PublicShow -- PlDoc LaTeX backend

This module translates the Herbrand term from the documentation extracting module into a LaTeX document for us with the pl.sty LaTeX style file. The function of this module is very similar to, providing the HTML backend, and the implementation follows the same paradigm. The module can

- Jan Wielemaker
To be done
- See TODO
Sourcedoc_latex(+Spec, +OutFile, +Options) is det
Process one or more objects, writing the LaTeX output to OutFile. Spec is one of:
Name / Arity
Generate documentation for predicate
Name // Arity
Generate documentation for DCG rule
If File is a prolog file (as defined by prolog_file_type/2), process using latex_for_file/3, otherwise process using latex_for_wiki_file/3.

Typically Spec is either a list of filenames or a list of predicate indicators. Defined options are:

If true (default), create a document that can be run through LaTeX. If false, produce a document to be included in another LaTeX document.
If true (default), only emit documentation for exported predicates.
Outermost section level produced. Level is the name of a LaTeX section command. Default is section.
Write summary declarations to the named File.
If [[Name/Arity]] needs to be resolved, search for the predicates in the given modules.
Same as modules([Module]).
Sourcelatex_for_file(+File, +Out, +Options) is det
Generate a LaTeX description of all commented predicates in File, writing the LaTeX text to the stream Out. Supports the options stand_alone, public_only and section_level. See doc_latex/3 for a description of the options.
Sourcelatex_for_wiki_file(+File, +Out, +Options) is det
Write a LaTeX translation of a Wiki file to the steam Out. Supports the options stand_alone, public_only and section_level. See doc_latex/3 for a description of the options.
Sourcelatex_for_predicates(+PI:list, +Out, +Options) is det
Generate LaTeX for a list of predicate indicators. This does not produce the \begin{description}...\end{description} environment, just a plain list of \predicate, etc. statements. The current implementation ignores Options.