Table for the 791 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain owl:ObjectProperty

?:ATTACH" default value type: URI"
?:ATTACH"The property provides the capability to associate a document object with a calendar component."
?:ATTENDEE" value type: CAL-ADDRESS"
?:ATTENDEE"The property defines an "Attendee" within a calendar component."
lemon:Abstract form"A representation of a lexical entry that should not be considered canonical. This is primarily from a linguistic view for non-realisable forms such as stems but may also include misspellings and other unusual forms"@en
?:Academic degree"Akademischer Grad bzw. akademischer Titel -- auch Ehrentitel -- einer Person in abgekürzter Form. Dazu gehören unter anderem: Dr., Prof., Dipl., Mag., Prof. h. c., Dr. rer. nat."@de
?:Acquaintanceship or friendship"Person, die mit der beschriebenen Person bekannt ist und nicht in familiärer oder beruflicher Beziehung steht. Für Beziehungen von oder zu Familien wird gndo:memberOfTheFamily verwendet."@de
?:Affiliation"Körperschaft oder Geografikum, zu der eine Person oder Familie in Beziehung steht (Affiliation bzw. Wirkungsstätte). Dies sind Körperschaften, der die Person oder Familie angehört bzw. angehört, gegründet, gefördert usw. hat. Hierzu gehören auch Kongresse und Geografika, die das Wirken einer Person oder Familie maßgeblich beeinflussen oder beeinflusst haben bzw. welche die Person oder Familie maßgeblich beeinflusst bzw. beeinflusst hat."@de
?:Affiliation (Literal)"Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:affiliation, zeigt aber ein Literal statt eines URIs"@de
?:Affiliation (Literal)"This property is equivalent to gndo:affiliation but gives a literal instead of a URI"@en
lemon:Alternative reference of"The sense of a non-preferred but admissible lexicalization of a given ontology entity"@en
cnt:Base64 encoded byte sequence"The Base64 encoded byte sequence of the content."@en
?:Biographical or historical information"Summary of the essential biographical, historical, or other information about the described entity."@en
?:Biographical or historical information"Zusammenfassung von wesentlichen biografischen, geschichtlichen oder anderen Informationen über die zu beschreibende Entität."@de
lemon:Broader"Denotes that one sense is broader than another. From a lexical point of view this means replacing one lexical entry with another generalizes the meaning of the phrase. From an ontological point of view this property makes not strong assertions. From a mapping point of view if the broader sense applies the narrower sense must also"@en
?:Broader term"Bitte verwenden Sie Oberbegriff allgemein"@de
?:Broader term"Use broader term general instead"@en
?:Broader term (general)"Bitte verwenden Sie gndo:broaderTermGeneral"@de
?:Broader term (general)"Use gndo:broaderTermGeneral instead"@en
?:Broader term (generic)"Eine generische Relation ist eine hierarchische Relation zwischen zwei Begriffen, von denen der untergeordnete Begriff alle Merkmale des übergeordneten Begriffs besitzt und zusätzlich noch mindestens ein weiteres Merkmal."@de
?:Broader term (generic)"The generic relation is a semantic relation between two concepts where the intension of one of the concepts includes that of the other concepts and at least one additional delimiting characteristic is added."@en
?:Broader term (instantial)"Die Instanzbeziehung verbindet ein allgemeines Konzept, etwa eine Klasse von Dingen oder Ereignissen mit einem individuellen Exemplar dieser Klasse, das oft durch einen Eigennamen repräsentiert wird."@de
?:Broader term (instantial)"The instance relationship links a general concept such as a class of things or events, and an individual instance oft hat class, which is often represented by a proper name."@en
?:Broader term (partitive)"Eine partitive Relation ist eine hierarchische Relation zwischen zwei Begriffen, von denen der übergeordnete Begriff (Verbandsbegriff) einem Ganzen entspricht und der untergeordnete Begriff einen der Bestandteile dieses Ganzen repräsentiert. Bei Personen ist die Relation die Beziehung zwischen einer einzelnen Person (besonders Gottheiten) und übergeordneten Gruppen von Göttern und mythologische Gestalten."@de
?:Broader term (partitive)"The hierarchical whole-part relationship covers a limited range of situations in which a part of an entity or system belongs uniquely to a particular possessing whole."@en
?:COMPLETED" value type: DATE-TIME"
?:COMPLETED"This property defines the date and time that a to-do was actually completed."
?:CREATED" value type: DATE-TIME"
?:CREATED"This property specifies the date and time that the calendar information was created by the calendar user agent in the calendar store. Note: This is analogous to the creation date and time for a file in the file system."
lemon:Canonical form"The canonical ("dictionary") form of the lexical entry. This can be used to indicate the "lemma" form of a lexical entry"@en
cnt:Character encoding"The character encoding used to create a character sequence from a byte sequence or vice versa."@en
cnt:Character sequence"The character sequence of the text content."@en
?:Characteristic place"Ort, der mit einer Familie in Verbindung steht."@de
lemon:Condition"Indicates an evaluable test, the is necessary for this sense to apply"@en
lemon:Context"Denotes the pragmatic or discursive context of a sense mapping or a constraint on the mapping by syntactic or semantic properites"@en
dc:Contributor"An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource."@en
dcterms:Contributor"An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource."@en
dc:Contributor"Definition: An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource. Comment: Examples of Contributor include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Contributor should be used to indicate the entity."^^xsd:string
dc:Contributor"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
dc:Contributor"check range. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
?:Correspondent"Person, die zu der im Datensatz beschriebenen Person oder Körperschaft als Korrespondenzpartner in Beziehung steht."@de
dc:Creator"An entity primarily responsible for making the resource."@en
dcterms:Creator"An entity primarily responsible for making the resource."@en
dcterms:Creator"An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity."@en
dc:Creator"Definition: An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource (for instance an author). Comment: Examples of Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity."^^xsd:string
?:DTEND" default value type: DATE-TIME"
?:DTEND"This property specifies the date and time that a calendar component ends."
?:DTSTAMP" value type: DATE-TIME"
?:DTSTAMP"The property indicates the date/time that the instance of the iCalendar object was created."
?:DTSTART" default value type: DATE-TIME"
?:DTSTART"This property specifies when the calendar component begins."
?:DUE" default value type: DATE-TIME"
?:DUE"This property defines the date and time that a to-do is expected to be completed."
?:DURATION" value type: DURATION"
?:DURATION"The property specifies a positive duration of time."
lemon:Decomposition"Denotes a component of a lexical entry"@en
lemon:Definition"Indicates a natural language definition. Note there is a pseudo-node to allow for further description of the definition (e.g., source, creation date etc.). The value property should be used to indicate the string value of the definition."@en
cnt:Document type declaration"The document type declaration."@en
cnt:Document type name"The document type name."@en
?:EXDATE" default value type: DATE-TIME"
?:EXDATE"This property defines the list of date/time exceptions for a recurring calendar component."
?:EXRULE" value type: RECUR"
?:EXRULE"This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for an exception to a recurrence set."
lemon:Edge"Denotes the relation between a node in a multi-word expression structure and an edge"@en
lemon:Element"Denotes the lexical entry represented by the component"@en
lemon:Entry"Indicates an entry in a lexicon"@en
lemon:Equivalent"Indicates that two senses are equivalent. From a lexical point of view , this indicates that the lexical entries can be substituted for each other with no change in meaning. From an ontological point of view it means that the two references are not disjoint. From a mapping point of view it means if one mapping apply the other must necessarily apply"@en
lemon:Extrinsic argument"A raisable semantic argument is not in fact the semantic argument of the current frame-sense but instead is "raised" into a frame-sense used for an argument. For example the phrase "John seemed to be happy", is interpreted as "it seemed that X" where X is "John is happy", hence the subject of "seem" is a raisable argument."@en
?:FREEBUSY" value type: PERIOD"
?:FREEBUSY"The property defines one or more free or busy time intervals."
?:Familial relationship"Person, die zu der beschriebenen Person in familiärer bzw. verwandtschaftlicher Beziehung steht. Für Beziehungen von oder zu Familien wird gndo:memberOfTheFamily verwendet."@de
?:Field of study"Studienfach einer Person."@de
dcterms:Format"The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource."@en
dcterms:Format"The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. Examples of dimensions include size and duration. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of Internet Media Types."@en
?:GEO" value type: list of FLOAT"
?:GEO"This property specifies information related to the global position for the activity specified by a calendar component."
lemon:Hidden reference of"The sense of a non-admissible lexicalization for a ontology entity. This is used to denote incorrect or deprecated language that may be useful for information extraction but not generation"@en
lemon:Incompatible"Says that the two senses are disjoint. From a lexical point of view, this means substituting the lexical entries must change the meaning of the phrase. From an ontological point of view, this property is implied if both references are also disjoint, but does not imply disjointness, but non-equivalence of the references. For the mapping point of view there is not instance when both mappings are valid."@en
lemon:Instance of"Denotes that the single argument of a class predicate is represented in the lexicon by the given semantic argument. That is Class(?x) or ?x rdf:type Class"@en
cnt:Internal DTD subset"The internal document type definition subset within the document type declarations."@en
dcterms:Is Referenced By"A related resource that references, cites, or otherwise points to the described resource."@en
dcterms:Is Version Of"A related resource of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation."@en
?:LAST-MODIFIED"The property specifies the date and time that the information associated with the calendar component was last revised in the calendar store. Note: This is analogous to the modification date and time for a file in the file system."
dcterms:Language"A language of the resource."@en
dcterms:Language"A language of the resource. Examples include written, spoken, sign, and computer languages. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as RFC 4646 []."@en
lemon:Leaf"Denotes the component referred to by the lex (pre-terminal) of the phrase structure"@en
lemon:Lexical form"Denotes a written representation of a lexical entry"@en
lemon:Lexical property"Denotes a lexical property of a lexical entry, form, component or MWE node. For the lexical entry this is assumed to be static properties e.g., part of speech and gender and for the others this is assumed to be specific properties e.g., case, number"@en
lemon:Lexical variant"Indicates a non-semantic relationship between two lexical entries. E.g., a term is derived from another term, such as "lexical" and "lexicalize""@en
dcterms:License"A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource."@en
lemon:Marker"Denotes the marker of a semantic argument. This should generally either be a semantic property i.e., case or another lexical entry e.g., a preposition or particle"@en
?:Member of the family"Die beschriebene Person (Subjekt) ist ein bedeutendes Mitglied der verknüpften Familie (Objekt). Für Göttergruppen und Gruppen mythologischer Gestalten wird gndo:broaderTermPartitive verwendet."@de
lemon:Narrower"Denotes that one sense is narrower than another. From a lexical point of view this means replacing one lexical entry with another specializes the meaning of the phrase. From an ontological point of view this property makes not strong assertions. From a mapping point of view if the broader sense applies the narrower sense must also"@en
?:ORGANIZER"The property defines the organizer for a calendar component."
lemon:Object of property"Indicates the semantic argument which represents the objects (ranges) of the property referred to by this sense"@en
lemon:Other form"A non-preferred ("non-dictionary") representation of a lexical entry. This should be variant that is either a morphological variant, an abbreviation, short form or acronym"@en
lemon:Phrase root"Indicates the head node of a phrase structure or dependency parse graph"@en
?:Place of Birth"Geburtsort einer Person."@de
?:Place of Birth (Literal)"Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:placeOfBirth, zeigt aber ein Literal statt einer Referenz zu einer geografischen Entität"@de
?:Place of Birth (Literal)"This property is equivalent to gndo:placeOfBirth but gives a literal instead of a reference to a geographic entity"@en
?:Place of Exile"Ortschaft, Stadt, Provinz, Staat und/oder Land, in der/dem eine Person oder Familie im Exil lebt(e)."@de
?:Place of activity"Wirkungsort bzw. Wohnort einer Person."@de
?:Place of death"Sterbeort einer Person."
?:Place of death (Literal)"Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:placeOfDeath, zeigt aber ein Literal statt einer Referenz zu einer geografischen Entität"@de
?:Place of death (Literal)"This property is equivalent to gndo:placeOfDeath but gives a literal instead of a reference to a geographic entity"@en
lemon:Preferred reference of"The sense of the preferred lexicalization of a given ontology entity"@en
?:Profession or occupation"Berufs- oder Tätigkeitsbezeichnung bzw. Bezeichnung für die Religionszugehörigkeit oder die Weltanschauung einer Person."@de
?:Profession or occupation (Literal)"Berufs- oder Tätigkeitsbezeichnung bzw. Bezeichnung für die Religionszugehörigkeit oder die Weltanschauung einer Person. Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:professionOrOccupation, zeigt aber ein Literal statt einer Referenz zu einem Schlagwort"@de
?:Profession or occupation (Literal)"This property is equivalent to gndo:professionOrOccupation but gives a literal instead of a reference to a subject heading"@en
?:Professional relationship"Person, die zu der beschriebenen Person in beruflicher Beziehung steht."@de
lemon:Property domain"Indicates a restrictions on the domain of the property. That is, this sense only applies if the property the sense refers to has a subject in the class referred to by this property"@en
lemon:Property range"Indicates a restrictions on the range of the property. That is, this sense only applies if the property the sense refers to has a object in the class referred to by this property"@en
cnt:Public ID"The document type declarations's public identifier."@en
dc:Publisher"An entity responsible for making the resource available."@en
dcterms:Publisher"An entity responsible for making the resource available."@en
dcterms:Publisher"An entity responsible for making the resource available. Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity."@en
dc:Publisher"Definition: An entity responsible for making the resource available Comment: Examples of Publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity."^^xsd:string
dc:Publisher"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
dc:Publisher"check range. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
?:RDATE" default value type: DATE-TIME"
?:RDATE"This property defines the list of date/times for a recurrence set."
?:RECURRENCE-ID" default value type: DATE-TIME"
?:RECURRENCE-ID"This property is used in conjunction with the "UID" and "SEQUENCE" property to identify a specific instance of a recurring "VEVENT", "VTODO" or "VJOURNAL" calendar component. The property value is the effective value of the "DTSTART" property of the recurrence instance."
?:RRULE" value type: RECUR"
?:RRULE"This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for recurring events, to-dos, or time zone definitions."
lemon:Reference"A reference to an external resource"@en
lemon:Reference of"Indicate that a reference has a given sense"@en
dcterms:References"A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource."@en
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 1"Der Bedeutungsumfang der GND-Entität und der Bedeutungsumfang der DDC-Klasse haben eine geringe Schnittmenge."@de
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 1"The connotation scope of the GND entity corresponds to a small part to the connotation scope of the assigned DDC class."@en
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 2"Die GND-Entität stimmt in seinem Bedeutungsumfang vollständig oder weitgehend mit dem Bedeutungsumfang eines Themas überein, das sinngemäß Teil einer DDC-Klasse ist, aber einen geringeren inhaltlichen Umfang aufweist als der durch die Notation repräsentierte Begriff."@de
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 2"The connotation scope of the GND entity is identical or nearly identical to the connotation scope of a topic that is logically part of the class but is less extensive in scope than the concept represented by the class number."@en
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 3"Die GND-Entität stimmt in seinem Bedeutungsumfang vollständig oder weitgehend mit dem Bedeutungsumfang eines Themas überein, das wesentliche Übereinstimmung mit der DDC-Klasse aufweist. In der DDC-Terminologie liegt eine wesentliche Übereinstimmung vor, wenn ein Thema nahezu koextensiv mit einer DDC-Klasse ist oder mehr als die Hälfte des Inhalts einer Klassenbenennung abdeckt."@de
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 3"The connotation scope of the GND entity is identical or nearly identical to the connotation scope of a topic that approximates the whole of the assigned DDC class. According to DDC terms, topics that are nearly coextensive with the full meaning of a class or cover more than half of the content of the class approximate the whole of the DDC class."@en
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 4"Die GND-Entität stimmt in seinem Bedeutungsumfang vollständig mit dem Bedeutungsumfang des in der DDC-Klassenbenennung hervorgehobenen Themas überein, d.h. es weist auch denselben fachlichen Kontext wie die DDC-Klasse auf."@de
?:Related Dewey Decimal Classification with degree of determinacy 4"The connotation scope of the GND entity is identical to the connotation scope of the topic emphasized in the DDC class heading."@en
?:Related Term"Eine Assoziationsrelation ist eine zwischen Begriffen als wichtig erscheinende Relation, die weder eindeutig hierarchischer Natur ist, noch als äquivalent angesehen werden kann. Bei Personen ist dies z. B. die Beziehung zwischen fiktiven Gestalten und ihrem realem Vorbild. Hierzu gehören auch Beziehungen zwischen Personen und z. B. Körperschaften, die im Namen einer Person agieren, Gesellschaften, die zu Ehren einer Person gegründet wurden und Körperschaften, die sich mit einer Person und ihrem Werk beschäftigen."@de
?:Related Term"The associative relationship covers associations between pairs of concepts that are not related hierarchically, but are semantically or concetually associated to such an extent that the link between them needs to be made explicit in the thesaurus. "@en
dcterms:Rights"Information about rights held in and over the resource."@en
dcterms:Rights"Information about rights held in and over the resource. Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights."@en
lemon:Semantic argument"Denotes a semantic argument slot of a semantic unit"@en
lemon:Sense"Indicates the sense of a lexical entry"@en
lemon:Sense of"Indicate that a sense is realised by the given lexical entry"@en
lemon:Sense relation"Denotes a relationship between senses"@en
dc:Source"A related resource from which the described resource is derived."@en
dc:Source"Definition: A Reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived. Comment: The present resource may be derived from the Source resource in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the referenced resource by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system."^^xsd:string
?:Starting or final point of a distance"Bitte verwenden sie startingOrFinalPointOfADistance (mit kleinem s)"@de
?:Starting or final point of a distance"Use startingOrFinalPointOfADistance (with a minor s) instead"@en
dcterms:Subject"The topic of the resource."@en
lemon:Subject of property"Indicates the semantic argument which represents the subjects (domain) of the property referred to by this sense"@en
lemon:Subsense"Indicates that the relation between a compound sense and its atomic subsenses"@en
?:Super-property pf"P1 gnd:superPropertyOf P2 sagt aus, dass P2 eine Subproperty von P1 ist. Die gndo:superPropertyOf-Property ist transitiv."@de
?:Super-property pf"P1 gnd:superPropertyOf P2 states that P2 is a subproperty of P1. The gndo:superPropertyOf property is transitive."@en
lemon:Syntactic argument"Indicates a slot in a syntactic frame"@en
lemon:Syntactic behavior"Indicates a syntactic behavior of a lexical entry"@en
cnt:System ID"The document type declarations's system identifier (typed: xsd:anyURI)"@en
?:TRIGGER" default value type: DURATION"
?:TRIGGER"This property specifies when an alarm will trigger."
?:TZURL" value type: URI"
?:TZURL"The TZURL provides a means for a VTIMEZONE component to point to a network location that can be used to retrieve an up-to- date version of itself."
dcterms:Title"A name given to a resource. Typically, the title will be the name by which the resource is formally known."@en
dcterms:Title"A name given to the resource."@en
?:Title of nobility"Adelstitel einer Person oder Adelstitel im Erbtitel einer Familie."@de
?:Title of nobility (Literal)"Adelstitel einer Person oder Adelstitel im Erbtitel einer Familie. Diese Property ist äquivalent zu gndo:titleOfNobility, zeigt aber ein Literal statt einer Referenz zu einem Schlagwort."@de
?:Title of nobility (Literal)"This property is equivalent to gndo:placeOfBirth but gives a literal instead of a reference to a geographic entity."@en
lemon:Topic"Indicates the topic of the overrall lexicon, this is property is sometimes called "subject field". Note that in addition to the topic of a lexicon each lexical entry may belong to a given domain, this can be modelled as equal or not equal to the topic of the associated lexicon"@en
?:Topic"Thema, mit dem sich eine Person beschäftigt und über das sie veröffentlicht."@de
?:URL" value type: URI"
?:URL"This property defines a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) associated with the iCalendar object."
cnt:XML character encoding"The character encoding declared in the XML declaration."@en
cnt:XML leading misc"The XML content preceding the document type declaration."@en
cnt:XML rest"The XML content following the document type declaration."@en
cnt:XML standalone document declaration"The standalone declaration in the XML declaration."@en
cnt:XML version"The XML version declared in the XML declaration."@en
lexinfo:abbreviationFor"A linking element used to identify a relation between an abbreviation and its full or expanded form."
sioc:about"Specifies that this Item is about a particular resource, e.g. a Post describing a book, hotel, etc."@en
teach:academicTerm"academicTerm is an abstract property to express the academic term (e.g. Summer 2011) of the course/seminar."@en
foaf:account"Indicates an account held by this agent."
foaf:account"Indicates an account held by this agent."
sioc:account of"Refers to the foaf:Agent or foaf:Person who owns this sioc:UserAccount."@en
foaf:account service homepage"Indicates a homepage of the service provide for this online account."
lexinfo:acronymFor"A linking element used to identify a relation between an acronym and its full or expanded form."
prov:actedOnBehalfOf"An object property to express the accountability of an agent towards another agent. The subordinate agent acted on behalf of the responsible agent in an actual activity. "@en
v:address"This object property has been mapped"@en
sioc:addressed to"Refers to who (e.g. a UserAccount, e-mail address, etc.) a particular Item is addressed to."@en
sioc:administrator of"A Site that the UserAccount is an administrator of."@en
?:affirmedBy"A legal decision that affirms a ruling."@en
?:agent" Relates an event to an active agent (a person, a computer, ... :-) ) "
v:agent"This object property has been deprecated"@en
lexinfo:animacy"The characteristic of a word indicating that in a given discourse community, its referent is considered to be alive or to possess a quality of volition or consciousness."
oa:annotatedBy"The object of the relationship is a resource that identifies the agent responsible for creating the Annotation. This may be either a human or software agent. There SHOULD be exactly 1 oa:annotatedBy relationship per Annotation, but MAY be 0 or more than 1, as the Annotation may be anonymous, or multiple agents may have worked together on it. It is RECOMMENDED to use these and other FOAF terms to describe agents: foaf:Person, prov:SoftwareAgent, foaf:Organization, foaf:name, foaf:mbox, foaf:openid, foaf:homepage"@en
?:annotates"Critical or explanatory note for a Document."@en
lexinfo:antonym term"A term or lexeme whose concept or sense constitutes the opposite of the concept represented by a second term or lexeme."
lexinfo:approximate"Property used to qualify something similar but not exactly the same"
teach:arrangedAt"arrangedAt is an abstract property to explicate the date/time when the seminar is arranged at. It can be defined as in the following example:"@en
lexinfo:aspect"Category associated to verbs and referring to the way the grammar marks the duration or type of temporal activity."
prov:atLocation"The Location of any resource."@en
prov:atLocation"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."
sioc:attachment"The URI of a file attached to an Item."@en
?:attribute"An alternative to qb:componentProperty which makes explicit that the component is a attribute"@en
sioc:avatar"An image or depiction used to represent this UserAccount."@en
?:based At"Indica la sede in cui una è stabilita una persona. Non esclude la possibilità che una persona sia allocata su più sedi."@it
?:based At"Indicates the site at which a person is based. We do not restrict the possibility that a person is based at multiple sites."@en
?:based At"Indique le site sur lequel une personne est basée. Nous ne limitons pas le nombre de sites sur lesquels une personne peut être basée."@fr
?:based At"Lugar en el que trabaja una persona. No se restringe el hecho de que una persona pueda estar adscrita a múltiples ubicaciones."@es
?:based At"人が基礎としているサイトを示します。人が複数のサイトを基礎としている可能性を制限しません。"@ja
foaf:based near"A location that something is based near, for some broadly human notion of near."
?:book"Indicates which book this Copy is a copy of."@en
teach:bookingNumber"bookingNumber is an abstract property to uniquely identify the course. This identifier should be defined and provided by the operator of the course."@en
owl:bottomObjectProperty"The object property that does not relate any two individuals."
oa:cachedSource"A link to a copy of the Source resource's representation appropriate for the Annotation, typically a copy of the original at the time that the Annotation was created"@en
lexinfo:case"In a given sentence, the way in which the form of a word changes in order to express a relationship with one or several words of the sentence. The morphological modification may apply to nouns, pronouns noun phrase constituents, such as adjectives or numerals."
lexinfo:causallyRelatedConcept"A concept that is related to another concept by virtue of the fact that it plays a causative role with respect to that concept."
?:changed by"Evento de cambio que resulta en una modificación en la organización. Dependiendo del evento, la organización puede dejar de existir tras el cambio. Es la relación inversa de `org:originalOrganization`."@es
?:changed by"Indica un evento che ha contribuito al cambiamento di questa organizzazione. A seconda dell'evento, l'organizzazione potrebbe essere esistente dopo l'evento o aver cessato la propria esistenza. È l'inverso di `org:originalOrganization`."@it
?:changed by"Indicates a change event which resulted in a change to this organization. Depending on the event the organization may or may not have continued to exist after the event. Inverse of `org:originalOrganization`."@en
?:changed by"Indique un évènement qui a impliqué un changement dans l'Organisation. Selon l'évènement, l'Organisation a continué à exister après l'évènement, ou pas. Inverse de `org:originalOrganization`."@fr
?:changed by"この組織の変更のきっかけとなった出来事を示します。"@ja
?:cited by"Relates a document to another document that cites the first document."@en
?:cites"Relates a document to another document that is cited by the first document as reference, comment, review, quotation or for another purpose."@en
?:classification"Indica una classificazione per questa Organization all'interno di un qualche schema di classificazione. Alcuni vocabolari potrebbero voler specializzare questa proprietà per avere un codominio corrispondente a uno specifico `skos:ConceptScheme`. Si noti che la presenza di questa proprietà è ancora in fase di discussione e potrebbe essere revisionata o rimossa."@it
?:classification"Indicates a classification for this Organization within some classification scheme. Extension vocabularies may wish to specialize this property to have a range corresponding to a specific `skos:ConceptScheme`. This property is under discussion and may be revised or removed - in many cases organizations are best categorized by defining a sub-class hierarchy in an extension vocabulary."@en
?:classification"Indique une classification pour cette Organisation dans le cadre d'un schéma de classification. Il est possible de spécialiser cette propriété en utilisant un vocabulaire spécialisé pour que le champ corresponde à un concept spécifique `skos:ConceptScheme`. Cette propriété est en discussion est pourrait être révisée ou supprimée - dans de nombreux cas, les organisations sont mieux catégorisées par une hiérarchie de sous-classe dans un vocabulaire externe."@fr
?:classification"Ordenación jerárquica que se hace de una organización dentro de un esquema de clasificación. Es posible que algunos vocabularios especifiquen esta propiedad de forma que el rango se corresponda con un `skos:ConceptScheme` específico. La conveniencia de incluir esta propiedad se está debatiendo y puede que se revise o elimine (en muchos casos las organizaciones se clasifican mejor si se define una jerarquía de subclases en un vocabulario aparte)"@es
?:classification"ある分類表内のこの組織に対する分類を示します。 アプリケーションがorg:Organizationのサブクラスを組織的なカテゴリーを表わす手段として定義することも許容されることに注意してください。"@ja
lexinfo:clippedTermFor"A linking element used to identify a relation between a clipped term and its full or expanded form."
lexinfo:cliticness"Categorization of the different types of clitics"
?:code list"gives the code list associated with a CodedProperty"@en
lexinfo:complement"A noun phrase that follows a copula or similar verb, as for example an idiot in the sentence He is an idiot. - A clause that serves as the subject or direct object of a verb or the direct object of a preposition, as for example that he would be early in the sentence I hoped that he would be early"
?:component"indicates a ComponentProperty (i.e. attribute/dimension) expected on a DataSet, or a dimension fixed in a SliceKey"@en
?:component specification"indicates a component specification which is included in the structure of the dataset"@en
?:concept"gives the concept which is being measured or indicated by a ComponentProperty"@en
lexinfo:concept relation"A relation between two concepts having a non-hierarchical thematic connection by virtue of experience."
sioc:container of"An Item that this Container contains."@en
pattern:contains"A structured element contains another generic element."@en
pattern:contains as header"A structured element contains another generic element as part of its header."@en
lexinfo:contractionFor"The full form that corresponds to a contracted form."
lexinfo:coordinateConcept"A subordinate concept having the same nearest superordinate concept and same criterion of subdivision as some other concept in a given concept system."
lexinfo:copulativeArg"Used with copula constructions. This represents the subject/object in a copula construction. As such constructions are reversible this property is used instead of the usual verb subject/object. E,g., Barack Obama is the president/The president is Barack Obama"@en
lexinfo:copulativeSubject"Indicates the subject of a copula construction. It is assumed that by using this the copula construction is not reversible e.g., He is happy/*happy is him"@en
?:copy"Indicates a copy of this Book."@en
?:corresponds to Template"Property that binds an execution account to the template of the whole workflow. The template contains the plan for the workflow. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmo:Account, opmw:workflowExecutionAccount; opmw:correspondsToTemplate <>."@en
?:corresponds to Template Artifact"Property that binds a workflow execution artifact to its correspondant workflow template artifact. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact; opmw:correspondsToTemplateArtifact <>."@en
?:corresponds to Template Process"Property that binds a workflow execution process to its correspondant process template. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Process, opmw:WorkflowExecutionProcess; opmw:correspondsToTemplateProcess <>. "@en
teach:courseDescription"courseDescription is subproperty of dc:description to specify the course description"@en
teach:courseTitle"courseTitle is subproperty of dc:title to specify the course title"@en
?:court"A court associated with a legal document; for example, that which issues a decision."@en
sioc:creator of"A resource that the UserAccount is a creator of."@en
foaf:current project"A current project this person works on."
?:data set"indicates the data set of which this observation is a part"@en
lexinfo:dating"Indication specifying whether the usage is old or modern."
teach:deadline"deadline is an abstract property explicate the deadline for a draft project report."@en
teach:deadlineDraftReport"deadlineDraftReport is an abstract property explicate the deadline for a draft project report."@en
teach:deadlineFinalReport"deadlineFinalReport is an abstract property to explicate the deadline for a final project report."@en
teach:deadlineReviewReport"deadlineReviewReport is an abstract property to explicate the deadline for review reports (opponent works)."@en
oa:default"The constituent resource of a oa:Choice to use as a default option, if there is no other means to determine which would be most appropriate. There SHOULD be exactly 1 default relationship for each Choice."@en
lexinfo:definiteness"Property about the possiblity to identify an entity."
lexinfo:degree"Property concerning comparison."
?:degree"The thesis degree."@en
foaf:depiction"A depiction of some thing."
foaf:depicts"A thing depicted in this representation."
lexinfo:description"A description in general prose text of the issues that are indicated by the context. The description field can occur at many different places in a component and profile."
?:dimension"An alternative to qb:componentProperty which makes explicit that the component is a dimension"@en
lexinfo:direct object"relation between a phrase and a verb, in which the relation is central to the verb"
?:director"A Film director."@en
?:distributor"Distributor of a document or a collection of documents."@en
teach:ects"ects is an abstract property to express the ects (European Credit Transfer System) of the course/seminar."@en
?:editor"A person having managerial and sometimes policy-making responsibility for the editorial part of a publishing firm or of a newspaper, magazine, or other publication."@en
?:einrichtung"meaning not clear Philipp: Hmm, I didn't create that property, therefore i don't know the intention of it."^^xsd:string
sioc:email"An electronic mail address of the UserAccount."@en
v:email"This object property has been mapped"@en
sioc:embeds knowledge"This links Items to embedded statements, facts and structured content."@en
owl132:enrolledForBachelorStudiesOn"The study track defines what are the studies"^^xsd:string
oa:equivalentTo"The subject and object resources of the oa:equivalentTo relationship represent the same resource, but potentially have different metadata such as oa:serializedBy, oa:serializedAt and serialization format. oa:equivalentTo is a symmetrical and transitive relationship; if A oa:equivalentTo B, then it is also true that B oa:equivalent A; and that if B oa:equivalentTo C, then it is also true that A oa:equivalentTo C. The Annotation MAY include 0 or more instances of the oa:equivalentTo relationship between copies of the Annotation or other resources, and SHOULD include as many as are available. If a system publishes an embedded resource (a cnt:Content) at a new HTTP URI, then it SHOULD express the oa:equivalentTo relationship between the resource's URN and the new URI from which it is available."@en
lexinfo:etymological root"Morpheme that has a particular status with regards to the word's etymology."
lexinfo:etymology"Information on the origin of a word and the development of its meaning."
lexinfo:exact"Completely correct in every detail"
?:executed in Workflow System"Property to bind an execution account to the system where it was executed (which could be different from the one used for designing its workflow template). Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmo: <> . <> a opmo:Account, opmw:executionAccount; opmw:executedInWorkflowSystem <>. <> a opmw:Agent."@en
lexinfo:explanation"A statement that describes and clarifies a concept and makes it understandable, but does not necessarily differentiate it from other concepts."
?:fachbericht"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
?:factor" Relates an event to a passive factor (a tool, an instrument, an abstract cause...) "
sioc:feed"A feed (e.g. RSS, Atom, etc.) pertaining to this resource (e.g. for a Forum, Site, UserAccount, etc.)."@en
lexinfo:finitness"Property referring to finite and non-finite status of a verbal form."
foaf:focus"The underlying or 'focal' entity associated with some SKOS-described concept."
owl132:follows"For bowlogna bench"^^xsd:string
sioc:follows"Indicates that one UserAccount follows another UserAccount (e.g. for microblog posts or other content item updates)."@en
lexinfo:frequency"The relative commonness with which a term occurs."
lexinfo:fullFormFor"A linking element used to identify a relation between any full form of a term or lexical unit and its abbreviated form."
sioc:function of"A UserAccount that has this Role."@en
foaf:funded by"An organization funding a project or person."
?:gehaltenVon"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
v:geo"This object property has been mapped"@en
lexinfo:geographical variant"Description of a specific form used in a certain region as opposed to another form used in another region"
lexinfo:gloss"In TEI: A phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase. In 1951: Any editorial comment."
teach:grading"grading is an abstract property to relate the course/seminar to the description about its grading."@en
lexinfo:grammatical gender"A grammatical category that indicates grammatical relationships between words in sentences."
lexinfo:grammatical number"Grammatical category for the variation in form of nouns, pronouns, and any words agreeing with them, depending on how many persons or things are referred to."
lexinfo:grammatical number"In many languages, the grammatical distinction that indicates the number of objects referred to by the term or word."
prov:hadActivity"The _optional_ Activity of an Influence, which used, generated, invalidated, or was the responsibility of some Entity. This property is _not_ used by ActivityInfluence (use prov:activity instead)."@en
prov:hadActivity"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."
prov:hadGeneration"The _optional_ Generation involved in an Entity's Derivation."@en
prov:hadPlan"The _optional_ Plan adopted by an Agent in Association with some Activity. Plan specifications are out of the scope of this specification."@en
prov:hadRole"The _optional_ Role that an Entity assumed in the context of an Activity. For example, :baking prov:used :spoon; prov:qualified [ a prov:Usage; prov:entity :spoon; prov:hadRole roles:mixing_implement ]."@en
prov:hadRole"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."
prov:hadUsage"The _optional_ Usage involved in an Entity's Derivation."@en
?:has Executable Component"Property that binds a workflow execution process to the specific component (code, scripts, etc.) used in the execution. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . @prefix opmv: <> . <> a opmv:Process, opmw:WorkflowExecutionProcess; opmw:hasExecutableComponent <>."@en
?:has SubOrganization"Indique le statut de dépendance hiérarchique pour des Organisations ou des Unités Opérationnelles; indique une Organisation qui est une sous-partie ou une branche d'une Organisation plus large. C'est la propriété inverse de `org:subOrganizationOf`."@fr
?:has SubOrganization"Organización jerárquica de organizaciones o unidades. Indica que una organización es parte de otra organización más amplia o pertenece a ella. Es la relación inversa de `org:subOrganizationOf`."@es
?:has SubOrganization"Rappresenta un contenimento gerarchico di una Organization o di una OrganizationalUnit. Indica una organizzazione che è parte di una organizzazione più grande. È l'inverso di `org:subOrganizationOf`."@it
?:has SubOrganization"Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or Organizational Units; indicates an organization which is a sub-part or child of this organization. Inverse of `org:subOrganizationOf`."@en
?:has SubOrganization"組織または組織単位の階層的包含を表わします。この組織のサブパートまたは子である組織を示します。"@ja
?:has Unit"Indica un'unità che è parte di questa Organization, come ad esempio un dipartimento facente parte di una più ampia FormalOrganization. È l'inverso di `org:unitOf`."@it
?:has Unit"Indicates a unit which is part of this Organization, e.g. a Department within a larger FormalOrganization. Inverse of `org:unitOf`."@en
?:has Unit"Indique une Unité qui fait partie d'une Organisation, par exemple un Départment au sein d'une Organisation Formelle plus large. Inverse de `org:unitOf`."@fr
?:has Unit"Unidad que es parte de la organización, como, por ejemplo, un departamento incluido en una organización formal más amplia."@es
?:has Unit"例えば、より大きな組織内の部局など、この組織の一部である単位を示します。"@ja
v:has additional name"Used to support property parameters for the additional name data property"@en
v:has address"To specify the components of the delivery address for the object"@en
sioc:has administrator"A UserAccount that is an administrator of this Site."@en
scos:has broader"Broader concepts are typically rendered as parents in a concept hierarchy (tree)."@en
v:has calendar busy"To specify the busy time associated with the object. (Was called FBURL in RFC6350)"@en
v:has calendar link"To specify the calendar associated with the object. (Was called CALURI in RFC6350)"@en
v:has calendar request"To specify the calendar user address to which a scheduling request be sent for the object. (Was called CALADRURI in RFC6350)"@en
v:has category"Used to support property parameters for the category data property"@en
sioc:has container"The Container to which this Item belongs."@en
v:has country name"Used to support property parameters for the country name data property"@en
sioc:has creator"This is the UserAccount that made this resource."@en
fabio:has discipline"The discipline to which a subject vocabulary belongs."@en
sioc:has discussion"The discussion that is related to this Item."@en
co:has element"The link to the members of a collection"@en
v:has email"To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object"@en
?:has embodiment"As defined by FRBR (;, a property representing a manifestation that embodies an expression."@en
scos:has exact match"skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch."@en
?:has exemplar"As defined by FRBR (;, a property representing an item that exemplifies a manifestation."@en
v:has family name"Used to support property parameters for the family name data property"@en
co:has first item"The link to the first item of the list."@en
v:has formatted name"Used to support property parameters for the formatted name data property"@en
sioc:has function"A Role that this UserAccount has."@en
v:has gender"To specify the sex or gender identity of the object. URIs are recommended to enable interoperable sex and gender codes to be used."@en
v:has geo"To specify information related to the global positioning of the object. May also be used as a property parameter."@en
v:has given name"Used to support property parameters for the given name data property"@en
v:has honorific prefix"Used to support property parameters for the honorific prefix data property"@en
v:has honorific suffix"Used to support property parameters for the honorific suffix data property"@en
sioc:has host"The Site that hosts this Forum."@en
co:has item"The link to every item of the bag"@en
co:has item content"The link to the actual resource to which the item refers."@en
v:has key"To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object"@en
v:has language"Used to support property parameters for the language data property"@en
co:has last item"The link to the last item of the list."@en
v:has locality"Used to support property parameters for the locality data property"@en
v:has logo"To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object "@en
fabio:has manifestation"A property linking a particular work to its manifestations. This property is additional to the relationships between FRBR endeavours present in the classical FRBR data model."@en
sioc:has member"A UserAccount that is a member of this Usergroup."@en
?:has member"Indica una persona che è membro della data Organization. È l'inverso di `org:memberOf` ed è fornita per compatibilità con `foaf:member`."@it
?:has member"Indicates a person who is a member of the subject Organization. Inverse of `org:memberOf`, see that property for further clarification. Provided for compatibility with `foaf:member`."@en
?:has member"Indique une personne membre de l'Organisation sujet. Inverse de `org:memberOf`, voyez la description de cette propriété pour plus de précisions. Fourni pour la compatibilité avec `foaf:member`."@fr
?:has member"Persona que es miembro de la organización en cuestión. Es la relación inversa de `org:memberOf`, véase la descripción de esa propiedad para más detalles. Se prevé compatibilidad con foaf:member`."@es
v:has member"To include a member in the group this object represents. (This property can only be used by Group individuals)"@en
?:has member"対象組織のメンバーであるエージェント(人または他の組織)を示します。org:memberOfの逆。さらに明確な説明については、そのプロパティーを参照してください。"@ja
scos:has member list"For any resource, every item in the list given as the value of the skos:memberList property is also a value of the skos:member property."@en
v:has messaging"To specify the instant messaging and presence protocol communications with the object. (Was called IMPP in RFC6350)"@en
sioc:has moderator"A UserAccount that is a moderator of this Forum."@en
sioc:has modifier"A UserAccount that modified this Item."@en
v:has name"To specify the components of the name of the object"@en
scos:has narrower"Narrower concepts are typically rendered as children in a concept hierarchy (tree)."@en
co:has next item"The link to the next item in a list."@en
v:has nickname"Used to support property parameters for the nickname data property"@en
v:has note"Used to support property parameters for the note data property"@en
v:has organization name"Used to support property parameters for the organization name data property"@en
v:has organization unit name"Used to support property parameters for the organization unit name data property"@en
sioc:has owner"A UserAccount that this resource is owned by."@en
sioc:has parent"A Container or Forum that this Container or Forum is a child of."@en
dcterms:has part"A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource."@en
sioc:has part"An resource that is a part of this subject."@en
?:has part"Meaning = has part. As defined by FRBR (;, a property indicating that one entity includes another entity."@en
sioca:has permission"A Permission assigned to a Role."@en
v:has photo"To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the object"@en
fabio:has portrayal"A property linking a particular work to its items. This property is additional to the relationships between FRBR endeavours present in the classical FRBR data model."@en
v:has postal code"Used to support property parameters for the postal code data property"@en
co:has previous item"The link to the previous item in a list."@en
fabio:has primary subject term"This property is used to associate a frbr:Endeavour to a term in a particular classification system - and the term is considered one of the main topics for the endeavour in consideration."@en
?:has realization"As defined by FRBR (;, a property representing an expression that is an intellectual or artistic realization of a work."@en
v:has region"Used to support property parameters for the region data property"@en
v:has related"To specify a relationship between another entity and the entity represented by this object"@en
scos:has related"skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive"@en
dcterms:has relation"A related resource."@en
sioc:has reply"Points to an Item or Post that is a reply or response to this Item or Post."@en
fabio:has representation"A property linking a particular expression to its items. This property is additional to the relationships between FRBR endeavours present in the classical FRBR data model."@en
v:has role"Used to support property parameters for the role data property"@en
sioc:has scope"A resource that this Role applies to."@en
siocs:has service"A Service associated with this SIOC object."@en
?:has setting"A relation between entities and situations, e.g. 'this morning I've prepared my coffee with a new fantastic Arabica' (i.e.: (an amount of) a new fantastic Arabica hasSetting the preparation of my coffee this morning)."
?:has site"Indica la sede in cui l'Organization ha una qualche presenza anche in modo indiretto (ad esempio un ufficio virtuale). È l'inverso di `org:siteOf`."@it
?:has site"Indicates a site at which the Organization has some presence even if only indirect (e.g. virtual office or a professional service which is acting as the registered address for a company). Inverse of `org:siteOf`."@en
?:has site"Indique un site sur lequel l'Organisation possède une présence, même indirecte (domiciliation, boite postale). Inverse de `org:siteOf`."@fr
?:has site"Lugar en donde la organización tiene algún tipo de presencia, incluso si es de forma indirecta (por ejemplo, una oficina virtual o servicio profesional que hagan la función de dirección registrada de la compañía). Es la relación inversa de `org:siteOf`."@es
?:has site"組織が、間接(例えば、会社の登録住所として機能しているバーチャル・オフィスやプロフェッショナル・サービス)のみであったとしても、ある存在感を持っているサイトを示します。"@ja
v:has sound"To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the object"@en
v:has source"To identify the source of directory information of the object"@en
sioc:has space"A data Space which this resource is a part of."@en
sioca:has status"The Status of a content Item (e.g. public, draft)."@en
v:has street address"Used to support property parameters for the street address data property"@en
fabio:has subject term"This property is used to associate a frbr:Endeavour to a term in a particular classification system."@en
sioc:has subscriber"A UserAccount that is subscribed to this Container."@en
v:has telephone"To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object"@en
v:has title"Used to support property parameters for the title data property"@en
v:has uid"To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the object"@en
v:has url"To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object"@en
sioc:has usergroup"Points to a Usergroup that has certain access to this Space."@en
v:has value"Used to indicate the resource value of an object property that requires property parameters"@en
oa:hasBody"The relationship between oa:Annotation and body. The body is somehow "about" the oa:hasTarget of the annotation. The Body may be of any media type, and contain any type of content. The Body SHOULD be identified by HTTP URIs unless they are embedded within the Annotation. Embedded bodies SHOULD be instances of cnt:ContentAsText and embed their content with cnt:chars. They SHOULD declare their media type with dc:format, and MAY indicate their language using dc:language and a RFC-3066 language tag. There is no OA class provided for "Body" as a body might be a target of a different annotation. However, there SHOULD be 1 or more content-based classes associated with the body resources of an Annotation, and the dctypes: vocabulary is recommended for this purpose, for instance dctypes:Text to declare textual content."@en
teach:hasDescription"hasDescription is subproperty of dc:description to specify needed descriptions of entities within the course, e.g. the description of course materials, assignments, etc."@en
oa:hasScope"The relationship between a Specific Resource and the resource that provides the scope or context for it in this Annotation. There MAY be 0 or more hasScope relationships for each Specific Resource."@en
oa:hasSelector"The relationship between a oa:SpecificResource and a oa:Selector. There MUST be exactly 0 or 1 oa:hasSelector relationship associated with a Specific Resource. If multiple Selectors are required, either to express a choice between different optional, equivalent selectors, or a chain of selectors that should all be processed, it is necessary to use oa:Choice, oa:Composite or oa:List as a selector."@en
oa:hasSource"The relationship between a oa:SpecificResource and the resource that it is a more specific representation of. There MUST be exactly 1 oa:hasSource relationship associated with a Specific Resource."@en
oa:hasState"The relationship between a oa:SpecificResource and a oa:State resource. There MAY be 0 or 1 oa:hasState relationship for each SpecificResource. If there are multiple State resources that must be associated with the specific resource, then the use of the Multiplicity Constructs oa:Choice, oa:Composite or oa:List is RECOMMENDED."@en
oa:hasTarget"The relationship between oa:Annotation and target. The target resource is what the oa:hasBody is somewhat "about". The target may be of any media type, and contain any type of content. The target SHOULD be identified by HTTP URIs unless they are embedded within the Annotation. Embedded targets SHOULD be instances of cnt:ContentAsText and embed their content with cnt:chars. They SHOULD declare their media type with dc:format, and MAY indicate their language using dc:language and a RFC-3066 language tag. There is no OA class provided for "Target" as a target might be a body in a different annotation. However, there SHOULD be 1 or more content-based classes associated with the target resources of an Annotation, and the dctypes: vocabulary is recommended for this purpose, for instance dctypes:Text to declare textual content."@en
teach:hasTitle"hasTitle is subproperty of dc:title to specify needed titles of entities within the course, e.g. the title of course materials, assignments, etc."@en
?:hatMitglied"can an organization be a member of another organization? olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: Hmm could be possible. Therefore I added Organization to the range that one can state: Organization (has)member Organization."^^xsd:string
?:hatTeilEreignis"Example: FIFA World Cup 2006 hasPartEvent Final"^^xsd:string
?:head of"Indica che una persona è leader o responsabile formale di una Organization. Questo significa che la persona è alla radice del grafo (aciclico) creato dalle `org:reportsTo`, sebbene un'organizzazione possa avere più di un responsabile."@it
?:head of"Indicates that a person is the leader or formal head of the Organization. This will normally mean that they are the root of the `org:reportsTo` (acyclic) graph, though an organization may have more than one head."@en
?:head of"Indique qu'une personne est le directeur ou le responsable formel d'une Organisation. Ceci indique souvent qu'il est au sommet de du graphe acyclique des `org:reportsTo`, même si une organisation peut avoir plus d'un responsable."@fr
?:head of"Persona que es jefe o jefa, representante ,,director o directora de la organización. Esto significa que dicha persona es el rango de la relación `org:reportsTo` en el organigrama de la organización (acíclico), aunque una organización puede tener más de un jefe."@es
?:head of"人(または他のエージェント)が組織のリーダーや正式なトップであることを示します。"@ja
?:held by"Agente que ocupa un puesto."@es
?:held by"Indica un Agent che ricopre un Post."@it
?:held by"Indicate un Agent qui occupe le Poste."@fr
?:held by"Indicates an Agent which holds a Post."@en
?:held by"ポストを保持するエージェントを示します。"@ja
?:herausgeberVon"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
?:herausgeberVon"check range. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
?:hierarchyRoot"Specifies a root of the hierarchy. A hierarchy may have multiple roots but must have at least one."@en
?:holds"Indica un Impiego ricoperto da un Agent."@it
?:holds"Indicate un Poste occupé par un Agent."@fr
?:holds"Indicates a Post held by some Agent."@en
?:holds"Puesto ocupado por algún agente."@es
lexinfo:holonym"Indicates that the referenced element is a part of this object"@en
foaf:homepage"A homepage for some thing."
lexinfo:homograph"A word that is spelled like another, but that has a different pronunciation, meaning, and/or origin."
lexinfo:homograph"Word that is written like another, but that has a different pronunciation, meaning, and/or origin."
lexinfo:homonym"A word that is pronounced like another word and that can be spelled the same way (homograph) or can merely sound the same (homophone)."
lexinfo:homonym"Word that sounds the same and is written the same as another word but is different in meaning."
lexinfo:homophone"A word that is pronounced in the same way as another word but that is spelled differently."
lexinfo:homophone"Word that sounds like another word, but is different in writiing or meaning."
sioc:host of"A Forum that is hosted on this Site."@en
?:identity" the identity of the public key. This is the entity that knows the private key and so can decrypt messages encrypted with the public key, or encrypt messages that can be decrypted with the public key. "@en
foaf:image"An image that can be used to represent some thing (ie. those depictions which are particularly representative of something, eg. one's photo on a homepage)."
lexinfo:indirect object"An indirect object is a grammatical relation that is one means of expressing the semantic role of goal and other similar roles. It is proposed for languages in which the role is distinct from the direct object and the oblique object on the basis of multiple independent syntactic or morphological criteria, such as the following: - Having a particular case marking, commonly dative - Governing an agreement affix on the verb, such as person or number - Being distinct from oblique relations in that it may be relativized"
prov:influencer"Subproperties of prov:influencer are used to cite the object of an unqualified PROV-O triple whose predicate is a subproperty of prov:wasInfluencedBy (e.g. prov:used, prov:wasGeneratedBy). prov:influencer is used much like rdf:object is used."@en
lexinfo:initialismFor"A linking element used to identify a relation between an initialism and its full or expanded form."
foaf:interest"A page about a topic of interest to this person."
?:interviewee"An agent that is interviewed by another agent."@en
?:interviewer"An agent that interview another agent."@en
?:is Generated By"Property that binds a workflow template artifact to the workflow template process that generates it. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:DataVariable, opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact; opmw:isGeneratedBy <>. "@en
?:is Parameter of Template"Property used to dessignate which workflow Parameter Variables belong to a workflow template. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:ParameterVariable; opmw:isParameterOfTemplate <>."
?:is Step of Template"Property used to dessignate which workflow Steps (or Workflow Template Processes) belong to a workflow template. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcess; opmw:isStepOfTemplate <>."
?:is Variable of Template"Property used to dessignate which workflow Data Variables belong to a workflow template. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:DataVariable; opmw:isVariableOfTemplate <>."
pattern:is contained by"An element that is contained by another structured element."@en
pattern:is contained by as header"An element is contained by another structured element as part of its header."@en
fabio:is discipline of"This property relates a subject vocabulary to the discipline to which it belongs."@en
co:is element of"The link to a collection in which the object is member."@en
?:is embodiment of"As defined by FRBR (;, a property representing an expression that is embodied by a manifestation."@en
?:is exemplar of"As defined by FRBR (;, a property representing a manifestation that is exemplified by an item."@en
co:is first item of"The link to a list in which the item is first item."@en
co:is followed by"The link to the following item in a list."@en
scos:is in mapping relation with"These concept mapping relations mirror semantic relations, and the data model defined below is similar (with the exception of skos:exactMatch) to the data model defined for semantic relations. A distinct vocabulary is provided for concept mapping relations, to provide a convenient way to differentiate links within a concept scheme from links between concept schemes. However, this pattern of usage is not a formal requirement of the SKOS data model, and relies on informal definitions of best practice."@en
scos:is in scheme"This property expresses the fact that a concept is a part of a scheme."@en
co:is item content of"The link to the item that refers to the resource."@en
co:is item of"The link to a bag in which the item is member."@en
co:is last item of"The link to a list in which the item is last item."@en
fabio:is manifestation of"A property linking a particular manifestation to the work it is manifesting. This property is additional to the relationships between FRBR endeavours present in the classical FRBR data model."@en
dcterms:is part of"A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included."@en
?:is part of"Meaning = is part of. As defined by FRBR (;, a property indicating that one entity is a part of another entity."@en
fabio:is portrayal of"A property linking a particular item to the work it portrays. This property is additional to the relationships between FRBR endeavours present in the classical FRBR data model."@en
co:is preceded by"The link to the preceding item in a list."@en
?:is realization of"As defined by FRBR (;, a property representing the work that has been realized by an expression."@en
fabio:is representation of"A property linking a particular item to the expression it represents. This property is additional to the relationships between FRBR endeavours present in the classical FRBR data model."@en
fabio:is scheme of"This property expresses the fact that a scheme contains a concept."@en
fabio:is stored on"This property relates a fabio:Item to the medium upon which it is stored."@en
owl132:isAPartOf"Programme dtudes [25] est_une_partie_de Voie dtudes [23].Unit denseignement [34] est_une_partie_de Module [35]"^^xsd:string
owl132:isAPartOf"Programme díÈtudes [25] est_une_partie_de Voie díÈtudes [23].UnitÈ díenseignement [34] est_une_partie_de Module [35]"^^xsd:string
owl132:isInStudyTrack"For recognizing the level of education for which a student studies."^^xsd:string
?:issuer"An entity responsible for issuing often informally published documents such as press releases, reports, etc."
oa:item"The relationship between a multiplicity construct node and its constituent resources. There MUST be 1 or more item relationships for each multiplicity construct oa:Choice, oa:Composite and oa:List."@en
v:key"This object property has been mapped"@en
?:key"relates an agent to a key - most often the public key."@en
foaf:knows"A person known by this person (indicating some level of reciprocated interaction between the parties)."
sioc:latest version"Links to the latest revision of this Item or Post."@en
?:leiterVonGruppe"added domain and range. Olivier 2006-06-07"^^xsd:string
?:leiterVonGruppe"made a subproperty of headOf. Olivier 2006-06-07"^^xsd:string
lexinfo:lexTermElement"Any logically significant portion of a larger term or lexeme."
lexinfo:lexTermType"An attribute assigned to a lexeme or a term."
sioc:link"A URI of a document which contains this SIOC object."@en
?:linked to"2つの組織の任意の関係を示します。"@ja
?:linked to"Indica una relazione arbitraria tra due organizzazioni. Ad esempio, specializzazioni di questa proprietà possono essere usate per denotare relazioni particolari tipo il finanziamento o la fornitura."@it
?:linked to"Indicates an arbitrary relationship between two organizations. Specializations of this can be used to, for example, denote funding or supply chain relationships."@en
?:linked to"Indique une relation arbitraire entre deux Organisations. Des spécialisations peuvent être utilisées pour, par exemple, qualifier une relation de fournisseur ou de financeur."@fr
?:linked to"Relación arbitraria entre dos organizaciones. Las especializaciones de esta relación se pueden utilizar para denotar relaciones de financiación o suministro, entre otras."@es
sioc:links to"Links extracted from hyperlinks within a SIOC concept, e.g. Post or Site."@en
?:list of authors"An ordered list of authors. Normally, this list is seen as a priority list that order authors by importance."@en
?:list of contributors"An ordered list of contributors. Normally, this list is seen as a priority list that order contributors by importance."@en
?:list of editors"An ordered list of editors. Normally, this list is seen as a priority list that order editors by importance."@en
foaf:logo"A logo representing some thing."
v:logo"This object property has been mapped"@en
foaf:made"Something that was made by this agent."
foaf:maker"An agent that made this thing."
?:measure"An alternative to qb:componentProperty which makes explicit that the component is a measure"@en
?:measure dimension"An alternative to qb:componentProperty which makes explicit that the component is a measure dimension"@en
?:member"Indica la Person (o un altro Agent) coinvolto in una relazione di Membership. È l'inverso di `org:hasMembership`."@it
foaf:member"Indicates a member of a Group"
?:member"Indicates the Person (or other Agent including Organization) involved in the Membership relationship. Inverse of `org:hasMembership`"@en
?:member"Indique une personne (ou tout autre Agent, y compris une Organisation) impliqué dans la relation d'Engagement. Inverse de `org:hasMembership`"@fr
?:member"Persona (u otro agente, incluyendo una organización) que participa en la relación de membresía. Es la relación inversa de `org:hasMembership`."@es
?:member During"Optional property to indicate the interval for which the membership is/was valid."@en
?:member During"Propiedad opcional que indica el periodo durante el cual la relación de membresía o pertenencia a una organización se mantiene en vigencia."@es
?:member During"Proprietà opzionale per indicare l'intervallo per il quale l'appartenenza è/è stata valida."@it
?:member During"Propriété optionnelle pour indiquer l'intervalle durant lequel l'engagemnet est ou était valide."@fr
?:member During"構成員が有効である/であった期間を示すためのオプションのプロパティー。"@ja
lexinfo:member holonym"Indicates the object is a member of this"@en
lexinfo:member meronym"Indicates this is an element of the other"@en
sioc:member of"A Usergroup that this UserAccount is a member of."@en
?:member of"Indica che una persona è membro di una Organization senza una precisa indicazione sulla natura di questa appartenenza e sul suo ruolo. Si noti che la scelta del nome di questa proprietà non intende limitarla alla sola rappresentazione formalmente di un'appartenenza. La proprietà può coprire anche altri coinvolgimenti nell'organizzazione. Questa proprietà può essere specializzata per indicare ruoli all'interno organizzazione o relazioni di diverse tipologie. Ha `org:hasmember` come proprietà inversa opzionale."@it
?:member of"Indicates that a person is a member of the Organization with no indication of the nature of that membership or the role played. Note that the choice of property name is not meant to limit the property to only formal membership arrangements, it is also indended to cover related concepts such as affilliation or other involvement in the organization. Extensions can specialize this relationship to indicate particular roles within the organization or more nuanced relationships to the organization. Has an optional inverse, `org:hasmember`."@en
?:member of"Indique qu'une personne est membre de l'Organisation sans précision sur la nature de cet engagement ou du rôle joué. Notez que le choix du nom de cette propriété ne vise pas à la limiter aux seuls engagements formels, elle peut également couvrir des concepts reliés comme l'affiliation ou le bénévolat. Des extensions peuvent spécialiser cette relation pour indiquer des rôles particuliers au sein de l'Organisation or des relations plus nuancées avec elle. Possède une propriété inverse optionnelle, `org:hasmember`."@fr
?:member of"Persona que pertenece a la organización o es miembro de la misma, sin que conste la naturaleza de dicha pertenencia o el papel que desempeña. Se debe tener en cuenta que la elección de una denominación para esta propiedad no significa que la propiedad esté limitada a ciertos tipos de pertenencia formales, sino que pretende cubrir conceptos relacionados como el de afiliación u otras formas de participación en la organización. Se puede hacer uso de extensiones para especializar esta relación de forma que incluya tipos específicos de pertenencia a las organizaciones o relaciones especiales con la organización."@es
?:member of"エージェント(人または他の組織)が組織のメンバーであることを示します。ただし、その構成員の本質や担う役割は示しません。プロパティー名の選択は、プロパティーを正式な構成員配置のみに制限することが目的ではないことに注意してください。所属や組織へのその他の関与などの関連する概念をカバーすることも意図されています。拡張により、この関係を特殊化し、組織内の特定の役割やよりニュアンスを含んだ組織との関係を示すことができます。"@ja
?:membership"Indica una relazione di appartenenza che coinvolge un Agent. È l'inverso di `org:member`."@it
?:membership"Indicates a membership relationship that the Agent plays. Inverse of `org:member`."@en
?:membership"Indique pour cet Agent un engagement dans une Organisation. Inverse de `org:member`."@fr
?:membership"Relación de pertenencia o afiliación a una organización en la que el agente desempeña un cargo o función. Es la relación inversa de `org:member`."@es
lexinfo:meronym"Indicates this is a part of another concept"@en
sioc:moderator of"A Forum that a UserAccount is a moderator of."@en
lexinfo:modification type"Refers to the prenominal or postnominal positions of determiners which distinguish different forms."
sioc:modifier of"An Item that this UserAccount has modified."@en
lexinfo:mood"In TEI: contains information about the grammatical mood of verbs (e.g. indicative, subjunctive, imperative)."
oa:motivatedBy"The relationship between an Annotation and a Motivation, indicating the reasons why the Annotation was created. Each Annotation SHOULD have at least one oa:motivatedBy relationship, and MAY be more than 1."@en
v:name"This object property has been mapped"@en
lexinfo:negative"denotes the negation or the absence"
sioc:next by date"Next Item or Post in a given Container sorted by date."@en
sioc:next version"Links to the next revision of this Item or Post."@en
teach:nextReading"nextReading is an abstract property for dynamically stating the reading required to be read by the next session of the course/seminar."@en
lexinfo:normative authorization"A term status qualifier assigned by an authoritative body, such as a standards body or a governmental entity with a regulatory function."
teach:notArrangedAt"notArrangedAt is an abstract property to explicate the date/time when the seminar has an exception in its schedule and thus is not arranged at."@en
lexinfo:note"A statement that provides further information on any part of a language resource entry."
?:observation"indicates a observation contained within this slice of the data set"@en
?:observation group"Indicates a group of observations. The domain of this property is left open so that a group may be attached to different resources and need not be restricted to a single DataSet"@en
foaf:openid"An OpenID for an Agent."
teach:opponentOf"opponentOf is an abstract property to state that a student is an opponent of another, i.e. that he/she makes review of the other student's seminar work."@en
?:organisation"meaning not clear. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: This property appears in the class definition of swrc:Document. I think it is obsolete, since you may link a document via the dc:creator, dc:contributor or dc:publisher property to an organization."^^xsd:string
?:organization"Indica l'Organization in cui l'Agent è un membro."@it
?:organization"Indicates Organization in which the Agent is a member."@en
?:organization"Indique l'Organization dont l'agent est membre."@fr
?:organization"Organización a la que pertenece el agente en calidad de miembro."@es
v:organization"This object property has been mapped. Use the organization-name data property."@en
?:organizer"The organizer of an event; includes conference organizers, but also government agencies or other bodies that are responsible for conducting hearings."@en
?:original organization"Indica una o più organizzazioni pregresse rispetto a un evento di cambiamento. A seconda dell'evento, queste organizzazioni potrebbero essere esistenti dopo l'evento o aver cessato la loro esistenza. È l'inverso di `org:changedBy`."@it
?:original organization"Indicates one or more organizations that existed before the change event. Depending on the event they may or may not have continued to exist after the event. Inverse of `org:changedBy`."@en
?:original organization"Indique une ou plusieurs organisations qui ont existé avant un évènement de changement. Selon l'évènement, ces organisations ont pu continuer à exister ou non. Inverse de `org:changedBy`. "@fr
?:original organization"Una o más organizaciones que existían antes de que sucediera el cambio en la organización. Dependiendo del tipo de cambio, dichas organizaciones pueden haber dejado de existir o no. Es la relación inversa de `org:changedBy`."@es
?:original organization"変更のきっかけとなった出来事以前に存在した1つ以上の組織を示します。出来事によって、出来事の後にそれらは存在し続けたかも、存在し続けなかったかもしれません。"@ja
?:owner"Owner of a document or a collection of documents."@en
sioc:owner of"A resource owned by a particular UserAccount, for example, a weblog or image gallery."@en
?:owns"This predicate indicates that the foaf:Agent is the legal owner of a particular Copy."@en
?:owns copy of"This is an indirect version of "owns" indicating that the foaf:Agent owns an unspecified copy of the Book."@en
?:owns list"Indicates a foaf:Document listing the books which the foaf:Agent owns copies of."@en
?:owns primary topic of"This is an indirect version of the "owns" property. Instead of linking a foaf:Agent to a Copy directly, ownsPrimaryTopicOf links a foaf:Agent to a foaf:Document such that the primary topic of the foaf:Document is a Book of which a Copy is owned by the Agent."@en
foaf:page"A page or document about this thing."
sioc:parent of"A child Container or Forum that this Container or Forum is a parent of."@en
?:parent-child property"Specifies a property which relates a parent concept in the hierarchy to a child concept."@en
lexinfo:part holonym"Indicates a part of this object"@en
lexinfo:part meronym"Indicates this a component of the other concept"@en
sioc:part of"A resource that the subject is a part of."@en
lexinfo:part of speech"A category assigned to a word based on its grammatical and semantic properties."
lexinfo:part of speech"Term used to describe how a particular word is used in a sentence."
lexinfo:participleFormOf"Indicates that one lexical entry is the participle form of another, e.g., the adjective 'reassuring' is the participle of 'to reassure'"@en
lexinfo:partitive relation"A relation between two concepts where one of the concepts constitutes the whole and the other concept a part of that whole."
foaf:past project"A project this person has previously worked on."
lexinfo:person"Indication of grammatical person (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) associated with a given inflected form."
foaf:personal mailbox"A personal mailbox, ie. an Internet mailbox associated with exactly one owner, the first owner of this mailbox. This is a 'static inverse functional property', in that there is (across time and change) at most one individual that ever has any particular value for foaf:mbox."
foaf:phone"A phone, specified using fully qualified tel: URI scheme (refs:"
v:photo"This object property has been mapped"@en
?:place" Relates an event to a spatial object. "
?:post"Indica il Post che è presente in una Organization."@it
?:post"Indicate un Poste qui existe dans l'Organisation."@fr
?:post"Indicates a Post which exists within the Organization."@en
?:post"Posición que existe en una organización."@es
?:post in"Indica l'Organization in cui il Post è presente."@it
?:post in"Indicate l'Organisation dans laquelle le Poste existe."@fr
?:post in"Indicates the Organization in which the Post exists."@en
?:post in"Organización en la que existe el puesto."@es
?:post in"ポストが存在する組織を示します。"@ja
lexinfo:postPositiveArg"Indicates an argument of an adjective indicated by post-positive modification. An example in english would be that "that is something interesting", where the adjective interesting post-postively modifies something"@en
?:presented at"Relates a document to an event; for example, a paper to a conference."@en
?:presented at"Relates an event to associated documents; for example, conference to a paper."@en
sioc:previous by date"Previous Item or Post in a given Container sorted by date."@en
sioc:previous version"Links to the previous revision of this Item or Post."@en
?:primary Site"Indica la sede principale per l'Organization. È da considerarsi come la sede di default in cui l'Organization deve essere contattata pur non essendo necessariamente il quartier generale."@it
?:primary Site"Indicates a primary site for the Organization, this is the default means by which an Organization can be contacted and is not necessarily the formal headquarters."@en
?:primary Site"Indique le site principal d'une Organisation, le moyen par défaut par lequel l'Organisation peut être contactée et pas nécessairement le siège social légal."@fr
?:primary Site"Oficina principal de la organización, la opción por defecto para ponerse en contacto con una organización, aunque no corresponde necesariamente con las oficinas centrales de la organización."@es
?:primary Site"組織の主要サイトを示します。組織の窓口となりえるデフォルトの手段ですが、正式な本部とは限りません。"@ja
foaf:primary topic"The primary topic of some page or document."
?:producer"Producer of a document or a collection of documents."@en
?:product" Relates an event to something produced during the event---a sound, a pie, whatever... "
?:produkt"meaning not clear. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: Hmm, I didn't create that property, therefore i don't know the intention of it."^^xsd:string
foaf:publications"A link to the publications of this person."
?:publikation"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
?:publikation"hasPublication (?). Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: Yes, I think it is meant as "hasPublication". Anytime you have just the verb, it is meant as has + verb in a property."^^xsd:string
prov:qualifiedAssociation"If this Activity prov:wasAssociatedWith Agent :ag, then it can qualify the Association using prov:qualifiedAssociation [ a prov:Association; prov:agent :ag; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedAttribution"If this Entity prov:wasAttributedTo Agent :ag, then it can qualify how it was influenced using prov:qualifiedAttribution [ a prov:Attribution; prov:agent :ag; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedCommunication"If this Activity prov:wasInformedBy Activity :a, then it can qualify how it was influenced using prov:qualifiedCommunication [ a prov:Communication; prov:activity :a; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedDelegation"If this Agent prov:actedOnBehalfOf Agent :ag, then it can qualify how with prov:qualifiedResponsibility [ a prov:Responsibility; prov:agent :ag; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedDerivation"If this Entity prov:wasDerivedFrom Entity :e, then it can qualify how it was derived using prov:qualifiedDerivation [ a prov:Derivation; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedEnd"If this Activity prov:wasEndedBy Entity :e1, then it can qualify how it was ended using prov:qualifiedEnd [ a prov:End; prov:entity :e1; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedGeneration"If this Activity prov:generated Entity :e, then it can qualify how it performed the Generation using prov:qualifiedGeneration [ a prov:Generation; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedInfluence"Because prov:qualifiedInfluence is a broad relation, the more specific relations (qualifiedCommunication, qualifiedDelegation, qualifiedEnd, etc.) should be used when applicable."@en
prov:qualifiedInvalidation"If this Entity prov:wasInvalidatedBy Activity :a, then it can qualify how it was invalidated using prov:qualifiedInvalidation [ a prov:Invalidation; prov:activity :a; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedPrimarySource"If this Entity prov:hadPrimarySource Entity :e, then it can qualify how using prov:qualifiedPrimarySource [ a prov:PrimarySource; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedQuotation"If this Entity prov:wasQuotedFrom Entity :e, then it can qualify how using prov:qualifiedQuotation [ a prov:Quotation; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedRevision"If this Entity prov:wasRevisionOf Entity :e, then it can qualify how it was revised using prov:qualifiedRevision [ a prov:Revision; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedStart"If this Activity prov:wasStartedBy Entity :e1, then it can qualify how it was started using prov:qualifiedStart [ a prov:Start; prov:entity :e1; :foo :bar ]."@en
prov:qualifiedUsage"If this Activity prov:used Entity :e, then it can qualify how it used it using prov:qualifiedUsage [ a prov:Usage; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
?:read"This predicate indicates that the foaf:Agent has read at least part of a particular Copy."@en
?:read copy of"This is an indirect version of "read", indicating that the foaf:Agent has read at least part of an unspecified copy of the Book."@en
?:read list"Indicates a foaf:Document listing the books which the foaf:Agent has read copies of."@en
?:read primary topic of"This is an indirect version of the "read" property. Instead of linking a foaf:Agent to a Copy directly, readPrimaryTopicOf links a foaf:Agent to a foaf:Document such that the primary topic of the foaf:Document is a Book, a Copy of which has been read by the Agent."@en
?:reader"This predicate indicates the foaf:Agent who was performing the Reading."@en
?:reading"This predicate indicates that a Book has a Reading event associated with it, at which a copy of the book was read."@en
teach:reading"reading is an abstract property to relate required readings to the course/seminar."@en
?:reading of"The Book of which a copy was read."@en
?:recipient"An agent that receives a communication document."@en
sioc:reference"Links either created explicitly or extracted implicitly on the HTML level from the Post."@en
lexinfo:referent type"Type of concrete object or concept (the referent) that an expression represents (the reference)."
lexinfo:register"Classification indicating the relative level of language individually assigned to a lexeme or term or to a text type."
?:registered Site"Indica la sede legale per l'Organization. In molte giurisdizioni è richiesto che una FormalOrganization abbia una sede di questo tipo."@it
?:registered Site"Indicates the legally registered site for the organization, in many legal jurisdictions there is a requirement that FormalOrganizations such as Companies or Charities have such a primary designed site. "@en
?:registered Site"Indique l'établissement principal légalement enregistré pour l'Organisation. Dans de nombreuses juridictions existe l'obligation pour une Organisation Formelle d'avoir un tel site principal. "@fr
?:registered Site"Oficina o sede legalmente registrada de la organización. En muchas jurisdicciones legales existe el requisito de que organizaciones formales tales como empresas u organizaciones de beneficencia tengan una sede principal de este tipo."@es
?:registered Site"組織の法律上登録されたサイトを示し、多くの法的管轄区域では、会社や慈善団体などのFormalOrganizations(正式な組織)がそのような主要サイトを持っているという要件があります。"@ja
sioc:related to"Related Posts for this Post, perhaps determined implicitly from topics or references."@en
lexinfo:relatedTerm"A term connected to another term by a coordinate or associative relation."
?:remuneration"Indica il salario o altra forma di remunerazione associata al ruolo. In genere, questo si denota usando uno schema di rappresentazione esistente come il `gr:PriceSpecification` ma il codominio è lasciato libero di essere specializzato a seconda delle applicazioni."@it
?:remuneration"Indicates a salary or other reward associated with the role. Typically this will be denoted using an existing representation scheme such as `gr:PriceSpecification` but the range is left open to allow applications to specialize it (e.g. to remunerationInGBP)."@en
?:remuneration"Indique un salaire ou tout autre compensation associée au Rôle. Typiquement, ceci sera annoté en utilisant un schéma existant comme `gr:PriceSpecification` mais le champ de cette propriété est laissé ouvert afin de permettre aux applications de la spécialiser (par exemple remunerationEuro)."@fr
?:remuneration"Salario o cualquier otra remuneración asociada con la actividad. La forma usual de referirse a dicha remuneración será utilizando un esquema de representación como el propuesto en la ontología GoodRelations `gr:PriceSpecification`, pero el rango se deja abierto a que las distintas aplicaciones lo especialicen (por ejemplo, remunerationInGBP)"@es
sioc:reply of"Links to an Item or Post which this Item or Post is a reply to."@en
teach:reportTemplate"reportTemplate is an abstract property to relate a report template to the course/seminar so that students may use it to write their reports."@en
?:reports to"Indica una relazione di subordinazione all'interno dell'organigramma. La semantica precisa può variare a seconda dell'organizzazione, per esempio può essere usata per rappresentare la proprietà di supervisione oppure per le relazioni di rendicontazione."@it
?:reports to"Indicates a reporting relationship as might be depicted on an organizational chart. The precise semantics of the reporting relationship will vary by organization but is intended to encompass both direct supervisory relationships (e.g. carrying objective and salary setting authority) and more general reporting or accountability relationships (e.g. so called _dotted line_ reporting)."@en
?:reports to"Indique une relation de subordination comme elle pourrait figurer dans un organigramme. La sémantique précise de cette subordination pourra varier selon l'Organisation mais vise à englober aussi bien les relations hiérarchiques directes (définition d'objectifs, montant du salaire) que des relations plus générales ou organisationnelles (les liens en pointillés dans les organigrammes)."@fr
?:reports to"Relación de subordinación que se representa en los organigramas de las organizaciones. La semántica de la relación de subordinación varía según las organizaciones, pero su intención es abarcar tanto a las relaciones de supervisión directa (por ejemplo, aquellas en las que la autoridad determina los objetivos o el salario) como a las relaciones de subordinación más generales (por ejemplo, las llamadas líneas de autoridad o de mando (y responsabilidad) ("@es
?:reports to"組織図で描かれるかもしれないような上下関係を示します。エージェント間またはエージェントが就くことができるポスト間の上下関係を直接的に示すために使用できます。"@ja
?:reproducedIn"The resource in which another resource is reproduced."@en
?:resulted from"Evento que tiene como resultado la creación de una organización."@es
?:resulted from"Indica l'evento che ha permesso all'organizzazione di instaurarsi. È l'inverso di `org:resultingOrganization`."@it
?:resulted from"Indicates an event which resulted in this organization. Inverse of `org:resultingOrganization`."@en
?:resulted from"Indique un évènement dont est issue l'Organisation. Inverse de `org:resultingOrganization`."@fr
?:resulted from"この組織になった(導いた、作成された)きっかけとなった出来事を示します。"@ja
?:resulted in"Indica l'organizzazione che è stata creata o mutata a seguito dell'evento. È l'inverso di `org:resultedFrom`."@it
?:resulted in"Indicates an organization which was created or changed as a result of the event. Inverse of `org:resultedFrom`."@en
?:resulted in"Indique une organisation qui a été créée ou a été modifiée à la suite d'un Évènement de changement. Inverse de `org:resultedFrom`."@fr
?:resulted in"Organización que ha sido creada o modificada tras un evento específico.  Es la relación inversa de `org:resultedFrom`."@es
?:resulted in"出来事の結果、作成、変更された組織を示します。"@ja
siocs:results format"Format of results returned by a web service."@en
?:reversedBy"A legal decision that reverses a ruling."@en
?:review of"Relates a review document to a reviewed thing (resource, item, etc.)."@en
teach:reviewTemplate"reviewTemplate is an abstract property to relate a review template to the course/seminar so that students may use it to write their reviews of other student's reports."@en
?:role"Actividad que el agente desempeña en una relación de pertenencia a una organización."@es
?:role"Indica il Role che un Agent ricopre in una relazione di Membership con una Organization"@it
?:role"Indicates the Role that the Agent plays in a Membership relationship with an Organization."@en
?:role"Indique le Rôle de l'Agent dans son Engagement avec l'Organisation."@fr
teach:room"Describes the module of the study program with which the course/seminar is associated."@en
teach:room"Describes the study program which is associated with the course/seminar."@en
teach:room"Describes the teaching method used in the course/seminar. property "hasTeachingMethod" inspired by an interview of Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman in "Transformation Is Possible If a University Really Cares", SCIENCE, Vol 340, April 19th, 2013: "Wieman came up with his simple, market-driven first step: Require universities to compile and release data on their teaching methods as a condition for receiving federal research funds. As students began using the data released by universities to help choose a college, he reasoned, universities would feel compelled to improve their teaching practices in order to attract the best applicants." The idea is that with the hasTeachingMethod-property universities can start publishing the teaching methods they use as Linked Open Data. Let us see which university implements the idea first."@en
teach:room"building is an abstract property to express the building where the course/seminar takes place."@en
teach:room"room is an abstract property to express the room where the course/seminar takes place."@en
lexinfo:root"base of a word"
foaf:schoolHomepage"A homepage of a school attended by the person."
?:schule"meaning is not clear. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: This property appears in the class description of Thesis and I think should relate a Thesis to the associated university."^^xsd:string
sioc:scope of"A Role that has a scope of this resource."@en
lexinfo:sense example"Descriptive material that provides a sample of an object or entity defined in the entry."
oa:serializedBy"The object of the relationship is the agent, likely software, responsible for generating the serialization of the Annotation's serialization. It is RECOMMENDED to use these and other FOAF terms to describe agents: foaf:Person, prov:SoftwareAgent, foaf:Organization, foaf:name, foaf:mbox, foaf:openid, foaf:homepage There MAY be 0 or more oa:serializedBy relationships per Annotation."@en
siocs:service definition"Links to a web service definition of this sioc:Service."@en
siocs:service endpoint"URL of a web service endpoint."@en
siocs:service of"A SIOC object this Service is associated with."@en
siocs:service protocol"A protocol used by a web service. Possible protocol values include SOAP, REST, SPARQL-QUERY, GData and OpenSearch. These will be added to this module later."@en
lexinfo:short form for"A linking element used to identify a relation between a short form and its full or expanded form."
?:site Address"Dirección de la sede según una codificación adecuada. Se recomienda el uso de vCard (que utiliza el vocabulario en, pero el rango no se restringe únicamente al uso de este vocabulario sino que se permite el uso de otros códigos. La dirección puede constar de una dirección de correo electrónico, un número de teléfono o información de geo-localización, y no se limita a una dirección postal física."@es
?:site Address"Indica un indirizzo per la sede in una codifica appropriata. Il codominio è lasciato libero ma è consigliabile l'uso del vocabolario vCard ( L'indirizzo può includere email, numero di telefono e informazioni di geolocalizzazione e non è vincolato ad essere un indirizzo fisico."@it
?:site Address"Indicates an address for the site in a suitable encoding. Use of vCard (using the vocabulary) is encouraged but the range is left open to allow other encodings to be used. The address may include email, telephone, and geo-location information and is not restricted to a physical address. "@en
?:site Address"Indique une adresse pour le site dans un encodage approprié. L'usage du vocabulaire vCard ( est encouragé, mais le range est ouvert pour permettre l'utilisation d'autres vocabulaires. L'adresse peut comporter le courriel, le téléphone, et l'information de géolocalisation; et n'est donc pas seulement limitée à une adresse physique. "@fr
?:site Address"適切にコード化されたサイトのアドレスを示します。vCard[vcard-rdf]語彙などの有名なアドレスのコード化の使用が奨励されますが、他の符号化の使用を可能とするために値域はオープンのままにされます。アドレスには、電子メール、電話およびジオロケーション情報を含むことができ、物理的なアドレスに制限されません。"@ja
?:site Of"Indica un'Organization che ha una qualche presenza nella data sede. È l'inverso di `org:hasSite`."@it
?:site Of"Indicates an Organization which has some presence at the given site. This is the inverse of `org:hasSite`."@en
?:site Of"Indique une Organisation qui a une présence sur le site en question. Inverse de `org:hasSite`."@fr
?:site Of"Organización que tiene ubicación en un lugar. Es la relación inversa de `org:hasSite`."@es
?:site Of"あるサイトである存在感を持っている組織を示します。"@ja
?:slice"Indicates a subset of a DataSet defined by fixing a subset of the dimensional values"@en
?:slice key"indicates a slice key which is used for slices in this dataset"@en
?:slice structure"indicates the sub-key corresponding to this slice"@en
v:sound"This object property has been mapped"@en
sioc:space of"A resource which belongs to this data Space."@en
?:status"The publication status of (typically academic) content."@en
fabio:stores"This property relates a storage medium to the fabio:Item stored upon it."@en
?:structure"indicates the structure to which this data set conforms"@en
teach:studentGroup"studentGroup is an abstract property to relate a student group to the course/seminar."@en
oa:styledBy"The relationship between a oa:Annotation and a oa:Style. There MAY be 0 or 1 styledBy relationships for each Annotation. If there are multiple Style resources that must be associated with the Annotation, then the use of the Multiplicity Constructs oa:Choice, oa:Composite or oa:List is RECOMMENDED."@en
?:sub-event" This property provides a way to split a complex event (for example, a performance involving several musicians) into simpler ones (one event per musician). "
?:subOrganization of"Distribución jerárquica de organizaciones o unidades. Indica que una organización contiene a otra organización. Es la relación inversa de `org:hasSubOrganization`"@es
?:subOrganization of"Rappresenta un contenimento gerarchico di una Organization o di una OrganizationalUnit. È l'inverso di `org:hasSubOrganization`. Ha nome come nome alternativo hasSubOrg."@it
?:subOrganization of"Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or OrganizationalUnits; indicates an Organization which contains this Organization. Inverse of `org:hasSubOrganization`."@en
?:subOrganization of"Représente une relation hierarchique des Organisations ou des Unités Opérationnelles; indique une Organisation sujet qui contient cette Organisation. Inverse de `org:hasSubOrganization`."@fr
?:subOrganization of"組織または組織単位の階層的包含を表わします。この組織を含む組織を示します。"@ja
rdfs:subPropertyOf"The subject is a subproperty of a property."@en
lexinfo:subject"relation between a phrase and a verb, that represents the person or thing that performs the action or about which something is stated"
sioc:subscriber of"A Container that a UserAccount is subscribed to."@en
?:subsequentLegalDecision"A legal decision on appeal that takes action on a case (affirming it, reversing it, etc.)."@en
lexinfo:substance holonym"Indicates what this is composed of"@en
lexinfo:substance meronym"Indicates this is a substance that composes the other"@en
teach:teacher"teacher is an abstract property to relate a teacher to a course/seminar."@en
teach:teacherOf"teacherOf is an abstract property to relate a teacher to a course/seminar."@en
v:telephone"This object property has been mapped"@en
lexinfo:temporal qualifier"An attribution of a term or lexeme with respect to its use over time."
lexinfo:tense"Property referring to the way the grammar marks the time at which the action denoted by the verb took place."
foaf:theme"A theme."
foaf:thumbnail"A derived thumbnail image."
?:time" Relates an event to a time object, classifying a time region (either instantaneous or having an extent). By using the Timeline ontology here, you can define event happening on a recorded track or on any media with a temporal extent. "
foaf:tipjar"A tipjar document for this agent, describing means for payment and reward."
foaf:title"Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr. etc)"
?:to read"This predicate indicates that the foaf:Agent wants to or plans to read at least part of a particular Copy."@en
?:to read copy of"This is an indirect version of "toRead", indicating that the foaf:Agent wants to or plans to read at least part of an unspecified copy of the Book."@en
?:to read list"Indicates a foaf:Document listing the books which the foaf:Agent wants to or plans to read copies of."@en
?:to read primary topic of"This is an indirect version of the "toRead" property. Instead of linking a foaf:Agent to a Copy directly, readPrimaryTopicOf links a foaf:Agent to a foaf:Document such that the primary topic of the foaf:Document is a Book, a Copy of which is planned or wanted to be read by the Agent."@en
owl:topObjectProperty"The object property that relates every two individuals."
sioc:topic"A topic of interest, linking to the appropriate URI, e.g. in the Open Directory Project or of a SKOS category."@en
foaf:topic"A topic of some page or document."
foaf:topic_interest"A thing of interest to this person."
?:transcript of"Relates a document to some transcribed original."@en
?:transitive sub-organization"La version transitive de la propriété subOrganizationOf, renvoie une représentation de toutes les organisations qui contiennent celle-ci. Notez que ceci est une super-propriété de la relation transitive donc elle pourrait contenir des assertions additionnelles mais cet usage n'est pas recommandé."@fr
?:transitive sub-organization"La versión transitiva de la propiedad “subOrganizationOf”, es decir, la representación de todas las organizaciones en las que esta está contenida. Téngase en cuenta que desde el punto de vista técnico esta es una propiedad que contiene a todas las propiedades transitivas, de forma que podría contener afirmaciones adicionales, aunque su uso no está aconsejado."@es
?:transitive sub-organization"The transitive closure of subOrganizationOf, giving a representation of all organizations that contain this one. Note that technically this is a super property of the transitive closure so it could contain additional assertions but such usage is discouraged."@en
?:transitive sub-organization"subOrganizationOfの推移閉包で、これを含むすべての組織の表現を与える。技術的に、これが推移閉包のスーパープロパティーであるため、追加の言明を含むことができますが、そのような使用法はお勧めできないことに注意してください。"@ja
?:transitive sub-organization"È la chiusura transitiva di subOrganizationOf, quindi rappresenta tutte le organizzazioni che la contengono. Tecnicamente, essendo una chiusura transitiva, può contenere asserzioni che non la riguardano e quindi il suo uso è sconsigliato."@it
?:translation of"Relates a translated document to the original document."@en
?:translator"A person who translates written document from one language to another."@en
?:ueber"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string
?:unit Of"Indica un Organization di cui questa Unit fa parte, come ad esempio un dipartimento all'interno di una più vasta FormalOrganization. È l'inverso di `org:hasUnit`."@it
?:unit Of"Indicates an Organization of which this Unit is a part, e.g. a Department within a larger FormalOrganization. This is the inverse of `org:hasUnit`."@en
?:unit Of"Indique l'Organisation dont cette Organisation ou Unité fait partie, par exemple un Départment au sein d'une Organisation Formelle plus large. Inverse de `org:hasUnit`."@fr
?:unit Of"Organización de la que es parte esta unidad, por ejemplo, un departamento incluido en una organización formal más amplia."@es
?:unit Of"例えば、より大きな組織内の部局など、この単位がその一部分である組織を示します。"@ja
v:url"This object property has been mapped"@en
lexinfo:usage note"A note containing information on the usage of the associated word or term."
prov:used"A prov:Entity that was used by this prov:Activity. For example, :baking prov:used :spoon, :egg, :oven ."@en
sioc:usergroup of"A Space that the Usergroup has access to."@en
?:uses"Property that binds a workflow template process to the workflow template artifact that generates it. Example: @prefix opmw: <> . <> a opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcess; opmw:uses <>."@en
rdf:value"Idiomatic property used for structured values."
rdf:value"Idiomatic property used for structured values."@en
lexinfo:verb form mood"One of a set of distinctive forms that are used to signal modality. Modality is a facet of illocutionary point or general intent of a speaker, or a speaker's degree of commitment to the expressed proposition's believability, obligatoriness, desirability or reality."
lexinfo:voice"Way sentences may alter the relationship between the subject and object of a verb, without changing the meaning of the sentence."
prov:wasAssociatedWith"An prov:Agent that had some (unspecified) responsibility for the occurrence of this prov:Activity."@en
prov:wasAttributedTo"Attribution is the ascribing of an entity to an agent."@en
prov:wasDerivedFrom"The more specific subproperties of prov:wasDerivedFrom (i.e., prov:wasQuotedFrom, prov:wasRevisionOf, prov:hadPrimarySource) should be used when applicable."@en
prov:wasEndedBy"End is when an activity is deemed to have ended. An end may refer to an entity, known as trigger, that terminated the activity."@en
prov:wasInfluencedBy"Because prov:wasInfluencedBy is a broad relation, its more specific subproperties (e.g. prov:wasInformedBy, prov:actedOnBehalfOf, prov:wasEndedBy, etc.) should be used when applicable."@en
prov:wasInfluencedBy"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."
prov:wasInformedBy"An activity a2 is dependent on or informed by another activity a1, by way of some unspecified entity that is generated by a1 and used by a2."@en
prov:wasQuotedFrom"An entity is derived from an original entity by copying, or 'quoting', some or all of it."@en
prov:wasRevisionOf"A revision is a derivation that revises an entity into a revised version."@en
prov:wasStartedBy"Start is when an activity is deemed to have started. A start may refer to an entity, known as trigger, that initiated the activity."@en
foaf:weblog"A weblog of some thing (whether person, group, company etc.)."
teach:weeklyHours"weeklyHours is an abstract property to express the number of weekly hours for the teaching."@en
foaf:work info homepage"A work info homepage of some person; a page about their work for some organization."
foaf:workplace homepage"A workplace homepage of some person; the homepage of an organization they work for."
?:wurzel"meaning not clear. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: Hmm, I didn't create that property, therefore i don't know the intention of it."^^xsd:string
?:wurzelRelation"meaning not clear. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: Hmm, I didn't create that property, therefore i don't know the intention of it."^^xsd:string
?:zitiert"check domain. Olivier 2006-06-07 Philipp: checked."^^xsd:string