Organization which is recognized in the world at large, in particular in legal jurisdictions, with associated rights and responsibilities. Examples include a Corporation, Charity, Government or Church. Note that this is a super class of `gr:BusinessEntity` and it is recommended to use the GoodRelations vocabulary to denote Business classifications such as DUNS or NAICS."@en
?:Formal Organization"Organización reconocida a nivel mundial, en particular en jurisdicciones legales, con derechos y responsabilidades asociadas. Algunos ejemplos son: organización corporativa, organización benéfica, organización gubernamental, organización religiosa. Se debe tener en cuenta que ésta es una superclase de `gr:BusinessEntity` y que se recomienda el uso del vocabulario GoodRelations para referirse a clasificaciones de negocios tales como DUNS o NAICS."@es
?:Formal Organization"Un'organizzazione che è riconosciuta a livello mondiale o, in generale, all'interno di una qualche giurisdizione, e che quindi possiede diritti e responsabilità. Ad esempio aziende, enti governativi, associazioni di volontariato. Si noti che questa è una superclasse di `gr:BusinessEntity` e che quindi è raccomandabile usare il vocabolario GoodRelations per esprimere classificazioni di tipo industriale e commerciale come DUNS e NAICS."@it
?:Formal Organization"Une Organisation reconnue, en particulier par les juridictions locales, ayant des droits et des responsabilités. Exemples : entreprises, association à but non-lucratif, collectivité, église. Notez que c'est une super-classe de `gr:BusinessEntity` et qu'il est recommandé d'utiliser le vocabulaire GoodRelations pour indiquer les classifications économiques comme le code NACE."@fr
?:Formal Organization"関連する権利と責任を有する(特に法的管轄区域において)世界中に広く認識されている組織。例には、企業、慈善団体、政府や教会が含まれます。"@ja
ov:Formula"A formula or graph literal, in the sense used by Notation 3. This is intended to be used as a datatype. e.g. <#bob> ex:believes "<#alice> a <> ."^^ov:Formula . Note that the wrapping "{"..."}" are omitted from the value."@en
?:Forschungsarbeit"A piece of research work."^^xsd:string
sioc:Forum"A discussion area on which Posts or entries are made."@en
oa:FragmentSelector"A Selector which describes the segment of interest in a representation, through the use of the fragment identifier component of a URI. It is RECOMMENDED to use oa:FragmentSelector as the selector on a Specific Resource rather than annotating the fragment URI directly, in order to improve discoverability of annotation on the Source. The oa:FragmentSelector MUST have exactly 1 rdf:value property, containing the fragment identifier component of a URI that describes the segment of interest in the resource, excluding the initial "#". The Fragment Selector SHOULD have a dcterms:conformsTo relationship with the object being the specification that defines the syntax of the fragment, for instance <> for HTML fragments. "@en
lemon:Frame"A stereotypical example of the usage of a given lexical entry. The most common example of projections are subcategorization frames which describe the slots taken by the arguments of a verb."@en
ov:Frequency of operation of a radio."When a radio transmits a signal, a range of frequencies is used to carry information. This range may be continuous or dis-contiguous ("spread spectrum"). There is usually a single frequency that is used to "name" the tranmission frequency, although this naming depends on the mode used. (See RadioOperationMode). The standard method of expression is "Herz" (or a multiple). Sometimes, surprisingly, the "frequency" is expressed in terms of length (actually wavelength, often in meters). This is merely an colloquial and equivalent expresssion, since freq(Herz) = the-speed-of-light / wavelength."@en
?:Fuller form of the name of the person"Die vorliegende abweichende Namensform ist die vollständig aufgelöste Form des bevorzugten Namens, der abgekürzte Formen enthält."@de
?:GNU Arch repository"Dépôt GNU Arch du code source."@fr
?:GNU Arch repository"GNU Arch Quellcode-Versionierungssystem."@de
?:GNU Arch repository"GNU Arch source code repository."@en
?:GNU Arch repository"Repositorio GNU Arch del código fuente."@es
?:GNU Arch repository"Úložiště zdrojových kódů GNU Arch."@cs
?:GNU Arch repository"ソースコードのGNU Archのリポジトリ"@ja
fabio:Gantt chart"A horizontal bar chart used to guide project planning, execution and control, illustrating the project schedule, with a separate line indicating the start and end dates of each of the key project activities or workpackages, and optionally showing the dependencies between these items. A Gantt chart is typically part of a project plan."@en
v:Gender"Used for gender codes. The URI of the gender code must be used as the value for Gender."@en
ov:General Trait of Characters in the Animated Series Avatar-The Last Airbender"This class of character traits was created to describe the characters in the graphic novel Avatar-The Last Airbender. The motivation was to create a unique class identifying the characters in the trilogy."@en
prov:Generation"An instance of prov:Generation provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasGeneratedBy relation from a generated prov:Entity to the prov:Activity that generated it. For example, :cake prov:wasGeneratedBy :baking; prov:qualifiedGeneration [ a prov:Generation; prov:activity :baking; :foo :bar ]."@en
lexinfo:Gerund"A clause, whose head is a non-finite verb form, which is used in place of an argument. In English these use the "-ing" suffix"@en
lexinfo:GerundFrame"Indicates one of the arguments is a gerund clause"@en
foaf:Group"A class of Agents."
v:Group"Object representing a group of persons or entities. A group object will usually contain hasMember properties to specify the members of the group."@en
?:Handbuch"An operations manual for a product."^^xsd:string
lemon:HasLanguage"Structural element for all elements that can be tagged with a language"@en
?:Hearing"An instance or a session in which testimony and arguments are presented, esp. before an official, as a judge in a lawsuit."@en
?:Hierarchical Code List"Represents a generalized hierarchy of concepts which can be used for coding. The hierarchy is defined by one or more roots together with a property which relates concepts in the hierarchy to thier child concept . The same concepts may be members of multiple hierarchies provided that different qb:parentChildProperty values are used for each hierarchy."@en
v:Home"This implies that the property is related to an individual's personal life"@en
ov:House"Structure in which someone lives"@en
oa:HttpRequestState"A resource which describes how to retrieve an appropriate representation of the Source resource for the Annotation, based on the HTTP Request headers to send to the server. There MUST be exactly 1 rdf:value property per HttpRequestState, containing HTTP request headers as a single, complete string, exactly as they would appear in an HTTP request. "@en
v:ISDN"This class is deprecated"@en
ov:ITU Region for governance of radio operation"The ITU defines a set of world-wide regions which uniquely describe locations for radio operation (in particular, amateur radio operation). These regions are widely-used by amateur radio operators to report operation and radio contacts. Each region has a unique abbreviation."@en
ov:Illegal RDF/XML Statement"A statement that would be illegal to express in a non-reified form in RDF/XML - usually because the predicate cannot be converted to a QName."@en
?:Image"A document that presents visual or diagrammatic information."@en
foaf:Image"An image."
sioct:Image Gallery"Describes an image gallery, for example, a photo album."@en
v:Individual"An object representing a single person or entity"@en
lexinfo:InfinitiveClause"A clause whose main verb is infinitive"@en
lexinfo:InfinitiveFrame"Infinitive frames take an infinitive clause as an argument"@en
prov:Influence"An instance of prov:Influence provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasInfluencedBy relation from some influenced Activity, Entity, or Agent to the influencing Activity, Entity, or Agent. For example, :stomach_ache prov:wasInfluencedBy :spoon; prov:qualifiedInfluence [ a prov:Influence; prov:entity :spoon; :foo :bar ] . Because prov:Influence is a broad relation, the more specific relations (Communication, Delegation, End, etc.) should be used when applicable."@en
prov:Influence"Because prov:Influence is a broad relation, its most specific subclasses (e.g. prov:Communication, prov:Delegation, prov:End, prov:Revision, etc.) should be used when applicable."@en
sioct:Instant Message"Describes an instant message, e.g. sent via Jabber."@en
prov:InstantaneousEvent"An instantaneous event, or event for short, happens in the world and marks a change in the world, in its activities and in its entities. The term 'event' is commonly used in process algebra with a similar meaning. Events represent communications or interactions; they are assumed to be atomic and instantaneous."@en
v:Internet"This class is deprecated"@en
lexinfo:InterrogativeClause"A subclause that begins interrogative construction ("wh"-word in English)"@en
lexinfo:InterrogativeFrame"Indicates the frame has a subframe indicated with the appropriate interrogative (e.g., "who", "where", "how")"@en
lexinfo:InterrogativeInfinitiveFrame"Indicates the frame has an argument that is a clause with both an interrogative and the clause is in the infinitive form"@en
?:Interview"A formalized discussion between two or more people."@en
v:Intl"This class is deprecated"@en
lexinfo:IntransitiveInterrogativeFrame"he ASKED [what he should do]"@en
prov:Invalidation"An instance of prov:Invalidation provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasInvalidatedBy relation from an invalidated prov:Entity to the prov:Activity that invalidated it. For example, :uncracked_egg prov:wasInvalidatedBy :baking; prov:qualifiedInvalidation [ a prov:Invalidation; prov:activity :baking; :foo :bar ]."@en
ov:IrcBot"An irc chat bot"@en
?:Issue"something that is printed or published and distributed, esp. a given number of a periodical"@en
sioc:Item"An Item is something which can be in a Container."@en
ov:JavascriptThis"the concept of "this" in a javascript object. In other words a mean in which to refer to "self""@en
?:Journal"A periodical of scholarly journal Articles."@en
?:Journal"An entire issue of a refereed learned journal."^^xsd:string
?:Key"the class of keys"@en
ov:Killer Gorilla"A gorilla that kills or has the inclination to do so."@en
v:Kind"The parent class for all objects"@en
v:Label"This class is deprecated"@en
foaf:Label Property"A foaf:LabelProperty is any RDF property with texual values that serve as labels."
?:Later name of the person"Die vorliegende abweichende Namensform ist der spätere Name einer Person, wie der Ehename etc., der nicht als bevorzugter Name gewählt wird."
owl132:Learning_Activity"Prestation dtudes [52]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Learning_Activity"Prestation díÈtudes [52]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Learning_Outcome"Acquis de formation [53]"^^xsd:string
teach:Lecture"Lecture of the course. "@en
?:Legal Case Document"A document accompanying a legal case."@en
?:Legal Document"A legal document; for example, a court decision, a brief, and so forth."@en
?:Legislation"A legal document proposing or enacting a law or a group of laws."@en
?:Letter"A written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization and usually transmitted by mail."@en
lemon:Lexical Condition"An evaluable condition on when a sense applies."@en
lemon:Lexical Context"Indicates the pragmatic or discourse context in which a sense applies"@en
lemon:Lexical Topic"Indicates the topic of a lexicon or a lexical entry"@en
lemon:Lexical entry"An entry in the lexicon. This may be any morpheme, word, compound, phrase or clause that is included in the lexicon"@en
lemon:Lexical sense"Represents the intersection in meaning between the lexical entry and the ontology entity. This is used as the ontology entity and lexical entry may not be in one-to-one correspondence as such the existence of a sense between them states meerly that there are some cases when this lexical entry refer to the ontology entity and vica versa. Mapping elements can be used to further specify this relation"@en
lemon:Lexicon"The lexicon object. This object is specific to the given language and/or domain it describes"@en
oa:List"A multiplicity construct that conveys to a consuming application that all of the constituent resources are required for the Annotation to be correctly interpreted, and in a particular order. oa:List can be used as the object of the object of the oa:hasBody, oa:hasTarget, oa:hasSelector, oa:hasState, oa:styledBy and oa:hasScope relationships, There MUST be 2 or more oa:item relationships for each oa:List, with their order defined using the rdf:List construct of rdf:first/rdf:rest/rdf:nil. All the elements of the list should also be declared using oa:item, and each of the oa:items should appear at least once in the list."@en
rdf:List"The class of RDF Lists."
rdf:List"The class of RDF Lists."@en
rdfs:Literal"The class of literal values, eg. textual strings and integers."@en
ov:Living Killer Gorilla"Indicates that the subject is a non-deceased killer gorilla."@en
v:Location"An object representing a named geographical place"@en
ov:MOT Testing Station"The class of all MOT Testing Stations."@en
?:Magazin"An entire issue of an unrefereed journal or magazine."^^xsd:string
?:Magazine"A periodical of magazine Articles. A magazine is a publication that is issued periodically, usually bound in a paper cover, and typically contains essays, stories, poems, etc., by many writers, and often photographs and drawings, frequently specializing in a particular subject or area, as hobbies, news, or sports."@en
sioct:Mail Message"Describes an electronic mail message, e.g. a post sent to a mailing list."@en
sioct:Mailing List"Describes an electronic mailing list."@en
owl132:Major_Area"Domaine principal [8]"^^xsd:string
ov:Manifest"A manifest is a listing of files or URIs or resources of some sort encoded in some way"@en
?:Manual"A small reference book, especially one giving instructions."@en
?:Manuscript"An unpublished Document, which may also be submitted to a publisher for publication."@en
?:Map"A graphical depiction of geographic features."@en
owl132:Master"Master [14]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Master_Curriculum"Etudes de master [3]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Master_Exam"Examen de master [66]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Master_Of_Arts"Master of Arts [16]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Master_Of_Science"Master of Science [18]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Master_Orientation_Module"Module dorientation_1 [37]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Master_Orientation_Module"Module díorientation_1 [37]"^^xsd:string
?:Master_Thesis"A university Masters thesis."^^xsd:string
owl132:Master_Thesis"Mmoire de master [67]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Master_Thesis"MÈmoire de master [67]"^^xsd:string
teach:Material"Material of the course. "@en
?:Measure property"The class of components which represent the measured value of the phenomenon being observed"@en
?:Membership"Indica la natura della relazione di appartenenza di un Agent in un'organizzazione. Rappresenta una relazione n-aria tra un'Agent, un Organization e un Role. È possibile indicare direttamente la membership, indipendentemente dallo specifico Role, attraverso l'uso della proprietà `org:memberOf`"@it
?:Membership"Indicates the nature of an Agent's membership of an organization. Represents an n-ary relation between an Agent, an Organization and a Role. It is possible to directly indicate membership, independent of the specific Role, through use of the `org:memberOf` property."@en
?:Membership"Indique la nature de l'engagement d'un Agent dans une Organisation. Représente une relation n-aire entre un Agent, une Organisation et un Role. Il est possible d'indiquer directement l'appartenance à une organisation, independemment d'un rôle spécifique, à travers l'usage de la propriété `org:memberOf`."@fr
?:Membership"Pertenencia o afiliación de un agente a una organización. Es una relación n-aria entre un agente, una organización y una actividad. Es posible indicar pertenencia mediante el uso de la propiedad `org:memberOf`, independientemente de la actividad específica que se desempeñe."@es
owl132:Mention"Mention_2 [55]"^^xsd:string
sioct:Message Board"Describes a message board, also known as an online bulletin board or discussion forum."@en
sioct:Microblog"Describes a microblog, i.e. a blog consisting of short text messages."@en
sioct:Microblog Post"Describes a post that is specifically made on a microblog."@en
ov:MicroblogPost"A post on a microblogging service like Twitter,, Jaiku or FriendFeed. Usually untitled and with a limited number of characters, and sometimes containing in-line text-based syntactical elements like at-replies, hashtags, group 'bangtags' etc."@en
owl132:Minor_Area"Domaine secondaire [9]"^^xsd:string
v:Modem"This class is deprecated"@en
teach:Module"Module (i.e. a set of courses) which the course belongs to. "@en
owl132:Module"Module [35]"^^xsd:string
oa:Motivation"The Motivation for creating an Annotation, indicated with oa:motivatedBy, is a reason for its creation, and might include things like oa:replying to another annotation, oa:commenting on a resource, or oa:linking to a related resource. Each Annotation SHOULD have at least one oa:motivatedBy relationship to an instance of oa:Motivation, which is a subClass of skos:Concept."@en
v:Msg"This class is deprecated"@en
?:Multivolume Book"A loose, thematic, collection of Documents, often Books."@en
v:Name"To specify the components of the name of the object"@en
ov:News item"A piece of News"@en
?:Newspaper"A periodical of documents, usually issued daily or weekly, containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising."@en
?:Nicht_begutachteter_Artikel"An unrefereed article from a journal, magazine or newspaper. possible german translation for "unrefereed", also: unredigiert ?!"^^xsd:string
lemon:Node"A node in a phrase structure or dependency parse graph"@en
ov:Non Killer-Gorilla"Indicates that something is definitely not a Killer-Gorilla. (It may still be a killer though. Or a gorilla.)"@en
?:Note"Notes or annotations about a resource."@en
owl:Nothing"This is the empty class."
ov:Numismatics"Numismatics is the study of coins, medals and other related items."@en
lexinfo:ObjectControl"Indicates the object of the main clause is also the (omitted) object of the subclause"@en
owl132:Obligatory_Module"Module obligatoire [43]"^^xsd:string
?:Observation"A single observation in the cube, may have one or more associated measured values"@en
?:Observation Group"A, possibly arbitrary, group of observations."@en
sioct:Offer List"Describes a list of the items someone has available to offer."@en
ov:Okkam Entity"Any entity that can be identified using the OKKAM entity naming system. In general one could say this is equivalent to resource but there are certain entity types that will work better on the OKKAM system"@en
ov:Olympic games"The Olympic Games are an international multi-sport event established for both summer and winter sports."@en
foaf:Online Account"An online account."
foaf:Online Chat Account"An online chat account."
foaf:Online E-commerce Account"An online e-commerce account."
foaf:Online Gaming Account"An online gaming account."
owl132:Optional_Module"Module optionnel [44]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Optional_Subject"matire choix [46]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Optional_Subject"matiËre ‡ choix [46]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Optional_Teaching_Unit"Cours option [45]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Optional_Teaching_Unit"Cours ‡ option [45]"^^xsd:string
v:Organization"An object representing an organization. An organization is a single entity, and might represent a business or government, a department or division within a business or government, a club, an association, or the like. "@en
foaf:Organization"An organization."
?:Organization"Grupo de personas que se organiza en una comunidad u otro tipo de estructura social, comercial o política. Dicho grupo tiene un objetivo o motivo común para su existencia que va más allá del conjunto de personas que lo forman y que puede actuar como “agente”. A menudo las organizaciones se pueden agrupar en estructuras jerárquicas. Se recomienda el uso de etiquetas de SKOS para denominar a cada “organización”. En concreto, `skos:prefLabel` para la denominación principal o recomendada (aquella reconocida legalmente, siempre que sea posible), `skos:altLabel` para denominaciones alternativas (nombre comercial, sigla, denominación por la que se conoce a la organización coloquialmente) y `skos:notation` para referirse al código que identifique a la organización en una lista de códigos. Denominaciones alternativas: _colectivo_ _corporación_ _grupo_"@es
?:Organization"Rappresenta una collezione di persone organizzate all'interno di una communità o di una qualche struttura sociale, commerciale o politica. Il gruppo condivide un obiettivo o una ragione d'essere che va oltre gli stessi membri appartenenti al gruppo e può agire come un Agent. Le organizzazioni si possono spesso suddividere in strutture gerarchiche. Si raccomanda di usare le label per l'Organization mediante le proprietà di SKOS. In particolare, `skos:prefLabel` per il nome principale (possibilmente un nome legalmente riconosciuto)”, `skos:altLabel` come nome alternativo (denominazione commerciale, denominazione colloquiale) e `skos:notation` per indicare un codice di una lista di codici."@it
?:Organization"Represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures. It is recommended that SKOS lexical labels should be used to label the Organization. In particular `skos:prefLabel` for the primary (possibly legally recognized name), `skos:altLabel` for alternative names (trading names, colloquial names) and `skos:notation` to denote a code from a code list. Alternative names: _Collective_ _Body_ _Org_ _Group_"@en
?:Organization"Représente un groupe de personnes organisées en communauté où tout autre forme de structure sociale, commerciale ou politique. Le groupe a un but commun ou une raison d'être qui va au-delà de la somme des personnes qui en font partie et peut agir en tant que "Agent". Les organisations sont souvent décomposables en structures hiérarchisées. Il est recommandé que des labels lexicaux SKOS soient utilisés pour nommer l'Organisation. En particulier `skos:prefLabel` pour le nom principal (en général le nom légal), `skos:altLabel` pour les noms alternatifs (marques, sigles, appellations familières) et `skos:notation` pour indiquer un code provenant d'une liste de code."@fr
?:OrganizationalUnit"An Organization such as a University Support Unit which is part of some larger FormalOrganization and only has full recognition within the context of that FormalOrganization, it is not a Legal Entity in its own right. Units can be large and complex containing other Units and even FormalOrganizations. Alternative names: _OU_ _Unit_ _Department_"@en
?:OrganizationalUnit"Organización que forma parte de una organización formal más amplia, como el servicio de informática o centro de cálculo de una universidad, y que sólo tiene reconocimiento pleno en el contexto de dicha organización formal, pero que no es una entidad legal propiamente dicha. Estas unidades pueden ser amplias y complejas, e incluir a otras unidades o incluso a otras organizaciones formales. Denominaciones alternativas: departamento."@es
?:OrganizationalUnit"Un'organizzazione come ad esempio l'unità dei sistemi informativi che è parte di una più grande FormalOrganization e che, pur essendo riconosciuta nel contesto della propria organizzazione di riferimento, non è legalmente riconosciuta come entità a sé stante. Le unità possono essere ampie e complesse e contenere al loro interno sia altre unità che addirittura FormalOrganization."@it
?:OrganizationalUnit"Une organisation telle que le support informatique d'une université, qui fait partie d'une Organisation Formelle plus importante et qui ne peut être reconnue qu'en tant que membre de cette organisation supérieure, ce n'est pas une entité légale en elle-même. Les unités opérationnelles peuvent être étendues, complexes et inclure elles-mêmes d'autres branches ou Unités Opérationnelles, voire des Organisations Formelles."@fr
v:PCS"This class is deprecated"@en
?:PGPCertificate"the class of PGP Certificates"@en
?:Parameter Variable"An parameter variable represents a description of an input parameter of a process. Parameter variables can only be used by process. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:/WorkflowTemplateArtifact , opmw:ParameterVariable ; rdfs:label "Parameter variable Latitude" ; opmw:template <> ."@en
v:Parcel"This class is deprecated"@en
lemon:Part of word"An affix is a morpheme that is attached to a word stem to form a new word. Use this for lexical entries with only abstract forms"@en
?:Patent"A document describing the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years."@en
?:Performance"A public performance."@en
?:Periodical"A group of related documents issued at regular intervals."@en
sioca:Permission"A Permission describes a type of action that can be performed on an object that is within the scope of a Role, e.g. a Site, Forum, etc."@en
foaf:Person"A person."
?:Personal Communication"A communication between an agent and one or more specific recipients."@en
?:Personal Communication Document"A personal communication manifested in some document."@en
foaf:PersonalProfileDocument"A personal profile RDF document."
fabio:Ph.D. symposium paper"A paper, usually presented during a specific session of a conference dedicated to Ph.D. students, that describes ongoing Ph.D. student's research."@en
v:Phone"Used for telephone type codes. The URI of the telephone type code must be used as the value for the Telephone Type."@en
lemon:Phrase"A phrase in lemon is defined in the looser sense of a sequence of words, it does not have to a fully grammatical phrase"@en
lemon:Phrase element"A terminal node in a phrase structure graph, i.e., a realisable, lexical element."@en
prov:Plan"There exist no prescriptive requirement on the nature of plans, their representation, the actions or steps they consist of, or their intended goals. Since plans may evolve over time, it may become necessary to track their provenance, so plans themselves are entities. Representing the plan explicitly in the provenance can be useful for various tasks: for example, to validate the execution as represented in the provenance record, to manage expectation failures, or to provide explanations."@en
sioct:Playlist"Describes a list of media items that have been played or can be played."@en
ov:Plot"A Plot of anything."@en
sioct:Poll"Describes a posted item that contains a poll or survey content."@en
?:Post"A Post represents some position within an organization that exists independently of the person or persons filling it. Posts may be used to represent situations where a person is a member of an organization ex officio (for example the Secretary of State for Scotland is part of UK Cabinet by virtue of being Secretary of State for Scotland, not as an individual person). A post can be held by multiple people and hence can be treated as a organization in its own right."@en
sioc:Post"An article or message that can be posted to a Forum."@en
?:Post"Puesto o posición que representa algún tipo de empleo dentro de una organización, que existe independientemente de la persona o personas que lo desempeñan. Esta clase puede utilizarse para representar situaciones en las que una persona es miembro de una organización ex oficio (por ejemplo, el Secretario de Estado escocés es parte del Gabinete del gobierno británico por virtud de ser Secretario de Estado en Escocia, y no como individuo). Un puesto puede ser desempeñado por múltiples individuos y de aquí que sea tratado como una organización en sí misma."@es
?:Post"Un Impiego rappresenta una posizione all'interno dell'organizzazione che esiste indipendentemente dalla persona che la ricopre. Gli impieghi possono essere utilizzati per le situazioni in cui una persona è membro di un'organizzazione o di un ufficio (ad esempio un segretario di stato). Un Impiego può essere ricoperto da più persone."@it
?:Post"Un Poste représente une position au sein d'une Organisation qui existe indépendamment de la personne ou des personnes qui le remplissent. Les postes peuvent être utilisés pour représenter des situations où une personne est membre d'une Organisation d'office (par exemple, le Secrétaire d'Etat pour l'Ecosse fait partie du Cabinet du Royaume-Uni du fait d'être Secrétaire d'Etat pour l'Ecosse, non pas comme une personne physique). Un poste après peut être occupé par plusieurs personnes et peut donc être considéré comme une Organisation à part entière."@fr
v:Postal"This class is deprecated"@en
v:Pref"This class is deprecated"@en
lexinfo:PrepositionalFrame"Abstract frame for words that take a prepositional phrase as an argument"@en
prov:PrimarySource"An instance of prov:PrimarySource provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:hadPrimarySource relation from some secondary prov:Entity to an earlier, primary prov:Entity. For example, :blog prov:hadPrimarySource :newsArticle; prov:qualifiedPrimarySource [ a prov:PrimarySource; prov:entity :newsArticle; :foo :bar ] ."@en
?:PrivateKey"Private Key"@en
?:Proceedings"A compilation of documents published from an event, such as a conference."@en
?:Product" Everything produced by an event "
owl132:Professor"Professor for the benchmark"^^xsd:string
foaf:Project"A project (a collective endeavour of some kind)."
sioct:Project Directory"Describes a project directory."@en
lemon:Property Value"A value that can be used in the range of linguistic property"@en
?:Proseminar "see:"^^xsd:string
?:Provenance characteristic"Provenienzmerkmale bezeichnen spuren, die Vorbesitzer (Personen und Institutionen) in und auf Büchern, Handschriften oder anderen Artefakten hinterlassen haben. Diese Merkmale kennzeichnen Besitz, Lesespuren oder Zensurabsichten."@de
?:Pseudonym"Die vorliegende abweichende Namensform ist der wirkliche Name einer Person, für die als bevorzugter Name ein Pseudonym gewählt wird."@de
?:Public Reading"The event of a copy of a book being read, usually aloud, by an agent to an audience."@en
?:PublicKey"Public Key"
sioct:Question"A Post that asks a Question."@en
prov:Quotation"An instance of prov:Quotation provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasQuotedFrom relation from some taken prov:Entity from an earlier, larger prov:Entity. For example, :here_is_looking_at_you_kid prov:wasQuotedFrom :casablanca_script; prov:qualifiedQuotation [ a prov:Quotation; prov:entity :casablanca_script; :foo :bar ]."@en
?:Quote"An excerpted collection of words."@en
?:RSA Key" The union of the public and private components of an RSAKey. Usually those pieces are not kept together "@en
?:RSA Key" The union of the public and private components of an RSAKey. Usually those pieces are not kept together "@en
?:RSA Private Key" A Private Key in the RSA framework "@en
?:RSA Public Key" The RSA public key. Padded message m are encrypted by applying the function modulus(power(m,exponent),modulus) "@en
?:RSA Public Key" The RSA public key. Padded message m are encrypted by applying the function modulus(power(m,exponent),modulus) "@en
lexinfo:RaisingSubject"Indicates the syntactic subject of the main clause is in fact the subject of the subclause. The main clause should then be interpreted as being impersonal."@en
?:Reading"The event of a copy of a book being read by an agent."@en
sioct:Reading List"Describes a list of books or other materials that have been read or are suggested for reading."@en
?:Reference Source"A document that presents authoritative reference information, such as a dictionary or encylopedia ."@en
lexinfo:ReflexiveDativeTransitiveFrame"ist diese frame echt?"@de
v:Relation Type"Used for relation type codes. The URI of the relation type code must be used as the value for the Relation Type."@en
?:Report"A document describing an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.."@en
owl132:Research_Orientation_Module"Module dorientation_3 [39]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Research_Orientation_Module"Module díorientation_3 [39]"^^xsd:string
rdfs:Resource"The class resource, everything."@en
sioct:Resume Bank"Describes a collection of resumes."@en
sioct:Review Area"Describes an area where reviews are posted."@en
prov:Revision"An instance of prov:Revision provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasRevisionOf relation from some newer prov:Entity to an earlier prov:Entity. For example, :draft_2 prov:wasRevisionOf :draft_1; prov:qualifiedRevision [ a prov:Revision; prov:entity :draft_1; :foo :bar ]."@en
sioc:Role"A Role is a function of a UserAccount within a scope of a particular Forum, Site, etc."@en
?:Role"Denotes a role that a Person or other Agent can take in an organization. Instances of this class describe the abstract role; to denote a specific instance of a person playing that role in a specific organization use an instance of `org:Membership`. It is common for roles to be arranged in some taxonomic structure and we use SKOS to represent that. The normal SKOS lexical properties should be used when labelling the Role. Additional descriptive properties for the Role, such as a Salary band, may be added by extension vocabularies."@en
?:Role"Función que una persona o agente desempeña en el seno de una organización. Las instancias de esta clase describen la actividad en abstracto; si lo que se pretende es incluir una instancia que refleje la función o actividad que desempeña una persona en concreto en una organización específica, se indica el uso de instancias de la clase `org:Membership`. Es común que dichas actividades se representen en una estructura taxonómica mediante SKOS. Las propiedades léxicas de SKOS deberían utilizarse a la hora de denominar o etiquetar la actividad desempeñada. Para añadir propiedades descriptivas adicionales, como rango salarial, se tendrá que recurrir a vocabularios externos."@es
?:Role"Indica il ruolo che una Person o un altro Agent può assumere in un'organizzazione. Le istanze di questa classe descrivono un ruolo astratto; per esprimere il ruolo che una precisa persona ricopre in un'organizzazione si usi un'istanza di `org:Membership`. È comune organizzare i ruoli in una qualche struttura tassonomica e quindi si raccomanda SKOS per questo. Altre proprietà descrittive per il Role, come salario, possono essere aggiunte mediante l'uso di altri vocabolari."@it
?:Role"Indique le rôle qu'une Personne ou un autre Agent peut avoir dans une Organisation. Les instances de cette classe décrivent le rôle dans l'absolu; pour indiquer une personne ayant ce rôle spécifique dans une Organisation, utilisez une instance de `org:Membership`. Il est courant que les rôles soient organisés dans une sorte de taxonomie, ce qui peut être représenté avec SKOS. Les propriétés de libellés standards de SKOS devraient être utilisées pour libeller le Rôle. D'autres propriétés additionnelles pour ce rôle, comme une fourchette de Salaire peuvent être ajoutées par une extension de ce vocabulaire."@fr
teach:Room"Room where the course is taking place. "@en
?:Sammelband"A book produced from a collection of separate papers."^^xsd:string
ov:School Loan History"The loan history of a book within a school"@en
ov:Scientific Database"A Scientific Database"@en
owl132:Secondary_Study_Program"P. dtudes secondaires [31]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Secondary_Study_Program"P. díÈtudes secondaires [31]"^^xsd:string
oa:Selector"A resource which describes the segment of interest in a representation of a Source resource, indicated with oa:hasSelector from the Specific Resource. This class is not used directly in Annotations, only its subclasses are. The nature of the Selector will be dependent on the type of the representation for which the segment is conveyed. The specific type of selector should be indicated using a subclass of oa:Selector. The Specifier's description MAY be conveyed as an external or embedded resource (cnt:Content), or as RDF properties within the graph. The description SHOULD use existing standards whenever possible. If the Specifier has an HTTP URI, then its description, and only its description, MUST be returned when the URI is dereferenced."@en
oa:SemanticTag"A class assigned to the Body when it is a semantic tagging resource; a URI that identifies a concept, rather than an embedded string, frequently a term from a controlled vocabulary. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use the URI of a document as a Semantic Tag, as it might also be used as a regular Body in other Annotations which would inherit the oa:SemanticTag class assignment. Instead it is more appropriate to create a new URI and link it to the document, using the foaf:page predicate."@en
lexinfo:SententialFrame"Sentential frames take a clause as argument, no conjunction is used and the syntax of the clause is the same as a main clause"@en
rdf:Seq"The class of ordered containers."
rdf:Seq"The class of ordered containers."@en
?:Series"A loose, thematic, collection of Documents, often Books."@en
siocs:Service"A Service is web service associated with a Site or part of it."@en
?:Signature"the class of signtatures"@en
sioc:Site"A Site can be the location of an online community or set of communities, with UserAccounts and Usergroups creating Items in a set of Containers. It can be thought of as a web-accessible data Space."@en
?:Site"An office or other premise at which the organization is located. Many organizations are spread across multiple sites and many sites will host multiple locations. In most cases a Site will be a physical location. However, we don't exclude the possibility of non-physical sites such as a virtual office with an associated post box and phone reception service. Extensions may provide subclasses to denote particular types of site."@en
?:Site"Oficina, local o cualquier otro lugar en el que se encuentra una organización. Muchas organizaciones están distribuidas en varias sedes, que a su vez están repartidas en distintas ubicaciones. En muchos casos una sede será un sitio o local físico. Sin embargo, no se excluye la posibilidad de lugares no físicos como oficinas virtuales con los correspondientes apartados de correo y servicio de atención telefónica. Se pueden añadir más subtipos mediante extensiones para incluir tipos especiales de lugares."@es
?:Site"Un ufficio o altra sede dovei l'organizzazione è situata. Molte organizzazione sono distribuite su più sedi e molte sedi ospitano più ubicazioni. Nella maggior parte dei casi un Site è una locazione fisica. Non si esclude la possibilità di indicare sedi non fisiche come ad esempio gli uffici virtuali. Le estensioni dell'ontologia potrebbero usare delle sottoclassi per rappresentare i tipi particolari di sede."@it
?:Site"Un établissement ou tout autre lieu dans lequel une Organisation est localisé. Beaucoup d'organisations sont dispersées à travers plusieurs sites. Dans la plupart des cas un Site sera un lieu physique. Toutefois, nous n'excluons pas la possibilité de sites non-physiques comme un bureau virtuel avec une boîte postale et un service de secrétariat mutualisé. Des extensions pourraient fournir des sous-classes pour décrire des types de sites particuliers."@fr
?:Situation"A view on a set of entities. It can be seen as a 'relational context', reifying a relation. For example, a PlanExecution is a context including some actions executed by agents according to certain parameters and expected tasks to be achieved from a Plan; a DiagnosedSituation is a context of observed entities that is interpreted on the basis of a Diagnosis, etc. Situation is also able to represent reified n-ary relations, where isSettingFor is the top-level relation for all binary projections of the n-ary relation. If used in a transformation pattern for n-ary relations, the designer should take care of: - creating only one situation for each instance of an n-ary relation, otherwise the 'identification constraint' (Calvanese et al., IJCAI 2001) could be violated - adding an 'exact cardinality' restriction corresponding to the arity of the n-ary relation, otherwise the designer would actually represent a polymorphic relation."
?:Slice"Denotes a subset of a DataSet defined by fixing a subset of the dimensional values, component properties on the Slice"@en
?:Slice key"Denotes a subset of the component properties of a DataSet which are fixed in the corresponding slices"@en
?:Slide"A slide in a slideshow"@en
?:Slideshow"A presentation of a series of slides, usually presented in front of an audience with written text and images."@en
?:Sonstiges"Work of another or undetermined type. This is the default scheme value if the scheme is not explicitly stated."^^xsd:string
sioc:Space"A Space is a place where data resides, e.g. on a website, desktop, fileshare, etc."@en
?:SpatialThing"Anything with spatial extent, i.e. size, shape, or position. e.g. people, places, bowling balls, as well as abstract areas like cubes."
owl132:Specialisation_Module"Module de spcialisation [40]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Specialisation_Module"Module de spÈcialisation [40]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Specialization_Study_Program"P. de spcialisation [30]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Specialization_Study_Program"P. de spÈcialisation [30]"^^xsd:string
oa:SpecificResource"A resource identifies part of another Source resource, a particular representation of a resource, a resource with styling hints for renders, or any combination of these. The Specific Resource takes the role of oa:hasBody or oa:hasTarget in an oa:Annotation instead of the Source resource. There MUST be exactly 1 oa:hasSource relationship associated with a Specific Resource. There MUST be exactly 0 or 1 oa:hasSelector relationship associated with a Specific Resource. There MAY be 0 or 1 oa:hasState relationship for each Specific Resource. If the Specific Resource has an HTTP URI, then the exact segment of the Source resource that it identifies, and only the segment, MUST be returned when the URI is dereferenced. For example, if the segment of interest is a region of an image and the Specific Resource has an HTTP URI, then dereferencing it MUST return the selected region of the image as it was at the time when the annotation was created. Typically this would be a burden to support, and thus the Specific Resource SHOULD be identified by a globally unique URI, such as a UUID URN. If it is not considered important to allow other Annotations or systems to refer to the Specific Resource, then a blank node MAY be used instead."@en
ov:Sport Event "e.g. : 100m in Beijing 2008"@en
?:Standard"A document describing a standard"@en
prov:Start"An instance of prov:Start provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasStartedBy relation from some started prov:Activity to an prov:Entity that started it. For example, :foot_race prov:wasStartedBy :bang; prov:qualifiedStart [ a prov:Start; prov:entity :bang; :foo :bar; prov:atTime '2012-03-09T08:05:08-05:00'^^xsd:dateTime ] ."@en
oa:State"A resource which describes how to retrieve an appropriate representation of the Source resource, indicated with oa:hasState from the Specific Resource. This class is not used directly in Annotations, only its subclasses are. The Specifier's description MAY be conveyed as an external or embedded resource (cnt:Content), or as RDF properties within the graph. The description SHOULD use existing standards whenever possible. If the Specifier has an HTTP URI, then its description, and only its description, MUST be returned when the URI is dereferenced."@en
sioca:Status"A Status can be assign to content Item to indicate its publication status (e.g. public, draft, etc.). This class is used to define different types of status."@en
?:Statute"A bill enacted into law."@en
owl132:Student"Student for the benchmark."^^xsd:string
teach:Student"Student of the course. "@en
teach:StudentGroup"StudentGroup of the course. "@en
teach:StudyProgram"StudyProgram which the course is part of. "@en
owl132:Study_Program"Programme dtudes [25]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program"Programme díÈtudes [25]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_120"Programme dtudes 120"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_120"Programme díÈtudes 120"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_180"Programme dtudes 180"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_180"Programme díÈtudes 180"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_30"Programme dtudes 30"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_30"Programme díÈtudes 30"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_50"Programme dtudes 50"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_50"Programme díÈtudes 50"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_60"Programme dtudes 60"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Program_60"Programme díÈtudes 60"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Track"Voie dtudes [23]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Study_Track"Voie díÈtudes [23]"^^xsd:string
oa:Style"A resource which describes the style in which the selection or resource should be rendered, indicated with oa:styledBy from an oa:Annotation. This class is not used directly in Annotations, only its subclasses are. The content of the resource provides the rendering hints about the Annotation's constituent resources. The Specifier's description MAY be conveyed as an external or embedded resource (cnt:Content), or as RDF properties within the graph. The description SHOULD use existing standards whenever possible. If the Specifier has an HTTP URI, then its description, and only its description, MUST be returned when the URI is dereferenced."@en
owl132:Subject"Matire [5]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Subject"MatiËre [5]"^^xsd:string
lexinfo:SubjectControl"Indicates the subject of the main clause is the (omitted) subject of the subclause"@en
lexinfo:SubjunctiveClause"A subclause that is in the subjunctive mood"@en
sioct:Subscription List"Describes a shared set of feed subscriptions."@en
ov:Suggestion"Suggested book based on circulation data"@en
sioct:Survey Collection"Describes an area where survey data can be collected, e.g. from polls."@en
oa:SvgSelector"A Selector which selects an area specified as an SVG shape. The SVG document should either be retrievable by resolving the URI of this resource, or be included as an Embedded Resource using cnt:Content. It is RECOMMENDED that the document contain only a single shape element and that element SHOULD be one of: path, rect, circle, ellipse, polyline, polygon or g. The g element SHOULD ONLY be used to construct a multi-element group, for example to define a donut shape requiring an outer circle and a clipped inner circle. The dimensions of both the shape and the SVG canvas MUST be relative to the dimensions of the Source resource. For example, given an image which is 600 pixels by 400 pixels, and the desired section is a circle of 100 pixel radius at the center of the image, then the SVG element would be: <circle cx="300" cy="200" r="100"/> It is NOT RECOMMENDED to include style information within the SVG element, nor Javascript, animation, text or other non shape oriented information. Clients SHOULD ignore such information if present."@en
lemon:Syntactic role marker"The indicator of a given syntactic argument, normally a preposition or other particle marker or a linguistic property such as case"@en
oa:Tag"A class assigned to the Body when it is a tag, such as a embedded text string with cnt:chars. Tags are typically keywords or labels, and used for organization, description or discovery of the resource being tagged. In the Semantic Web, URIs are used instead of strings to avoid the issue of polysemy where one word has multiple meanings, such usage MUST be indicated using the subclass oa:SemanticTag. Annotations that tag resources, either with text or semantic tags, SHOULD also have the oa:tagging motivation to make the reason for the Annotation more clear to applications, and MAY have other motivations as well."@en
sioct:Tag"Tag is used on the object of sioc:topic to indicate that this resource is a tag on a site."@en
?:Tagungsband"A whole published workshop or conference proceedings."^^xsd:string
teach:Teacher"Teacher of the course. "@en
owl132:Teaching_Unit"Unit denseignement [34]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Teaching_Unit"UnitÈ díenseignement [34]"^^xsd:string
?:Teil_eines_Buches"A part of a book, which may be a chapter and/or range of pages."^^xsd:string
?:Teil_eines_Buches_mit_eigenem_Titel"A single paper or article from a published collection."^^xsd:string
v:Tel"This class is deprecated. Use the hasTelephone object property."@en
owl132:Term_Description"This is the description that was given in the PDF docuemnt of 70 pages."^^xsd:string
v:Text"Also called sms telephone"@en
cnt:Text content"The text content (can be used for text content)."@en
oa:TextPositionSelector"An oa:Selector which describes a range of text based on its start and end positions. The text MUST be normalized before counting characters. For a Selector that works from the bitstream rather than the rendered characters, see oa:DataPositionSelector. Each oa:TextPositionSelector MUST have exactly 1 oa:start property. Each oa:TextPositionSelector MUST have exactly 1 oa:end property."@en
oa:TextQuoteSelector"A Selector that describes a textual segment by means of quoting it, plus passages before or after it. For example, if the document were "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", one could select "efg" by a oa:prefix of "abcd", the quotation of oa:exact "efg" and a oa:suffix of "hijk". The text MUST be normalized before recording. Each TextQuoteSelector MUST have exactly 1 oa:exact property. Each TextQuoteSelector SHOULD have exactly 1 oa:prefix property, and MUST NOT have more than 1. Each TextQuoteSelector SHOULD have exactly 1 oa:suffix property, and MUST NOT have more than 1."@en
?:Thema"If changing this concept (or its subconcepts) consider that the swrc topic ontology depends on the foresaid one. The swrc topic ontology can be found at:"^^xsd:string
?:Thesis"A document created to summarize research findings associated with the completion of an academic degree."@en
owl132:Thesis"Superclass of the terms Master Thesis and Bachelor Thesis"^^xsd:string
?:Thesis degree"The academic degree of a Thesis"@en
owl132:Thesis_Supervisor"Directeur du mmoire [68]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Thesis_Supervisor"Directeur du mÈmoire [68]"^^xsd:string
owl:Thing"The class of OWL individuals."
sioc:Thread"A container for a series of threaded discussion Posts or Items."@en
oa:TimeState"A resource which describes how to retrieve a representation of the Source resource that is temporally appropriate for the Annotation. There MUST be at least one of oa:cachedSource or oa:when specified. If there is more than 1, each gives an alternative copy of the representation."@en
owl132:Transcript_Of_Records"Relev de prestations [20]"^^xsd:string
owl132:Transcript_Of_Records"RelevÈ de prestations [20]"^^xsd:string
ov:Trim Package"A Trim Package represents a standard configuration of options for an automobile. Usually, a Car Model will be available as several Trim Packages."@en
v:Type"Used for type codes. The URI of the type code must be used as the value for Type."@en
owl132:Unique_Area"Domaine unique [7]"^^xsd:string
ov:University Course"A course taught at a university"@en
ov:University School"A school of a university (e.g., School of Business)."@en
prov:Usage"An instance of prov:Usage provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:used relation from some prov:Activity to an prov:Entity that it used. For example, :keynote prov:used :podium; prov:qualifiedUsage [ a prov:Usage; prov:entity :podium; :foo :bar ]."@en
lemon:Usage Example"An example of the usage of a lexical entry when refering to the ontology entity given by the sememe's reference. This should in effect be an example of the form used in context. E.g., "this is a *usage example*""@en
sioc:User Account"A user account in an online community site."@en
sioc:Usergroup"A set of UserAccounts whose owners have a common purpose or interest. Can be used for access control purposes."@en
?:VALARM"Provide a grouping of component properties that define an alarm."
v:VCard"The vCard class is equivalent to the new Kind class, which is the parent for the four explicit types of vCards (Individual, Organization, Location, Group)"@en
?:VEVENT"Provide a grouping of component properties that describe an event."
?:VFREEBUSY"Provide a grouping of component properties that describe either a request for free/busy time, describe a response to a request for free/busy time or describe a published set of busy time."
?:VJOURNAL"Provide a grouping of component properties that describe a journal entry."
?:VTIMEZONE"Provide a grouping of component properties that defines a time zone."
?:VTODO"Provide a grouping of calendar properties that describe a to-do."
owl132:Validation"Validation [65]"^^xsd:string
sioct:Video Channel"Describes a channel for distributing videos (moving image) files, for example, a video podcast."@en
ov:Visual Element"A thing that manifests visually."@en
ov:Vocabulary"A set of terms or names, each one having an assigned meaning."@en
ov:Ware"Generic term for category of ceramics that may be distinguished by function, surface treatment, distinguishing features of clay, or other set of criteria as defined by usage. Commonly used in the discipline of Archaeology."@en
sioct:Weblog"Describes a weblog (blog), i.e. an online journal."@en
?:Webpage"A web page is an online document available (at least initially) on the world wide web. A web page is written first and foremost to appear on the web, as distinct from other online resources such as books, manuscripts or audio documents which use the web primarily as a distribution mechanism alongside other more traditional methods such as print."@en
?:Website"A group of Webpages accessible on the Web."@en
sioct:Wiki"Describes a wiki space."@en
sioct:Wiki Article"Describes a wiki article."@en
sioct:Wish List"Describes a list of the items someone wishes to get."@en
lemon:Word"A word is a single unit of writing or speech. In languages written in Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic scripts etc. these are assumed to be separated by white-space characters. For Chinese, Japanese, Korean this should correspond to some agreed segmentation scheme."@en
v:Work"This implies that the property is related to an individual's work place"@en
?:Workflow Execution Account"A workflow execution account represents the execution from the perspective of the system. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmo:Account , opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount> ; rdfs:label "Execution account created on 1335533097598" ; opmw:executedInWorkflowSystem <> ; opmw:hasEndTime "2012-04-25T07:17:48-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; opmw:hasExecutionDiagram ""^^xsd:anyURI ; opmw:hasStartTime "2012-04-25T07:17:05-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; opmw:hasStatus "SUCCESS" ;"@en
?:Workflow Execution Artifact"A workflow execution artifact represents a resource used or generated in the execution of a workflow. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact , opmv:Artifact; rdfs:label "Execution artifact with id: 25f1016c12ebe301ee7aadbc0b085c45" ; opmo:account <> ; opmv:wasGeneratedBy <> ; opmw:hasLocation ""^^xsd:anyURI ; opmw:hasSize "8618"^^xsd:int ; opmw:hasWorkflowTemplateArtifact <>."@en
?:Workflow Execution Process"A workflow execution process represents the execution of a step in workflow template. The execution process also describes the specific method used to acomplish the task described in the proces template. Example: @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmw:/WorkflowExecutionProcess , opmv:Process ; rdfs:label "Execution process ConvertToStandardFormat" ; opmo:account <> ; opmv:used <> ; opmv:wasControlledBy <> ; opmw:hasWorkflowTemplateProcess <> ."@en
?:Workflow Template"A workflow template represents the design of the workflow. In such design, the different steps and inputs don't have to be bound to a specific tool or dataset. It is a generic view of the workflow, which is instantiated in each execution. Example: @prefix dc: <> . @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplate; rdfs:label "AquaFlow_NTM" ; dc.contributor <> ; dc:modified "2011-06-08T09:57:12-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; opmw:hasVersion "2"^^xsd:int ."@en
?:Workflow Template Artifact"A workflow template artifact is part of a workflow template. It explains what kind of artifact is used or generated by the process template, along with possible restrictions that it may have. There are two different types of workflow template artifacts: data variables and parameter variables."@en
?:Workflow Template Process"A workflow process template is an abstraction of the workflow execution process step that aims to describe the method followed by the scientist instead of its specific instantiation. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix water: <> . <> a opmw:ProcessTemplate, water:CalculateHourlyAverages; opmw:template <>; opmw:uses <>. "@en
?:Workshop"A seminar, discussion group, or the like, that emphasizes zxchange of ideas and the demonstration and application of techniques, skills, etc."@en
v:X400"This class is deprecated"@en
?:X509Certificate"the class of X509 Certificates"@en
cnt:XML content"The XML content (can only be used for XML-wellformed content)."@en
ov:Year Loan History"The loan history for a book by year."@en
ov:ZoiaCommand"A command issued to the code4lib IRC chat bot, zoia."@en
?:abstract"A brief summary of a book, a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, the purpose of which is to help the reader quickly ascertain the publication's purpose."
fabio:abstract"A brief summary of a work on a particular subject, designed to act as the point-of-entry that will help the reader quickly to obtain an overview of the work's contents. The abstract may be an integral part of the work itself, written by the same author(s) and appearing at the beginning of a work such as a research paper, report, review or thesis. Alternatively it may be separate from the published work itself, and written by someone other than the author(s) of the published work, for example by a member of a professional abstracting service such as CAB Abstracts."@en
fabio:academic proceedings"A document containing the programme and collected papers, or their abstracts, presented at an academic meeting."@en
deo:acknowledgements"Usually part of the preface, or a separate section in its own right, often as part of the back matter, it acknowledges those, including funding agencies, who contributed to the undertaking of a research project described in a publication, or to the creation of the work in some way. In scientific articles, the acknowledgements are usually placed as a separated section immediately following the Discussion or Conclusions."@en
fabio:addendum"An item of material added at the end of a book or other publication, typically to include omitted or late-arriving material. "@en
?:afterword"A literary device that is often found at the end of a piece of literature. It generally covers the story of how the book came into being, or how the idea for the book was developed. Alternatively, it may be written by someone other than the author of the book, and may discuss the work's historical or cultural context, if the work is being reissued many years after its original publication."@en
fabio:algorithm"A precise sequential set of pre-defined logical rules or computational operations to be employed for solving a particular problem in a finite number of steps."
fabio:analog item"A real object that is an exemplar of a fabio:Manifestation, such as a particular copy of the book 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland', that a person may own."@en
fabio:analog manifestation"A manifestation in an analog form."@en
fabio:analog storage medium"A means of storing information in non-digital form, e.g. paper, film (for analogue photographs or movies), magnetic tape (for analogue sound recordings or video recordings) or vinyl disc."@en
fabio:announcement"A formal statement about something."@en
fabio:anthology"A collection of selected literary or scholastics works, for example poems, short stories, plays or research papers."@en
?:appendix"A supplemental addition to the main work. It may contain data, more detailed information about methods and materials, or provide additional detail concerning the information found in the main work."@en
fabio:application profile"A set of metadata elements, policies and guidelines defined for a particular application. The metadata elements used in the application profile may be drawn from more than one element sets, including locally defined sets. "@en
fabio:article"The realization of a piece of writing on a particular topic, usually published within a periodical publication (e.g. journal, magazine and newspaper)."@en
fabio:artistic work"It describes any work regarded as art in its widest sense, including works from literature and music, visual art, etc."@en
pattern:atom element"This class is defined to describe literal text that is part of the document body. Moreover, similarly to Inline, elements following the Atom pattern can only be contained within block or inline elements (and consequently they also cannot be used as root elements of documents). It can contain textual content and no other elements."@en
?:audio document"An audio document; aka record."@en
fabio:audio document"The realization of a sound recording."@en
?:audio-visual document"An audio-visual document; film, video, and so forth."@en
deo:author contribution"A description of the roles played by an author in the publication."@en
fabio:authority file"A controlled vocabulary or official list that establishes, for consistency, the authoritative forms of headings, and the preferred terms or proper names to be used, when creating a catalogue or when indexing and searching a set of entities within a defined domain."@en
fabio:bachelor's thesis"A thesis reporting a research project undertaken as part of an undergraduate course of education leading to a bachelor's degree."@en
?:back matter"The final principle part of a document, in which is usually found the bibliography, index, appendixes, etc."@en
deo:background"Presentation of information that is essential for understanding the situation or problem that is the subject of the publication. In a journal article, the background is usually part of the Introduction, but may be present as separated section."
co:bag"Collection that can have a number of copies of each object"@en
fabio:bibliographic database"A database providing an authoritative source of bibliographic information, for example PubMed (, CrossRef Metadata Search ( and PubMed Central ("@en
fabio:bibliographic metadata"Standard bibliographic metadata describing an expression of a work. To take the example of a journal article, bibliographic metadata typically include the authors' names, the date of publication, the title of the article, the journal name and volume number, the first and last page numbers, and the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)."@en
deo:bibliographic reference"A reference, usually contained in a footnote or a bibliographic reference list, that refer to another publication, such as a journal article, a book, a book chapter or a Web site. The inclusion of the bibliographic reference in a publication constitutes the performative act of bibliographic citation."@en
?:bibliographic reference list"A list, usually within a bibliography, of all the references within the citing document that refer to journal articles, books, book chapters, Web sites or similar publications."@en
?:bibliography"A document section containing a list of bibliographic references."@en
fabio:biography"An account of the events, works and achievements, both personal and professional, of a person, either living or dead."@en
deo:biography"Information describing a person and his or her life history and contributions."@en
pattern:block element"This class organise the document content as a sequence of nestable elements and text nodes. In particular, elements following this pattern can contain text and other elements compliant with the patterns Inline, Atom, Milestones and Popup, which will be introduced in the following. Furthermore, it is a requirement that block elements are contained only by container and popup elements"@en
?:block quotation"A block quotation (also known as a long quotation or extract) is a quotation in a written document which is set off from the main text as a container for distinct paragraphs, which is typically distinguished visually using indentation, a different font, or smaller size. Block quotations are used for longer passages than run-in quotations (which are set off with quotation marks)."@en
fabio:blog"A Web publication medium containing blog posts."@en
fabio:blog post"Information manifested in a blog, one of a set of periodic sequential entries containing commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as images or videos, usually displayed in reverse-chronological order and usually maintained by an individual, or comments on such a post."@en
?:body matter"The central principle part of a document, that contains the real content. It may be subdivided hierarchically by the use of chapters and sections."@en
fabio:book"A non-serial document that is complete in one volume or a designated finite number of volumes. A book published by a publisher is usually identified by an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), and may be manifested as a physical printed publication on paper bound in a hard or soft cover, or in electronic format as an 'e-book'."@en
fabio:book chapter"A defined chapter of a book, usually with a separate title or number."@en
fabio:book review"A written review and critical analysis of the content, scope and quality of a book or other monographic work."@en
fabio:book series"A sequence of books having certain characteristics in common that are formally identified together as a group - for instance, the books in the Law, Governance and Technology Series published by Springer."@en
fabio:book set"A set of books having certain characteristics in common that informally allow their identification together as a group - for instance, the books of the Harry Potter saga."@en
fabio:brief report"A brief report document. This term may also be used synonymously with Rapid Communication to mean 'A short rapidly published research article or conference paper, typically reporting significant research results that have been recently discovered, or a brief news item reporting such discoveries.'"@en
pattern:bucket element"The class of elements that can contain other elements but no text nodes."@en
fabio:call for applications"A document published by a funding agency requesting submission of applications for financial grants to fund projects, for example to enable research investigations in areas specified in the Call."@en
deo:caption"Text accompanying another item, such as a picture."@en
?:captioned box"A rectangle space within a page that contains an object and its related caption."@en
fabio:case for support"A part of a grant application that provides a description of a proposed project and gives reasons why it is worthy of funding. (See also fabio:GrantApplication)."@en
fabio:case for support document"A document containing the case for support for a particular project, usually contained within a grant application document but sometimes distributed separately, without the financial and organizational information that the grant application document also contains."@en
fabio:case report"A report about a particular case or situation."@en
fabio:catalog"A list of items describing the content of a resource, for example items in an exhibition, items offered for sale by a vendor, or entities contained within a library or collection. Ideally, catalogs are created according to specific and uniform principles of construction and are under the control of an authority file."@en
fabio:chapter"A defined document section, forming part of or intended for inclusion within a larger document, usually with its own title or chapter number. Different chapters within a document such as a book or a report may each be independently authored, or may all be authored by a single individual or group of authors."@en
?:chapter"A principle division of the body matter of a large document, such as a book, a report or a legislative document."@en
?:chapter label"A block containing a label for the chapter, that may include the chapter number."@en
?:chapter subtitle"The subtitle of a chapter."@en
?:chapter title"The title of a chapter."@en
fabio:citation metadata"Metadata describing the citations made within a work to other works, and (optionally) some characteristics of the expressions of the cited works."@en
fabio:clinical case report"A presentation of findings following a clinical or medical investigation on a human or animal patient, that may contain a diagnosis and proposals for therapeutic treatment and/or epidemiological control measures, or may propose further evaluative studies that will eventually lead to such outcomes."@en
fabio:clinical guideline"A recommendation on the appropriate treatment and care of people with a specific disease or condition, based on the best available evidence, designed to help healthcare professionals in their work."@en
fabio:clinical trial design"A predefined written procedural method, designed to ensure reliability of findings, for undertaking a medical or veterinary clinical study of the safety, efficacy, or optimum dosage schedule of one or more diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic drugs or treatments, or of devices or techniques, involving a randomized controlled trial for evidence-based assessment in humans or animals, specifying criteria of eligibility, nature of controls, sampling schedules, data collection parameters, statistical analyses, reporting standards, etc. to be employed in undertaking the clinical trial."
fabio:clinical trial report"The report of a pre-planned medical or veterinary clinical study of the safety, efficacy, or optimum dosage schedule of one or more diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic drugs, or of devices, treatments or techniques, involving a randomized controlled trial for evidence-based assessment in humans or animals selected according to predetermined criteria of eligibility and observed for evidence of favourable and unfavourable effects."@en
fabio:collected works"A collection of the literary or scholastic works of a single person."@en
co:collection"A group of objects that can be considered as a whole."@en
?:colophon"A brief description of publication or production notes relevant to the document."@en
fabio:comment"A verbal or written remark concerning some entity. In written form, a comment is often appended to that entity and termed an annotation. Within computer programs or ontologies, comments are added to enhance human understanding, and are usually prefaced by a special syntactic symbol that ensures they are ignored during execution of the program."@en
fabio:complete works"A collection of all the literary or scholastic works of a single person."@en
?:complex run-in quotation"A quotation with a complex structure, that is included inline and is usually enclosed within quotation marks."@en
fabio:computer application"A computer program designed to assist a human user to perform one or more goal-oriented tasks such as word processing or image processing. A computer application will typically save its output files in one or more specific formats, conforming either to proprietary or open standards. "@en
fabio:computer file"A digital item containing information in computer-readable form encoded in a particular format."@en
fabio:computer program"A unit of computer code in source or compiled form, employing one or more algorithms to be executed by a digital computer to undertake a particular task. Computer programs are collectively called 'software' to distinguish them from the equipment ('hardware') upon which they run. "@en
deo:conclusion"A reflection on the preceding text, summarizing the evidence, arguments or premises presented in the document and their logical outcomes. Conclusions are a fundamental feature in academic research publications, and may be included in the Discussion section."
fabio:conference paper"A paper, typically the realization of a research paper reporting original research findings, usually published within a conference proceedings volume."@en
fabio:conference poster"A display poster, typically containing text with illustrative figures and/or tables, usually reporting research results or proposing hypotheses, submitted for acceptance to and/or presented at a conference, seminar, symposium, workshop or similar event."@en
fabio:conference proceedings"A document containing the programme and collected conference papers, or their abstracts, presented at a conference, seminar, symposium or similar event."@en
pattern:container element"This class concerns the structural organization of a document. Elements following this pattern contain no textual content and contain only elements compliant with the patterns: Meta, Field, Block and any subtype of Container. It is disjointed with the pattern Popup, although they share the same content model."@en
deo:contribution"A description of the part that this publication plays in the overall field."
fabio:controlled vocabulary"A collection of selected words and phrases related to a particular domain of knowledge used to permit consistency of metadata annotation and improved retrieval following a search, in which homonyms, synonyms and similar ambiguities of meaning present in natural language are disambiguated."@en
fabio:correction"A correction to an error in a previously published document."@en
fabio:corrigendum"A formal correction to an error introduced by the author into a previously published document."@en
?:court reporter"A kind of periodical that publishes legal rulings."@en
fabio:cover"A protective covering used to bind together the pages of a document or the first, informative, page of a digital document."@en
fabio:critical edition"A new edition of a historical publication, edited by a scholar other than the original author, containing within the body text the supposedly best version of the original work, with footnotes detailing and commenting on textual variations between different versions, typically with an introduction to the original work written by the scholar, and with a bibliography listing related publications."@en
deo:data"A textual description of data used or produced in the work which the document describes, or the data themselves."@en
fabio:data file"A realisation of a fabio:Dataset (a frbr:Work) containing a defined collection of data with specific content and possibly with a specific version number, that can be embodied as a fabio:Digital Manifestation (a frbr:Manifestation with a specific format) and be represented by a specific fabio:ComputerFile (a frbr:Item) on someone's hard drive."@en
fabio:data management plan"A structured document giving information about how data arising from a research project or other endeavour is to be manages, preserved and shared."@en
fabio:data management policy"A policy that descibes and defines how data should be managed, preserved and shared."@en
fabio:data management policy document"A document embodying a policy that descibes and defines how data should be managed, preserved and shared."@en
fabio:data repository"A repository for storing data."@en
fabio:database"A structured collection of logically related records or data usually stored and retrieved using computer-based means."@en
fabio:database management system"The software used to create a database. (Commonly abbreviated 'DBMS'.)"@en
fabio:dataset"A collection of related facts, often expressed in numerical form and encoded in a defined structure."@en
deo:dataset description"Information describing a dataset held in an external database or repository and including a reference to it, such as a database ID or an accession number."@en
deo:dedication"Text in which the author names the person or people for whom he/she has written the document, or to whose memory it is dedicated."@en
fabio:definitive version"The final published expression of a work that bears the publisher's imprimatur. Typically for a journal article, the Definitive Version results from revision of an earlier submitted version of the work following peer review, and is then published in print and/or digital form after the publisher has assigned it a DOI. The Definitive Version is also known as the Version of Record, although according to the CrossRef Glossary ( that term can also refer to the author's final version of a work that is not formally published. "@en
fabio:deliverable"A document containing a project report, intended to be delivered to a customer or funding agency describing the results achieved within a specific project. "@en
fabio:deliverable report"A report describing the outcomes of specific project, typically listing 'deliverables' created or 'milestones' achieved during the project."@en
fabio:demo paper"A demonstration paper, typically describing a new product, service or system created as a result of research, usually presented during a conference or workshop."@en
fabio:diary"A personal record, in a form of book, with discrete entries (often handwritten) arranged by date, reporting what has happened over the course of a day or other period of time."@en
ov:diff"A diff, showing the difference between a source resource and a target resource."@en
fabio:digital item"A digital object, such as a computer file."@en
fabio:digital manifestation"A manifestation that represents data in binary form, encoding the data as a series of 0s and 1s."@en
fabio:digital storage medium"A means of storing information in digital form, involving binary encoding of data in 0s and 1s, e.g. a computer random access memory, hard disc, USB stick, CD, DVD or digital magnetic tape."@en
fabio:directory"A database of information which is heavily optimized for reading."@en
fabio:discipline dictionary"A discipline dictionary is a collection of subject disciplines."@en
deo:discourse element"An element of a document that carries out a rhetorical function."@en
deo:discussion"An interpretation and discussion of the results obtained and an analysis of their significance, in support of conclusions. These conclusions may be part of this discussion or may be included in a separate section of the document."
fabio:doctoral thesis"A thesis reporting the research undertaken during a period of graduate study leading to a doctoral degree."@en
?:document part"a distinct part of a larger document or collected document."@en
fabio:document repository"A repository for storing documents."@en
fabio:dust jacket"A detachable outer cover, usually made of paper and printed with text and illustrations. This outer cover has folded flaps that hold it to the cover of a document."@en
fabio:e-mail"A message transmitted over the internet as an item of electronic mail, typically based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Emails can have computer files containing documents, dataset and images attached to them or embedded within them."@en
fabio:editorial"The realization of an opinion written by an editor."@en
fabio:entity metadata"Metadata describing the work itself, including for example the name of the creator(s), the title of the work, and the date and place of its creation."@en
fabio:entry"An item written or printed in a diary, list, account book, reference book, or database."@en
deo:epilogue"A piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or drama, usually used to bring closure to the work."@en
fabio:erratum"A formal correction to an error introduced by the publisher into a previously published document."@en
fabio:essay"A piece of non-fiction writing on a particular subject, usually of moderate length and without chapters."@en
deo:evaluation"A consideration of the value, meaning and significance of the results obtained."
fabio:examination paper"A set of questions on a particular topic designed to test the academic, professional or technical ability of the person taking the examination, with achievement of a pass grade in the examination typically being a prerequisite for the award of an educational award such as a degree, or of a professional or technical qualification."@en
fabio:excerpt"A segment or passage selected from a larger expression for use in another expression, usually with specific attribution to its original source. [Note: Use fabio:Excerpt to indicate a segment or passage selected from another expression that is not a passage of speech, and fabio:Quotation to indicate a segment or passage selected from another expression that is a passage of speech.]"@en
fabio:executive summary"An executive summary is a brief report summarizing a longer formal report, designed to present the key points, conclusions and recommendations arising from the study being reported, for readers too busy to take the time to read the complete report."@en
fabio:experimental protocol"A predefined written procedural method, designed to ensure successful replication of results by others in the same or other laboratories, that describes the overall objectives, organization and implementation of a scientific experiment, and specifies the experimental design, experimental methods, reagents, instrumentation, sampling schedules, data collection parameters, statistical analyses, image processing procedures, safety precautions, reporting standards, etc. employed in undertaking the experiment."@en
fabio:expression"A subclass of FRBR expression, restricted to expressions of fabio:Works. For your latest research paper, the preprint submitted to the publisher, and the final published version to which the publisher assigned a unique digital object identifier, are both expressions of the same work. "@en
fabio:expression collection"A collection of expressions, for example a periodical or a book series."@en
deo:external resource description"Information describing an external resource and including a reference to that resource."@en
pattern:field element"This class is defined to describe literal metadata or text that is not really part of the document body, contrarily to its disjointed sibling Atom. Its main difference with Meta is that Field can contain textual content."@en
?:figure"A communication object comprising one or more graphics, drawings, images, or other visual representations.."@en
fabio:figure"A visual communication object comprising one or more still images on a related theme. If included within a publication, a figure is typically unaligned with the main body of text, having its own descriptive textual figure legend."@en
?:figure box"A space within a document that contains a figure and its caption."@en
?:figure label"A block containing a label for the figure box, that may include the figure number."@en
fabio:film"A movie with an accompanying soundtrack, typically created by a professional film studio, designed to communicate a fictional story, record an artistic event, or impart information that is scientific or documentary in nature."@en
pattern:flat element"The class of elements that can contain text nodes but no elements."@en
fabio:folksonomy"A system of classification derived from the practice and method of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize content in a particular domain. [Contrast fabio:Ontology]"@en
?:footnote"A structure within a sentence that permits the author to make a comment or to cite another publication in support of the text, or both. A footnote is normally flagged by a superscript number immediately following that portion of the text to which it relates. For convenience of reading, the text of the footnote is usually printed at the bottom of the page or at the end of a text."@en
?:foreword"A section in a book or report, usually written by someone other than the author, that introduces or commends the document to the reader. It may include description of the interaction between the writer of the foreword and the author."@en
?:formula"A unit of information expressed in mathematical, chemical or logical symbols and language."@en
?:formula box"A space within a document that contains one or more formulae."@en
?:front matter"The initial principle part of a document, usually containing self-referential metadata. In a book, this typically includes its title, authors, publisher, publication date, ISBN and copyright declaration, together with the preface, foreword, table of content, etc. In a journal article, the front matter is normally restricted to the title, authors and the authors' affiliation details, although the latter may alternatively be included in a footnote or the back matter. In books, the front matter pages may be numbered in lowercase Roman numerals."@en
deo:future work"A proposal for new investigation to be undertaken in order to continue and advance the work described in the publication."@en
?:glossary"A set of definitions of words or phrases of importance to the work, normally alphabetized. In longer works of fiction, the entries may contains places and characters."@en
fabio:grant application"A formal written request for financial support from a grant-giving body in support of a project, for example an academic research project. (See also fabio:CaseForSupport.)"@en
fabio:grant application document"The realization of a grant application, usually containing a case for support document."@en
fabio:hardback"A print object bound with rigid protective covers (typically of cardboard covered with cloth, heavy paper, or sometimes leather)."@en
pattern:headed-container element"This class describes container elements whose content model need to begin with one or more block elements (the heading), specified through the property containsAsHeader."@en
fabio:image"A visual representation other than text, including all types of moving image and still image."@en
fabio:in brief"An 'In Brief' is a journal or magazine news item that describes all the articles (or all the important articles) in that issue of the periodical. The content of an 'In Brief' may be constructed from the abstracts of the articles it highlights, but is more likely to be written by a member of the periodical staff especially for the issue."@en
fabio:in-use paper"A report presenting existing research or technology that is actual use (or at least plans for deployment) outside the research group that conducted the research or that developed the technology. "@en
?:index"A section containing a list of references to information on the named topic of importance to the content of the document. The references may be to page numbers, paragraph numbers, section numbers or chapter numbers within the document."@en
fabio:index"An alphabetically-ordered list of words and phrases ('headings') and associated pointers ('locators') to where useful material relating to that heading can be found in a document."@en
pattern:inline element"This class has the same use and content model of the pattern Block, but differing primarily because a) inline elements can contain other elements compliant with the same pattern while block elements cannot, and b) inline elements must always be contained by other block or inline elements and by no other type of element. These constraints also imply that inline elements cannot be used as root elements of documents and that the class Block is disjoint with the class Inline (i.e., a markup element cannot be a block and an inline at the same time)."@en
fabio:instruction manual"An instructional document typically supplied with a technologically advanced consumer product, such as a car or a computer application, or with an item of complex equipment such as a microscope."@en
ov:instruction to RTFM"RTFMImperative is an instruction for foaf:Agent(s) to read a given document."@en
fabio:instructional work"A work created for the purpose of education or instruction, that may be expressed as a text book, a lecture, a tutorial or an instruction manual."@en
deo:introduction"An initial description which states the purpose and goals of the following writing, and, in the case of journal articles, typically includes background information on the research topic and a review of related work in the area."@en
fabio:item"A subclass of FRBR item, restricted to exemplars of fabio:Manifestations. An example of a fabio:Item is a printed copy of a journal article on your desk, or a PDF file of that article that you purchased from a publisher and that now resides in digital form on your computer hard drive. "@en
co:item"Element belonging to a bag"@en
fabio:item collection"A collection of items."@en
fabio:journal"A scholarly periodical primarily devoted to the publication of original research papers. [Printed and electronic manifestations of the same journal are usually identified by separate print and electronic International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN or eISSN, respectively), that identifies the journal as a whole, not to individual issues of it.]"@en
?:journal"An academic journal."@en
fabio:journal article"An article, typically the realization of a research paper reporting original research findings, published in a journal issue. "@en
fabio:journal editorial"An editorial published in an issue of a journal."@en
fabio:journal issue"A particular published issue of a journal, one or more of which will constitute a volume of the journal."@en
fabio:journal news item"A news report published in a journal issue."@en
fabio:journal volume"A particular published volume of a journal, comprising one or more journal issues."@en
?:label"A block containing text, that may include a number (e.g., "Chapter Three", "3.2", "Figure 1", "Table"), used to identify an item within the document, for example a chapter, a figure, a section or a table."@en
fabio:laboratory notebook"A notebook used by an individual research scientist as the primary record of his or her research activities. A researcher may use a laboratory notebook to document hypotheses, to describe experiments and to record data in various formats, to provide details of data analysis and interpretation, or to record the validation or invalidation of the original hypotheses. The laboratory notebook serves as an organizational tool and a memory aid. It may also have a role in recording and protecting any intellectual property created during the research, and may be used in evidence when establishing priority of discoveries, for example in patent applications. Electronic versions of laboratory notebooks are increasingly being employed by researchers, particularly in chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry."@en
fabio:lecture notes"A document containing notes that summarize a lecture or course of lectures."@en
fabio:legal opinion"A written explanation by a judge or group of judges that accompanies a ruling in a legal case, laying out the reasons and legal principles for the ruling, and sometimes containing pronouncements about what the law is and how it should be interpreted."@en
deo:legend"Informative text that explicitly explains another item, such as a figure or a table."@en
?:legislation"Documents issued by legislative bodies."@en
?:letter"A kind of written communication."@en
fabio:letter"A written or printed communication of a personal or professional nature between individuals and/or representatives of corporate bodies, usually transmitted by the postal service or published in a periodical. In the latter case, the letter is typically addressed to the editor and comments on or discussed an item previously published by that periodical, or of interest to its readership."@en
fabio:library catalog"The catalog of the holdings of a library, for example that of the Library of Congress ("@en
?:line"A line in poetry is a unit of language into which a poem is divided which operates on principles which are distinct from and not necessarily coincident with grammatical structures, such as the sentence or clauses in sentences. A distinct numbered group of lines in verse is normally called a stanza."@en
?:list"An enumeration of items."@en
co:list"An ordered array of items, that can be present in multiple copies"@en
co:list item"element belonging to a list"@en
?:list of agents"A list of items each denoting an agent, such as an author, a contributor or an organization, related to a particular publication."@en
?:list of authors"A list of items each denoting an author of a particular publication."@en
?:list of contributors"A list of items, each denoting a contributor to a publication such as an encyclopedia or a text book, where such contributions are insufficient to warrant classification as author."@en
?:list of figures"A section of the document listing all the figures, identified by their titles and referenced to their locations in the document. May also be referred to as 'List of illustrations'."@en
?:list of organizations"A list of items, each denoting an organization or institution related to the publication, for example the authors' affiliations, or the suppliers of information, software, equipment or consumables used in the work described in the publication."@en
?:list of references"A list of items each representing a reference to a specific part of the same document, or to another publication."@en
?:list of tables"A section of the document listing all the tables, identified by their titles and referenced to their locations in the document."@en
fabio:literary artistic work"A literary creative work, such as a novel, play, poem or song."@en
fabio:magazine"A periodical, usually devoted to a particular topic or domain of interest, and usually published weekly or monthly, consisting primarily of non-peer reviewed editorials, journalistic news items and more substantive articles, reviews, book reviews and discussions concerning current or recent events and publications, and matters of interest to the domain served by the magazine. [Some scientific journals, notably Science and Nature, also secondarily serve as science magazines by containing substantive editorials and news items on vital or controversial issues]."@en
fabio:magazine article"An article published in a magazine issue."@en
fabio:magazine editorial"An editorial published in an issue of a magazine."@en
fabio:magazine issue"A particular published issue of a magazine, identified by date, and sometimes also by place (e.g. 'West Coast edition') or language (e.g. 'Spanish edition')."@en
fabio:magazine news item"A news report published in a magazine issue."@en
fabio:manifestation"A subclass of FRBR manifestation, restricted to manifestations of fabio:Expressions. fabio:Manifestation specifically applies to electronic (digital) as well as to physical manifestations of expressions. Examples of different manifestations of a single 'version of record' expression of a scholarly work include an article in a print journal or the on-line version of that article as a web page."@en
fabio:manifestation collection"A collection of manifestations."@en
fabio:manuscript"A textual work prepared 'by hand', such as a typescript or word-processed pre-publication draft of a research paper or a report, or a work not otherwise reproduced in multiple copies. [Note: fabio:Manuscript is not intended to describe a handwritten historical document on paper or parchment, for which the FRBR distinctions between work, expression, manifestation and item (individual copy) becomes blurred.]."@en
?:manuscript"An unpublished document."@en
?:map"A cartographic representation."@en
pattern:marker element"The class of elements that can contain neither text nodes nor elements."@en
fabio:master's thesis"A thesis reporting a research project undertaken as part of a graduate course of education leading to a master's degree."@en
deo:materials"A description in a research paper documenting the specialized materials used in the work described. This description is often combined with a description of the methods used, in a section entitled 'Methods and Materials', 'Experimental' or a related term."@en
fabio:meeting report"A report of a meeting of some kind."@en
?:memo"More formally called a memorandum."@en
pattern:meta element"This class describes elements that contain neither other elements nor textual content. Contrarily to the pattern Milestone, which was meant to describe markup elements that impact the document because of their location, the main feature of its disjoint sibling is the mere existence, independently from the position it has within the document. Meta elements convey metadata information about the document or part of it, independently of where they are. Thus, meta elements can be contained only within container elements."@en
fabio:metadata"A separate work that provides information describing one or more characteristics of a resource or entity."@en
fabio:metadata document"A document that contains metadata information describing one or more characteristics of an entity."@en
deo:methods"A description in a research paper documenting the specialized methods used in the work described. This description is often combined with a description of the materials used, in a section entitled 'Methods and Materials', 'Experimental' or a related term."@en
fabio:microblog"A social networking publication medium such as Twitter, Tumblr, FriendFeed, Facebook or MySpace. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its individual content items are smaller than a traditional blog posts, typically containing just a short sentence, a single image, or a URI. These small messages are referred to as microposts."@en
fabio:micropost"A content item that is published in a Microblog, typically containing just a short sentence, a single image, or a URL."@en
pattern:milestone element"This class describe elements that contain neither other elements nor textual content. Moreover, similarly to Inline, elements following the Milestone pattern can only be contained within block or inline elements (and consequently they also cannot be used as root elements of documents). The distinctive characteristic of the pattern Milestone is the location it assumes within the document."@en
fabio:minimal information standard"A metadata standard specifying items to be included when creating metadata describing a dataset of a particular type, or when creating a structured summary of the main findings of an article or report in a particular domain of interest, thereby ensuring adequate descriptive information is recorded for subsequent resource discovery and/or interpretation of the information described. [See also fabio:ReportingStandard.]"
pattern:mixed element"The class of elements that can contain other elements and text nodes."@en
deo:model"A description of a model used or produced by the work described in the publication."@en
fabio:model"A mathematical, graphical or physical representation of some physical reality, conceptual idea or theoretical construct."@en
?:motion picture"A film, video, DVD, etc."@en
deo:motivation"A description of the justification for undertaking the work described in the publication."
fabio:movie"The realization of a moving image."@en
fabio:moving image"A moving display, either generated dynamically by a computer program or formed from a series of pre-recorded still images imparting an impression of motion when shown in succession. Examples include animations, cine films, videos, and computational simulations. Expressions of moving images may incorporate synchronized soundtracks."@en
fabio:musical composition"A piece of music, typically in the form of a composition recorded in musical notation."@en
?:musical score"A textual representation of music."@en
fabio:nanopublication"A single, attributable and machine-readable factual assertion - the smallest unit of publishable information that can be uniquely identified and attributed to its author – typically expressed in RDF. The minimal components of a nanopublication are as follows: * the factual assertion itself, in the form subject, predicate and object (e.g. malaria is_a disease); * provenance information about the nanopublication, defining its authorship and creation date; * supporting information (optional), providing context for the assertion; * a unique identifier for the nanopublication, in the form of a URI; * an integrity key that ensures that the nanopublication is in its original form and has not been altered. "@en
fabio:news item"A published news report."@en
fabio:news report"A report of an item of news."@en
fabio:newspaper"A non-peer reviewed periodical, usually published daily or weekly, consisting primarily of editorials and news items concerning current or recent events and matters of public interest."@en
fabio:newspaper article"An article written by a journalist and published in a newspaper."@en
fabio:newspaper editorial"An editorial published in an issue of a newspaper."@en
fabio:newspaper issue"A particular published issue of a newspaper, identified by date, and sometimes also by place or time (e.g. 'Late London Edition')."@en
fabio:newspaper news item"A news report published in a newspaper issue."@en
pattern:non-structured element"The class of elements that cannot contain other elements."@en
pattern:non-textual element"The class of elements that cannot have textual content in their content models."@en
fabio:notebook"A book containing personal notes, typically created by writing into a physical book with blank pages."@en
fabio:notification of receipt"A notification of receipt of something, for example of receipt of a book that will later be the subject of a book review."@en
fabio:novel"A long fictitious narrative written in literary prose."@en
fabio:obituary"A news item reporting the death of a person, typically accompanied by an description of that person's life and contributions to his or her profession and to society at large."@en
fabio:ontology"A formal representation of a set of concepts within a domain of knowledge, and the logical relationships between those concepts. [Contrast fabio:Folksonomy]"@en
fabio:ontology document"A document containing an ontology, for example an OWL (Web Ontology Language) file ("@en
fabio:opinion"An expression of a personal or professional opinion on an issue or topic."@en
fabio:oration"A formal speech, for example one delivered at a ceremonial occasion, or the written transcript of such a speech."@en
fabio:page"A manifestation that represents pages either in physical (e.g., one side of a sheet of paper) or in digital form (e.g., a page in a PDF, or a web page)."@en
?:pamphlet"An informally published document."@en
?:paper"An unpublished document."@en
fabio:paperback"A print object with a flexible cover, usually made of paper or paperboard."@en
?:paragraph"A self-contained unit of discourse that deals with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs contains one or more sentences. The start of a paragraph is indicated by beginning on a new line, which may be indented or separated by a small vertical space by the preceding paragraph. "@en
?:part"A container of a semantic subdivision of a document. For example, chapters of a novel may be grouped into distinct parts that may be named 'Part 1', 'Part 2', etc., 'Book 1', 'Book 2', etc., or 'Genesis', 'Exodus', etc."@en
?:part"An item contained in something else; for example, a chapter in a book, or an article in a periodical."@en
fabio:patent"A formal disclosure of a new invention approved by a governmental patent agency, made to register intellectual property rights, and to give exclusive rights to the inventor or assignee to manufacture, use, license or sell the invention for a certain number of years."@en
fabio:patent application"A formal disclosure of a new invention, made in application for a patent."@en
fabio:patent application document"The physical or electronic realization of a patent application."@en
fabio:patent document"The physical or electronic realization of a patent."@en
pattern:pattern-based element"A structural pattern is an atomic component of a document, that is able to capture a recurrent and well knwon structure of a document. Any entity belonging to this class is compliant with exactly one structural pattern."@en
fabio:periodical"A publication issued on a regular and ongoing basis as a series of issues, each issue comprising separate periodical items, for example editorials, articles, news items and/or other writings."@en
fabio:periodical issue"A particular issue of a periodical, identified and distinguished from other issues of the same publication by date and/or issue number and/or volume number, and comprising separate periodical items such as editorials, articles and news items."@en
fabio:periodical item"A piece of writing published in a periodical issue, typically accompanied by other items by different authors."@en
fabio:periodical volume"A particular published volume of a periodical."@en
fabio:personal communication"Information communicated personally by verbal or written means from one individual to one or more another persons or organizations."@en
fabio:play"A form of literature written by a playwright, usually consisting of scripted dialogue between characters, intended for theatrical performance rather than reading."@en
fabio:poem"An artistic work written with an intensity or beauty of language more characteristic of poetry than of prose."@en
fabio:policy"A description and definition of how something should be done. Ideally a policy should be both effective in achieving its goals and acceptable to those who have to abide by it."@en
fabio:policy document"A document embodying a policy that descibes and defines how something should be done. "@en
pattern:popup element"This class defines bucket elements that are only present within block and inline elements. Popup elements are used whenever complex structures need to be placed within content elements such as paragraphs. "@en
fabio:poster paper"A paper that typically accompanies a poster describing some preliminary results of research, usually presented during a conference or a workshop."@en
fabio:postprint"The version of an author's original scholarly work, such as a research paper or a review, re-submitted for publication after revision by the author in the light of comments from reviewers. [Note: For the version before peer review, use fabio:Preprint. For the final piblished version, use fabio:DefinitiveVersion.]"@en
deo:postscript"Text added after the signature of a letter, or sometimes after the main body of an essay or book."@en
?:preface"A section describing how the document came into being, or how the idea for it was developed. The preface may contains acknowledgements. The preface to a later edition of the work often explains in what respect that edition differs from previous ones."@en
fabio:preprint"The version of an author's original scholarly work, such as a research paper or a review, first submitted to publisher for publication. [Note: For that version resubmitted after peer-review and revision, use fabio:Postprint. For the final published version use fabio:DefinitiveVersion.]"@en
fabio:presentation"A set of slides containing text, tables or figures, designed to communicate ideas or research results, for projection and viewing by an audience at a conference, symposium, seminar, lecture, workshop or other gatherings, typically embodied in a particular manifestation format such as a SlideShare or PowerPoint slideshow."@en
fabio:press release"A news report published by an organization to provide information to journalists."@en
fabio:print object"An analog manifestation in physical printed form, typically on paper."@en
fabio:proceedings paper"A paper, typically the realization of a research paper reporting original research findings, usually published within an academic proceedings volume."@en
fabio:product review"A written review and critical analysis of the purpose, features, performance and other qualities of a product."@en
fabio:project metadata"Metadata describing a project, for example the project name, the names of those who conducted the project, the name of the institution in which the project was conducted, and the project funding information."@en
fabio:project plan"A document used to guide project planning, execution and control, specifying the project's goal and objectives and the activities and resources required to achieve these, setting out the project schedule, and identifying the major workpackages, milestones and deliverables. A project plan will typically contain a Gantt chart. "@en
deo:prologue"A piece of writing at the beginning of a work of literature or drama, usually used to set the scene or to introduce the work."@en
fabio:proof"In printing and publishing, a proof copy is the preliminary version of a publication, after the inclusion of any author corrections following review, and after copy editing and formatting to bring the manuscript into the house style, intended for final checking prior to publication to detect and eliminate typographical errors, omissions or transpositions of text, incorrect layout or placement of illustrations and tables, or other formatting errors. Those who check proofs include the editor, possibly the peer-reviewers (to ensure that their requested modifications have been included to their satisfaction), possibly an in-house professional proof-reader, and / or the author, who is ultimately responsible for ensuring the published work says what (s)he means it to say. Substantive changes to the text are not permitted once the manuscript has reached proof stage."@en
fabio:proposition"A proposal or proposition of a new conceptualization, hypothesis, idea, theory, activity or organisation."@en
fabio:questionnaire"A set of questions on a particular topic, usually in the form of multiple choice questions requiring the respondent to select the correct answer, or providing the ability to indicate support for or against a proposal on a numerical scale, designed for rapid numerical analysis of responses and often used in surveying public opinion."@en
fabio:quotation"A passage of speech selected from a larger verbal or written expression for use in another expression, with specific attribution to its original source, and usually demarcated by quotation marks and / or by placing it in a separate indented paragraph. [Note: Use fabio:Quotation to indicate a segment or passage selected from another expression that is a passage of speech, and fabio:Excerpt to indicate a segment or passage selected from another expression that is not a passage of speech.]"@en
fabio:rapid communication"A short rapidly published research article or conference paper, typically reporting significant research results that have been recently discovered, or a brief news item reporting such discoveries."@en
pattern:record element"This class describes container elements that can only contain heterogeneous and non repeatable elements."@en
deo:reference"A reference to a specific part of the document, or to another publication."@en
fabio:reference book"A book containing authoritative factual information, such as a dictionary, encyclopaedia, handbook or field guide, which is a realisation of a certain reference work and may contain several reference entries."@en
fabio:reference entry"A particular reference entry containing authoritative factual information on a certain topic, usually contained in a larger expression."@en
fabio:reference work"A work to which people refer for authoritative factual information, such as a dictionary, encyclopaedia, entry, handbook or field guide, or an informative web page such as an institutional, research group or project home page."@en
deo:related work"The authors' critical review of current knowledge by specific reference to others' work, both in terms of substantive findings and theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. This description is often included within the introduction section."@en
fabio:relational database"A database in which the data are arranged in tables according to their common characteristics, with relationships between the tables being defined by a relational model or schema. A relational database is highly optimized for performance, and is queried using a database query language such as SQL (Structured Query Language). The software used to create a relational database is called a relational database management system (RDBMS)."@en
fabio:reply"A work that is a reply, either to a letter or other direct communication, or to feedback or comments about a piece of submitted writing. The latter is typically written by the author of a journal article submitted for publication, or by an applicant making a grant application, in response to reviews of the work from peer reviewers prior to publication (for the journal article) or prior to funding decision (for the grant application). Alternatively, it can be written in response to post-publication peer-review of a published journal article, or comments about it."@en
fabio:report"A formal factual, methodological, statistical, technical or research report issued by an individual, group, agency, government body or other institution."@en
fabio:report document"The realization of a report, usually in printed form."@en
fabio:reporting standard"A set of recommendations for the minimum reporting requirements to be employed when reporting a particular type of investigation or project, for example a randomized clinical trial. A reporting standard may involve a checklist and a flow diagram, offers a standard way for authors to prepare a complete and transparent report of their findings, and aids their critical appraisal and interpretation of their data. [See also fabio:MinimalInformationStandard.]"@en
fabio:repository"A computer system in which information may be stored."@en
fabio:research paper"A report of original research findings, either published in written form, or delivered orally at a meeting."@en
deo:results"The report of the specific findings of an investigation, given without discussion or conclusion being drawn."@en
fabio:retraction"A formal statement retracting a statement or publication A retraction is a public statement made about an earlier statement that withdraws, cancels, refutes, diametrically reverses the original statement or ceases and desists from publishing the original statement. "@en
fabio:review"A review of others' work."@en
fabio:review article"An article that contains a review."@en
deo:scenario"A presentation of a use case or test, based on a real or hypothetical situation, used to help someone think through a complex problem or system."
fabio:screenplay"A written work made especially for a film or television program. Screenplays can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing, for example novels. "@en
fabio:script"A small computer program written in a scripting language such as JavaScript, PHP or Perl that allows control of one or more software applications."@en
?:section"A logical division of the text, usually numbered and/or titled, which may contain subsections."@en
?:section label"A block containing a label for the section, that may include the section number."@en
?:section subtitle"The subtitle of a section."@en
?:section title"The title of a section."@en
?:sentence"An expression in natural language forming a single grammatical unit. A sentence minimally consists of a subject and an intransitive verb, or a subject, a transitive verb and an object, and may include additional dependent clauses. In written text, a sentence is always terminated by a full stop. A sentence can include words grouped meaningfully to express a statement, a question, an exclamation, a request or a command."@en
fabio:series"A sequence of expressions having certain characteristics in common that are formally identified together as a group."@en
co:set"A collection that cannot contain duplicate elements."@en
fabio:short story"A work of fiction that is usually written in prose, often in narrative format. This format tends to be more focused and less elaborate than longer works of fiction such as novels."@en
?:simple run-in quotation"A textual quotation that is included inline and is usually enclosed within quotation marks."@en
fabio:song"A musical composition that contains vocal parts ('lyrics') that are performed ('sung')."@en
fabio:sound recording"The creative work of making an electrical or mechanical recording of sounds, such as the spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, animal vocalizations or sound effects. "@en
fabio:specification"An explicit description of, or set of requirements to be satisfied by, a material, product, resource, service or standard."@en
fabio:specification document"The realization of a specification (a standard, a workflow, etc.)."@en
fabio:spreadsheet"An electronic form of data storage that displays a grid of rows and columns, in which each editable cell can contain alphanumeric text, a numeric value, or a formula that defines how the content of that cell is to be calculated from the content of another cell or cells."@en
fabio:standard operating procedure"Clear and detailed written instructions of a prescribed step-by-step procedure to be routinely followed, and decisions to be made when undertaking a specific task, process or function, to achieve consistent performance, ensure safety and/or assure data quality. (Commonly abbreviated 'SOP'.)"@en
?:stanza"A unit within a larger poem. A stanza consists of a grouping of lines, set off by a vertical space from other stanzas, that usually has a set pattern of meter and rhyme."@en
fabio:still image"A recorded static visual representation. This class of image includes diagrams, drawings, graphs, graphic designs, plans, maps, photographs and prints."@en
fabio:storage medium"A device for recording information or storing data."@en
pattern:structured element"The class of elements that can contain other elements."@en
fabio:structured summary"A structured summary containing essential metadata describing a research investigation and/or the research outputs that have resulted from it, for example datasets and journal articles, structured according to some minimal information standard. Such a structured summary can be embodied in both human-readable and machine-readable manifestations, e.g. HTML and RDF. Such a structured summary differs from the Abstract of a journal article, in that the latter is written as a piece of continuous prose, but typically omits vital factual information about the investigation, such as when and where it was conducted, by whom, and on now many specimens or subjects."@en
fabio:subject discipline"A concept that identifies a field of knowledge or human activity defined in a controlled vocabulary, such as Computer Science, Biology, Economics, Cookery or Swimming."@en
fabio:subject term"A concept that defines a term within the controlled vocabulary of a particular classification system, such as the ACM Computing Classification System or MeSH, the Medical Subject Headings, used as an annotation to describe the subject, meaning or content of an entity."@en
?:subtitle"An explanatory or alternative title of a publication. For example, Mary Shelley uses the alternative title 'The Modern Prometheus' to hint at the theme of her most famous novel 'Frankenstein'; Nick Efford uses the subtitle 'a practical introduction using Java' to qualify the title of his book 'Digital Image Processing'."@en
fabio:supplement"A supplement to a publication such as a book, journal, magazine or newspaper, additional to the main publication. For example, a colour supplement to a sunday newspaper, or a special supplementary issue of a journal or a journal volume containing invited articles on a special topic, or abstracts or papers presented at a scientific conference."@en
deo:supplementary information description"Information describing supplementary information relating to the document, including references or links to the relevant supplementary information."@en
fabio:supplementary information file"A file accompanying a published journal article, containing additional information of relevance to the article, typically available from the publisher's web site via a hyperlink from the journal article itself."@en
fabio:systematic review"A literature review focused on a single question that tries to identify, appraise, select and synthesize all high quality research evidence relevant to that question. Systematic reviews of high-quality randomized controlled trials are crucial to evidence-based medicine. An understanding of systematic reviews and how to implement them in practice is becoming mandatory for all professionals involved in the delivery of health care. Systematic reviews are not limited to medicine, and are quite common in other sciences such as psychology, educational research and sociology."@en
fabio:table"A graphical means of presenting data in a grid of rows and columns, within which the cells usually contain alphanumeric text or numeric values. If included within a publication, a table typically appearing unaligned with the main body of text, with its own descriptive title."@en
?:table"A set of data arranged in cells within rows and columns."@en
?:table box"A space within a document that contains a table and its caption."@en
pattern:table element"This class describes container elements that must contain only homogeneous elements (but they can be repeated)."@en
?:table label"A block containing a label for the table box, that may include the table number."@en
?:table of contents"A section of the document listing all the chapters and sections, identified by their titles and referenced to their locations in the document. The table of contents may include a list of the front-matter and back-matter items, in addition to the body-matter items. Where the document is a journal or magazine issue, the table of content lists the constituent items contained in that issue, typically by title, authors and first page number."@en
fabio:table of contents"A table listing the parts of publication such as a book or technical specification, and the pages on which these content elements start (if the publication is printed or otherwise organized into pages), usually listed in order of appearance. The Table of Contents typically includes first-level headers, such as the chapter titles of a book, and may also include second- and even third-level headers. In electronic works, the Table of Contents entries are often internally hyperlinked to the content items, so that clicking on the entry takes the reader to that item."@en
fabio:taxonomy"A classification arranged in a hierarchical structure of classes and subclasses, showing parent-child isA relationships, or broader_than - narrower_than relationships."@en
fabio:technical report"A report of a technical nature."@en
fabio:technical standard"An official or public specification of, or requirement for, a technical method, practice, process or protocol that is involved in, for example, manufacturing, computation, electronic communication, or digital media."@en
fabio:term dictionary"A controlled vocabulary, usually referring to terms within a particular classification system, such as the ACM Computing Classification System or MeSH, the Medical Subject Headings, or a controlled vocabulary of disciplines."@en
?:text box"A space within a document that contains textual content relating to, quoting from or expanding upon the main text. Usually a textbox is delimited by a border or use of a background colour distinct from that of the main text."@en
?:text chunk"A piece of text defined by a start point and an end point."@en
fabio:textbook"A book containing instructional material relating to a particular topic of academic study, designed to be read by students."@en
pattern:textual element"The class of elements that can have textual content in their content models."@en
fabio:thesaurus"A type of controlled vocabulary used in information retrieval applications for indexing or tagging purposes, in which relationships between terms are made explicit. These are normally hierarchical relationships (is-a, subsumption; e.g. a cow is a mammal), equivalency relationships relating non-preferred terms to preferred terms (e.g. pitch and frequency), or associative relationships, in which the relationship that exists is neither one of hierarchy or equivalence, but rather one of similarity (e.g. sports and leisure pursuits)."@en
fabio:thesis"A book authored by a student containing a formal presentations of research outputs submitted for examination in completion of a course of study at an institution of higher education, to fulfil the requirements for an academic degree. Also know as a dissertation. [For the alternative meaning of the word 'thesis', namely the formulation of a concept, hypothesis, idea, point of view or theory presented for review and/or discussion, use fabio:Proposition.]"@en
fabio:timetable"A tabular dataset providing information about the times and locations of a planned series of events."@en
?:title"A word, phrase or sentence that precedes and indicates the subject of a document or a document component - e.g., a book, a report, a news article, a chapter, a section or a table."@en
fabio:trial report"The report of a trial, for example an experimental trial or a legal trial."@en
fabio:triplestore"A database specifically designed for the storage and retrieval of Resource Description Framework (RDF) data consisting of subject-predicate-object triples. A triple store is queried using the RDF query language SPARQL."@en
fabio:tweet"A posting made on the social networking site Twitter. A tweet is a text message limited to 140 characters in length, that is broadcast and readable by anyone who accesses Twitter."@en
fabio:uncontrolled vocabulary"A non-defined collection of words and phrases relating to a particular domain of knowledge, usually added freely by a community, in which homonyms, synonyms and similar ambiguities of meaning present in natural language are not formally disambiguated."@en
fabio:vocabulary"A set of words, either constituting a language, or more specifically used to describe a particular domain of knowledge."@en
fabio:vocabulary document"A document containing a vocabulary"@en
fabio:vocabulary mapping"A mapping of correspondences between two vocabularies. For controlled vocabularies, such mappings may be expressed using SKOS ("@en
fabio:vocabulary mapping document"A document containing a vocabulary mapping"@en
fabio:web archive"A snapshots of (part of) the World Wide Web."@en
fabio:web content"Information prepared specifically and primarily for manifestation in a web page, comprising text, images, datasets and/or other works."@en
fabio:web manifestation"A digital manifestation on the Web, such as a wiki, a web site, a web page or a blog."@en
fabio:web page"A Web manifestation usually identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), and made accessible to a user by means of the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) in a Web browser window. Several interlinked web pages hosted together on a Web server and accessed through a single domain name or IP address constitute a web site."@en
fabio:web site"A collection of related web pages containing text, images, videos and/or other digital assets that are addressed relative to a common Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A web site is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network."@en
ov:wheel chair enabled"A place that is accessible with a wheel chair."@en
fabio:white paper"An authoritative report or guide designed to educate readers and help people make decisions, or to explain technical problems and how to solve them. White papers are typically published by governments to propose new legislation for discussion, and by commercial companies to inform readers about products or services, as aids to marketing."@en
fabio:wiki"A collaborative Web manifestation, usually maintained by a project team or group, providing easy-to-edit pages that can be used to accumulate related information for shared use by the group and/or publication."@en
fabio:wiki entry"Information manifested in a wiki. "@en
fabio:wikipedia entry"Information about a particular topic in one of the versions of Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia ( "@en
fabio:work"A subclass of FRBR work, restricted to works that are published or potentially publishable, and that contain or are referred to by bibliographic references, or entities used to define bibliographic references. FaBiO works, and their expressions and manifestations, are primarily textual publications such as books, magazines, newspapers and journals, and items of their content. However, they also include datasets, computer algorithms, experimental protocols, formal specifications and vocabularies, legal records, governmental papers, technical and commercial reports and similar publications, and also bibliographies, reference lists, library catalogues and similar collections. For this reason, fabio:Work is not an equivalent class to frbr:ScholarlyWork. An example of a fabio:Work is your latest research paper."@en
fabio:work package"A component of the case for support of a grant application, describing a particular aspect of the work to be undertaken."@en
fabio:workflow"A recorded sequence of connected steps, which may be automated, specifying a reliably repeatable sequence of operations to be undertaken when conducting a particular job, for example an in silico investigation that extracts and processes information from a number of bioinformatics databases."@en
fabio:working paper"An unpublished paper, usually circulated privately among a small group of peers, to provide information or with a request for comments or editorial improvement."@en
fabio:workshop paper"A paper, typically the realization of a research paper reporting original research findings, usually presented at a workshop and published within a workshop proceedings volume."@en
fabio:workshop proceedings"A document containing the programme and collected workshop papers, or their abstracts, presented at a workshop or similar event."@en
lexinfo:Слитный предлог"A word that is a fusion of a preposition and some other word... examples include the German words "zum" and "daran""@en